



全国广播公司(NBC)将会首个在2015年5月10日宣布秋季档期[1]福斯广播公司(Fox)在11日公布[2]美国广播公司(ABC)在12日公布[3]哥伦比亚广播公司(CBS)在13日公布[4]The CW电视网则在14日公布。[5]

公共电视网(PBS)不包括在内;成员电视台有权利随时移动节目表播出时间。The CW电视网周末时段没有联播节目。










  • 剧名加粗体表示为本季度新节目
  • 所有显示的时间都是北美东部时区以及太平洋时区(除了一些现场活动以及特别节目)。北美中部时区和北美山区时区需要根据下表时间减去一个小时。
  • 2016年8月5日至8月21日,NBC黄金时段节目将转播于里约热内卢举行的2016年夏季奥运


电视网 7:00 PM 7:30 PM 8:00 PM 8:30 PM 9:00 PM 9:30 PM 10:00 PM 10:30 PM
ABC 秋季 美国家庭滑稽录像 童话镇 石油世家英语Blood and Oil 谍网
冬季 游侠笑传 重播节目
春季 童话镇 陌生血亲 谍网
夏季 豪门问一番英语Celebrity Family Feud $100,000金字塔英语Pyramid (game show) 配对游戏
CBS 秋季 60分钟 国务卿女士 傲骨贤妻 网络犯罪调查
随后 卧底老板
冬季 国务卿女士
春季 福尔摩斯:基本演绎法
随后 卧底老板
夏季 老大哥 国务卿女士 福尔摩斯:基本演绎法
随后 吃脑外星人
FOX 秋季 NFL on Fox 开心汉堡店 阿森一族 神烦警察 恶搞之家 最后一个男人 当地节目
冬季 重播节目 库柏的生存指南英语Cooper Barrett's Guide to Surviving Life 边境城镇英语Bordertown (American TV series)
春季 边境城镇英语Bordertown (American TV series) 最后一个男人
随后 库柏的生存指南英语Cooper Barrett's Guide to Surviving Life 开心汉堡店
晚春 阿森一族
夏季 库柏的生存指南英语Cooper Barrett's Guide to Surviving Life 阿森一族 神烦警察 恶搞之家 最后一个男人
随后 阿森一族 开心汉堡店
NBC 秋季 美国橄榄球之夜英语Football Night in America NBC星期天橄榄球之夜英语NBC Sunday Night Football
冬季 日界线 重播节目
春季 小小达人秀英语Little Big Shots 小小达人秀英语Little Big Shots 卡米高一家英语The Carmichael Show 全家挤一块英语Crowded (TV series) 好莱坞游戏夜英语Hollywood Game Night
随后 日界线
晚春 日界线:外派新闻
夏季 2016年夏季奥运
随后 重播节目


电视网 8:00 PM 8:30 PM 9:00 PM 9:30 PM 10:00 PM 10:30 PM
ABC 秋季 与星共舞 灵书妙探
随后 圣诞装饰大战英语The Great Christmas Light Fight 佳节烘培秀英语The Great Holiday Baking Show
冬季 钻石求千金 钻石求千金Live
随后 灵书妙探
春季 与星共舞
夏季 千金求钻石英语The Bachelorette 猎艳情人英语Mistresses (U.S. TV series)
随后 钻石求千金之天堂版英语Bachelor in Paradise (American TV series)
CBS 秋季 生活大爆炸 生活点滴 天蝎 海军罪案调查处:洛杉矶
随后 女超人
春季 迈克和茉莉 生活大爆炸 单身公寓英语The Odd Couple (2015 TV series) 疑犯追踪
夏季 极品老妈 破产姊妹 天蝎 吃脑外星人
随后 极品老妈 单身公寓英语The Odd Couple (2015 TV series) 天蝎
The CW 秋季 疯狂前女友 处女情缘 当地节目
春季 风中的女王
随后 对台词 对台词
夏季 女超人
FOX 秋季 哥谭 少数派报告
冬季 X档案 路西法
随后 哥谭
春季 胡迪尼与道尔英语Houdini & Doyle
夏季 舞林争霸
随后 舞林争霸
NBC 秋季 美国之声 盲点
冬季 爆笑超市 肥皂剧人生 减肥达人
春季 美国之声 盲点
夏季 美国极限体能王英语American Ninja Warrior 斯巴达终极团队挑战英语Spartan: Ultimate Team Challenge
随后 荒野求生全明星英语Running Wild with Bear Grylls


电视网 8:00 PM 8:30 PM 9:00 PM 9:30 PM 10:00 PM 10:30 PM
ABC 秋季 布偶总动员英语The Muppets (TV series) 菜鸟新移民 神盾局特工 重播节目
随后 堕落都市英语Wicked City (TV series)
晚秋 重播节目
冬季 菜鸟新移民 布偶总动员英语The Muppets (TV series) 特工卡特 你会怎么做?
春季 不完美家庭 神盾局特工 王与先知英语Of Kings And Prophets
随后 Beyond the Tank英语Beyond the Tank
夏季 左右不逢源 黑人当道 叔叔当家英语Uncle Buck (2016 TV series) 说实话英语To Tell the Truth
随后 钻石求千金之天堂版英语Bachelor in Paradise (American TV series) 钻石求千金之天堂观后谈英语Bachelor in Paradise (American TV series) 重播节目
CBS 秋季 海军罪案调查处 海军罪案调查处:新奥尔良 药命效应
春季 疑犯追踪
夏季 海军罪案调查处 困兽之地 海军罪案调查处:新奥尔良
The CW 秋季 闪电侠 我是僵尸 当地节目
春季 隔离死城
夏季 对台词 对台词 MADtv
FOX 秋季 喜当爷 律师兄弟英语The Grinder (TV series) 尖叫女王
冬季 杰茜驾到 喜当爷 神烦警察 律师兄弟英语The Grinder (TV series)
晚春 地狱酒店 成双成对英语Coupled (TV series)
NBC 秋季 美国之声 大娱乐家英语Best Time Ever with Neil Patrick Harris
随后 大娱乐家英语Best Time Ever with Neil Patrick Harris 美国之声 芝加哥烈焰
晚秋 美国之声 芝加哥医情
冬季 好莱坞游戏夜英语Hollywood Game Night
春季 美国之声
随后 美国之声 芝加哥医情
夏季 美国达人 玛亚与马丁
晚夏 花样爷爷英语Better Late Than Never (TV series)


电视网 8:00 PM 8:30 PM 9:00 PM 9:30 PM 10:00 PM 10:30 PM
ABC 秋季 左右不逢源 金色年代英语The Goldbergs (2013 TV series) 摩登家庭 黑人当道 音乐之乡
冬季 美国重案
春季 音乐之乡
夏季 左右不逢源 金色年代英语The Goldbergs (2013 TV series) 摩登家庭 黑人当道 菜鸟新移民 不完美家庭
CBS 秋季 幸存者:柬埔寨英语Survivor: Cambodia 犯罪心理 黑色代码
冬季 破产姊妹 迈克和茉莉
随后 幸存者:高龙英语Survivor: Kaôh Rōng
春季 犯罪心理:超越边界
夏季 老大哥 犯罪心理 美国哥特式英语American Gothic (2016 TV series)
The CW 秋季 绿箭侠 超自然档案 当地节目
夏季 绿箭侠 超自然档案
随后 潘恩与泰勒:魔术大比拼英语Penn & Teller: Fool Us 对台词 对台词
FOX 秋季 罗斯伍德 嘻哈帝国
冬季 美国偶像 重生使者英语Second Chance (2016 TV series)
随后 地狱厨房
春季 罗斯伍德
随后 嘻哈帝国
夏季 我要做厨神 黑松林
NBC 秋季 劳拉之谜 法网游龙:特案组 芝加哥警署
春季 心跳英语Heartbeat (2016 TV series)
夏季 美国极限体能王英语American Ninja Warrior 夜班医生
随后 美国达人
晚夏 美国达人 美国达人


电视网 8:00 PM 8:30 PM 9:00 PM 9:30 PM 10:00 PM 10:30 PM
ABC 秋季 实习医生 丑闻 逍遥法外
冬季 饮食争霸战英语My Diet Is Better Than Yours Beyond the Tank英语Beyond the Tank
随后 实习医生 丑闻 逍遥法外
春季 致命诱惑
夏季 机器人决战英语BattleBots 精选辑 配对游戏
CBS 秋季 NFL周四夜间开球英语The NFL Today 周四橄榄球之夜英语Thursday Night Football
随后 生活大爆炸 生活点滴 极品老妈 破产姊妹 福尔摩斯:基本演绎法
冬季 地狱天使英语Angel from Hell
随后 破产姊妹
春季 单身公寓英语The Odd Couple (2015 TV series) 尖峰时刻
夏季 生活大爆炸 生活点滴 老大哥 黑色代码
The CW 秋季 吸血鬼日记 始祖家族 当地节目
冬季 明日传奇 地球百子
夏季 明日传奇 侠胆雄狮
FOX 秋季 识骨寻踪 沉睡谷
冬季 美国偶像
春季 识骨寻踪 美国勇士英语American Grit
夏季 改装送新居英语Home Free (2015 TV series)
NBC 秋季 英雄重生 黑名单 搏命玩家
冬季 警魂英语Shades of Blue (TV series)
随后 你、我与世界末日英语You, Me and the Apocalypse
春季 增强训练英语Strong (TV series) 沉默游戏英语Game of Silence (U.S. TV series)
夏季 斯巴达终极团队挑战英语Spartan: Ultimate Team Challenge 斯巴达终极团队挑战英语Spartan: Ultimate Team Challenge 水瓶宫
随后 2016年夏季奥运


电视网 8:00 PM 8:30 PM 9:00 PM 9:30 PM 10:00 PM 10:30 PM
ABC 秋季 最后的男人 肯医师烦事多 创智赢家 20/20
春季 Beyond the Tank英语Beyond the Tank
夏季 创智赢家 你会怎么做?
CBS 秋季 极速前进27 天堂执法者 警察世家
冬季 卧底老板
随后 极速前进28
夏季 海军罪案调查处:洛杉矶 天堂执法者 警察世家
The CW 秋季 风中的女王 超级名模生死斗 当地节目
冬季 吸血鬼日记 始祖家族
晚春 魔幻大师英语Masters of Illusion (TV series) 潘恩与泰勒:魔术大比拼英语Penn & Teller: Fool Us
FOX 秋季 做个小厨神 世界滑稽糗事英语World's Funniest
冬季 地狱厨房
随后 沉睡谷 重生使者英语Second Chance (2016 TV series)
春季 地狱厨房 地狱厨房
随后 Fox电影特辑
夏季 重播节目 我要做厨神
NBC 秋季 重播节目 日界线
随后 约会杀手 实话实说英语Truth Be Told (2015 TV series) 格林 日界线
冬季 重播节目
随后 奇闻妙事全记录英语Caught on Camera with Nick Cannon
夏季 美国达人


电视网 8:00 PM 8:30 PM 9:00 PM 9:30 PM 10:00 PM 10:30 PM
ABC 秋季 周六橄榄球之夜英语Saturday Night Football
随后 重播节目
ABC周六电影夜英语ABC Saturday Movie of the Week
冬季 NBA Countdown英语NBA Countdown NBA周六赛黄金时段 on ABC英语NBA Saturday Primetime on ABC
春季 重播节目
ABC周六电影夜英语ABC Saturday Movie of the Week
夏季 人物杂志名单 在这瞬间英语In an Instant
随后 重播节目 波士顿EMS英语Boston EMS (TV series)
CBS 秋季 周六犯罪档英语Crimetime Saturday 48小时英语48 Hours (TV program)
夏季 地狱天使英语Angel from Hell 尖峰时刻
FOX 秋季 FOX橄榄球学院战英语Fox College Football
冬季 重播节目 当地节目
夏季 美国棒球夜英语Fox Major League Baseball
NBC 秋季 日界线 周六夜现场之复古风
春季 重播节目
晚夏 重播节目 水瓶宫











The CW

  • 我是僵尸—2015年10月5日宣布追加5集剧本至18集。[18] 2015年11月23日宣布增订6集集数至19集。[19]
  • 疯狂前女友—2015年10月5日宣布追加5集剧本至18集。[18] 2015年11月23日宣布增订5集集数至18集。[19]











The CW












The CW

  • 超级名模生死斗—2015年10月14日,宣布第22季为最终季,并于2015年12月4日正式完结。[106] 2016年2月23日,VH1接手该节目并预订第23季14集。[107]
  • 侠胆雄狮—2015年10月13日宣布第4季为最终季。[108]
  • 隔离死城—2016年5月12日,表示该剧为一部“有限剧集”,故不会有第2季。[109]








  1. ^ Kondolojy, Amanda. NBC 2015-2016 Schedule: 'Blindspot' Gets Post-'Voice' Spot, Live 'Undateable' Goes to Friday, + 'Heroes Reborn' Gets Pre 'Blacklist' Thursday Spot. TV by the Numbers. 2015-05-10 [2015-05-10]. (原始内容存档于2015-05-12). 
  2. ^ Bibel, Sara. Fox 2015-16 Schedule Announced: 'American Idol' to End After 15th Season, 'Rosewood' Gets Pre 'Empire' Slot Wednesday, 'The X Files' to Premiere in January. TV by the Numbers. 2015-05-11 [2015-05-11]. (原始内容存档于2015-05-13). 
  3. ^ Bibel, Sara. ABC 2015-16 Primetime Schedule: 'The Muppets' & 'Quantico' on Tuesday, 'Of Kings & Prophets' & 'Oil' on Sunday, 'Wicked City'. TV by the Numbers. 2015-05-12 [2015-05-12]. (原始内容存档于2015-05-14). 
  4. ^ Bibel, Sara. CBS 2015-16 Primetime Schedule: 'Supergirl' to Monday in November, 'Limitless' on Tuesday, 'Code Black' Wednesday, 'CSI' Finale on September 27, 'Rush Hour' & 'Criminal Minds: Beyond Borders' Held for Midseason. TV by the Numbers. 2015-05-13 [2015-05-13]. (原始内容存档于2015-05-16). 
  5. ^ Gorman, Bill. When Will You Know If Your Favorite Show Is Canceled or Renewed?. TV by the Numbers. 2015-01-19 [2015-01-19]. (原始内容存档于2015-01-20). 
  6. ^ 6.0 6.1 6.2 6.3 Andreeva, Nellie. ABC Ups Orders For 'Middle', 'Goldbergs', 'Blackish', and 'FOTB', 'Modern Family' next. Deadline.com. 2015-11-17 [2015-11-17]. (原始内容存档于2015-11-19). 
  7. ^ Porter, Rick. 'Blood & Oil' reduced to 10 episodes on ABC. TV by the Numbers. 2015-10-23 [2015-10-23]. (原始内容存档于2015-10-25). 
  8. ^ Porter, Rick. 'Dr. Ken' lands a full-season order from ABC. TV by the Numbers. 2015-10-20 [2015-10-20]. (原始内容存档于2015-10-21). 
  9. ^ Porter, Rick. 'Fresh Off the Boat' earns a Full-Season order at ABC. TV by the Numbers. 2015-10-13 [2015-10-13]. (原始内容存档于2015-10-14). 
  10. ^ Porter, Rick. 'The Muppets' gets more episodes, time to right the ship. TV by the Numbers. 2015-10-30 [2015-10-30]. (原始内容存档于2015-10-31). 
  11. ^ Andreeva, Nellie. 'Quantico' Gets 6-Episode Back Order. Deadline.com. 2015-10-13 [2015-10-13]. (原始内容存档于2015-10-14). 
  12. ^ Andreeva, Nellie. Marcia Cross Tapped For 'Quantico' Role. Deadline Hollywood. 2015-11-06 [2015-11-07]. (原始内容存档于2015-11-08). 
  13. ^ Nellie, Andreeva. 'Limitless' Receives Full-Season Order From CBS, 'Code Black' Gets 6 Scripts. Deadline. 2015-10-23 [2015-10-23]. (原始内容存档于2015-10-24). 
  14. ^ Porter, Rick. 'Code Black' gets 5 more episodes from CBS. TV by the Numbers. 2015-11-20 [2015-11-20]. (原始内容存档于2015-11-21). 
  15. ^ Porter, Rick. 'Life in Pieces' scores a full season on CBS. TV by the Numbers. 2015-10-27 [2015-10-27]. (原始内容存档于2015-10-29). 
  16. ^ Porter, Rick. 'Limitless' earns full-season order at CBS. TV by the Numbers. 2015-10-23 [2015-10-23]. (原始内容存档于2015-10-25). 
  17. ^ Perry, Spencer. Supergirl Gets a Full Season Order from CBS. SuperHeroHype. 2015-11-30 [2015-11-30]. (原始内容存档于2015-12-03). 
  18. ^ 18.0 18.1 Andreeva, Nellie. CW's 'Crazy Ex-Girlfriend' & 'iZombie' Get Backup Script Orders Ahead Of Premieres. Deadline. 2015-10-05 [2015-10-06]. (原始内容存档于2015-10-06). 
  19. ^ 19.0 19.1 Andreeva, Nellie. CW’s ‘Crazy Ex-Girlfriend’ & ‘iZombie’ Get Backup Script Orders Ahead Of Premieres. Deadline. 2015-10-05 [2015-10-06]. (原始内容存档于2015-10-06). 
  20. ^ 20.0 20.1 Friedlander, Whitney. Fox's 'Grinder', 'Grandfathered' Get Additional Script Orders. 综艺杂志. 2015-10-15 [2015-10-16]. (原始内容存档于2015-10-16). 
  21. ^ Andreeva, Nellie. John Stamos Comedy 'Grandfathered' Gets Full-Season Order From Fox. Deadline. 2015-10-28 [2015-10-28]. (原始内容存档于2015-10-29). 
  22. ^ Porter, Rick. 'The Grinder' picked up for a full season on FOX. TV by the Numbers. 2015-10-27 [2015-10-27]. (原始内容存档于2015-10-28). 
  23. ^ Wagmeister, Elizabeth. Fox Cuts 'Minority Report' Order to 10 Episodes. 综艺杂志. 2015-10-09 [2015-10-09]. (原始内容存档于2015-10-11). 
  24. ^ Porter, Rick. 'Rosewood' picked up for a full season on FOX. TV by the Numbers. 2015-10-16 [2015-10-16]. (原始内容存档于2015-10-17). 
  25. ^ Stanhope, Kate. Fox Cuts Order for Midseason Drama 'Lookinglass'. 好莱坞报导. 2015-10-29 [2015-10-29]. (原始内容存档于2015-10-31). 
  26. ^ 'Blindspot': NBC orders Full Season of New Drama. TV Series Finale. 2015-10-09 [2015-10-09]. 
  27. ^ 27.0 27.1 27.2 27.3 Porter, Rick. NBC adds episodes to 'SVU', 'Blindspot' and 'Chicago Fire' and 'PD'. TV by the Numbers. 2015-11-03 [2015-11-03]. (原始内容存档于2019-09-12). 
  28. ^ Porter, Rick. ‘Chicago Med’ gets 5 more episodes on NBC. TV by the Numbers. 2015-12-11 [2015-12-11]. (原始内容存档于2015-12-14). 
  29. ^ 'The Mysteries Of Laura': NBC Orders Five More Scripts. TV Series Finale. 2015-10-14 [2015-10-14]. 
  30. ^ Porter, Rick. 'The Mysteries of Laura' gets 3 more episodes from NBC. TV by the Numbers. 2015-11-09 [2015-11-09]. (原始内容存档于2015-11-12). 
  31. ^ Porter, Rick. 'The Player' cut to 9 episodes at NBC. TV by the Numbers. 2015-10-23 [2015-10-23]. (原始内容存档于2015-10-25). 
  32. ^ 32.0 32.1 NBC Trims Orders For Midseason Comedies 'Superstore' & 'Hot & Bothered'. Deadline.com. 2015-10-19 [2015-10-19]. (原始内容存档于2015-10-20). 
  33. ^ Porter, Rick. 'Truth Be Told' cut to 10 episodes at NBC. TV by the Numbers. 2015-10-27 [2015-10-27]. (原始内容存档于2019-09-12). 
  34. ^ Andrews, Nellie. ABC Fall 2016 Schedule: ABC Expands Tuesday Comedy Block with ‘The Middle’, Holds ‘Scandal’ For Midseason. Deadline Hollywood. 2016-05-17 [2016-05-17]. (原始内容存档于2016-05-18). 
  35. ^ 35.0 35.1 35.2 35.3 Schwindt, Oriana. ABC Renews ‘Celebrity Family Feud,’ ‘$100,000 Pyramid,’ ‘Match Game’. 综艺杂志. 2016-08-04 [2016-08-04]. (原始内容存档于2016-08-05). 
  36. ^ 36.00 36.01 36.02 36.03 36.04 36.05 36.06 36.07 36.08 36.09 36.10 Wagmeister, Elizabeth. ABC Renews 15 Shows Including: 'Quantico,' 'The Bachelor' & Comedy Slate. 综艺杂志. 2016-03-03 [2016-03-03]. (原始内容存档于2016-05-27). 
  37. ^ 37.0 37.1 37.2 37.3 Welch, Alex. 'The Real O’Neals', 'The Catch', and 'American Crime' renewed at ABC for 2016-17. TV by the Numbers. 2016-05-12 [2016-05-12]. (原始内容存档于2016-05-13). 
  38. ^ Pederson, Erik. 'Bachelor in Paradise' Picked Up For Fouth Season on ABC. Deadline Hollywood. 2016-09-06 [2016-09-06]. (原始内容存档于2016-09-08). 
  39. ^ 39.0 39.1 39.2 39.3 Porter, Rick. 'Once Upon a Time,' 'The Goldbergs', 'Fresh Off the Boat' and 'Quantico' renewed at ABC. TV by the Numbers. 2016-03-03 [2016-03-03]. (原始内容存档于2016-03-04). 
  40. ^ Pena, Jessica. The Great Holiday Baking Show: ABC Series Renewed for Season Two with New Title. TV Series Finale. 2016-08-10 [2016-09-09]. 
  41. ^ Porter, Rick. 'Last Man Standing' renewed for Season 6 on ABC. TV by the Numbers. 2016-05-13 [2016-05-13]. (原始内容存档于2016-05-14). 
  42. ^ 42.00 42.01 42.02 42.03 42.04 42.05 42.06 42.07 42.08 42.09 42.10 Porter, Rick. ‘Hawaii Five-0,’ ‘Madam Secretary’ and 9 more CBS veterans renewed; no word on first-year shows. TV by the Numbers. 2016-03-25 [2016-03-25]. (原始内容存档于2016-10-04). 
  43. ^ 43.0 43.1 CBS Announces Its 2016-2017 Primtime Lineup. The Futon Critic. 2016-05-18 [2016-05-18]. (原始内容存档于2023-03-18). 
  44. ^ Kondolojy, Amanda. 'The Big Bang Theory' Renewed for Three More Years by CBS. TV by the Numbers. 2014-03-12 [2014-11-09]. (原始内容存档于2014-03-12). 
  45. ^ Porter, Rick. 'Big Brother' renewed through Season 20 on CBS. TV by the Numbers. 2016-08-10 [2016-08-10]. (原始内容存档于2016-08-11). 
  46. ^ 46.0 46.1 46.2 46.3 Andreeva, Nellie. ‘Code Black’, ‘Criminal Minds: Beyond Borders’, ‘The Odd Couple’ & ‘Undercover Boss’ Renewed By CBS. Deadline Hollywood. 2016-05-16 [2016-05-16]. (原始内容存档于2016-05-17). 
  47. ^ Andreeva, Nellie. 'Criminal Minds' Renewed For Season 12 By CBS. Deadline Hollywood. 2016-05-06 [2016-05-06]. (原始内容存档于2016-05-07). 
  48. ^ Andreeva, Nellie. ‘Life In Pieces’ Renewed For Season 2 By CBS. Deadline Hollywood. 2016-05-11 [2016-05-11]. (原始内容存档于2016-05-12). 
  49. ^ Andreeva, Nellie. NCIS Renewed for 2 Seasons as Mark Harmon Inks New Deal with CBS Studios. Deadline Hollywood. 2016-02-29 [2016-02-29]. (原始内容存档于2016-03-01). 
  50. ^ Andreeva, Nellie. ‘Zoo’ Renewed For Season 3 By CBS -TCA. Deadline.com. 2016-08-10 [2016-08-10]. (原始内容存档于2016-08-03). 
  51. ^ 51.00 51.01 51.02 51.03 51.04 51.05 51.06 51.07 51.08 51.09 51.10 Porter, Rick. 'The Flash', 'The 100' and even 'Crazy Ex-Girlfriend' renewed: All 11 CW series picked up for 2016-17. TV by the Numbers. 2016-03-11 [2016-03-11]. (原始内容存档于2016-03-12). 
  52. ^ 52.0 52.1 52.2 Porter, Rick. 'Whose Line Is It Anyway?', 'Penn & Teller: Fool Us', 'Masters of Illusion' will be back in summer 2017. TV by the Numbers. 2016-10-24 [2016-10-24]. (原始内容存档于2016-10-25). 
  53. ^ 53.0 53.1 Hibberd, James; Abrams, Natalie. Supergirl renewed and moving to The CW. 娱乐周刊. 2016-05-12 [2016-05-12]. (原始内容存档于2016-05-12). 
  54. ^ Petski, Denise. John Cena’s ‘American Grit’ Renewed For Second Season By Fox. Deadline.com. 2016-07-29 [2016-07-30]. (原始内容存档于2016-07-30). 
  55. ^ Porter, Rick. 'Bob's Burgers' Renewed for Seasons 7 and 8 on Fox. TV by the Numbers. 2015-10-07 [2015-10-07]. (原始内容存档于2016-08-03). 
  56. ^ Ausiello, Michael. Bones Renewed for 12th and Final Season, Fox Promises Fans a 'Meaningful, Satisfying' Ending. TV Line. 2016-02-25 [2016-02-25]. (原始内容存档于2016-05-28). 
  57. ^ 57.0 57.1 Andreeva, Nellie. Fox Renews Comedies ‘Last Man On Earth’ & ‘Brooklyn Nine-Nine’; What About ‘New Girl’, ‘Grandfathered’ & ‘The Grinder’?. Deadline Hollywood. 2016-03-24 [2016-03-24]. (原始内容存档于2016-03-26). 
  58. ^ Porter, Rick. 'Empire' renewed for Season 3 on FOX, obviously. TV by the Numbers. 2016-01-15 [2016-01-15]. (原始内容存档于2016-01-17). 
  59. ^ Andreeva, Nellie. 'Gotham' Renewed For Season 3 By Fox. Deadline. 2016-03-16 [2016-03-16]. (原始内容存档于2019-09-12). 
  60. ^ Romano, Nick. Seth MacFarlane to Star in New Live-Action TV series. Collider. 2016-05-04 [2016-05-12]. (原始内容存档于2016-05-09). 
  61. ^ Porter, Rick. 'Family Guy' was renewed and hardly anyone noticed. TV by the Numbers. 2016-05-15 [2016-05-15]. (原始内容存档于2016-05-16). 
  62. ^ McBride, Jada. FOX Renews ‘Hell’s Kitchen’ Through Season 16. TV Impulse. 2014-12-18 [2014-12-18]. (原始内容存档于2014-12-24). 
  63. ^ 63.0 63.1 Andreeva, Nellie. 'Lucifer', 'Rosewood' Renewed For Season 2 By Fox, Who’s Still On the Bubble There?. Deadline Hollywood. 2016-04-07 [2016-04-07]. (原始内容存档于2016-04-07). 
  64. ^ Ausiello, Michael. New Girl Renewed for Season 6. TV Line. 2016-04-12 [2016-04-12]. (原始内容存档于2019-05-15). 
  65. ^ Porter, Rick. 'Scream Queens' renewed for second season in new setting on FOX. TV by the Numbers. 2016-01-15 [2016-01-15]. (原始内容存档于2016-01-17). 
  66. ^ Kondolojy, Amanda. 'The Simpsons' Renewed by FOX for 27th and 28th Seasons. TV by the Numbers. 2015-05-04 [2015-05-04]. (原始内容存档于2015-05-05). 
  67. ^ Andreeva, Nellie. ‘Sleepy Hollow’ Renewed For Season 4 By Fox, ‘Minority Report’ & ‘Chance’ Canceled. Deadline Hollywood. 2016-05-13 [2016-05-13]. (原始内容存档于2016-05-14). 
  68. ^ Ausiello, Michael. So You Think You Can Dance Renewed for 'Back to Basics' Season 14. TV Line. 2017-01-30 [2017-01-30]. (原始内容存档于2017-01-31). 
  69. ^ Summer Sensation 'American Ninja Warrior' Stays the Course for a Sixth Season Renewal on NBC and Esquire Network. The Futon Critic. 2016-09-12 [2016-09-12]. 
  70. ^ Porter, Rick. 'America's Got Talent' renewed for Season 12, judges all returning. TV by the Numbers. 2016-08-02 [2016-08-02]. (原始内容存档于2016-08-21). 
  71. ^ Andreeva, Nellie. 'Better Late Than Never' Reality Series Renewed For Season 2 By NBC. Deadline. 2016-09-22 [2016-09-22]. (原始内容存档于2016-09-23). 
  72. ^ Porter, Rick. 'The Blacklist' renewed for Season 4 on NBC. TV by the Numbers. 2015-12-07 [2015-12-07]. (原始内容存档于2015-12-08). 
  73. ^ Porter, Rick. 'Blindspot' gets a very early second-season pickup at NBC. TV by the Numbers. 2015-11-09 [2015-11-09]. (原始内容存档于2015-11-12). 
  74. ^ Porter, Rick. 'The Carmichael Show' renewed for season 3 at NBC. TV by the Numbers. 2016-05-15 [2016-05-15]. (原始内容存档于2016-05-16). 
  75. ^ 75.0 75.1 NBC Augments its Stable Schedule with Ambitious New Dramas, High Concept Comedies and Unpredictable Unscripted Series. The Futon Critic. 2016-05-15 [2016-05-15]. 
  76. ^ 76.0 76.1 Porter, Rick. 'Chicago Fire' & 'Chicago P.D.' Renewed For 2016-17 at NBC. TV by the Numbers. 2015-11-09 [2015-11-09]. (原始内容存档于2015-11-12). 
  77. ^ 77.0 77.1 Andreeva, Nellie. 'Law & Order: SVU' & 'Chicago Med' Renewed As Dick Wolf Inks New Mega Deal with NBCUniversal. Deadline. 2016-02-01 [2016-02-01]. (原始内容存档于2016-02-02). 
  78. ^ 78.0 78.1 Molloy, Tim. NBC, Fox, CBS Extend NFL Deals Through 2022. The Wrap. 2011-12-14 [2013-02-15]. (原始内容存档于2012-10-30). 
  79. ^ Andreeva, Nellie. 'Grimm' Renewed For Season 6 By NBC. Deadline Hollywood. 2016-04-05 [2016-04-05]. (原始内容存档于2016-04-06). 
  80. ^ Littleton, Cynthia. 'Little Big Shots' Renewed for Season 2 at NBC. 综艺杂志. 2016-03-14 [2016-03-14]. (原始内容存档于2016-03-15). 
  81. ^ Porter, Rick. 'The Night Shift' renewed for Season 4 on NBC. TV by the Numbers. 2016-11-17 [2016-11-17]. (原始内容存档于2016-11-18). 
  82. ^ O'Connell, Michael. Jennifer Lopez's 'Shades of Blue' Renewed at NBC. The Hollywood Reporter. 2016-02-05 [2016-02-05]. (原始内容存档于2016-02-07). 
  83. ^ Pedersen, Erik. NBC Sets Summer Premieres: ‘Marlon,’ ‘Midnight, Texas,’ ‘Carmichael Show,’ Reality & More. Deadline Hollywood. 2017-03-17 [2017-03-17]. (原始内容存档于2017-03-17). 
  84. ^ Porter, Rick. 'Superstore' renewed for Season 2 at NBC. TV by the Numbers. 2016-02-23 [2016-02-23]. (原始内容存档于2016-02-25). 
  85. ^ Superstars Miley Cyrus and Alicia Keys join Coaches Adam Levine and Blake Shelton for Season 11 of 'The Voice'. The Futon Critic. [2016-03-25]. 
  86. ^ Goldberg, Lesley. 'Agent Carter' Canceled at ABC. The Hollywood Reporter. 2016-05-12 [2016-05-12]. (原始内容存档于2016-05-13). 
  87. ^ TV shows canceled or ending in 2015-16. TV by the Numbers. 2016-01-17 [2016-05-13]. (原始内容存档于2016-05-15). 
  88. ^ Wagmeister, Elizabeth. ‘Castle’ Cancelled by ABC after 4 Stana Katic departure. 综艺杂志. 2016-05-12 [2016-05-12]. (原始内容存档于2016-05-13). 
  89. ^ Swift, Andy. The Family Cancelled at ABC. TV Line. 2016-05-12 [2016-05-12]. (原始内容存档于2016-05-13). 
  90. ^ Hibberd, James. Galavant canceled by ABC after two seasons. 娱乐周刊. 2016-05-12 [2016-05-12]. (原始内容存档于2016-05-16). 
  91. ^ Andreeva, Nellie. The Muppets Canceled By ABC After One Season. Deadline Hollywood. 2016-05-12 [2016-05-12]. (原始内容存档于2016-05-13). 
  92. ^ Porter, Rick. ‘Nashville’ canceled by ABC after 4 seasons. TV by the Numbers. 2016-05-12 [2016-05-12]. (原始内容存档于2016-05-13). 
  93. ^ Rau, Nate; Watts, Cindy. CMT picks up 'Nashville' for fifth season. The Tennessean. 2016-06-09 [2016-06-10]. 
  94. ^ Porter, Rick. ‘Of Kings and Prophets’ canceled after 2 episodes on ABC. TV by the Numbers. 2016-03-16 [2016-03-16]. (原始内容存档于2016-03-20). 
  95. ^ Petski, Denise. 'Uncle Buck' Will Not Return For Season 2 On ABC. Deadline Hollywood. 2016-07-06 [2016-07-06]. (原始内容存档于2016-07-07). 
  96. ^ Porter, Rick. 'Wicked City' canceled after 3 episodes. TV by the Numbers. 2015-11-13 [2015-11-13]. (原始内容存档于2015-11-14). 
  97. ^ 97.0 97.1 Andreev, Nellie. Summer Series 'BrainDead' & 'American Gothic' Canceled By CBS After One Season. Deadline Hollywood. 2016-10-17 [2016-10-17]. (原始内容存档于2016-10-18). 
  98. ^ Andreev, Nellie. 'Angel From Hell' Pulled From CBS' Schedule, To Be Replaced By '2 Broke Girls'. Deadline Hollywood. 2016-02-08 [2016-02-08]. (原始内容存档于2016-02-24). 
  99. ^ Hibberd, James. Official: CSI to end as Ted Danson shifts to spinoff. 娱乐周刊. 2015-05-13 [2015-05-13]. (原始内容存档于2015-05-15). 
  100. ^ Andreev, Nellie. 'CSI: Cyberl' Canceled By CBS After 2 Seasons. Deadline Hollywood. 2016-05-12 [2016-05-12]. (原始内容存档于2016-05-13). 
  101. ^ Welch, Alex. 'The Good Wife' set to end after its current season. Tv by the Numbers.com. 2016-02-07 [2016-02-07]. (原始内容存档于2016-02-09). 
  102. ^ Gelman, Vlada. Limitless Cancelled: No Season 2 on 'Any Platform', Says EP. TV Line. 2016-05-25 [2016-05-25]. (原始内容存档于2016-05-27). 
  103. ^ Andreeva, Nellie. CBS Confirms 'Mike & Molly' Canceled After 6 Seasons. Deadline. 2016-01-12 [2016-01-12]. (原始内容存档于2016-01-13). 
  104. ^ Andreeva, Nellie. 'Person Of Interest' To End After 5 Seasons. Deadline Hollywood. 2016-03-16 [2016-03-16]. (原始内容存档于2016-03-17). 
  105. ^ Porter, Rick. 'Rush Hour' canceled by CBS after a single season. TV by the Numbers. 2016-05-16 [2016-05-16]. (原始内容存档于2016-05-17). 
  106. ^ Andreeva, Nellie. 'America's Next Top Model' To End After 22 Seasons. Deadline.com. 2015-10-14 [2015-10-14]. (原始内容存档于2015-10-15). 
  107. ^ Porter, Rick. 'America's Next Top Model' lives again on VH1 (but without Tyra Banks as host). TV by the Numbers. 2015-02-23 [2016-02-23]. (原始内容存档于2016-02-24). 
  108. ^ Hurley, Laura. Beauty And The Beast Has Been Cancelled. Cinema Blend. 2015-10-13 [2015-10-13]. (原始内容存档于2015-10-14). 
  109. ^ Gelman, Vlada. Containment Cancelled at The CW. TV Line. 2016-05-12 [2016-05-12]. (原始内容存档于2017-12-21). 
  110. ^ Santos, Kristin. American Idol Is Ending: Read Ryan Seacrest's Heartfelt Goodbye!. E! Online. 2015-05-11 [2015-05-12]. (原始内容存档于2015-05-11). 
  111. ^ 111.0 111.1 Wagmeister, Elizabeth. Fox Cancels Grandfathered, The Grinder, and Bordertown After First Seasons. 综艺杂志. 2016-05-12 [2016-05-12]. (原始内容存档于2016-05-13). 
  112. ^ Welch, Alex. 'The Grinder,' 'Grandfathered,' 'Cooper Barrett,' and 'Bordertown' canceled by Fox. TV by the Numbers. 2016-05-12 [2016-05-12]. (原始内容存档于2016-05-13). 
  113. ^ Andreeva, Nellie. Mark Burnett Fox Reality Series 'Coupled' Canceled After One Season. Deadline Hollywood. 2016-08-08 [2016-08-08]. (原始内容存档于2016-08-10). 
  114. ^ Roco. Famous Cancelled At FOX Before Premiere. Seriable. 2016-04-26 [2016-04-26]. (原始内容存档于2016-04-26). 
  115. ^ Maglio, Tony. Rob Lowe's The Grinder Canceled After One Season on Fox. The Wrap. 2016-05-12 [2016-05-12]. (原始内容存档于2016-05-16). 
  116. ^ Ausiello, Michael. Houdini & Doyle Cancelled at Fox. TV Line. 2016-08-02 [2016-08-02]. (原始内容存档于2016-08-03). 
  117. ^ Andreeva, Nellie. 'Sleepy Hollow' Renewed For Season 4 By Fox, 'Minority Report' & 'Chance' Canceled. Deadline Hollywood. 2016-05-13 [2016-05-13]. (原始内容存档于2016-05-14). 
  118. ^ Abrams, Natalie. Second Chance canceled at Fox. 娱乐周刊. 2016-05-12 [2016-05-12]. (原始内容存档于2016-11-07). 
  119. ^ Ausiello, Michael. Aquarius Cancelled After Two Seasons. TV Line. 2016-10-01 [2016-10-01]. (原始内容存档于2016-10-02). 
  120. ^ Littleton, Cynthia. NBC Cancels ‘Best Time Ever’ But Stays In Business with Neil Patrick Harris (EXCLUSIVE). 2015-12-15 [2015-12-15]. (原始内容存档于2015-12-16). 
  121. ^ Bibel, Sara. 'Coach' Reboot Canceled by NBC. TV by the Numbers. 2015-08-31 [2015-09-01]. (原始内容存档于2015-09-02). 
  122. ^ Andreeva, Nellie. 'Crowded' Canceled By NBC After One Season. Deadline Hollywood. 2016-05-13 [2016-05-13]. (原始内容存档于2016-05-14). 
  123. ^ Andreeva, Nellie. 'Game of Silence' Drama Canceled By NBC After One Season. Deadline Hollywood. 2016-05-13 [2016-05-13]. (原始内容存档于2016-05-14). 
  124. ^ Andreeva, Nellie. 'Heartbeat' Canceled By NBC After One Season. Deadline Hollywood. 2016-05-13 [2016-05-13]. (原始内容存档于2016-05-14). 
  125. ^ Porter, Rick. 'Heroes Reborn' Canceled as NBC plays the 'limited series' card. TV by the Numbers. 2016-01-13 [2016-01-13]. (原始内容存档于2016-01-16). 
  126. ^ Andreeva, Nellie. 'The Mysteries of Laura' Canceled By NBC After Two Seasons. Deadline Hollywood. 2016-05-14 [2016-05-14]. (原始内容存档于2016-05-15). 
  127. ^ Mitovich, Matt. The Player Recap: Was All or Nothing Resolved by the Series Finale?. TVLine. 2015-11-19 [2015-11-20]. (原始内容存档于2015-11-20). 
  128. ^ 128.0 128.1 Andreeva, Nellie. 'Telenovela' & 'Undateable' Canceled By NBC. Deadline Hollywood. 2016-05-13 [2016-05-13]. (原始内容存档于2016-06-11). 
  129. ^ Truth Be Told – Cancelled NBC Comedy Closes Casket. RenewCancelTV.com. 2015-12-10 [2016-04-25]. (原始内容存档于2016-04-17). 
  130. ^ McLennan, Cindy. You, Me and the Apocalypse: Cancelled; No Season Two for NBC Series. TV Series Finale. 2016-03-08 [2016-03-12]. 
  131. ^ Final Live +7 adults 18-49 ratings for 2015-16: ‘Empire,’ ‘Sunday Night Football’ stay in front. TV by Numbers. 2016-06-13 [2016-06-15]. (原始内容存档于2016-06-14). 
  132. ^ Final Live +7 viewer averages for 2015-16: ‘The Big Bang Theory’ moves ahead of ‘NCIS,’ NFL stays No. 1. TV by Numbers. 2016-06-13 [2016-06-15]. (原始内容存档于2016-06-17).