圣希多尼乌斯·阿波利纳里斯 | |
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出生 | 公元430年 高卢 卢格杜努姆 |
逝世 | 公元490年 |
敬礼于 | 天主教 |
瞻礼 | 8月21日 |
圣希多尼乌斯·阿波利纳里斯(英语:Sidonius Apollinaris),(430年—490年)。[1]古罗马末期的诗人,外交家,主教。出生于今法国里昂,早年显贵,后进入仕途。西哥特人入侵时,他曾被囚禁,后被释放。他的作品反映了古罗马崩溃前夜与中世纪初期的西欧状况,具有重要的研究价值。
[编辑]圣希多尼乌斯出生于卢格杜努姆(即现今里昂)。他的父亲,名字不详,是瓦伦丁尼安三世统治下的高卢总督(圣希多尼乌斯自豪地回忆起他与父亲一起出席阿斯提留斯在449年担任执政官的仪式[5])。圣希多尼乌斯的祖父阿波利纳里斯,自408年5月或更早起担任高卢的禁卫军长官,直到409年被他的朋友德基穆斯·鲁斯提库斯接替。[6]圣希多尼乌斯亦可能是另一位在337年至340年君士坦丁二世 (罗马帝国)统治期间担任高卢总督的阿波利纳里斯的后裔。
[编辑]圣希多尼乌斯的信件显示他是高卢一个广泛的罗马贵族网络内的成员。[10]他的书信来往主要集中在他自己所在的奥弗涅地区,他的主要交流对象位于克莱蒙(和他一样)以及省会里昂。其他重要的联络人包括纳博讷和波尔多的贵族,但他的某些信件甚至寄往拉文纳、罗马和西班牙 (罗马行省)。[11]值得注意的熟人包括里耶的主教福斯图斯和他的神学对手克劳迪安努斯·马梅尔图斯。他在世时因其文学成就而受到认可;在456年,他的青铜肖像被添加到图拉真广场的作家画廊中,成为最后一座在那里竖立的雕像。[12]
圣希多尼乌斯的岳父阿维图斯在455年成为皇帝,圣希多尼乌斯为他写了一篇颂词。在457年,马约里安夺取了阿维图斯的帝位并控制了里昂;圣希多尼乌斯落入了他的手中。然而,圣希多尼乌斯的学识声誉使马约里安对他非常尊重。[13]作为回报,圣希多尼乌斯为他创作了一篇颂词(就像他之前为阿维图斯所做的那样),这使他在罗马获得了一座雕像和“随从官”的称号。[13]在468年,皇帝安特米乌斯任命他为罗马的城市行政官,这一职位他一直担任到469年。圣希多尼乌斯将此视为对他文学才能的奖励,特别是他为安特米乌斯所写的颂词,但这一任命也可能是安特米乌斯努力赢得高卢罗马贵族支持的一部分。[14]随后,安特米乌斯使他成为贵族 (古罗马)和罗马长老院成员。
[编辑]- ^ Adkins,Lesley Adkins,Roy A.(1998).Handbook to Life in Ancient Rome.Oxford University Press,USA.ISBN 9780195123326.
- ^ Harries, Jill. The End of Roman Clermont. Sidonius Apollinaris and the Fall of Rome AD 407-485. Oxford University PressOxford. 1995-01-05: 222–242. ISBN 978-0-19-814472-4.
- ^ Mathisen, Ralph W. Epistolography, Literary Circles and Family Ties in Late Roman Gaul. Transactions of the American Philological Association (1974-). 1981, 111: 95-109. ISSN 0360-5949. doi:10.2307/284122.
- ^ Souter, A. The Letters of Sidonius - The Letters of Sidonius. Translated, with introduction and notes, by O. M. Dalton, M.A. 2 vols. Crown 8vo. Pp. clxxxiv + 86; vol. ii.= 268. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1915. 3s. 6d. net.. The Classical Review. 1915-08, 29 (5). ISSN 0009-840X. doi:10.1017/s0009840x00048654.
- ^ Epistulae, VIII.6.5; translated by W.B. Anderson, "Sidonius: Poems and Letters" (Harvard: Loeb Classical Library, 1965), vol. 2. : P.423.
- ^ Jones, Arnold Hugh Martin, John Robert Martindale, John Morris, "The Prosopography of the Later Roman Empire", vol. 2, Cambridge University Press, 1992. : 113. ISBN 0-521-20159-4.
- ^ 7.0 7.1 Gregory of Tours, "History of the Franks", 2.21. This is confirmed by the otherwise oblique allusion in Sidonius' own Epistuale 2.2.3..
- ^ Severina, "Epistulae" II.12.2; Roscia, "Epistulae" V.16.5; Alcima, Gregory of Tours "Decem Libri Historiarum", III.2.
- ^ 9.0 9.1 Mratschek, Sigrid (2020). "Sidonius' Social World / Creating Culture and Presenting the Self in Sidonius". In Kelly, Gavin; van Waarden, Joop (eds.). "The Edinburgh Companion to Sidonius Apollinaris". Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.. : P.249–253.
- ^ Mratschek, Sigrid (2020). "Sidonius' Social World / Creating Culture and Presenting the Self in Sidonius". In Kelly, Gavin; van Waarden, Joop (eds.). "The Edinburgh Companion to Sidonius Apollinaris". Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.. : P.218.
- ^ Mratschek, Sigrid (2020). "Sidonius' Social World / Creating Culture and Presenting the Self in Sidonius". In Kelly, Gavin; van Waarden, Joop (eds.). "The Edinburgh Companion to Sidonius Apollinaris". Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.. : P.217–218, 221.
- ^ 12.0 12.1 Mratschek, Sigrid (2020). "Sidonius' Social World / Creating Culture and Presenting the Self in Sidonius". In Kelly, Gavin; van Waarden, Joop (eds.). "The Edinburgh Companion to Sidonius Apollinaris". Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.. : P.214.
- ^ 13.0 13.1 Chisholm, Hugh, ed. (1911). "Apollinaris Sidonius, Caius Sollius". Encyclopædia Britannica. Vol. 2 (11th ed.). Cambridge University Press.. : P.183.
- ^ 14.0 14.1 Mratschek, Sigrid (2020). "Sidonius' Social World / Creating Culture and Presenting the Self in Sidonius". In Kelly, Gavin; van Waarden, Joop (eds.). "The Edinburgh Companion to Sidonius Apollinaris". Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.. : P.220.
- ^ Mratschek, Sigrid (2020). "Sidonius' Social World / Creating Culture and Presenting the Self in Sidonius". In Kelly, Gavin; van Waarden, Joop (eds.). "The Edinburgh Companion to Sidonius Apollinaris". Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.. : P.223.
- ^ 16.0 16.1 Mratschek, Sigrid (2020). "Sidonius' Social World / Creating Culture and Presenting the Self in Sidonius". In Kelly, Gavin; van Waarden, Joop (eds.). "The Edinburgh Companion to Sidonius Apollinaris". Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.. : P.224.
- ^ Mratschek, Sigrid (2020). "Sidonius' Social World / Creating Culture and Presenting the Self in Sidonius". In Kelly, Gavin; van Waarden, Joop (eds.). "The Edinburgh Companion to Sidonius Apollinaris". Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.. : P.225.
- ^ 18.0 18.1 18.2 Mratschek, Sigrid (2020). "Sidonius' Social World / Creating Culture and Presenting the Self in Sidonius". In Kelly, Gavin; van Waarden, Joop (eds.). "The Edinburgh Companion to Sidonius Apollinaris". Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.. : P.230.
- ^ Mratschek, Sigrid (2020). "Sidonius' Social World / Creating Culture and Presenting the Self in Sidonius". In Kelly, Gavin; van Waarden, Joop (eds.). "The Edinburgh Companion to Sidonius Apollinaris". Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.. : P.239.
- ^ Mratschek, Sigrid (2020). "Sidonius' Social World / Creating Culture and Presenting the Self in Sidonius". In Kelly, Gavin; van Waarden, Joop (eds.). "The Edinburgh Companion to Sidonius Apollinaris". Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.. : P.230 & 246.
- ^ Mratschek, Sigrid (2020). "Sidonius' Social World / Creating Culture and Presenting the Self in Sidonius". In Kelly, Gavin; van Waarden, Joop (eds.). "The Edinburgh Companion to Sidonius Apollinaris". Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.. : P.222.
- ^ Mratschek, Sigrid (2020). "Sidonius' Social World / Creating Culture and Presenting the Self in Sidonius". In Kelly, Gavin; van Waarden, Joop (eds.). "The Edinburgh Companion to Sidonius Apollinaris". Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.. : P.232.
- ^ 23.0 23.1 Mratschek, Sigrid (2020). "Sidonius' Social World / Creating Culture and Presenting the Self in Sidonius". In Kelly, Gavin; van Waarden, Joop (eds.). "The Edinburgh Companion to Sidonius Apollinaris". Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.. : P.233–234.
- ^ Mratschek, Sigrid (2020). "Sidonius' Social World / Creating Culture and Presenting the Self in Sidonius". In Kelly, Gavin; van Waarden, Joop (eds.). "The Edinburgh Companion to Sidonius Apollinaris". Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.. : P.231–232.
- ^ Harries, Jill (2018). "Sidonius Apollinaris". In Nicholson, Oliver (ed.)."The Oxford Dictionary of Late Antiquity", Volume 2: J–Z. Oxford: Oxford University Press.. : pp. 1379–1380. ISBN 978-0-19-881625-6.
- ^ Martindale, John R., ed. (1980). "The Prosopography of the Later Roman Empire: Volume II, AD 395–527". Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.. ISBN 0-521-20159-4.
- ^ Mratschek, Sigrid (2020). "Sidonius' Social World / Creating Culture and Presenting the Self in Sidonius". In Kelly, Gavin; van Waarden, Joop (eds.). "The Edinburgh Companion to Sidonius Apollinaris". Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.. : P.231.
- ^ Gregory of Tours, "History of the Franks", 2.21. This is confirmed by the otherwise oblique allusion in Sidonius' own Epistuale 2.37, 3.2.
- ^ Gregory of Tours, "History of the Franks", 2.21. This is confirmed by the otherwise oblique allusion in Sidonius' own Epistuale 3.9,11.
[编辑]- A. Molinier, Sources de l'histoire de France, no. 136 (vol. i.).
- Thomas Hodgkin, Italy and her Invaders (second edition, 1892), contain interesting sections on Apollinaris.
- Samuel Dill, Roman Society in the Fifth Century, second edition. London, 1899.
- C.E. Stevens, Sidonius Apollinaris and his Age. Oxford: University Press, 1933.
- K.F. Strohecker. Der senatorische Adel im spätantiken Gallien. Tübingen, 1948.
- Nora Chadwick, Poetry and Letters in Early Christian Gaul London: Bowes and Bowes, 1955.
- Sigrid Mratschek, "Identitätsstiftung aus der Vergangenheit: Zum Diskurs über die trajanische Bildungskultur im Kreis des Sidonius Apollinaris", in Therese Fuhrer (hg), Die christlich-philosophischen Diskurse der Spätantike: Texte, Personen, Institutionen: Akten der Tagung vom 22.-25. Februar 2006 am Zentrum für Antike und Moderne der Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg (Stuttgart, Franz Steiner Verlag, 2008) (Philosophie der Antike, 28).
- Johannes A. van Waarden and Gavin Kelly (eds), New Approaches to Sidonius Apollinaris, with Indices on Helga Köhler, C. Sollius Apollinaris Sidonius: Briefe Buch I. Leuven, 2013.
[编辑]- Biographical introduction to the Letters (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆), O.M. Dalton (1915)
- Complete English translation of the Letters of Sidonius Apollinaris (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆), O.M. Dalton (1915)
- Sidonius Apollinaris, dedicated site, with bibliography and complete Latin text of the correspondence and the poetry (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆), maintained by Joop van Waarden since 2003 and frequently updated.
- Opera Omnia by Migne Patrologia Latina with analytical indexes (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆)
Sidonius Apollinaris. 天主教百科全书. New York: Robert Appleton Company. 1913.