热点 (地质学)
热点(英语:Hotspot)在地质学上是指地球表面长期历经活跃的火山活动的地区。约翰·图佐·威尔逊在1963年时有了一种想法,认为像夏威夷群岛这样的火山链是板块缓慢地移动时经过地表下一个“固定的”热点而形成的。热点被认为是一股较热的、狭窄的地幔从地幔与地核之间的边界开始向上进行对流而形成的,这称为“地幔热柱”(mantle plume)。最新的地质学上的证据则把热点的成因指向了海洋地壳隐没至核幔边界(Gutenberg discontinuity),海洋地壳因其密度较小而上升,且过程中减压融熔。地质学家也确认出了全球40到50个热点,最活跃的热点包括夏威夷、留尼汪、黄石、加拉巴哥群岛、冰岛等地。

- 夏威夷-天皇海山链(夏威夷热点)
- 路易维尔海山链(路易维尔热点)
- 鲸湾中脊(戈夫及特里斯坦热点)
- 科的阿克-鲍伊海山链(鲍伊热点)
- 柯布-埃克尔伯格海山链(柯布热点)
- 新英格兰海山链(新英格兰热点)
- 阿纳海姆火山带(阿纳海姆热点)
- 马更些岩墙群(马更些热点)
- 大流星热点轨迹(新英格兰热点)
- 圣海伦娜海山链-喀麦隆火山线(圣海伦娜热点)
- 南马斯克林深海高原-查戈斯-马尔代夫-拉克沙中脊(留尼汪热点)[2]
- 可能的热点路径
- 东经九十度中脊(凯尔盖朗热点?)[2]
- 土阿莫土-莱恩岛链(复活节热点)[3][4]
- 南方-吉尔伯特-马绍尔岛链(麦当劳热点)[4][5]
- 胡安·费尔南德斯中脊(胡安·费南德兹热点)
- 塔斯曼提德海山链(塔斯曼提德热点)
- 加那利群岛(加那利热点)[6]
- 佛得角(佛得角热点)[6]
- w:weight is a subjective uncertainty between simulation and determined azimuth;
- az:方位角(板块方向)
- Weight,解释:
- 方位角差小于8°: w= 1.0
- 方位角差小于10°: w= 0.8
- 方位角差小于12°: w= 0.5
- 方位角差小于15°: w= 0.3
- 方位角差大于15°: w= 0.2
[编辑]- 艾费尔热点(8)
- 50°12′N 6°42′E / 50.2°N 6.7°E, w= 1 az= 082° ±8° rate= 12 ±2 mm/yr [7]
- 冰岛热点(14)
- 64°24′N 17°18′W / 64.4°N 17.3°W [7]
- 欧亚大陆板块, w= .8 az= 075° ±10° rate= 5 ±3 mm/yr
- 北美洲板块, w= .8 az= 287° ±10° rate= 15 ±5 mm/yr
- 可能与格陵兰的北大西洋地壳拉张有关(62 Ma)[8]
- 64°24′N 17°18′W / 64.4°N 17.3°W [7]
- 亚速尔热点(1)
- 37°54′N 26°00′W / 37.9°N 26.0°W [7]
- 欧亚大陆板块, w= .5 az= 110° ±12°
- 北美洲板块, w= .3 az= 280° ±15°
- 37°54′N 26°00′W / 37.9°N 26.0°W [7]
- 扬马延热点(15)
- 海南热点(46)
- 20°N 110°E / 20°N 110°E, az= 000° ±15° [7]
[编辑]- 埃特纳火山(47)
- 霍加尔热点(13)
- 23°18′N 5°36′E / 23.3°N 5.6°E, w= .3 az= 046° ±12° [7]
- 提贝斯提热点(40)
- 20°48′N 17°30′E / 20.8°N 17.5°E, w= .2 az= 030° ±15° [7]
- 马拉山脉/达尔富尔热点(6)
- 13°00′N 24°12′E / 13.0°N 24.2°E, w= .5 az= 045° ±8° [7]
- 阿法尔热点(29,地图上错位)
- 7°00′N 39°30′E / 7.0°N 39.5°E, w= .2 az= 030° ±15° rate= 16 ±8 mm/yr [7]
- 可能与阿法尔三叉汇接区有关(30 Ma)
- 喀麦隆热点(17)
- 2°00′N 5°06′E / 2.0°N 5.1°E, w= .3 az= 032° ±3° rate= 15 ±5 mm/yr [7]
- 马德拉热点(48)
- 32°36′N 17°18′W / 32.6°N 17.3°W, w= .3 az= 055° ±15° rate= 8 ±3 mm/yr [7]
- 加那利热点(18)
- 28°12′N 18°00′W / 28.2°N 18.0°W, w= 1 az= 094° ±8° rate= 20 ±4 mm/yr [7]
- 新英格兰/大流星热点(28)
- 29°24′N 29°12′W / 29.4°N 29.2°W, w= .8 az= 040° ±10° [7]
- 佛得角热点(19)
- 16°00′N 24°00′W / 16.0°N 24.0°W, w= .2 az= 060° ±30° [7]
- 狮子山热点
- 圣海伦娜热点(34)
- 16°30′S 9°30′W / 16.5°S 9.5°W, w= 1 az= 078° ±5° rate= 20 ±3 mm/yr [7]
- 戈夫热点(49), at 40°19' S 9°56' W.[9][10]
- 40°18′S 10°00′E / 40.3°S 10°E, w= .8 az= 079° ±5° rate= 18 ±3 mm/yr [7]
- 特里斯坦热点(42), at 37°07′ S 12°17′ W.
- 维玛热点(维玛海底山,43), at 31°38' S 8°20' E.
- 32°06′S 6°18′W / 32.1°S 6.3°W [7]
- 可能与穿过鲸湾中脊的巴拉那-伊滕德卡暗色岩有关。(c. 132 Ma)
- , 发现热点(50)(发现海底山)
- 43°00′S 2°42′W / 43.0°S 2.7°W, w= 1 az= 068° ±3° [7]
- 布韦热点(51)
- 绍纳/流星热点(27)
- 51°24′S 1°00′W / 51.4°S 1.0°W, w= .3 az= 074° ±6° [7]
- 留尼汪热点(33)
- 21°12′S 55°42′E / 21.2°S 55.7°E, w= .8 az= 047° ±10° rate= 40 ±10 mm/yr [7]
- 可能与德干暗色岩有关(主要在68.5–66 Ma)
- 科摩罗热点(21)
- 11°30′S 43°18′E / 11.5°S 43.3°E, w= .5 az=118 ±10° rate=35 ±10 mm/yr [7]
[编辑]- 马里恩热点(25)
- 46°54′S 37°36′E / 46.9°S 37.6°E, w= .5 az= 080° ±12° [7]
- 克罗泽热点(52)
- 46°06′S 50°12′E / 46.1°S 50.2°E, w= .8 az= 109° ±10° rate= 25 ±13 mm/yr [7]
- 可能与卡鲁-费拉尔地质区有关。(183 Ma)
- 凯尔盖朗热点(20)
- 49°36′S 69°00′E / 49.6°S 69.0°E, w= .2 az= 050° ±30° rate= 3 ±1 mm/yr [7]
- 与凯尔盖朗海台有关(130 Ma)
- 赫德热点(53),可能为凯尔盖朗热点的一部分。
- 53°06′S 73°30′E / 53.1°S 73.5°E, w= .2 az= 030° ±20° [7]
- 圣保罗岛与阿姆斯特丹岛可能是凯尔盖朗热点轨迹的一部分。(圣保罗岛可能不属于另一个热点)
- 巴雷尼热点(2)
- 67°36′S 164°48′E / 67.6°S 164.8°E, w= .2 az= 325° ±7° [7]
- 埃里伯斯热点(54)
[编辑]- Trindade/Martin Vaz hotspot (41)
- 20°30′S 28°48′W / 20.5°S 28.8°W, w= 1 az= 264° ±5° [7]
- Fernando hotspot (9)
- 3°48′S 32°24′W / 3.8°S 32.4°W, w= 1 az= 266° ±7° [7]
- Possibly related to the Central Atlantic Magmatic Province (c. 200 Ma)
- Ascension hotspot (55)
[编辑]- Bermuda hotspot (56)
- 32°36′N 64°18′W / 32.6°N 64.3°W, w= .3 az= 260° ±15° [7]
- Yellowstone hotspot (44)
- 44°30′N 110°24′W / 44.5°N 110.4°W, w= .8 az= 235° ±5° rate= 26 ±5 mm/yr [7]
- Possibly related to the Columbia River Basalt Group (17–14 Ma).[11]
- Raton hotspot (32)
- 36°48′N 104°06′W / 36.8°N 104.1°W, w= 1 az= 240°±4° rate= 30 ±20 mm/yr [7]
- Anahim hotspot (45)
[编辑]- Lord Howe hotspot (22)
- 34°42′S 159°48′E / 34.7°S 159.8°E, w= .8 az= 351° ±10° [7]
- Tasmantid hotspot (39)
- 40°24′S 155°30′E / 40.4°S 155.5°E, w= .8 az= 007° ±5° rate= 63 ±5 mm/yr [7]
- East Australia hotspot (30)
- 40°48′S 146°00′E / 40.8°S 146.0°E, w= .3 az= 000° ±15° rate= 65 ±3 mm/yr [7]
[编辑]- Juan Fernández hotspot (16)
- 33°54′S 81°48′W / 33.9°S 81.8°W, w= 1 az= 084° ±3° rate= 80 ±20 mm/yr [7]
- San Felix hotspot (36)
- 26°24′S 80°06′W / 26.4°S 80.1°W, w= .3 az= 083° ±8° [7]
- Easter hotspot (7)
- 26°24′S 106°30′W / 26.4°S 106.5°W, w= 1 az= 087° ±3° rate= 95 ±5 mm/yr [7]
- Galápagos hotspot (10)
- 0°24′S 91°36′W / 0.4°S 91.6°W [7]
- Nazca Plate, w= 1 az= 096° ±5° rate= 55 ±8 mm/yr
- Cocos Plate, w= .5 az= 045° ±6°
- Possibly related to the Caribbean large igneous province (main events: 95–88 Ma).
- 0°24′S 91°36′W / 0.4°S 91.6°W [7]
- Louisville hotspot (23)
- 53°36′S 140°36′W / 53.6°S 140.6°W, w= 1 az= 316° ±5° rate= 67 ±5 mm/yr [7]
- Possibly related to the Ontong Java Plateau (125–120 Ma).
- Foundation hotspot/Ngatemato seamounts (57)
- 37°42′S 111°06′W / 37.7°S 111.1°W, w= 1 az= 292° ±3° rate= 80 ±6 mm/yr [7]
- Macdonald hotspot (24)
- 29°00′S 140°18′W / 29.0°S 140.3°W, w= 1 az= 289° ±6° rate= 105 ±10 mm/yr [7]
- North Austral/President Thiers (President Thiers Bank, 58)
- 25°36′S 143°18′W / 25.6°S 143.3°W, w= (1.0) azim= 293° ± 3° rate= 75 ±15 mm/yr [7]
- Arago hotspot (Arago Seamount, 59)
- 23°24′S 150°42′W / 23.4°S 150.7°W, w= 1 azim= 296° ±4° rate= 120 ±20 mm/yr [7]
- Maria/Southern Cook hotspot (Îles Maria, 60)
- 20°12′S 153°48′W / 20.2°S 153.8°W, w= 0.8 az= 300° ±4° [7]
- Samoa hotspot (35)
- 14°30′S 168°12′W / 14.5°S 168.2°W, w= .8 az= 285°±5° rate= 95 ±20 mm/yr [7]
- Crough hotspot (Crough Seamount, 61)
- 26°54′S 114°36′W / 26.9°S 114.6°W, w= .8 az= 284° ± 2° [7]
- Pitcairn hotspot (31)
- 25°24′S 129°18′W / 25.4°S 129.3°W, w= 1 az= 293° ±3° rate= 90 ±15 mm/yr [7]
- Society/Tahiti hotspot (38)
- 18°12′S 148°24′W / 18.2°S 148.4°W, w= .8 az= 295°±5° rate= 109 ±10 mm/yr [7]
- Marquesas hotspot (26)
- 10°30′S 139°00′W / 10.5°S 139.0°W, w= .5 az= 319° ±8° rate= 93 ±7 mm/yr [7]
- Caroline hotspot (4)
- 4°48′N 164°24′E / 4.8°N 164.4°E, w= 1 az= 289° ±4° rate= 135 ±20 mm/yr [7]
- Hawaii hotspot (12)
- 19°00′N 155°12′W / 19.0°N 155.2°W, w= 1 az= 304° ±3° rate= 92 ±3 mm/yr [7]
- Possibly related to the Siberian Traps (251–250 Ma).[13]
- Socorro/Revillagigedos hotspot (37)
- Guadalupe hotspot (11)
- 27°42′N 114°30′W / 27.7°N 114.5°W, w= .8 az= 292° ±5° rate= 80 ±10 mm/yr [7]
- Cobb hotspot (5)
- 46°00′N 130°06′W / 46.0°N 130.1°W, w= 1 az= 321° ±5° rate= 43 ±3 mm/yr [7]
- Bowie/Pratt-Welker hotspot (3)
- 53°00′N 134°48′W / 53.0°N 134.8°W, w=.8 az= 306° ±4° rate= 40 ±20 mm/yr [7]
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