
帝国码头市街赛道 | |
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比赛信息 | |
赛道长度 | 5.2 公里(3.2 英里) |
美洲大奖赛(英语:Grand Prix of America)[1]是一场于2011年提议举办的一级方程式(F1)世界锦标赛赛事。[2]这场赛事计划举办于帝国码头市街赛道,赛道总长5.2公里,途经新泽西州威霍肯与西纽约城镇,[1]紧邻著威霍肯帝国港,[3]更能够尽览纽约市摩天大楼天际线。
美洲大奖赛原定于2013年6月登场,[4] 却在2013年告吹。[5][6][7]2013年底,一级方程式赛车总裁兼首席执行官伯尼·埃克莱斯顿表示,由于发起人违约而未能顺利举办,不过,仍欢迎其他组织呈报新的提案。[8]这场比赛反反复复的出现在一级方程式赛车暂定赛程表中,直到2016年便不曾再出现在暂定赛程表上了。[9]
[编辑]1983年赛季,赛会官方曾宣布将会在梅多兰兹体育中心、法拉盛草原可乐娜公园的草原湖,或是长岛亨普斯特德的米尔切空军基地(与1936及1937年的范德比尔特杯举办地相同)中择一地,举办一场位于纽约都会区的大奖赛。[10][11]然而,这场比赛首次被推延后又宣告取消。之后,又经过1984及1985年的计划后却始终未果。[12]梅多兰兹则成了 冠军方程式的比赛场地。[13]
全国运动汽车竞赛协会的长期主办人汉姆皮·惠勒担任赛事顾问,他预估这场赛事将会为纽约州与新泽西州地区每年带来超过一亿美元的经济效益。[24]赛事承办人兼董事由小利奥·欣德利出任,而丹尼斯·罗宾逊(Dennis Robinson)则担任首席运营官。汤姆·科特(Tom Cotter)在2012年8月20日辞去了总裁一职。[25]
赫尔曼·提尔克公司的克里斯蒂安·埃普(Christian Epp)曾表示,这条赛道的布局涵盖类似于摩纳哥市街赛道的海拔高度变化,但是,特别之处在于这里有着比其他市街赛道更快的车速。[26]
[编辑]2012年7月,伯尼·埃克莱斯顿证实新泽西州将会以(纽约)泽西大奖赛(英语:Grand Prix of Jersey (New York))之名,登录在国际汽车联合会的2013年大奖赛赛程表当中,[27][28]同年9月,官方暂定将这场比赛安排于2013年6月16日举办。[29]然而,埃克莱斯顿却在几天后宣布废除比赛合约。[30][31][32]
然而,欣德利的组织长期陷入财务困境,且他们始终不清楚如何筹措资金。新泽西州州长克里斯·克里斯帝更表示,这是一场与其他运动赛事相当的比赛,州政府无从挪用补助金。媒体于2013年5月的报导推测指出,尽管伯尼·埃克莱斯顿表示与欣德利的僵局会谈仍有机会重启,[38]但是,他却已着手计划让一级方程式赛车回归长滩赛道,以作为新泽西的替代方案,[39]更指出该项运动的行政人员已经在这场赛事投入资金,以还清承办单位的债款,并且加快施工进度。原先在长滩创办美西大奖赛的克里斯·普克(Chris Pook)也成为了美洲大奖赛的顾问。[40]
[编辑]- ^ 1.0 1.1 New Jersey to host Grand Prix of America in 2013. 2011-10-25 [2014-07-01]. (原始内容存档于2014-02-01).
- ^ 2.0 2.1 New Jersey Grand Prix to be postponed until 2014. Autosport.com (Haymarket Publications). 2012-10-19 [2012-10-19]. (原始内容存档于2017-02-25).
- ^ 3.0 3.1 Elizalde, Pablo. New Jersey confirms F1 grand prix from the 2013 season. Autosport.com (Haymarket Press). 2011-10-25 [2011-10-25]. (原始内容存档于2011年10月25日).
- ^ Baime, A.J. "Formula One Roars to Banks of Hudson" (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆), The Wall Street Journal, October 26, 2011. Accessed October 27, 2011. "Formula One... will hold a Grand Prix race on the banks of the Hudson River against the backdrop of the Manhattan skyline in June 2013."
- ^ "Weehawken's Formula One Grand Prix race delayed again" (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆), The Record (Bergen County), July 24, 2014. Accessed August 4, 2016.
- ^ World Motor Sport Council. fia.com. 2013-09-27 [2017-08-29]. (原始内容存档于2013-09-27).
- ^ The final 2013 meeting of the FIA World Motor Sport Council (WMSC) took place today (4 December) in Paris, France. (新闻稿). FIA. 2013-12-04 [2013-12-04]. (原始内容存档于2013-12-07).
- ^ Sylt, Christian. New Jersey Grand Prix organizers in breach of contract says Ecclestone Formula One boss says if another group wants to take over Grand Prix of America, 'they can have it'. Auto Week. 2013-12-24 [2013-12-24]. (原始内容存档于2014-06-08).
- ^ World Motor Sport Council 2014 - Beijing (新闻稿). FIA. 2014-09-04 [2014-09-12]. (原始内容存档于2019-04-12).
- ^ New York May Get '83 Auto Grand Prix. The New York Times. 1982-10-28 [2011-05-18]. (原始内容存档于2013-06-18).
- ^ New York Grand Prix scheduled. Reading Eagle. UPI. 1982-10-28: 41, 47 [2011-05-18]. (原始内容存档于2015-11-22).
- ^ No auto racing in New York. Boca Raton News. 1983-06-03: 2D [2011-05-18]. (原始内容存档于2015-11-22).
- ^ Harris, Mike. U.S. Grand Prix success is vital to CART future. Daily News (Bowling Green, Kentucky|Bowling Green, KY). AP. 1984-06-29: 1-B [2011-05-18]. (原始内容存档于2015-11-22).
- ^ Lostia, Michele. Ecclestone hoping for New York GP. Autosport.com. 2010-03-25 [2014-07-01]. (原始内容存档于2014-11-09).
- ^ Collantine, Keith. New York F1 track plans revealed – Jersey City bids for 2012 night race. F1 Fanatic. 2010-05-04 [2010-05-04]. (原始内容存档于2011年1月30日).
- ^ Noble, Jonathan. Jersey City eyes Formula 1 race. Autosport.com. 2010-05-04 [2014-07-01]. (原始内容存档于2014-11-09).
- ^ Elizalde, Pablo. Jersey City cans F1 grand prix plan. Autosport.com. 2010-05-05 [2014-07-01]. (原始内容存档于2014-11-09).
- ^ Baime, A.J. Formula One Roars To Banks of Hudson. The Wall Street Journal (News Corporation). 2011-10-25 [2011-10-26]. (原始内容存档于2011-10-28).
- ^ Collantine, Keith. New plans for New York Grand Prix track in 2013. F1Fanatic. 2011-08-03 [2011-10-26]. (原始内容存档于2011-10-26).
- ^ Baime, A.J. Formula One Is Coming to New Jersey in 2013. The Wall Street Journal. New York. 2011-10-22 [2011-10-26].
- ^ Reuters. Formula One to unveil New Jersey Grand Prix for 2013. The Guardian. London. 2011-10-25 [2011-10-26]. (原始内容存档于2011-10-26).
- ^ Schultz, Johnathon, Plan for a New York Area Formula One Race Announced in New Jersey, The New York Times, 2011-10-26 [2011-10-27], (原始内容存档于2014-01-06)
- ^ 23.0 23.1 Saward, Joe. Details from New Jersey. Joe Saward on F1 (Joe Saward). 2011-10-25 [2011-10-26]. (原始内容存档于2011-10-28).
- ^ Dopp, Terrence. Formula One Cars to Race in New Jersey in 2013, F1 CEO Ecclestone Says. New York: Bloomberg. 2011-10-25 [2011-10-26]. (原始内容存档于2012-04-01).
- ^ Sportsmail Reporter. More woe for US GP as president Cotter quits just seven months into role. Daily Mail. 2012-08-21 [2012-08-31]. (原始内容存档于2012-08-30).
- ^ US Grand Prix of America. 2013-10-18. (原始内容存档于2013年10月19日).
- ^ FIA releases 2013 calendar. Formula 1. September 2012 [2013-01-22]. (原始内容存档于2013-01-28).
- ^ Collatine, Keith. FIA confirms 2013 F1 calendar with minor changes. F1 Fanatic (Keith Collantine). 2012-09-28 [2012-10-01]. (原始内容存档于2012-10-01).
- ^ Noble, Jonathan; Rencken, Dieter. Singapore GP: 2013 Formula 1 calendar revealed. Haymarket Publications. 2012-09-21 [2012-09-21]. (原始内容存档于2017-02-16).
- ^ 30.0 30.1 Beer, Matt. Fresh doubts emerge over 2013 New Jersey Grand Prix. Autosport.com. Haymarket Publications. 2012-09-25 [2012-09-25]. (原始内容存档于2012-09-25).
- ^ Formula One race in New Jersey may not happen, The Star-Ledger, 2012-09-25 [2012-09-27], (原始内容存档于2012-09-28)
- ^ Sylt, Christine, Grand Prix of America in serious doubt after organizers' contract is torn up, The Guardian, 2012-09-25 [2012-09-27]
- ^ Cooper, Adam. F1: New Jersey On 2013 Calendar But 'To Be Confirmed'. SPEED Channel. Fox Sports. 2012-09-28 [2012-09-28]. (原始内容存档于2012年10月1日).
- ^ Baime, A.J.; Heather Haddon, Uncertainty Over N.J. Formula One, The Wall Street Journal, 2012-10-01 [2012-10-03], (原始内容存档于2012-10-04)
- ^ .McDonald, Terrace, Mayors: Formula 1 race along Hudson River waterfront postponed until 2014, The Jersey Journal, 2012-10-18 [2012-10-18], (原始内容存档于2012-10-19)
- ^ Baldwin, Alan. New Jersey race to be postponed - organisers. Reuters UK (Thompson Reuters). 2012-10-19 [2012-10-20]. (原始内容存档于2014-03-30).
- ^ Mai, HJ. New Jersey F1 Race Promoter Hindery Jr. Says 'We Are Back Under Construction'. SportsBusiness Journal. 2013-03-08 [2013-03-08]. (原始内容存档于2013-03-10).
- ^ Reid, Caroline; Sylt, Christian. Ecclestone confirms Long Beach talks Caroline Reid and Christian Sylt. ESPN. 2013-04-30 [2013-05-08]. (原始内容存档于2013-05-04).
- ^ Strunsky, Steve. N.J. Formula 1 race, more bumps in the road. The Star-Ledger. 2013-05-08 [2013-05-08]. (原始内容存档于2013-06-06).
- ^ Baldwin, Alan. F1 has invested in New Jersey race, says Ecclestone. reuters.com (Reuters). 2013-05-11 [2013-05-12]. (原始内容存档于2013-06-25).
- ^ Strunsky, Steve. Local Formula 1 organizer says he has new contract, NJ race on schedule for June 2014. www.nj.com/starledger (The Star-Ledger). 2013-06-07 [2013-06-07]. (原始内容存档于2013-06-10).
- ^ Baime, AJ. N.J. Formula One Race Is 'Definitely On'. wsj.com (Wall Street Journal). 2013-06-07 [2013-06-07]. (原始内容存档于2013-06-08).
- ^ F1: 2014 Grand Prix of America is off, says Bernie. CNN. 2013-08-23. (原始内容存档于2014-07-28).
- ^ Bowman, Zach. F1's Ecclestone says no 2014 Grand Prix of America in NJ. roadandtrack.com (earst Communications). 2013-08-23 [2014-07-06]. (原始内容存档于2013-11-03).
- ^ Benson, Andrew. Formula 1: New Jersey race dropped from draft 2014 calendar. BBC Sport. 2013-09-05 [2013-09-05]. (原始内容存档于2013-09-05).
- ^ Smith, Luke. New Jersey GP still could claim place on 2014 F1 calendar. NBC Sports. 2013-09-06 [2013-09-11]. (原始内容存档于2013-09-08).
- ^ Noble, Jonathan. Door left open for New Jersey F1 race on 2014 grand prix calendar. www.autosport.com (Autosport). 2013-09-21 [2013-09-23]. (原始内容存档于2013-09-24).
- ^ World Motor Sport Council. fia.com (FIA). 2013-09-27 [2014-07-06]. (原始内容存档于2013-09-27).
- ^ 2014 F1 CALENDAR DOWN TO 19 RACES AS NEW JERSEY, MEXICO, INDIA, KOREA DROPPED. grandprix247.com (Grand Prix 247). 2013-12-04 [2014-07-06]. (原始内容存档于2013-12-04).
- ^ Sylt, Christian. New Jersey Grand Prix organizers in breach of contract says Ecclestone Formula One boss says if another group wants to take over Grand Prix of America, 'they can have it'. Auto Week. 2013-12-24 [2013-12-24]. (原始内容存档于2014-01-01).
- ^ F1 Will Race In Azerbaijan In 2016 Says Ecclestone. www.forbes.com. [2017-08-29]. (原始内容存档于2017-07-29).