
圣拉德贡德 Saint Radegund | |
11世纪对拉德贡德的描绘 | |
出生 | 约 520年 图林根部落 |
逝世 | 8月13日 587年(66—67岁) 法国普瓦捷圣十字修道院 |
敬礼于 | 天主教会 东正教会 |
主要朝圣地 | 法国普瓦捷圣拉德贡德教堂 |
瞻礼 | 8月13日 |
主保 | 剑桥大学耶稣学院 |
拉德贡德(英语:Radegund;德语:Radegunde;拉丁语:Radegundis;又拼为 Rhadegund、Radegonde 或 Radigund;约 520 – 13 August 587),是图林根部落公主和法兰克王后,在普瓦捷建立了圣十字修道院。她是法国和英国几座教堂以及剑桥大学耶稣学院的守护圣者,其中后者的全名是“剑桥附近的圣母玛利亚、福音传教士圣约翰和光荣的圣母圣拉德贡学院”。
[编辑]- Gregory of Tours, Glory of the Confessors, translation by R. Van Dam (Liverpool, 1988)
- Gregory of Tours, Glory of the Martyrs; translated by Raymond Van Dam. Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, 2004.
- Gregory of Tours, History of the Franks; translation by L. Thorpe (Penguin, 1974: many reprints)
- Venantius Fortunatus, The Life of the Holy Radegund (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆); translation by J. McNamara and J. Halborg
- Lina Eckenstein, Woman Under Monasticism: Chapters on Saint-Lore and Convent Life between A.D. 500 and A.D. 1500, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1896.
- Edwards, Jennifer C. Superior Women: Medieval Female Authority in Poitiers' Abbey of Sainte-Croix. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2019.
- Glenn, Jason. "Two Lives of Saint Radegund," in Jason Glenn (ed.), The Middle Ages in Texts and Texture: Reflections on Medieval Sources. Toronto: University of Toronto, 2012
- Labande-Mailfert, Yvonne & Robert Favreau, eds. Histoire de l’abbaye Sainte-Croix de Poitiers: Quatorze siècles de vie monastique. Poitiers: Société des Antiquaires de l’Ouest, 1986.
- Lillich, Meredith Parsons. The Armor of Light: Stained Glass in Western France, 1250–1325. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1994.
- Hahn, Cynthia. Portrayed on the Heart: Narrative Effect in Pictorial Lives of Saints from the Tenth through the Thirteenth Century. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2001.
- Smith, Julia M. H. "Radegundis peccatrix: authorizations of virginity in late antique Gaul," in Philip Rousseau and Emmanuel Papoutsakis (eds), Transformations of Late Antiquity: essays for Peter Brown Vol. 2 (Aldershot: Ashgate, 2009), 303–326.
- Jane Stevenson. Women Latin Poets: language, gender, and authority, from antiquity to the eighteenth century. Oxford University Press. 2005.
- Other Women's Voices Useful guide to some of the works on Radegund including links to on-line materials.
- Radegunda, St. Encyclopædia Britannica 22 (第11版). London: 784. 1911.
Wace, Henry; Piercy, William C. (编). Radegundis, St. Dictionary of Christian Biography and Literature to the End of the Sixth Century 3rd. London: John Murray. 1911.
- Radegundis, Saint. 新国际百科全书. 1905.