


2017年12月14日,华特迪士尼公司宣布以524亿美元的股票收购二十一世纪福斯的最终协议。收购的资产包括二十世纪福斯电影和电视工作室、福斯电视集团(以及FX等有线电视频道)、福斯传媒集团国家地理合股公司的股份,印度电视台星空传媒,另外30%的Hulu股份和其他关键资产。二十一世纪福斯将福斯广播公司福斯电视台英语Fox Television Stations福斯新闻频道福斯财经网福斯体育一台英语Fox Sports 1福斯体育二台英语Fox Sports 2福斯体育西语频道英语Fox Deportes十大联盟电视网英语Big Ten Network分拆成新的福斯公司[1][2]






2017年11月6日,据CNBC报导称,华特迪士尼公司正在与鲁柏·梅铎洽谈收购二十一世纪福斯电影娱乐、有线娱乐和直播卫星部门,包括二十世纪福斯FX电视台国家地理合股公司。据报导,该交易将不包括福斯广播公司、二十世纪福斯的工作室、福斯电视站英语Fox Television Stations福斯新闻频道集团和福斯体育,这些公司将分拆成由梅铎家族经营的新独立公司[8]




12月11日,康卡斯特宣布放弃对福斯资产的收购[18]。12月14日,迪士尼宣布以524亿美元收购二十一世纪福斯的大部分资产,并等待美国司法部反垄断部门英语United States Department of Justice Antitrust Division的批准[1][19]

2018年2月,据CNBC报导,尽管有迪士尼福斯的交易,一旦AT&T收购时代华纳完成,康卡斯特可能会采取行动,以超过迪士尼的524亿美元争夺福斯。尽管如此,福斯主席彼得·赖斯(Peter Rice)表示对迪士尼的报价感到满意,而福斯的资产也“非常适合迪士尼”[20]

3月初,非营利组织保护民主项目公司(Protect Democracy Project Inc.)向美国司法部提起诉讼,希望寻求迪士尼和福斯两组之间的任何通讯记录。美国总统唐纳德·特朗普在攻击AT&T收购时代华纳的同时,向达成协议的梅铎致电道贺[21]





几位福斯投资者表示,若康卡斯特计划以600亿美元现金继续竞争,他们将公开终止与迪士尼的协议。由于持有特别投票权的股票,梅铎家族信托控制了福斯39%的股份。然而,根据该公司的章程,这些特殊权利并不适用于对迪士尼/福斯交易的投票,而梅铎信托只控制了17%的选票,这使得其他股东更容易击败他,并预期在下个月发生[25]。同月,确认由拉克兰·梅铎接管新的福斯公司,而不是詹姆斯·梅铎英语James Murdock[26]


6月12日,AT&T美国联邦法官理察·J·莱昂英语Richard J. Leon批准收购时代华纳,缓解了康卡斯特对政府监管机构是否会阻止他们收购福斯的担忧,因此在第二天,康卡斯特宣布以650亿美元的新价竞购福斯[29][3]





7月16日,据CNBC报导康卡斯特不太可能继续与迪士尼竞购福斯。相反,康卡斯特可能会继续追求Sky的61%股权[39]。7月19日,康卡斯特正式宣布放弃对福斯资产的收购,以便专注于收购天空公司。康卡斯特行政总裁布瑞安·L·罗勃兹英语Brian L. Roberts表示“我要祝贺罗伯特·艾格和迪士尼团队,并赞扬梅铎家族和福斯创建了这样理想而受人尊敬的公司。”[40]




8月9日,据报导维亚康姆行政总裁罗伯特·巴基什英语Robert Bakish希望将其电视广告定位技术授权给整个行业,并将从福斯开始[43]。2018年8月12日,印度竞争委员会批准了迪士尼和福斯交易。9月17日,欧洲联盟委员会计划于10月19日进行合并审查,后来该审查推迟到11月6日[44]

10月5日,迪士尼宣布开始与二十一世纪福斯交换报价并征求同意[45]。10月8日,迪士尼宣布二十一世纪福斯的顶级电视台高管将加入该公司,其中包括彼得·赖斯、盖瑞·克内尔英语Gary Knell约翰·兰德格拉夫英语John Landgraf达纳·华登英语Dana Walden。赖斯将担任华特迪士尼电视董事长和迪士尼传媒电视网的联合主席,而华登将被任命为迪士尼电视工作室和ABC娱乐英语ABC Entertainment的主席[46]


10月15日,迪士尼向欧洲联盟委员会提供了一份特许权清单,并把审查截止日期延长至11月6日[48]。10月18日,迪士尼宣布为华特迪士尼影业集团加入新的组织,该组织成员包括艾玛·华兹(Emma Watts)、伊丽莎白·加布勒(Elizabeth Gabler)、南希·阿特利(Nancy Utley)和史蒂芬·吉鲁拉(Stephen Gilula)。目前担任二十世纪福斯副主席和制片总裁的华兹将带领福斯的电影部门,并直接向华特迪士尼影业集团主席艾伦·F·霍恩英语Alan F. Horn汇报工作[49]

11月6日,欧洲联盟委员会批准该交易,条件是迪士尼需要出售隶属于迪士尼和赫兹合资公司A+E电视网的Blaze、Crime & Investigation、History、H2和Lifetime。迪士尼将继续在欧洲经济区以外的地方成为A+E电视网的50%股份[50]


12月3日,巴西经济防卫行政委员会英语Administrative Council for Economic Defense(CADE)表示,该交易将集中于有线体育频道市场。 CADE建议采取补救措施,并在2019年3月23日之前作出决定;截止日期可延长90天[53]

12月13日,迪士尼宣布其国际业务的新组织的成员包括蕾贝卡·坎贝尔(Rebecca Campbell)、强恩·柯本(Jan Koeoppen)、狄亚哥·勒纳(Diego Lerner)和乌代·香卡 (Uday Shankar)。目前担任福斯传媒集团亚洲区和印度星空传媒主席兼总裁的香卡将领导迪士尼的亚洲业务,并将成为迪士尼印度英语The Walt Disney Company India的新主席[54]
















  1. ^ 1.0 1.1 1.2 The Walt Disney Company To Acquire Twenty-First Century Fox, Inc., After Spinoff of Certain Businesses, For $52.4 Billion in Stock. The Walt Disney Company. 2017-12-14 [2018-08-05]. (原始内容存档于2018-07-31) (美国英语). 
  2. ^ 2.0 2.1 2.2 21st Century Fox to Spin off Businesses and Create New "Fox"; A Growth Company Centered on Live News and Sports Brands and the Iconic Fox Brand. 21st Century Fox. 2017-12-14 [2018-12-10]. (原始内容存档于2019-01-25). 
  3. ^ 3.0 3.1 Comcast Makes Superior All-Cash Proposal to Acquire 21st Century Fox After Spinoff of ‘New Fox’. Comcast Corp. 2018-06-13 [2018-12-10]. (原始内容存档于2018-12-11). 
  4. ^ 4.00 4.01 4.02 4.03 4.04 4.05 4.06 4.07 4.08 4.09 4.10 4.11 4.12 4.13 4.14 The Walt Disney Company Signs Amended Acquisition Agreement To Acquire Twenty-First Century Fox, Inc., For $71.3 Billion in Cash And Stock. The Walt Disney Company. 2018-06-20 [2018-08-01]. (原始内容存档于2018-06-22). 
  5. ^ Comcast Corporation Statement on 21st Century Fox. Comcast Corp. 2018-07-19 [2018-12-10]. (原始内容存档于2018-07-19). 
  6. ^ 6.0 6.1 21st Century Fox And Disney Stockholders Approve Acquisition By Disney. The Walt Disney Company. 2018-07-27 [2018-12-10]. (原始内容存档于2018-09-05). 
  7. ^ 7.0 7.1 Littleton, Cynthia. Fox Confirms It Won't Bid on Disney's Regional Sports Networks. Variety. 2019-01-11 [2019-01-11]. (原始内容存档于2019-01-12). 
  8. ^ Faber, David. 21st Century Fox has been holding talks to sell most of the company to Disney: Sources. CNBC. 2017-11-06 [2018-07-05]. (原始内容存档于2018-07-06). 
  9. ^ Shaw, Lucas; Sakoui, Anousha. Disney Explored Buying Fox Assets; Talks Now Dead. Bloomberg. 2017-11-06 [2017-11-06]. (原始内容存档于2017-11-06). 
  10. ^ White, Adam. Why Disney buying 20th Century Fox could be good news for Marvel and Star Wars fans. The Daily Telegraph. 2017-11-07 [2017-12-03]. ISSN 0307-1235. (原始内容存档于2017-12-04) (英国英语). 
  11. ^ Moyer, Liz. Fox shares jump as 'pencils aren't down' on possible Disney deal. CNBC. 2017-11-10 [2017-11-10]. (原始内容存档于2017-11-11). 
  12. ^ James, Meg. Comcast jumps into bidding war for 21st Century Fox's media assets. Los Angeles Times. 2017-11-16 [2017-11-16]. [永久失效链接]
  13. ^ Bond, James. Sony Also Inquiring About 21st Century Fox Assets. The Hollywood Reporter. 2017-11-17 [2017-11-17]. (原始内容存档于2017-11-18). 
  14. ^ Littleton, Cynthia. 21st Century Fox Shares Soar on Reports of Comcast Acquisition Overture, Verizon Interest. Variety. 2017-11-16 [2017-01-04]. (原始内容存档于2017-11-17). 
  15. ^ Johnson, Ted. A Disney-Fox Deal Would Land at an Uncertain Moment for DOJ Review of Big Media. Variety. 2017-12-05 [2017-12-15]. (原始内容存档于2017-12-15). 
  16. ^ Fleming Jr., Mike. Bart & Fleming: Sparks Rekindling On Disney-Fox Deal? Should Shamed Artists & Execs Be Stricken From History?. Deadline Hollywood. 2017-11-28 [2017-11-28]. (原始内容存档于2017-11-29). 
  17. ^ Faber, David. Disney and Fox are closing in on deal, could be announced next week: Sources. CNBC. 2017-12-05 [2017-12-05]. (原始内容存档于2017-12-05). 
  18. ^ Littleton, Cynthia. Disney Nearing Finish Line With 21st Century Fox as Comcast Bows Out of Acquisition Hunt. Variety. 2017-12-11 [2017-12-11]. (原始内容存档于2017-12-11). 
  19. ^ Castillo, Michelle. Disney to buy 21st Century Fox assets in a deal worth more than $52 billion in stock. CNBC. 2017-12-14 [2017-12-14]. (原始内容存档于2017-12-14). 
  20. ^ Jarvey, Natalie. Fox's Peter Rice Talks Potential Comcast Deal, His Future Post-Acquisition. The Hollywood Reporter. 2018-02-12 [2018-02-14]. (原始内容存档于2018-02-13). 
  21. ^ Shepardson, David. White House, Justice Department sued for records on Fox-Disney deal. Business Insider. 2018-03-05 [2018-02-27]. (原始内容存档于2018-03-06). 
  22. ^ Andreeva, Nellie. Disney-Fox Deal To Close By Summer 2019, FBC To Evolve, "Diet Fox" & More Highlights From Fox Town Hall Meeting. Deadline Hollywood. 2018-04-12 [2018-04-12]. (原始内容存档于2018-04-13). 
  23. ^ Roumeliotis, Greg. Exclusive: Comcast prepares all-cash bid to gate-crash Disney-Fox deal — sources. Reuters. 2018-05-07 [2018-05-07]. (原始内容存档于2018-05-07). 
  24. ^ Bond, Paul. Disney Could Give Up Sky to Get Fox Assets. The Hollywood Reporter. 2018-05-10 [2018-05-10]. (原始内容存档于2018-05-10). 
  25. ^ Comcast's all-cash bid could pit Murdoch against Fox shareholders. CNBC. 2018-05-15 [2018-05-15]. (原始内容存档于2018-05-15). 
  26. ^ Disis, Jill. Lachlan Murdoch, not James, will lead New Fox company. CNN Money. 2018-05-16 [2018-05-17]. (原始内容存档于2018-05-17). 
  27. ^ Hayes, Dade. Comcast Confirms Plan To Counter Disney With Richer, All-Cash Offer For Fox. Deadline Hollywood. 2018-05-23 [2018-05-23]. (原始内容存档于2018-05-23). 
  28. ^ Tartaglione, Nancy; Hayes, Dade. Fox And Disney Set Shareholder Meetings For Vote on Merger. Deadline Hollywood. 2018-05-30 [2018-05-30]. (原始内容存档于2018-05-31). 
  29. ^ Littleton, Cynthia. Decisive AT&T Victory Sets Stage for Comcast to Challenge Disney for 21st Century Fox Assets. Variety. 2018-06-12 [2018-06-12]. (原始内容存档于2018-06-13). 
  30. ^ Faber, David; Moyer, Liz. Disney is expected to add cash to its bid for Twenty-First Century Fox assets. CNBC. 2018-06-18 [2018-06-18]. (原始内容存档于2018-06-18). 
  31. ^ Cheng, Roger. Fox agrees to Disney's new $71.3 billion offer, rejecting Comcast. CNET. 2018-06-20 [2018-06-21]. (原始内容存档于2018-06-20). 
  32. ^ Disney wins US antitrust approval to buy Fox assets. CNBC. 2018-06-27 [2018-06-28]. (原始内容存档于2018-06-28). 
  33. ^ Littleton, Cynthia. Disney, Fox Set Shareholder Voting Date for $71 Billion Deal. Variety. 2018-06-28 [2018-06-28]. (原始内容存档于2018-06-28). 
  34. ^ James, Meg. Disney and Fox schedule July 27 shareholder votes on merger – upping pressure on Comcast. Los Angeles Times. 2018-06-28 [2018-06-28]. (原始内容存档于2018-06-28). 
  35. ^ Gardner, Eriq. Fox Shareholder Sues to Stop Disney Acquisition. The Hollywood Reporter. 2018-07-09 [2018-07-09]. (原始内容存档于2018-07-09). 
  36. ^ Hayes, Dade. Fox Shareholder Lawsuit Targets Alleged Flaws in Disney Deal Prospectus. Deadline Hollywood. 2018-07-09 [2018-07-09]. (原始内容存档于2018-07-10). 
  37. ^ Comcast lining up buyers for Fox sports assets, sources say. CNBC. 2018-07-09 [2018-07-09]. (原始内容存档于2018-07-10). 
  38. ^ Sherman, Alex. The DOJ has a slim chance of blocking the AT&T-Time Warner deal, but even that may be enough for Comcast to throw in the towel on Fox. CNBC. 2018-07-13 [2018-07-13]. (原始内容存档于2018-07-15). 
  39. ^ Moyer, Liz. Comcast unlikely to raise Fox bid; focused on Sky: Sources. CNBC. 2018-07-16 [2018-07-16]. (原始内容存档于2018-07-16). 
  40. ^ Gartenberg, Chaim. Comcast gives up on buying 21st Century Fox assets and leaves Disney as the winner. The Verge. 2018-07-19 [2018-07-19]. (原始内容存档于2018-07-19). 
  41. ^ Ahmed, Nabila. TCI Votes in Favor of Disney O'sffer for Fox's Assets. Bloomberg. 2018-07-25 [2018-07-25]. (原始内容存档于2018-07-27). 
  42. ^ Ahmed, Nabila; Palmeri, Christopher. Disney Investors Worry Beijing Could Be Tricky Fox Deal Hurdle. Bloomberg. 2018-07-27 [2018-07-28]. (原始内容存档于2018-07-28). 
  43. ^ Bakish, Robert. Viacom wants to License its TV Ads Targeting Tech to the Entire Industry and its Starting with Fox. Business Insider. 2018-08-09 [2018-08-09]. (原始内容存档于2018-08-09). 
  44. ^ Malvania, Urvi. Fox-Disney deal: CCI approves takeover of Murdoch's company in India. Smart Investor. 2018-08-12 [2018-08-18]. (原始内容存档于2018-08-19). 
  45. ^ The Walt Disney Company Announces Commencement of Exchange Offers and Consent Solicitations for 21st Century Fox America, Inc. Notes. The Walt Disney Company. 2018-10-05 [2018-10-06]. (原始内容存档于2018-10-06). 
  46. ^ 46.0 46.1 46.2 46.3 46.4 46.5 46.6 The Walt Disney Company Announces New Organizational Structure for its Media Networks Business, Conditional Upon Closing of 21st Century Fox Acquisition.. The Walt Disney Company. 2018-10-08 [2018-11-24]. (原始内容存档于2019-03-28) (美国英语). 
  47. ^ 47.0 47.1 Holloway, Daniel. Fox Will be Ready to Close Disney Deal Jan. 1, Says Peter Rice (EXCLUSIVE). Variety. 2018-10-10 [2018-11-21]. (原始内容存档于2018-10-11). 
  48. ^ Foo Yun Chee. Disney offers EU antitrust concessions over $71.3 billion Fox deal. Reuters. 2018-10-15 [2018-10-27]. (原始内容存档于2018-10-28). 
  49. ^ 49.0 49.1 49.2 49.3 49.4 49.5 49.6 The Walt Disney Company Announces Additions to Its Studio Entertainment Management Team, Conditional Upon Closing of 21st Century Fox Acquisition.. The Walt Disney Company. 2018-10-18 [2018-11-24]. (原始内容存档于2018-10-26) (美国英语). 
  50. ^ Roxborough, Scott. Disney's Fox Deal Gets European Union Clearance Subject to Divestments. The Hollywood Reporter. 2018-11-06 [2018-11-06]. (原始内容存档于2018-11-06). 
  51. ^ Salinas, Sara; Boorstin, Julia. Disney gets approval from China for its Fox acquisition, sending shares of both companies up. CNBC. 2018-11-19 [2018-11-19]. (原始内容存档于2018-11-19). 
  52. ^ Disis, Jill. Disney gets approval from China for Fox purchase. CNN. 2018-11-19 [2018-11-20]. (原始内容存档于2018-11-20). 
  53. ^ Brazil antitrust body raises concerns over Disney-Fox deal. Reuters. 2018-12-03 [2018-12-03]. (原始内容存档于2018-12-04). 
  54. ^ 54.0 54.1 54.2 54.3 54.4 54.5 Clarke, Stewart. Disney Sets Out International Leadership Team Post-Fox Deal. Variety. 2018-12-13 [2018-12-14]. (原始内容存档于2018-12-13). 
  55. ^ Strict regulation needed for Disney-Fox Merger in Mexico. El Universal. 2018-12-14 [2018-12-16]. (原始内容存档于2018-12-16). 
  56. ^ Disney and Verizon headed for blackout battle. NBC News. 2018-12-26 [2018-12-29]. (原始内容存档于2018-12-28). 
  57. ^ Aycock, Jason. Bloomberg: Brazil expected to OK Fox-Disney deal without divestment. Seeking Alpha. 2019-01-03 [2019-01-03]. (原始内容存档于2019-03-21). 
  58. ^ Chmielewski, Dawn. 21st Century Fox Files Registration Statement With SEC To Form 'New' Fox. Deadline Hollywood. 2019-01-07 [2019-01-08]. (原始内容存档于2019-01-08). 
  59. ^ 21st Century Fox Announces Filing of Registration Statement on Form 10 for Fox Corporation. 21st Century Fox. 2019-01-07 [2019-01-08]. (原始内容存档于2019-01-09). 
  60. ^ Giardina, Carolyn. Disney Deal Could Redraw Fox's Animation Business. The Hollywood Reporter. 2017-12-14 [2018-07-31]. (原始内容存档于2017-12-15). 
  61. ^ Clarke, Stewart. Endemol Shine Sale Called Off (EXCLUSIVE). Variety. 2018-11-06 [2018-11-06]. (原始内容存档于2018-11-06). 
  62. ^ Steinberg, Brian. Disney's Advertising Empire Could Get More High-Tech After Fox Purchase. Variety. 2017-12-15 [2018-08-29]. (原始内容存档于2018-08-30). 
  63. ^ Donnelly, Matt. Official Name of New Fox Is, Uh, Fox – and Other Takeaways From Annual Stockholders Meeting. Variety. 2018-11-14 [2018-11-15]. (原始内容存档于2018-11-14). 
  64. ^ Businesses Archive. Fox Corporation. [2018-11-15]. (原始内容存档于2019-03-19). 

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