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切·格瓦拉属于维基百科人物主题的基础条目。请勇于更新页面以及改进条目。 本条目依照页面评级标准评为丙级。 本条目属于下列维基专题范畴: |
想请问有没有人知道中华民国台湾这边对格瓦拉的评价的变迁? 我以前是不知道格瓦拉,不过想必两蒋政府不会颂扬他吧--超限术士(对话页) 14:26 2006年12月27日 (UTC) 《摩托日记》是阿根廷 / 智利 / 法国联合制作,并非好莱坞影片!
Wrong name
Dear colegues: I hope somebody speaks english here. My name is Roblespepe, and I am the main editor of the Che Guevara article in the w:es. I want to tell you that the name writen in this article ("Ernesto Rafael Guevara de la Serna") is wrong:
- First of all he never received the name "Rafael". Rafael was his father: "Ernesto Rafael Guevara Lynch".
- Second, in Argentina people only receive the last name of their fathers. The last name of the mothers is optional, and the Che's parents didn't use that option. So his legal name didn't include "de la Serna" (his mother's last name).
- The legal name of Che Guevara was: "Ernesto Guevara", without any other addition.
You can verify what I'm saying in the official born document of Che Guevara (legal name is written in the left margin). Kind regards, w:es:Usuario:Roblespepe.17-04-2008