魔发奇缘 (电视系列剧)
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魔发奇缘 Tangled: The Series | |
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类型 | |
原作 | 《长发姑娘》 格林兄弟作品 《魔发奇缘》 纳桑·格莱诺和拜伦·霍华德作品 |
开发 |
导演 |
主演 | |
国家/地区 | ![]() |
语言 | 英语 |
季数 | 3 |
集数 | 60(每集列表) |
每集长度 | 23分钟 |
片头曲 | "Wind in My Hair"(曼蒂·摩儿演唱) |
作曲 | |
片尾曲 | "More of Me"(娜塔莎·贝丁菲尔德演唱) |
制作 | |
制作人 |
执行制作 |
制作公司 | 迪士尼电视动画 |
播出信息 | |
首播频道 | 迪士尼频道 |
播出日期 | 2017年3月24日 | —2020年3月1日
相关节目 | |
前作 |
《魔发奇缘》(英语:Tangled: The Series)是迪士尼频道2017年推出的电视动画,于2017年3月10日以迪士尼频道原创影集《魔发奇缘:幸福前奏》首播(该电视电影同时也是续《飞哥与小佛:时光之旅》时隔6年后的首部动画电视电影),2017年3月24日正式开播。故事主要讲述了第50部华特迪士尼动画工厂电影《魔发奇缘》和2012年的短片《魔发奇缘:大喜之日》之间的故事。第二季于2018年6月24日首播,并正式命名为《乐佩的魔发冒险》(Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure)。第三季也于2019年10月7日首播。
[编辑]- 日冕王国的公主,在出生那年被葛索拐走到森林中的高塔被抚养至18岁,后来被小偷尤金救出带回日冕王国与亲生父母重逢。第一季结束后为19岁,第三季起为20岁。
- 拥有追逐自由的精神,对外界的一切事物好奇及喜爱冒险。个性十分亲切善良,无论面对谁都不会有身份的隔阂,但反过来说也不擅长表现贵族该有的礼节。
- 原本拥有一头70英尺长并具有魔力的金色长发,后来被尤金割掉一直遗留在高塔上。初期以棕色短发姿态登场,其后因好奇而误触在黄金花原址发现的黑色石头使金色长发重新生长。长发没有了原来的治愈魔力,但变得坚不可摧,在危险的时刻会编织成防护罩保护同伴。与黑色石头接触时会引发巨大的能量。
- 第二季时与尤金、卡珊卓拉等人组织远行车队外出旅行,找寻黑色石头的秘密。后来于古树中发现了月光石咒语,谂出咒语后会使长发变成黑色并引发枯萎生灵的魔力,但同时会令自己失控。
- 第三季归家后发现父母受魔法影响而失去记忆,因此暂代女王一职。后被揭发在首次触碰黑石的那天晚上,同时吸收了部分月光石的力量,赋予了自身魔发的保护能力。在“复仇”一集中,透过菲瑞安成功解读狄马尼卷轴获得最终咒语,完全释放黄金花的潜在力量,并成功借此击败卡珊卓拉,却也因此意外释放出冯帝冈。
- 在最终回“答案就在你心里”遭冯帝冈夺走阳光之力,头发也变成棕色。最后与冯帝冈决斗时自行砍断头发,成功击败了她。事后成为了日冕王国的女王,并在结尾接受了尤金的求婚。
- 乐佩的男友,曾是个遭受各国通缉的江洋大盗,有些自以为是。
- 本为一无所有的孤儿,向往故事人物费林雷德(Flynn Rider)的快意游侠生活,于是以此作为化名走上窃贼之路,梦想着有一天能居住在大城堡里。直到某天与同伙偷走日冕王国的公主皇冠,在被追缉时爬上高塔遇见乐佩,二人达成协议带乐佩离开高塔观赏天灯,并开始相恋且有了归属感,最终为救乐佩被葛索刺死,后被乐佩带有魔法的眼泪救活。
- 现与乐佩一同生活在日冕王国城堡内,并金盆洗手不再当小偷,也与同为窃盗出身的昔日好友兰斯重逢。曾在侍女卡珊卓拉讽刺他无所事事下,为了证明自己的能力而前去应甄担任卫兵,但由于怠忽职守而被开除。后来活用窃贼时期的经验协助逮捕罪犯后,改担任教授卫兵关于罪犯思考方式的顾问。
- 第二季出外冒险时,求婚再度失败的他被同为罪犯出身的前女友与其父亲绑架,在作为人质的兰斯中毒的情况下而被逼婚之后,回忆起与乐佩的种种并思考为何没能求婚成功,后来成功逃离前女友并与乐佩冰释前嫌。该季结尾于黑暗王国与亲生父亲重逢,并揭发自己身为王子的身世。
- 第三季经父亲口中知悉其出生名字是贺拉斯(Horace),但本人并不喜欢这名字。在“复仇”一集中渡过了26岁生日。其后因待卫队长决定引退并被推荐担任其位置。
- 在经历完最终决斗,一切尘埃落定后,多次向乐佩求婚的他终于在最初的定情地点求婚成功。
- 昵称卡珊(Cass),是乐佩的贴身侍女兼随身保镖,也是她最信任的好朋友,比她年长四岁。性格可靠勇敢,明白市井智慧而带点愤世忌俗。不信任曾为亡命之徒的尤金,经常与他斗嘴闹不和,但在保护乐佩时非常一致。
- 希望能让身为侍卫队长的养父以她为荣。武艺高强,且善于使用多样武器。在《魔发奇缘:幸福前奏》中曾带着乐佩偷偷溜出戒备森严的城堡。宠物有一只猫头鹰和一匹马。
- 在“黄金花的秘密”一集中,因被发现加冕礼前一晚带乐佩偷溜到黑色石头生长的黄金花原址,而被送去修道院作为惩罚,后来顶替负伤的队长带领卫兵进攻绑架皇后的费瑞安的所在地。在“古树的秘密”一集中,因感觉乐佩信任爱狄拉多于自己的判断而跟乐佩大吵一场,与赫克托一战中为了煞停乐佩施放的月光石咒语,触碰乐佩时右手不慎被魔法所伤,事后以一身盔甲示人。
- 在“乐佩乌托邦”一集中,进入一所神秘房间后性情突变,于第二季结尾突然背叛乐佩并夺走月光石,使自身与月光石同化,全身被黑色石头物质包裹,头发与眼睛变成蓝色,并且获得强大的能量。第三季揭示她其实是葛索的亲生女儿,在神秘蓝色幽灵的带领下,目睹妈妈抛下幼年的自己而选择了乐佩,使得她认为乐佩的命运是属于自己的,因此决定背叛她。
- 在使用月光石之力时似乎非常痛苦,且只能在情绪激动下使用。在“卡珊卓拉的复仇”一集中,掳走了菲瑞安并成功套取了狄马尼卷轴的第三个咒语,获得完全控制月光石释放黑石的能力,但遭乐佩使用最终咒语击败,使月光石出现裂痕。其后寻获葛索的镜子碎片并发现冯帝冈的真面目,知道自己被日冕国民视作叛徒后一度懊悔自己的所为并打算主动向乐佩重修旧好,但在冯帝冈从中作梗下启动了菲瑞安的“黑曜石计划”,在绝望与暴怒下发动力量把整个日冕王国被黑石所覆盖。
- 在最终回“答案就在你心里”与乐佩决斗时遭冯帝冈夺走月光石,并在幡然悔悟后跟乐佩和好并与她联手打败冯帝冈。最后离开日冕王国去追寻自己的命运。
- 帕斯卡(Pascal)
- 乐佩的宠物变色龙,也是乐佩最好的伙伴之一。在童年时不幸丧母,为了逃避毒蛇而爬上高塔,并与童年的乐佩相遇。
- 麦西玛斯(Maximus)
- 日冕王国的侍卫队军马,在过去与身为通缉犯的尤金为敌,后来和好。
- 喜欢苹果,擅长打斗,暗恋卡珊卓拉的座骑菲迪拉(Fidella),宿敌是凯茵小姐的座骑阿克塞尔(Axel),身上常配备日冕王国的法典。
- 一名住在日冕王国古老村庄的14岁天才炼金术士,性格较为冒失,在“魔髪之谜”一集中曾帮助乐佩寻找魔发的答案后与乐佩成为朋友。
- 喜欢卡珊卓拉,在科学展时邀请她当自己的助手,甚至乐意帮她做侍女的工作。第一季前期纯真善良,在后半段成为主要反派。
- 在“乐佩女王”一集中尝试深入研究黑色石头以解决王国危机并希望获得父亲的赞赏,但自己调配的化学试剂与黑石产生不寻常反应导致黑石结晶化导致父亲受困,欲寻求乐佩履行承诺帮助被拒后对王国的一切怀恨在心并发誓要复仇。其后诱骗乐佩潜入王国宝库偷取遗留的黄金花欲破除晶石封印解救父亲,但发现黄金花的魔力早已跟乐佩融为一体因而失败,在“黄金花的秘密”因绑架亚蕊安娜王后,后遭乐佩等人制服及被拘押。
- 第三季曾一度协助塞波利亚分离组职占领日冕王国并抹去国王王后的记忆,后经乐佩的劝解下洗心革面,帮助乐佩夺回王国及成功解救父亲。后协助乐佩研究恢复国王王后的记忆的方法及解读狄马尼的卷轴。在红石入侵日冕王国时,勾起曾对父亲及王国所作所为而恐惧及罪疚,后与乐佩携手用化学溶夜使地底深处的黑石结晶化成功反制红石化解危机。
- 在“卡珊卓拉的复仇”中被卡珊绑架并被套出卷轴咒语,后来试图以过来人的身份劝她回头,却被其强烈拒绝,后来着手试图反击卡珊的“黑曜石计划”。结尾16岁时获得“皇家工程师”头衔,并与父亲重修旧好。
- 尤金的童年好友,曾是尤金的盗贼拍档,一出场即不被卡珊卓拉信任,金盆洗手后仍有顺手牵羊的坏习惯。喜爱美食,后来当上了小鸭酒馆的厨师。
- 在第二季为乐佩的远行车队成员之一。喜欢爱狄拉。青年时代曾启发了尤金学会其招牌的把妹表情。
- 第三季的最后领养了爱生气和小红。
[编辑]- 日冕王国国王,乐佩的父亲,因18年前乐佩的失踪而所受的心理创伤,经常对乐佩作出过度保护的行为,也因此对偷窃犯的责罚格外加重。
- 尽管尤金是找回失散多年的女儿的最大功臣而赦免他的罪行,他仍对有偷窃前科的尤金心存芥蒂,但随着日后相处逐渐改观。
- 知悉18年前拔走黄金花导致黑色石头生长的真相但一直秘而不宣,在“黄金花的秘密”曾一度以安全理由把乐佩软禁在房间中,后来因王后被拐走而向乐佩坦白并和解。目睹乐佩的潜力觉醒后,最终批准乐佩出国追寻自己的命运。
- 年青时兴趣是收集不同类型的蛋。
- 日冕王国王后,乐佩的母亲,18年前临盆时生了一场大病,被费德瑞国王用黄金花泡药汤治愈后不久生下了乐佩,也因此让刚出生的乐佩寄宿了黄金花的治愈魔力。在乐佩失踪的18年来,都会在乐佩生日当天与国王和民众一起施放天灯以怀念女儿。
- 在遇见费德瑞国王之前是一位冒险家。于第一集中给乐佩一本空白笔记本,并希望她可以纪录属于自己的冒险。
- 在丈夫和女儿闹矛盾时处于协调者的地位,但与自己的妹妹薇洛性格不合时常有冲突。
- 亚柳米娜阿姨(Aunt Willow):配音:陈贞伃(台湾)
- 艾蕊安娜王后的妹妹,乐佩的阿姨。经常外出冒险长年不在日冕王国,与乐佩的共通点是喜欢艺术和不爱穿鞋,其随便和不拘礼节的性格令王后十分头痛和尴尬。
- 身边带着一只爱摇玲的生物乌姆拉(Uumlaut),当乌姆拉失去摇玲后会失控并大量自我繁殖。
[编辑]- 日冕王国的侍卫队长。卡珊卓拉的养父,因为不想让爱女遭遇危险,而不太愿意让她加入侍卫队。对曾经身为通缉犯的尤金仍抱着诸多刁难的态度。
- 于乐佩被带走的那一晚同时发现并收养了被葛索遗弃的卡珊卓拉,此后不曾告知她关于其亲母的事,并教导她要专注于当下。
- 在第三季为了寻找乐佩而离开王国,后来却遇上已叛变的卡珊卓拉反目收场。对自己没有照顾好童年的卡珊卓拉十分自责,因此沉浸在泰拉皮岛上的魔法幻象无法自拔,后来在猫头鹰的协助通信下,成功被乐佩和尤金救出。
- 其后因放不下卡珊卓拉的事情决定引退,并推荐尤金继任其队长位置。
- 结局与悔改的卡珊卓拉重归于好。
- 侍卫队队员,喜爱手风琴,讨厌哑剧。
- 侍卫队队员,特征是脸上长有两撇大胡子。
[编辑]- 丑小鸭酒馆的常客之一,向往得到爱情。
- 弗拉米尔(Vildamir)配音:张至超(台湾)
- 丑小鸭酒馆的常客之一,喜欢收集瓷独角兽。
- 丑小鸭酒馆的常客之一,行为举止怪异的老人,经常语无伦次及记不起同伴的名字。在第二季为乐佩的远行车队成员之一。
- 乌尔夫(Ulf)
- 丑小鸭酒馆的常客之一,擅长表演哑剧。
- 铁钩手(Hook-Hand)
- 丑小鸭酒馆现任主人,擅长钢琴。在本作第一季中因为进行世界巡演而缺席。在第二季“铁钩兄弟”一集中初次登场与乐佩等人重逢,初期瞧不起弟弟想当舞蹈家的梦想,经乐佩的训示后终于接纳了弟弟并邀请加入巡演。
- 铁钩手的弟弟,左脚为钩子状的义肢。在第二季为乐佩的远行车队成员之一,在“铁钩兄弟”一集中跟兄长重逢,但心里仍埋怨兄长轻视自己的梦想,后在竞舞比赛中为兄长解围,最后加入兄长的巡演而离开乐佩的车队。曾与人鱼塞拉菲娜有过一段爱情却无疾而终。
- 铁头艾铁拉(Attila Buckethead)配音:张腾(台湾)
- 丑小鸭酒馆的前任厨师,喜欢烘焙。在“愤怒公主”一集中在日冕国开了属于自己的烘焙店。
- 无情鲁丝(Ruthless Ruth)
- 丑小鸭酒馆前主人,喜欢音乐但一直羞之于口不敢向外人公开,最终留着遗憾去世并成为依附酒馆的阴魂,在乐佩与丑小鸭酒馆众人的协助下最终完成歌曲顺利升天。
[编辑]- 凯茵小姐(Lady Caine):配音:陈贞伃(台湾)
- 日冕王国的一位女强盗。在《魔发奇缘:幸福前奏》中暗示童年时期因费德瑞国王失去女儿后严厉执法导致与父亲从此分隔没有再见面,因此一心要在乐佩的加冕典礼向国王报仇,后来被乐佩等人打败。
- 在“麦西玛斯的敌人”一集中安插卧底马一度成功逃狱但被乐佩等人再次捕获。在第二季与铁刺兄弟等恶棍在押送往海上监狱期间成功劫持监狱船,途中遭遇乐佩等人再次被击败。
- 安德鲁(Andrew)
- 一名风雅有礼的英俊男子,自称是书虫、人类学家兼历史学家,与卡珊卓拉是笔友,在第一季日冕王国的情人节期间与她见面后逐渐发展成浪漫关系,卡珊为了与他私会而在乐佩面前行踪变得神秘。
- 在结束乐佩提议的四人约会后,被卡珊揭穿其伪造身份的证据,实为塞波利亚分离组职的一员,为了夺走足以分裂日冕王国的历史书,而假造身份接近身为侍卫队长之女的卡珊,本打算借机得逞,最后反被其成功逮捕。
- 在第三季中带领菲瑞安在内的囚犯们造反日冕王国,使王国陷入一片混乱,最后被回国的乐佩等人阻止而重返大牢。
- 蒙堤大叔 (Uncle Monty):配音:徐伟翔(台湾)
- 日冕王国里有名的糖菓店老板,待人和善,很受居民爱戴。但在“乐佩的敌人”一集中表现出对乐佩的反感,理由是她的行事作风与他的传统价值观不合。虽然依旧无法认同乐佩不依照传统价值行事的态度,但承认乐佩的自由精神对他有所启发。
- 杰比尔(Xavier):配音:张腾(台湾)
- 日冕王国的铁匠,对王国的历史和传说拥有丰厚的认知,也爱钻研奇怪的魔法物品,多次协助乐佩等人解决难题。喜欢向人分享冗长的故事。
- 有沉默大盗(Silent Striker)之名而令王国闻风丧胆的神秘盗贼,犯案无数却从无人看到其行窃的身影。被尤金和兰斯捕获后被揭露实为两个小女孩组成的二人组。因为她们不愿说出名字,所以爱生气与小红这两个称号是由尤金和兰斯分别取的。
- 本性不坏,只是受生活所迫下才当上盗贼,但也因而惹上男爵(The Baron)。国王认为不能让两个小孩坐牢,但也不能就此放任,于是要求尤金与兰斯作为过来人让她们改邪归正。后来受尤金感化,归还所有偷来的财宝并离开日冕王国。
- 在第二季跟乐佩与尤金重逢,因爱生气渴望寻回家人而偷走能占卜预言的猴子小飞(Vigor the Visionary),虽然最终没能找到爱生气的亲生父母,但二人正式结拜为义姐妹。
- 第三季两人定居在日冕王国森林上的树屋,得悉名字叫基耶拉(Kiera)和卡塔琳娜(Catalina),在一场意外中小红遭遇狼的诅咒,获得在满月时变身人狼的能力。第三季的最后被兰斯正式领养。
黑暗王国 (The Dark Kingdom)
[编辑]- 艾德门国王(King Edmund)配音:张至超(台湾)
- 黑暗王国的最后一任国王,也是尤金失散多年的亲生父亲。在25年前尝试强行破坏月光石失败,并失去一条胳膊,伤愈后决定撒离王国的所有居民包括自己的初生儿子,决定独自留下并阻止一切外人闯入。第二季结尾终于与儿子重逢,曾一度打算阻止乐佩接触月光石,后被尤金的信念成功打动而改变主意。
- 第三季到访日冕王国探望儿子,希望重拾父子二人失去的时光并打算把家传的王室肩带送赠给尤金。其后肩带意外中损毁,被重铸成有日冕国徽,也是日后尤金与乐佩的婚礼礼服所佩戴的肩带。
- 奎林(Quirin)配音:张腾(台湾)
- 菲瑞安的父亲,日冕王国古老村庄的村长。因儿子的实验意外而被困于晶体之中。18年前曾警告费德瑞国王一旦拔走魔法黄金花将会带来黑暗及产生无法预知的后果。
- 25年前曾侍奉于黑暗王国(The Dark Kingdom),其左手上的彗星形状印记是黑暗王国的国徽,隶属兄弟会的一员。
- 第三季乐佩使用月光石咒语成功破解晶石的封印而获救,并与儿子重聚。
- 第一季结尾出现砍断黑石的神秘女剑士,特征是白色头发及红色的半边脸。武术造诣极高,只用双腿便轻松击败卡珊卓拉。
- 25年前与奎林及赫克托一起侍奉于黑暗王国,隶属兄弟会的一员。相信黄金花的力量能够平衡月光石的破坏力,现协助并引导乐佩前往黑暗王国追寻自己的命运。尤金与卡珊卓拉对她不信任,但她的掌握的资讯与能力却对乐佩的目标有确实的助益,导致她的出现经常造成乐佩与伙伴间的信任危机。
- 武器是以黑色石头所铸造的宝剑。其后遭卡珊卓拉夺走,并利用月光石的力量强化。
- 赫克托(Hector)配音:徐伟翔(台湾)
- 25年前立誓遵守艾德门国王遗愿以参天古树为根据地,不让任何人前往黑暗王国,隶属兄弟会的一员。
- 不相信一滴阳光的存在与爱狄拉产生分歧,在阻止乐佩一行人通过参天古树时与爱狄拉交战,并不惜一切拿走在古树下封印冯帝冈灵魂的战矛,被冯帝冈的灵魂控制,后被乐佩的反咒制住。左手有伸缩式袖剑作为武器,并且不会被爱狄拉的黑石剑砍断。有犀牛坐骑和两只狼獾。
[编辑]- 崔里弗国王(King Trevor):配音:徐伟翔(台湾)
- 邻近日冕王国的伊奎斯国(Equis)国王,儿时跟费德瑞国王是宿敌兼情敌,喜爱恶作剧戏弄费德瑞国王,擅长跳舞和有饲养海豹的嗜好,并命名其皇家海豹为崔里弗二世(Trevor Jr),曾被尤金戏弄过。
- 第二季作为铁钩手的巡演赞助人,在崔里弗二世婚礼的竞舞比赛中败于铁钩脚。
- 第三季知悉费德瑞和亚蕊安娜失去记忆后,打算重夺亚蕊安娜的芳心并使计带其到公海观赏海龙,后知悉二人虽然失忆,但内心仍存着与对方的爱慕之情,因此打消原来念头并帮助二人解困。
- 萨多莉安(Stalyan)配音:林筱玲(台湾)
- 尤金的前女友兼未婚妻,男爵的女儿。
- 于第二季“幸福攻略”首度登场,怨恨尤金多年前弃婚抛下她出逃,一度胁逼尤金跟自己进行婚礼,后遭乐佩等人闯入婚礼击退。
- 后来为解决的尤金惹出的麻烦,乐佩不得以的找上她,希望她能一起去寻找多年前与尤金偷盗的红宝石平柯斯塔之眼(Eye of Pincosta)并归欢失主,以营救被关押的尤金。期间一度出卖乐佩,但知道乐佩相信她仍心存良善的一面后回心转意,并与乐佩和解。
- 小维(Vex)配音:林筱玲(台湾)
- 法达洛(Vadaros)里居住的少女,以贩卖武器维生,于第二季登场。
- 很懂人情世故但容易被金钱收买,曾一度陷害尤金被掳走,其后却帮助乐佩潜入婚礼会场营救尤金。后来在治安官奎德(Captain Quaid)的鼓励下担任副官一职。很欣赏卡珊卓拉的性格。
- 古代科罗纳的科学家兼发明家,拥有超越年代的才华及技术。
- 为追寻及研究黄金花与月光石的传说而派遣三位门徒协助,后遭三位门徒背叛了自己并释放异域恶魔冯帝冈 (Zhan Tiri)(配音:高嘉镁(台湾)),花了一生时间与冯帝冈对抗并成功将其封印。为引导后人完成重新汇合黄金花与月光石的遗愿,把相关研究的卷轴拆成四片分散于不同角落,并将自己的灵魂收藏在猴子小飞的身体里,直到遇见乐佩和尤金才逐渐展露真身。
- 苏葛碧夫人(Mrs. Sugarby)/永恒的苏葛恰(Sugracha the Eternal) 配音:龙显蕙(台湾)
- 冯帝冈追随者之一,曾为狄马尼勋爵的门徒,被乐佩使用狄马尼建造的装置停止暴风雪后释放出来,想借由描绘古树图腾仪式释放她的主人。在第一季 Painter's Block 一集中伪装成美术老师诱骗乐佩及其他村民替她描绘图腾,最后关头被乐佩破坏画作而失败。武器为一根镶著山羊头造型的法杖,有催眠、定身魔法和变形的能力。
- 马修(Matthews)/托马斯(Tromus) 配音:张至超(台湾)
- 冯帝冈追随者之一,曾为狄马尼勋爵的门徒。第二季出场,伪装成彬彬有礼的民宿老板,在乐佩前往黑暗王国的途中设下陷阱,让他们因暴风雨而入住自己名叫“昨天的明天屋”的巨型贝壳房子。房里充满各种任意门及搜藏艺术品,设法让乐佩永远待在他的房子里,并间接利用这些魔法道具陷害乐佩一行人。计划抽取乐佩黄金花的力量复活主人并设计了乐佩的梦境让她一直沉睡,最后梦境被重新掌控意志的乐佩破解。武器为镶著紫水晶球的权杖,拥有操控藤蔓、变形、隐形、梦境设计及潜入意识的能力。有法语口音和有相当的幽默感,对贝壳特别喜爱,房子一切东西包括自己都是由沙子所幻化。
[编辑]- 葛索妈妈(Mother Gothel)配音:杜素真(台湾)
- 前作中的主要反派,利用黄金花的魔力保持青春并存活了数百年。某天费德瑞国王为了治疗临盆的王后而取下其藏匿的黄金花,因而拐走了继承黄金花魔力的婴儿乐佩并将其抚养至18岁,在前作最后因乐佩的长发被割下,失去了保持青春的魔力而急速衰老,跌落高塔并化为灰烬。
- 在本作“魔髪之谜”一集中与乐佩的梦境中客串出场,可说是残存于乐佩内心的心魔。
- 是冯帝冈的三名追随者之一。
- 于第三季在“昨天的明天屋”的回忆映像中被揭发是卡珊卓拉的母亲,在拐走乐佩的那一晚同时抛弃了她,成为卡珊卓拉决定叛变的导火线。曾送给年幼的卡珊卓拉一个音乐盒。其老家的地下藏身处有多个纪录生前影像的魔镜。
- 铁刺兄弟(Stabbington brother)
- 在前作中曾与尤金是搭档,但在尤金背叛后反目。在本作“卡珊卓拉对战尤金”一集中出场。
- 于第二季曾联同凯茵小姐劫持监狱船,遭乐佩和尤金一行人击败。
- 于第三季要胁及绑架了尤金的父亲艾德门国王,后再败于乐佩和尤金手中,在危难中获尤金不计前嫌拯救,而生起悔过之心。
[编辑]季数 | 集数 | 首播日期 | ||
首映 | 季终 | |||
电视电影 | 2017年3月10日 | |||
1 | 21 | 2017年3月24日 | 2018年1月13日 | |
2 | 21 | 2018年6月24日 | 2019年4月14日 | |
3 | 17 | 2019年10月7日 | 2020年3月1日 |
[编辑]总集数 | 标题 [1][2] | 导演 | 编剧 | 首播日期 [1][2] | U.S.收视人数 (百万) | |
1 | Tangled: Before Ever After | Tom Caulfield and Stephen Sandoval | Jase Ricci | 2017年3月10日 | 2.87[3] | |
Six months after the events of Tangled, Rapunzel is settling into life in the kingdom of Corona, but is unable to enjoy her life with the constant protection of her father's guards. When she and her lady-in-waiting, Cassandra, sneak out of the castle, they come upon some magical black rock spikes that magically bring back her long blonde hair (which is now indestructable, so Rapunzel has to hide it from everyone, especially her parents). Eventually, Eugene, Maximus and Pascal find out about the hair as well, but Rapunzel decides not to tell Eugene about how she got her hair back (because Cassandra doesn't trust him), a decision which he hardly agrees with. Rapunzel manages to hide her hair from her parents, but becomes very nervous because of her coronation day. To complicate matters, a female rogue, Lady Caine, appears at Rapunzel's coronation with a hatred of King Frederic who had taken away her father a long time ago. With no other choice, Rapunzel reveals her new 70-feet long hair and, with her friends' help, defeats the thugs. Later, that night, Rapunzel admits to her father that she had snuck out of the castle (but doesn't mention anything about Cassandra helping her), so King Fredric has no other choice, but to forbid Rapunzel from leaving the walls of Corona. Rapunzel feels trapped again (just like in her old tower), but with her mother's encouragement, she decides to take her relationship and role in Corona one day at a time. A little while later, a mysterious individual comes across the site of the magical flower that cured Rapunzel's mother and was the original source of her magical long blonde hair. We see now there is nothing left, but even more mysterious black rock spikes covering the area. |
[编辑]总集数 | 集数 (季) | 标题 [1][2] | 导演 | 编剧 | 首播日期 [1][2] | 制作 代码 [1][4] | U.S.收视人数 (百万) |
2 | 1 | What the Hair!? | Tom Caulfield | Dave Schiff | 2017年3月24日 | 101 | 1.30[5] |
Rapunzel and Cassandra seek out an alchemist in their first attempt of solving the mystery as to how and why Rapunzel's golden 70-feet hair grew back. Eugene follows them but things don't go quite as planned: they find Varian, a 14 years old alchemist who agrees to help uncover the mystery of Rapunzel's hair. However, Varian had built some underground machines which get out of control and destroy the village. Luckily, no one gets hurt and the test shows some important facts about Rapunzel's hair: it's completely indestructable and doesn't have any healing powers anymore, but now can completely cover somebody and protect him (shown when the hair became a giant ball around Rapunzel and Eugene which protected them from the rubble). As they leave, Rapunzel begins telling Eugene about the events of the night when her hair grew back (which Eugene promises to keep secret) and the black rocks slowly start growing back and multiply themselves. | |||||||
3 | 2 | Rapunzel's Enemy | Stephen Sandoval | 剧本创作 :Dave Schiff and Noelle Stevenson Written by :Katie Mattila | 2017年3月31日 | 102 | 1.05[6] |
During the annual Gopher Festival, Rapunzel is booed by a man in the crowd when she shows her new emblem to the people of Corona. After finding out that the person who booed her is an eldery shopkeeper who everyone loves, Rapunzel is determined to uncover Uncle Monty's disapproval of her, even if it means disguising herself. Eventually she inspires Monty to participate at the Gopher Festival Tournament, but during the race she has to rescue him from a waterfall, resulting in blowing her disguise. Monty tells her that he boooed her because he doesn't like all these new changes in the kingdom that occurred due to her return as a princess and the two remain enemies, but respect each other. Monty wins the race and Rapunzel booos him as a sign of their "special relationship". At his sweets shop, Monty looks very proud at his trophy, realising he wouldn't have won if it hadn't been Rapunzel to help him follow his dream. | |||||||
4 | 3 | Fitzherbert P.I. | Joe Oh | 剧本创作 :Ricky Roxburgh and Suzanne Weber Written by :Jase Ricci | 2017年4月7日 | 103 | 1.02[7] |
After successfully catching a criminal, Eugene trains to be a royal guard. Unfortunately, the Captain of the Guard, who happens to be Cassandra's father, shares Cassandra's loathing of him. Meanwhile, Rapunzel prepares for her royal portrait to be painted by the revered Italian painter Giovanni. Eugene realizes that Giovanni is a fraud and manages to catch the imposter. The Captain of the Guards then gives Eugene a job of his own: Teaching the guards to "think like a thief" in order to catch one. | |||||||
5 | 4 | Challenge of the Brave | Tom Caulfield | Ricky Roxburgh | 2017年4月14日 | 104 | 0.96[8] |
Cassandra trains hard to enter the Challenge of the Brave, but when Rapunzel learns of the competition, she wants to enter as well. Cassandra lies to Rapunzel to keep her out of the competition, but Rapunzel later learns through Eugene that anyone can enter. They both make it to the final battle, and Rapunzel wins because Cassandra accidentally steps out of the ring. Cassandra happily agrees with this and introduces the audience to the winner, but, realizing her friend's true feelings, Rapunzel gives the trophy to Cassandra. | |||||||
6 | 5 | Cassandra v. Eugene | Joe Oh | Katie Mattila | 2017年4月21日 | 105 | 0.97[9] |
Cassandra and Eugene have been arguing a lot. In order to coerce them to get along, Rapunzel tricks them into entering a dungeon cell and locks them up so that they can settle their differences by solving a series of quizes in order to get out. Of course Rapunzel's plan doesn't go well when the Stabbington Brothers plan to take advantage of this and, after Cassandra and Eugene fail because they kept fighting each other, they manage to get out. Now stuck with no way out, Eugene and Cass put their diffrences aside and get to know each other better. But they get intrerupted by the Stabbington Brothers who take the two prisoners. The guards arrive and attempt to catch them from behind, but without any results. Cassandra and Eugene work togheter and manage to take down the brothers and, with Rapunzel's help get out the secret passages beneath Corona. Everything is now back to normal and Cassandra and Eugene are on better terms...until Eugene makes Cassie mad again and they start another fight, which Rapunzel decides to not take part in anymore. | |||||||
7 | 6 | The Return of Strongbow | Tom Caulfield | Dave Schiff | 2017年4月28日 | 106 | 1.01[10] |
An old childhood friend and fellow partner-in-crime of Eugene's, Lance Strongbow, comes to Corona to ask him for help. Cassandra, naturally, does not trust Strongbow. Eugene reluctantly decides to aid his childhood partner-in-crime, but learns that they have broken into the basement of the Baron himself, their old enemy. They manage to escape with the treasure, but find a ring with Corona's crest, Eugene suddenly recalls that the ring he had stolen eight years ago belonged to Queen Ariana. Rapunzel and Cassandra find out and Lance apologises for all the things he has done to Eugene and promises to change. Eugene admits all of his past actions to his now mother-in-law, who forgives him. Outside, Eugene gives Rapunzel a jeweled flower and apologizes for having lied to her. King Fredric sees the ring on Ariana's finger, to which she replies that Eugene had "found it that morning." Lance keeps his promise and donates the treasure to the Corona Orphange. | |||||||
8 | 7 | In Like Flynn | Stephen Sandoval | Han-Yee Ling | 2017年7月23日 | 107 | 0.94[11] |
When Corona is pranked by a rival kingdom, King Fredric sets off to prank it back, accompanied by Eugene who wants to prove is father-in-law that he deserves to be respected. The two sneak inside King Trevor's castle, but Eugene discovers that Fredric was planning to steal Trevor's seal pet and the two get captured and locked up. While inside the cell, Fredric tells Eugene that he saved his daughter and there is no one whom he could be respecting more than him. They get out and prank King Trevor by making him fall in one of his own trapdoors, and take the seal with them which they release into the sea. Meanwhile, Rapunzel tries to master the art of pranking, which is a new concept to her. In the end, King Trevor is tied up on one of his statues with a sign reading "Corona Rules" and the seal is swimming free in the sea. | |||||||
9 | 8 | Great Expotations | Joe Oh | Ricky Roxburgh | 2017年7月30日 | 108 | 0.99[12] |
A science exposition is held in Corona, and Cassandra has a chance to be on guard duty, but she must finish her Lady-in-waiting obligations first. Varian makes a deal with Cass that he will help finish her chores if she agrees to assist him in his demonstration. However, Cass accepts the assignment to guard the famous scientist who is judging the contest and thus unavailable to help. When things go wrong, though, she chooses her friend over duty. Meanwhile, Rapunzel tries to make an entry for the science fair. After the science fair is over, Varian shows Cassandra and Rapunzel the strange black rocks spikes outside his village, much like the ones that made Rapunzel's hair grow back. Varian decides to help Rapunzel and Cass in discovering the mystery of these rock spikes and the connection between them and the newfound magical abilities of Rapunzel's regrown hair. | |||||||
10 | 9 | Under Raps | Tom Caulfield | Kelly Hannon | 2017年8月6日 | 109 | 0.87[13] |
During a love festival, Corona displays a book full of signatures of lovers in honor of an old ruler falling in love with the leader of a rival kingdom. Cassandra suddenly gets very secretive, and Rapunzel learns it's because she's been seeing a guy. Cassandra doesn't want Rapunzel meddling, but the princess suggests a double date and they all go off in a hot air balloon. The guy turns out to be part of an old faction that didn't like the unification of Corona and wants to steal the book, but Cassandra suspected that all along. With Rapunzel's and Eugene's help, she manages to defeat him and recover the book. In the end, Cassandra receives a medal for her actions. | |||||||
11 | 10 | One Angry Princess | Stephen Sandoval | 剧本创作 :Katie Mattila and Jase Ricci Written by :Jase Ricci | 2017年8月13日 | 110 | 1.13[14] |
Attila is finally opening up his own bakery, but people generally don't want to stop by because of his scary helmet. The next day, Monty's Sweet Shoppe is destroyed, and Attila is arrested. He is about to be banished from the kingdom, but Rapunzel makes an appeal to investigate the matter further. She fails to learn the truth within the 24 hour time limit, but does figure it out just as the boat is leaving. It turns out it was actually the goat who trashed the store, being trapped inside when the store's bell rang, which sent it into a rampage. Attila, unguilty, teams up with Monty and open a sweet shop togheter while Lance takes up Attila's former job as the chef of the Snuggly Duckling. | |||||||
12 | 11 | Pascal's Story | Tom Caulfield | Ricky Roxburgh | 2017年8月20日 | 114 | 0.93[15] |
Pascal wants to spend time with Rapunzel like their days in the tower, but her princess duties and new friends keep pushing him aside. Being so rejected, he runs away to return to the tower. An old predator looks to get revenge on the small lizard now that he's all alone again. Rapunzel realizes that Pascal went missing and cancels every royal activity planned in order to look for him. She realizes where he went and Rapunzel, Eugene and Cassandra had to "where everything happened". Rapunzel enters the tower alone and helps Pascal throw the predator away. The two reconcile and Rapunzel promises to spend more time together with her old friend. | |||||||
13 | 12 | Big Brothers of Corona | Joe Oh | Han-Yee Ling | 2017年10月1日 | 115 | 1.06[16] |
Eugene and Lance are told to stop a crime spree that is spreading across Corona. Eugene finds a pattern, and is able to set a trap for the thief. It turns out it was actually a pair of two young girls committing the crimes. Feeling sympathy for the girls, Eugene and Lance spend time with them both, trying to convince them to change their ways from stealing. It's revealed that the girls are actually running from the Baron's men and steal Rapunzel's crown in order to have enough money to run away and never come back. Eugene and Lance hand themselves over to the Baron's men, allowing the girls to run away. But, after they realize that the two were the only ones who had ever helped them, they return and all four escape. In the meantime, Cassandra accidentally breaks her leg and needs to rest, but Rapunzel keeps intrerupting her to make sure that she has everything she needs, but learns that sometimes people don't need help. You just have to stay and support them until they will ask for it. In the end, the girls return everything they have stolen, proving that they have changed, much to Eugene's and Lance's happines. The girls run from Corona, but will return ... when they "will be prepared". | |||||||
14 | 13 | The Wrath of Ruthless Ruth | Tom Caulfield | Kelly Hannon | 2017年10月8日 | 117 | 0.83[17] |
Rapunzel and the Captain of the Guard are trapped in the Snuggly Duckling by a fierce storm, and the building turns out to be haunted by its former owner, Ruthless Ruth. The Captain and the thugs attempt to escape, but the pub is surrounded by magic and there is no escape until they give Ruth what she wants. Rapunzel follows the clues and finds that despite Ruth's reputation as the "worst thug that ever lived", she did also have a dream: to hear her song being sung by someone else. Eveyone, including the Captain, sing Ruth's song and are now free. Rapunzel and the Captain of the Guard return to the castle where Rapunzel understand how worried her father is and avoids any confrontation for sending the whole royal guard to look after her. | |||||||
15 | 14 | Max's Enemy | Joe Oh | 剧本创作 :Katie Mattila Written by :Dave Schiff | 2017年10月15日 | 118 | 0.85[18] |
A new horse, Axel, shows up in Corona and quickly shows up Max in every way. However, only Max sees the true devious nature of Axel's behavior. Axel even joins the royal guard, and beats all of Max's former records. However, Axel's true intention was to rescue Lady Caine from the dungeon, along with the gold transfer already planned. Max finds out, but falls into a trap set by Axel. While he, Lady Caine and the gold escape without any suspicion, Rapunzel comes to apologize for everyone's behavior of ignoring him over Axel. But finds the trap and discovers the plan as well. Rapunzel and Max chase after the two and, after Lady Caine is recaptured, Max races Axel. Eventually he defeats him just as Rapunzel, Eugene, Lance and the guards arive. Max is seen as a hero by everyone again. | |||||||
16 | 15 | The Way of the Willow | Stephen Sandoval | Katie Mattila | 2017年10月22日 | 119 | 0.94[19] |
It's Queen Arianna's birthday, and she receives an unexpected guest: her estranged sister, Willow. Willow and Rapunzel quickly bond, sharing a lot of the same personality traits, and Arianna feels a bit left out. To add to her aggravation, Willow gave her a pet with an annoying rattle. Eventually, Arianna explodes at her sister, letting her know her irritation with her and throws away the rattle. The pet starts to multiply and rampage over the countryside. The sisters make up and retrieve the rattle, which calms the beast and removes all the other critters. Willow disappears, promising to be more responsible, but forgets the pet she promised to look after. | |||||||
17 | 16 | Queen for a Day | Joe Oh | Jase Ricci | 2017年11月19日 | 111-112 | 1.22[20] |
The black rocks keep spreading in Old Corona and begin approaching the castle, resulting in Varian and his father, Quirin go and talk to king Frederic. But Quirin doesn't say anything about the rocks, so Varian talks to Rapunzel who promises to help him with this problem. The following day, Rapunzel takes over the kingdom while her parents go away for their anniversary. Unfortunately, every royal decision she makes to help the people of Corona backfires badly. Meanwhile, Varian starts testing the mystical rocks, but his father tells him to stay away and refuses to tell him anything. As if anything couldn't go worse at the castle, a blizzard strikes Corona, resulting in everyone loking inside their houses, as well as an accident in the mountains, trapping Frederic and Arianna. With her parents in danger, Rapunzel takes one of the hardest decision and sends Eugene and the other thugs to rescue them. In the meantime, one of Varian's experiments result in the rocks trapping Quirin inside them and Varian rushing to the castle to ask for Rapunzel's help. On the way there he sings about hoping to make his father proud, but when he gets there Rapunzel makes another hard decision and tells him that she can't help him right now, resulting in Varian returning home, feeling betrayed. Left with no other choice, Rapunzel orders the evacuation of the island, but then remembers about the legend told earlier by Xavier about an underground machine built by the wizard Lord Demanitus, with the power to change the way of the blizzard. Rapunzel, Cassandra, Xavier and Pascal find the machine and Pascal almost gets killed in order to turn it on. With the machine activated, the blizzard disappears, the evacuation is canceled, Frederic and Arianna are saved and everything is back to normal. Back at the castle, Rapunzel confesses to Eugene that it was the hardest day of her life due to all the hard decisions she had to made, but Eugene cheers her up saying that there is still much time until she will become queen and enjoy her life until then. In a final scene, Quirin is completely trapped inside the rocks, holding a message for Varian who, saddened, swears to release his father at any costs and get revenge on everyone who stands in his way. | |||||||
18 | 17 | Painter's Block | Stephen Sandoval | Dave Schiff | 2017年11月25日 | 113 | 0.99[21] |
Feeling traumatized after the events of the storm, Rapunzel is feeling a bit out of sorts, even having trouble painting again. She starts taking a new class with a mysterious new art instructor. The other members of the class disappear one by one to a mysterious location by the sea, apparently painting an old, withered tree. The instructor is revealed to actually be an old witch serving Zamfiri (the monster who released the blizzard) who has been released after using the weather machine and now wants to release her master as well. Eugene and Cassandra head over to rescue Rapunzel, but after they get captured, Rapunzel must finish the painting and release Zamfiri in order to rescue them. However, now that she understood that "difficult decisions are what make us who we are", she destroys the painting, trapping Zamfiri and the witch forever, and saves Eugene and Cassandra. Now, Rapunzel has completely recovered her happy, positive attitude and decided to not let herself affected that easy anymore. | |||||||
19 | 18 | Not in the Mood | Stephen Sandoval | Kelly Hannon | 2017年12月2日 | 116 | 0.95[22] |
Thanks to Max and Pascal's intervention, Rapunzel, Eugene, and Cassandra magically exchange personalities in the midst of an important royal visit. They turn to Xavier for his help in reversing their personalities to normal. Unfortunately, the elixir switches everyone's character, making a mess of the royal visit. Rapunzel later throws the half-filled potion into the river, surprised that something so small could have such an effect. However, instead of sinking, it floats down to Old Corona village and is found by Varian. | |||||||
20 | 19 | The Quest for Varian | Tom Caulfield | Ricky Roxburgh | 2017年12月9日 | 120 | 1.06[23] |
Rapunzel, Eugene and Cassandra go to Old Corona in search of Varian, who has left behind important clues for them to follow, as well as a warning that a mysterious group of knights will be pursuing them. | |||||||
21 | 20 | The Alchemist Returns | Joe Oh | Dave Schiff | 2017年12月16日 | 121 | 0.96[24] |
Varian comes to Rapunzel for help in finding the remnants of the mystical golden flower, which may hold the key to stopping the Black Rocks. Working together, they venture through the old tunnels beneath Corona. However, as they reach their prize, Varian betrays Rapunzel and steals the flower so he can use it to free his father. Unfortunately, his attempt fails, only for him to realize that the flower's actual magic now exists within Rapunzel. | |||||||
22 | 21 | Secret of the Sundrop | Stephen Sandoval | 剧本创作 :Jase Ricci Written by :Kelly Hannon, Jase Ricci, Ricky Roxburgh, Dave Schiff, and Jeremy Shipp | 2018年1月13日 | 122 | 0.96[25] |
On Rapunzel's 19th birthday, Corona is beset by an automaton attack from Varian, which causes Frederic to lock Rapunzel in her room to keep her safe from further danger. Eugene and Cassandra help break her out to go after Varian, but the alchemist uses his pet raccoon, mutated as a wild beast, to assault the kingdom, incapacitating many of the Royal Guards and using the chaos to kidnap Arianna, whom he uses as leverage to lure Rapunzel to Old Corona. Led by Cassandra, Eugene, Rapunzel, and Frederic, the Royal Guards lay siege to Varian's house, who uses automatons to keep them at bay. Varian attempts to use Rapunzel's hair to free his father, but it is of no use. Angry and with nothing left to lose, he uses a giant automaton to attack, threatening to kill Cassandra and Arianna. Rapunzel, however, uses her connection to the black rocks to defeat Varian, who is arrested for his crimes and vows vengeance. Rapunzel notices that the rocks are now pointing away from Corona and towards an unknown destination beyond the border wall, a path which Rapunzel is encouraged to follow. In a post-credits scene, a mysterious warrior arrives and uses a special sword to slice through the seemingly impenetrable black rocks. |
[编辑]![]() | ||
接档 | 乐佩的魔发冒险 (2021年5月3日-6月16日) | 被接档 |
艾莲娜公主 第3季 (2021年2月17日-4月21日) | 妖怪手表 第1-65集 (2021年6月21日-11月16日) |
[编辑]- ^ 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 Tangled: The Series Episode Listings. The Futon Critic. [2018-04-09]. (原始内容存档于2023-09-07).
- ^ 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 Tangled: The Series. Zap2it.
- ^ Mitch Metcalf. Top 150 Friday Cable Originals & Network Originals: 3.10.2017. Showbuzz Daily. March 13, 2017 [January 6, 2018]. (原始内容存档于2017-12-08).
- ^ Tangled: The Series Episodes. Disney ABC Press. [2018-04-08]. (原始内容存档于2017-10-24).
- ^ Mitch Metcalf. Top 150 Friday Cable Originals & Network Originals: 3.24.2017. Showbuzz Daily. March 27, 2017 [January 6, 2018]. (原始内容存档于2017-03-28).
- ^ Mitch Metcalf. Top 150 Friday Cable Originals & Network Originals: 3.31.2017. Showbuzz Daily. April 3, 2017 [January 6, 2018]. (原始内容存档于2018-02-20).
- ^ Mitch Metcalf. Top 150 Friday Cable Originals & Network Originals: 4.7.2017. Showbuzz Daily. April 10, 2017 [January 6, 2018]. (原始内容存档于2017-04-11).
- ^ Mitch Metcalf. Top 150 Friday Cable Originals & Network Originals: 4.14.2017. Showbuzz Daily. April 17, 2017 [January 6, 2018]. (原始内容存档于2017-04-18).
- ^ Mitch Metcalf. Top 150 Friday Cable Originals & Network Originals: 4.21.2017. Showbuzz Daily. April 24, 2017 [January 6, 2018]. (原始内容存档于2017-04-25).
- ^ Mitch Metcalf. Top 150 Friday Cable Originals & Network Originals: 4.28.2017. Showbuzz Daily. May 1, 2017 [January 6, 2018]. (原始内容存档于2017-05-02).
- ^ Mitch Metcalf. Top 150 Sunday Cable Originals & Network Originals: 7.23.2017. Showbuzz Daily. July 25, 2017 [January 6, 2018]. (原始内容存档于2018-10-06).
- ^ Mitch Metcalf. Top 150 Sunday Cable Originals & Network Originals: 7.30.2017. Showbuzz Daily. August 1, 2017 [January 6, 2018]. (原始内容存档于2017-08-01).
- ^ Mitch Metcalf. Top 150 Sunday Cable Originals & Network Originals: 8.6.2017. Showbuzz Daily. August 8, 2017 [January 6, 2018]. (原始内容存档于2017-08-08).
- ^ Mitch Metcalf. Top 150 Cable Originals & Network Originals: 8.13.2017. Showbuzz Daily. August 15, 2017 [January 6, 2018]. (原始内容存档于2017-08-15).
- ^ Mitch Metcalf. Top 150 Sunday Cable Originals & Network Originals: 8.20.2017. Showbuzz Daily. August 22, 2017 [January 6, 2018]. (原始内容存档于2017-08-30).
- ^ Mitch Metcalf. Top 150 Saturday Cable Originals & Network Originals: 10.1.2017. Showbuzz Daily. October 3, 2017 [October 8, 2017]. (原始内容存档于2017-10-03).
- ^ Mitch Metcalf. Top 150 Sunday Cable Originals & Network Originals: 10.8.2017. Showbuzz Daily. October 10, 2017 [January 6, 2018]. (原始内容存档于2017-10-10).
- ^ Mitch Metcalf. Top 150 Sunday Cable Originals & Network Originals: 10.15.2017. Showbuzz Daily. October 17, 2017 [January 6, 2018]. (原始内容存档于2017-10-18).
- ^ Mitch Metcalf. Top 150 Sunday Cable Originals & Network Originals: 10.22.2017. Showbuzz Daily. October 24, 2017 [January 6, 2018]. (原始内容存档于2017-10-24).
- ^ Mitch Metcalf. Top 150 Sunday Cable Originals & Network Originals: 11.19.2017. Showbuzz Daily. November 21, 2017 [January 6, 2018]. (原始内容存档于2017-11-21).
- ^ Mitch Metcalf. Top 150 Saturday Cable Originals & Network Originals: 11.25.2017. Showbuzz Daily. November 29, 2017 [January 6, 2018]. (原始内容存档于2019-12-24).
- ^ Mitch Metcalf. Top 150 Saturday Cable Originals & Network Originals: 12.2.2017. Showbuzz Daily. December 5, 2017 [January 6, 2018]. (原始内容存档于2017-12-07).
- ^ Mitch Metcalf. Top 150 Saturday Cable Originals & Network Originals: 12.9.2017. Showbuzz Daily. December 12, 2017 [January 6, 2018]. (原始内容存档于2017-12-12).
- ^ Mitch Metcalf. Top 150 Saturday Cable Originals & Network Originals: 12.16.2017. Showbuzz Daily. December 19, 2017 [January 6, 2018]. (原始内容存档于2020-02-22).
- ^ Mitch Metcalf. SHOWBUZZDAILY's Top 150 Saturday Cable Originals & Network Originals: 1.13.2018. Showbuzz Daily. January 17, 2018 [January 17, 2018]. (原始内容存档于2018-01-18).