马汀·克鲁斯 | |
男演员 | |
英文名 | Martin Crewes |
国籍 | ![]() |
民族 | 英国白人 |
出生 | |
职业 | 演员、歌手 |
语言 | 英语 |
教育程度 | 西澳表演艺术学院 |
父母 | 大卫克鲁斯、 伊丽莎白克鲁斯 |
亲属 | 杰森克鲁斯、 艾曼达克鲁斯 |
活跃年代 | 1990年至今 |
互联网电影数据库(IMDb)信息 |
马汀·克鲁斯(英语:Martin Crewes;1968年1月1日—[1]),是一位在英国出生的澳大利亚男演员,同时也兼具喜剧演员和歌手,因出演电影2002年的《恶灵古堡》中之饰演卡普兰角色而众人所知。此外,他还是同演员杰森·克鲁斯的哥哥。
[编辑]克鲁斯出生于伦敦 , 10岁时就移居至澳大利亚,参加表演艺术,他的父亲大卫克鲁斯在新西兰出生,也是一位演员,在英国和澳洲都有参与演出,他的妹妹艾曼达克鲁斯也是一位女演员,和马汀克鲁斯毕业于同一所学校,他的母亲伊丽莎白克鲁斯和阿姨玛丽安克鲁斯也都是演员,另外,他还有一个弟弟杰森克鲁斯,他的母亲于2002年1月过世,玛丽安克鲁斯同时也是一位电视剧的演员,他在许多的澳洲电视节目里都有现身过。在1995年的时候,玛丽安克鲁斯来到了南太平洋的国家泰国清迈,他在当地的第四台戏剧音乐节目中演出一角。在1997年时,他搬到英国去,并且在那工作,克鲁斯在英国因一部热门的电视剧"Dream Team"而开始走红.参与的演出多半都是小萤幕、电视及电影作品,他在珀斯的西澳表演艺术学院[2]上著名著毕业生包括休·杰克曼,丽莎·麦丘恩和弗朗西丝·奥康纳。自从他毕业后,克鲁斯已经参加了许多舞台剧和音乐作品,无论是在澳大利亚和国际上,他并且还出现在各种电视和电影在澳大利亚舞台,成为电视和电影演员。
[编辑]- Stockholm (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆),2015年
- Sins of the Father (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆),2015年
- Notes ,2014年
- 恐怖诊所 (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆),2013年
- Heartbeat (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆),2007年
- 生死格斗 (电影),2006年
- 恶灵古堡
[编辑]- 马汀·克鲁斯在互联网电影资料库(IMDb)上的资料(英文)
- 马汀·克鲁斯的X(前Twitter)账号
- 马汀·克鲁斯 (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆)TV.com
- 马汀·克鲁斯 (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆)Instagram专页
[编辑]- ^ Martin Crewes, was born in Barnet, London, England in the year 1968. At age ten, he moved to Perth, Australia. He graduated in 1990 from the Western Australian Academy of Performing Arts with a Bachelors of Arts degree in Musical Theater. His father David, who was born in New Zealand, was a performing arts actor, participating in many plays in the UK and Australia, such as the Homecoming (1968). His younger sister Amanda Crewes is also an actress, and graduated from WAAPA in 1998 with a Bachelors in Performing Arts. She just finished performing in the Barking Gecko Theatre Company's production, The Rodeo Kid. His mother Elizabeth and aunt Marie were also performing arts actresses, and the Crewes family were part of Playlovers, an organization that features amateurs in theater in Floreat, WA Australia, for many years. Martin is mainly a Performing Arts actor. His Australian theater credits include: Barnum, The Wizard of Oz, Aspects of Love, Joseph and His Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat, West Side Story.
- ^ The Western Australian Academy of Performing Arts (WAAPA) at Edith Cowan University (ECU) was established in 1980 to provide performing arts tuition comparable to the highest calibre of national and international training benchmarks to be able to meet industry needs around the globe. WAAPA (commonly pronounced "whopp-a") operates as a part of ECU, located at the ECU campus of Mount Lawley, a suburb in Perth, Western Australia. It is a highly prestigious school, regarded as one of the world's leading performance training institutions.The Director of WAAPA is Professor Julie Warn.