狄奥尼修斯·伊希格斯(拉丁语:Dionysius Exiguus 470年—544年,拉丁语名称意为“谦逊者 狄奥尼修斯”)是一个六世纪出生于小赛西亚的僧侣。以发明了基督纪年而知名。该纪年被儒略历和格里高利历用来计算年份。
[编辑]- Bonnie Blackburn, Leofranc Holford-Strevens, "Calendars and chronology", The Oxford companion to the year (Oxford, 1999), 659–937.
- Bonnie Blackburn, Leofranc Holford-Strevens, The Oxford companion to the year (Oxford, 2003, a corrected reprinting of the 1999 original edition).
- Georges Declercq, Anno Domini: The origins of the Christian era (Turnhout, 2000); idem, "Dionysius Exiguus and the introduction of the Christian era", Sacris Erudiri 41 (2002): 165–246.
- Dionysius Exiguus, Patrologia Latina 67 (works).
- Cyclus Decemnovennalis Dionysii – Nineteen year cycle of Dionysius (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) (original Easter table)
- On Easter (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) – with preface
- Liber de Paschate (Latin text) (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆)
- Duta, Florian, "Des précisions sur la biographie de Denys le Petit", Revue de droit canonique, 49: 279–96 (1999)
- Charles W. Jones, "Development of the Latin ecclesiastical calendar", in Bedae opera de temporibus (Cambridge, Mass., 1943), 1–122.
- Otto Neugebauer, Ethiopic astronomy and computus, Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften, philosophisch-historische klasse, sitzungsberichte, 347 (Vienna, 1979).
- Gustav Teres, "Time computations and Dionysius Exiguus", Journal for the history of astronomy, 15 (1984): 177–188.
- Nick Squires – Jesus was born years earlier than thought, claims Pope (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆), The Telegraph, 21 Nov. 2012
[编辑]- Modern version of Dionysius Exiguus' Easter table (original version is linked in References)
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