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《自然系统》(拉丁语:Systema Naturæ ,或译自然大系)是瑞典植物学及动物学学家、医生卡尔·林奈(Carl von Linné,1707-1778)的主要作品之一,这本书在植物及动物学两界引入了基于博安家的加斯帕尔和约翰而来的林奈分类法,即后来的二名法[2]。第1版的《自然系统》在1735年出版,这本书林奈一共出了12版,其中以第10版最为重要。此书全称为“Systema naturæ per regna tria naturæ, secundum classes, ordines, genera, species, cum characteribus, differentiis, synonymis, locis”,意为“基于纲目属种的、包含特征、差异、异名、地点的、含盖自然界三界的自然系统”。
[编辑]1735年,林奈在寓居荷兰期间初版了第一部《自然系统》[7]。按照当时科学文献出版惯例,这本书以拉丁文写成。在书中,林奈阐述了自己的自然界等级划分原则,即将自然界分成动物界(Regnum animale)、植物界(Regnum vegetabile)和矿物界(Regnum lapideum)。
- 哺乳纲(Mammalia):包含哺乳动物,第一版中被分为鱼类的鲸和西印度海牛被分到此纲下。
- 鸟纲(Aves):包含鸟类。林奈将蝙蝠从鸟纲中移到哺乳纲下。
- 两栖纲(Amphibia):包含两栖动物、爬行动物和不属于硬骨鱼纲的鱼。
- 鱼纲(Pisces):包含硬骨鱼,其中鲈形目被单独划出。
- 昆虫纲(Insecta):包含所有节肢动物。甲壳纲动物、蛛形纲动物和多足类被分在无翅目(Aptera)下。
- 蠕虫纲(Vermes):包含剩下的无脊椎动物。基本可以分为所谓的“蠕虫”、软体动物和有硬壳的生物,例如棘皮动物。
根据他的《性别系统》(Systema Sexuale),林奈的植物纲、目从没想要代表自然的分类(这与他在《植物哲学》中的观点相抵触),而是只用来区别不同生物。这种方法直到19世纪还被称道[15]。这些分类也书写在《自然分类》上,它们是:
- Classis 1. 单雄蕊纲(Monandria)
- Classis 2. 二雄蕊纲(Diandria)
- Classis 3. 三雄蕊纲(Triandria)
- Classis 4. 四雄蕊纲(Tetrandria)
- Classis 5. 五雄蕊纲(Pentandria)
- Classis 6. 六雄蕊纲(Hexandria)
- Classis 7. 七雄蕊纲(Heptandria)
- Classis 8. 八雄蕊纲(Octandria)
- Classis 9. 九雄蕊纲(Enneandria)
- Classis 10. 十雄蕊纲(Decandria)
- Classis 11. 十二雄蕊纲(Dodecandria)
- Classis 12. 二十雄蕊纲(Icosandria)
- Classis 13. 多雄蕊纲(Polyandra)
- Classis 14. 二强雄蕊纲(Didynamia)
- Classis 15. 四强雄蕊纲(Tetradynamia)
- Classis 16. 单体雄蕊纲(Monadelphia)
- Classis 17. 二体雄蕊纲(Diadelphia)
- Classis 18. 多体雄蕊纲(Polyadelphia)
- Classis 19. 聚药雄蕊纲(Syngenesia)
- Classis 20. 合体雄蕊纲(Gynandria)
- Classis 21. 雌雄同株纲(Monoecia)
- Classis 22. 雌雄异株纲(Dioecia)
- Classis 23. 雌雄杂株纲(Polygamia)
- Classis 24. 隐花植物(Cryptogamia)
[编辑]版本,卷/部分 | 地点 | 时间 | 完整引用 | |
1 | 莱顿 | 1735 | Linnæus, C. 1735. Systema naturæ, sive regna tria naturæ systematice proposita per classes, ordines, genera, & species. – pp. [1–12]. Lugduni Batavorum. (Haak) | |
2 | 斯德哥尔摩 | 1740 | Linnæus, C. 1740. Systema naturæ in quo naturæ regna tria, secundum classes, ordines, genera, species, systematice proponuntur. Editio secunda, auctior. – pp. [1–2], 1–80. Stockholmiæ. (Kiesewetter) | |
3 | 哈雷 | 1740 | Lange, J. J. 1740. Caroli Linnaei systema natvrae, sive Regna tria natvrae systematice proposita per classes, ordines, genera et species. Caroli Linnaei Natur-Systema, oder die in ordentlichem Zusammenhange vorgetragene drey Reiche der Natur nach ihren Classen, Ordnungen, Geschlechtern und Arten, in die deutsche Sprache übersetzet und mit einer Vorrede herausgegeben von Johann Joachim Langen. – pp. [1–8], 1–70, [1]. Halle. (Gebauer) | |
4 | 巴黎 | 1744 | Linnæus, C. 1744. Systema naturæ in quo proponuntur naturæ regna tria secundum classes, ordines, genera & species. Editio quarta ab auctore emendata & aucta. Accesserunt nomina Gallica. – pp. i–xxvi, [1], 1–108. Parisiis. (David.) | |
5 | 哈雷 | 1747 | Agnethler, M. G. 1747. Caroli Linnæi systema natvræ in qvo natvræ regna tria, secvndvm classes, ordines, genera, species, systematice proponvntvr. Recvsvm et societatis, qvæ impensas contvlit, vsvi accomodatvm. Editio altera avctior et emendatior. – pp. 1–88. Halæ Magdebvrgicæ. | |
6 | 斯德哥尔摩 | 1748 | Linnæus, C. 1748. Systema naturæ sistens regna tria naturæ, in classes et ordines, genera et species redacta tabulisque æneis illustrata. Editio sexta, emendata et aucta. – pp. [1–3], 1–224, [1–18], Tab. I–VIII. Stockholmiæ. (Kiesewetter) | |
7 | 莱比锡城 | 1748 | Linnæus, C. 1748. Systema naturæ sistens regna tria naturæ, in classes et ordines, genera et species redacta tabulisque æneis illustrata. Secundum sextam Stockholmiensem emendatam & auctam editionem. – pp. [A], [1–5], 1–224, [1–22], Tab. I–VIII. Lipsiae. (Kiesewetter) | |
8 | 斯德哥尔摩 | 1753 | Haartman, J. J. 1753. Caroli Linnæi Indelning i Ö̈rt-Riket, efter Systema Naturae, på Swenska öfwersatt af Johan J. Haartman. – pp. [1–12], 1–136, [1–8]. Stockholm. (Salvius) | |
9 | 莱顿 | 1756 | Linnæus, C. 1756. Systema naturæ sistens regna tria naturæ in classes et ordines, genera et species redacta, tabulisque æneis illustrata. Accedunt vocabula gallica. Editio multo auctior & emendatior. – pp. [1–7], 1–227, [1–19], Tab. I–VIII. Lugduni Batavorum. (Haak) | |
10,卷1 | 斯德哥尔摩 | 1758 | Linnæus, C. 1758. Systema naturæ per regna tria naturæ, secundum classes, ordines, genera, species, cum characteribus, differentiis, synonymis, locis. Tomus I. Editio decima, reformata. – pp. [1–4], 1–824. Holmiæ. (Salvius) | |
10,卷2 | 斯德哥尔摩 | 1759 | Linnæus, C. 1759. Systema naturæ per regna tria naturæ, secundum classes, ordines, genera, species, cum characteribus, differentiis, synonymis, locis. Tomus II. Editio decima, reformata. – pp. [1–4], 825–1384. Holmiæ. (Salvius) | |
11,卷1 | 哈雷 | 1760 | Linnaeus, C. 1760. Systema natvrae per regna tria natvrae, secvndvm classes, ordines, genera, species, cvm characteribvs, differentiis, synonymis, locis. Tomvs I. Praefactvs est Ioannes Ioachimvs Langivs. Ad editionem decimam reformatam Holmiensem. – pp. [1–8], 1–824. Halae Magdebvrgicae. (Curt). (Linnæus 1758: p. 5 recorded probably this edition as from Leipzig 1762, "nil additum" = nothing added) | |
12,卷1/第1部分 | 斯德哥尔摩 | 1766 | Linné, C. a 1766. Systema naturæ per regna tria naturæ, secundum classes, ordines, genera, species, cum characteribus, differentiis, synonymis, locis. Tomus I. Editio duodecima, reformata. – pp. 1–532. Holmiæ. (Salvius) | |
12,卷1/第2部分 | 斯德哥尔摩 | 1767 | Linné, C. a 1767. Systema naturæ, Tom. I. Pars II. Editio duodecima reformata. – pp. 533–1327, [1–37]. Holmiæ. (Salvius) | |
12,卷2 | 斯德哥尔摩 | 1767 | Linné, C. a 1767. Systema naturæ per regna tria naturæ, secundum classes, ordines, genera, species, cum characteribus & differentiis. Tomus II. – pp. 1–735, [1–16], 1–142, [1–2]. Holmiæ. (Salvius) | |
12,卷3 | 斯德哥尔摩 | 1768 | Linné, C. a 1768. Systema naturæ per regna tria naturæ, secundum classes, ordines, genera, species, cum characteribus & differentiis. Tomus III. – pp. 1–236, [1–20], Tab. I–III. Holmiæ. (Salvius) | |
12a,卷1/第1部分 | 维也纳 | 1767 | Linné, C. a 1767. Systema naturæ per regna tria naturae, secundum classes, ordines, genera, species cum characteribus, differentiis, synonymis, locis. Tomus I. Editio decima tertia, ad editionem duodecimam reformatam Holmiensem. – pp. 1–532. Vindobonae. (Trattnern) | |
12a,卷1/第2部分 | 维也纳 | 1767 | Linné, C. a [1767]. Systema naturæ. Tom. I. Pars II. – pp. [1–2], 1–1327, [1–37]. Vindobonae. (Trattnern) | |
12a,卷2 | 维也纳 | 1770 | Linné, C. a 1770. Systema natvrae per regna tria natvrae, secvndvm classes, ordines, genera, species cvm characteribvs, et differentiis. Tomvs II. Editio decima tertia, ad editionem duodecimam reformatam Holmiensem. – 1–736, [1–6]. Vindobonae. (Trattnern) | |
12a,卷3 | 维也纳 | 1770 | Linnaeus, C. 1770. Systema natvrae per regna tria natvrae, secvndvm classes, ordines, genera, species cvm characteribvs, et differentiis. Tomvs III. – 1–236, [1–19]. Vindobonae. (Trattnern) | |
12b,卷1 | 哥廷根 | 1772 | Beckmann, J. 1772. Caroli a Linné systema naturae ex editione duodecima in epitomen redactum et praelectionibus academicis accommodatum a Iohanne Beckmanno. Tomus I. Regnum Animale. – pp. [1–5], 1–240, [1–10]. Gottingae. (Vandenhoeck) | |
12b,卷2 | 哥廷根 | 1772 | Beckmann, J. 1772. Caroli a Linné systema naturae ex editione duodecima in epitomen redactum et praelectionibus academicis accommodatum a Iohanne Beckmanno. Tomus II. Regnum Vegetabile. – pp. 1–356, [1–32]. Gottingae. (Vandenhoeck) | |
13,卷1/第1部分 [17] | 莱比锡 | 1788年7月25日 | Gmelin, J. F. 1788. Caroli a Linné systema naturae per regna tria naturae, secundum classes, ordines, genera, species, cum characteribus, differentiis, synonymis, locis. Tomus I. Editio decima tertia, aucta, reformata. – pp. [1–12], 1–500. Lipsiae. (Beer) | |
13,卷1/第2部分 | 莱比锡 | 1789年4月20日 | Gmelin, J. F. [1789]. Caroli a Linné, systema naturae. Tom. I. Pars II. – pp. 501–1032. Lipsiae. (Beer) | |
13,卷1/第3部分 | 莱比锡 | 1789年11月20日 | Gmelin, J. F. [1789]. Caroli a Linné, systema naturae. Tom. I. Pars III. – pp. 1033–1516. Lipsiae. (Beer) | |
13,卷1/第4部分 | 莱比锡 | 1790年5月21日 | Gmelin, J. F. [1790]. Caroli a Linné, systema naturae. Tom. I. Pars IV. – pp. 1517–2224. Lipsiae. (Beer) | |
13,卷1/第5部分 | 莱比锡 | 1790年12月6日 | Gmelin, J. F. [1790]. Caroli a Linné, systema naturae. Tom. I. Pars V. – pp. 2225–3020. Lipsiae. (Beer) | |
13,卷1/第6部分 | 莱比锡 | 1791年5月14日 | Gmelin, J. F. [1791]. Caroli a Linné, systema naturae. Tom. I. Pars VI. – pp. 3021–3910. Lipsiae. (Beer) | |
13,卷1/第7部分 | 莱比锡 | 1792年7月2日 | Gmelin, J. F. [1792]. Caroli a Linné, systema naturae. Tom. I. Pars VII. – pp. [1], 3911–4120. Lipsiae. (Beer) | |
13,卷2/第1部分 | 莱比锡 | 1791 | Gmelin, J. F. 1791. Caroli a Linné systema naturae per regna tria naturae, secundum classes, ordines, genera, species, cum characteribus et differentiis. Tomus II. Editio decima tertia, aucta, reformata. – pp. [1], I–XL, 1–884. Lipsiae. (Beer) | |
13,卷2/第2部分 | 莱比锡 | [1791]? | Caroli a Linné, systema naturae. Tom. II. Pars II. – pp. [1], 885–1661, [1]. Lipsiae. (Beer) | |
13,卷3 | 莱比锡 | 1793 | Gmelin, J. F. 1793. Caroli a Linné (...) systema naturae per regna tria naturae, secundum classes, ordines, genera, species, cum characteribus et differentiis. Tomus III. Editio decima tertia, aucta, reformata. – pp. 1–476. Lipsiae. (Beer) |
[编辑]- ^ Linnaeus, Carolus. Systema naturae per regna tria naturae :secundum classes, ordines, genera, species, cum characteribus, differentiis, synonymis, locis 10th. Stockholm: Laurentius Salvius. 1758 [2014-05-23]. (原始内容存档于2008-10-10) (拉丁语).
- ^ Windelspecht (2002), p. 28.
- ^ Gordh, Gordon; Beardsley, John W. Taxonomy and biological control. Bellows, T. S.; Fisher, T. W. (编). Handbook of Biological Control: Principles and Applications of Biological Control. Academic Press. 1999: 45–55 [2014-05-23]. ISBN 978-0-12-257305-7. (原始内容存档于2013-10-28).
- ^ Sherborn, C. D. 1902.. Index Animalium. [2014-05-23]. (原始内容存档于2006-07-09).
- ^ Neave, S. A. 1939–1940, updated. Nomenclator Zoologicus. [2014-05-23]. (原始内容存档于2016-03-07).
- ^ Opinions and Declarations rendered by the International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature 8: 167–178, also p. 318 in ICZN 1987. 互联网档案馆的存档,存档日期2010-06-25. Official lists and indexes of names and works in zoology. – pp. 1–366. London. (The International Commission of Zoological Nomenclature).
- ^ Stearn, W. T. An introduction to the Species Plantarum and cognate botanical works of Linnaeus. Species Plantarum 1957 Ray Society facsimile. 1957: 14.
- ^ Stearn, William T. The background of Linnaeus's contributions to the nomenclature and methods of systematic biology (PDF). Systematic Zoology. 1959, 8 (1): 4–22. JSTOR 2411603. (原始内容 (PDF)存档于2014年10月28日).
- ^ Stearn, William T. The background of Linnaeus's contributions to the nomenclature and methods of systematic biology (PDF). Systematic Zoology. 1959, 8 (1): 8. JSTOR 2411603. (原始内容 (PDF)存档于2014年10月28日).
- ^ 10.0 10.1 Quammen, David. A Passion for Order. National Geographic Magazine. June 2007 [27 April 2013]. (原始内容存档于2012-10-23).
- ^ Schiebinger, Londa. Why mammals are called mammals: gender politics in eighteenth-century natural history (PDF). The American Historical Review. 1993, 98 (2): 382–411. JSTOR 2166840. PMID 11623150. (原始内容 (PDF)存档于2011-10-02).
- ^ Clerck, C. Svenska Spindlar / Aranei Svecici. Stockholm: Laurentius Salvius. 1757: [1–8], 1–154, pl. 1–6 [2014-06-10]. (原始内容存档于2021-03-04).
- ^ ICZN Code (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) Art. 3.1
- ^ Sörlin, Sverker; Fagerstedt, Otto. Linné och hans apostlar [Linnaeus and his apostles]. Örebro, Sweden: Natur och Kultur/Fakta. 2004. ISBN 978-91-27-35590-3 (瑞典语).
- ^ Comstock, J.L. An introduction to the study of botany: including a treatise on vegetable physiology, and descriptions of the most common plants in the middle and northern states. Robinson, Pratt & Co. 1837 [2014-05-24]. (原始内容存档于2014-05-25).
- ^ Linnaeus as a mineralogist. Linné on line. Uppsala University. 2008 [2014-05-24]. (原始内容存档于2015-10-03).
- ^ Hopkinson, John. Dates of Publication of the Separate Parts of Gmelin's Edition (13th) of the 'Systema Naturae' of Linnæus. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London. 1907, 77 (4): 1035–1037 [2014-05-24]. doi:10.1111/j.1469-7998.1907.tb06965.x. (原始内容存档于2012-10-25).
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