刁信德 | |
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个人资料 | |
字 | 名庆湘,以字行 |
出生 | 1880年2月9日 |
逝世 | 1958年 |
籍贯 | 广东省兴宁县 |
配偶 | 刁杨奉贞 |
亲属 | 刁作谦 |
[编辑]- ^ “我的小传”,刁信德,《伉俪月刊》,1948年第3卷第1期,4-5页
- ^ “民国医界名士录2:刁信德”,《同仁会医学杂志》,1929年第2卷第8期,68页
- ^ “刁信德、Tiao Hsin-the、Edward Sintak Tyau 296 EDWARD SINTAK TYAU, phyai- cian; born at Hsingnine:, Kwangtung, 1879; graduated from St. Jolin*s University* with M.D. degree; received advanced education in the United States, graduating from University of Pennsylvania with Ph.D. degree; appointed senior medical officer, St. Luke's Hospital, Shanghai, 1908; dean, St. John's University Medical School,1928-31; buperintendent. Red Cross General Hospital; past president, National Medical Association; editor. National Medical Journal; vice-President, Chinese Mission to Lepers ; address: Chinese Red Cross Hospital, Avenue Haig, Shanghai.”,《Who's Who in China》,上海密勒氏评论报,1936五版
- ^ “宋子文潘公展等组织校董会约翰大学呈请立案校长现由西医刁信德暂代”,《和平日报》1946年6月3日[0004版]
- ^ 《当代中国名人录》,上海良友图书印刷公司,1931
- ^ “TYAU, DR. EDWARD SIN-THE: Physician. BORN February 8, 1880, in Hinnen, Kwangtung Province, son of Kai-tse and En-tze Tyau; married Vung-tseng Yang in the Church of Our Saviour, Shanghai, April 20, 1908; children, T. D. Tyau, now study- ing medicine; Yu-oi and Yu-tseng Tyau, attending the McTyeire School for girls, and Y. K. Tyau, the youngest son: Member of St. John's Club, Cantonese Club, Bankers' Club, Y.M.C.A., Returned Students' Club and a number of fraternities. Dr. Tyau was awarded his degree of M.D. by St. John's University in 1908 and for the next three years was chief medical assistant in St. Luke's Hospital. In 1912 he went to the United States for post-graduate study at the University of Pennsylvania, where he was awarded the degree of D.P.H. in 1913 and D.T.M. in 1914. He then returned to Shanghai and from 1915 to 1925 was director of the laboratory and chief physician at St. Luke's Hospital, besides conducting his private practice, and he has since conducted a general practice in internal medicine and been visiting physician at St. Luke's Hospital. Dr. Tyau's life is one of great activity, for besides conducting his extensive general practice he has been President of the National Medical Association, President of the Shanghai Branch of the China Medical Association, President of the St. John's Alumni Association, Editor-in- Chief of the Journal of the National Medical Association, Superintendent of the Red Cross General Hospital, Shanghai; Vice President of the Chinese Mission to the Lepers, Dean of St. John's University Medical School, Professor of Tropical Medicine and Dermatology in St. John's University and Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Church of Our Saviour. He is the author of several valuable contributions to journals of medical science.”,《Men of Shanghai and North China》,Shanghai: The University Press,1935年2版
- ^ “刁庆湘,字信德。年三十五岁。生于广东兴宁县。已婚。子一。女二。初学于檀香山。毕业于上海圣约翰大学。 得医学士学位。光緖三十四年。任上海同仁医院医生。宣统二年。任南非洲特兰斯瓦尔某医院主任医生。民国元年。以半官费游美。入本薛文尼大学。习医学。民国二年。得医学博士学位。为本薛文尼中国学学会会长。撰近世 医学之急需。公众卫生敎育等文。载医学杂志。民国三年回国。在上海任医学敎员。民国五年。任上海同仁医院主任医生。为中华医学会会计。圣约翰大学同门生会长。通信处。上海靶子路P.C.七十二号。Tyau, Edward S.- Born in Sunning, Kwangtung, 1881. Married, 1908. Studied at St. Peter's School, Honolulu, 1895-96; at Iolani College, Honolulu, 1896-98; at St. John's University, Shanghai, 1898-1908. M.D., 1908. Awarded first prizes for obstetrics and all round studies, 1908. House Physician, St. Luke's Hospital, Shanghai, 1908-10. Chief Physician, Geldenhui Hospital, Transvaal, Africa, 1910-12. Arrived in America, September, 1912. Partial government support. Studied Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania, 1912-14. D. P. H., 1913. President, U. of P. Chinese Students' Club, 1913-14. Author: "Demand of Modern Medicine" and "Public Health Education," Chinese Medical Journal, 1915; "Human Sperotochosis," National Medical Journal, 1916. Returned to China, August, 1914. Professor of Clinical Pathology and Dermatology, Shanghai, 1914-16. Physician in Charge, St. Luke's Hospital, 1916 to date. Treasurer, National Medical Association, 1916. President, St. John's Alumni Association, 1915-16.”,《游美同学录》,北京清华学校,1917
- ^ “EDWARD SIN-TUK TYAU, M.D., D.P.H., D.T.M.刁信德医师(Tiao Hsin-Te)医师。一八八○年二月九日生于广东兴宁。一九○九年毕业于上海圣约翰大学,得医学博士学位。由一九○七至一一年见习于上海同仁医院,为医务助理医师主任。旋赴美留学,以资深造,入本薛尔凡宜亚大学,一九一三年得D.P.H.卫生学博士学位,一九一四年得D.T.M.热带病学博士学位。一九一五年囘国,任上海同仁医院主任医师及化验所所长(一九一五至二五年);同时自行执业,迄今未替。历任上海红十字会医院院长(一九二○年);上海圣约翰大学医学院敎务长(一九二八至三一年)。现任圣约翰大学热带病及皮肤病两科敎授,兼同仁医院医师,计刁医师在该医院服务凡三十余年云。自一九四○年起任大上海疗养院院长,又一九四二年起任同仁广仁(宏仁)两医院主席董事。刁医师历任中华医学会会长(一九二○年);中华医学会上海分会会长;圣约翰同学会会长;中华健康协会会长;中华医学会之中华医学杂志总编辑;中华麻疯救济会董事(现任会长);上海救主堂董事长。一九○八年为荣誉学会Phi Tau Phi,圣约翰大学同学会,敎友会等会员。又为五洲大药房股份有限公司董事。刁医师曾出国三次,一九○五年往南非洲任Johannesburg城矿务医官;一九一二至一四年在美国进行毕业后硏究工作;一九四○年往加利福尼亚省参加世界重整道德运动。刁医师之公子友道,(美国本省医学博士)现任上海中国红十字会第一分医院结核病科医师,兼助其尊翁医业。刁医师乃牛津团之基督徒及领袖。对于灵感修养颇为努力,故曾著文云‘余深识世界久矣……余曾屡试各方,以求适合吾性灵;但未尝见有胜于灵感修养者,盖以其有适宜之生活及正当之信仰耳。若全世界人类能信奉一位真神,以为天父,敬信基督所示之生活程序──即诚实,纯洁,博爱,无私──以之行事以之交友,一国如是,各国亦然,全世界必更有可观而非今日所能比拟也。此余之所深信者,亦即重整道德之谓也。’事务所:上海福州路二百二十一号。住宅地址:上海愚园路七百三十八号。Physician.Born in Hing-Ning District, Kwangtung,February 9, 1880, son of Kai-Tse Tyau, merchant.Dr. Tyau was graduated from St.John's University, Shanghai, with the M.D. degree, 1909, and served his internship, later as Chief Medical Assistant, in St. Luke's Hospital,1907-11. Went to United States for post-graduate study at University of Pennsylvania, where he received the degree of D.P.H. in 1913 and D.T.M.in 1914.Returning to Shanghai in 1915, he was Chief Physician and Director of the Laboratory at St. Luke's Hospital,1915-25, at the same time conducting his private practice which he has 195continued up to the present time.Was Superintendent of Shanghai Red Cross Hospital, 1920; Dean of St.John's University Medical School,1928-31; now Professor of Tropical Medicine and Dermatology in St.John's University and Visiting Physician to St. Luke's Hospital, with which last-named institution he has been associated for over thirty years.Also Superintendent of Great Shanghai Sanitorium and Hospital since 1940, and Chairman of the Councils of St. Luke's and St. Elizabeth's Hospitals, since 1942.Dr. Tyau is serving or has served as President of the National Medical Association, 1920; President of the Shanghai Branch of the China Medical Association; President of St. John's Alumni Association; President of Shanghai Health League; Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of the National Medical Association of China; Director (now President) of the Chinese Mission to Lepers and Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Church of Our Saviour, Shanghai. Member of Phi-Tau-Phi, 1908; of Vanwandoo Club, Churchmen's Club, etc.Is a Director of International Dispensary Limited.Has been abroad on three occasions,namely, as Mine Medical Officer at Johannesburg, South Africa, in 1905;for post-graduate studies in America,1912-14; and for World M.R.A. Assembly in California, 1940.Dr. Tyau's son, Dr. Christy Yu-Dau Tyau, M.D., M.Sc. (Penn.), Physician to First Hospital of the Red Cross Society of China, Tuberculosis Department,is associated with him in his private practice.A Christian and leader of the Oxford Group, Dr. Tyau has done much for Spiritual Fellowship. He writes:"I have viewed this world all over-Ihave tried how this thing and that thing will fit my spirit. But I can find nothing better than the Spiritual Power that comes through right living and worship. I am fully convinced that if all men will worship one true God as the Father of all, listen to Christ's Way of Life-be honest, pure,loving and unselfish-in all our dealings and relationships, national and international, this World would be different and better. This is M.R.A."Office: 221 Foochow Lu, Shanghai.Residence: 738 Yuyuen Lu, Shanghai.”《环球中国名人传略-上海工商各界之部》,环球出版社,中华民国三十三年六月初版
- ^ “刁信德,号庆湘,年65岁,广东兴宁人,一九○九年毕业上海圣约翰大学得医学博士学位见习于上海同仁医院旋赴美入本薛尔凡宜亚大学一九一三年得D.P.H.卫生学博士学位一九一四年得D.T.M.热带病学博士学位一九一五年囘国任上海同仁医院主任医师及化验所所长同时自行执业迄今历任上海红十字会医院院长上海圣约翰大学医学院敎务长 现任圣约翰大学热带病及皮肤病两科敎授兼同仁医院医师计刁医师在该医院服务凡三十余年自一九四○年起任大上海疗养院院长氏为基督敎领袖主“灵感修养”诊所福州路221号五洲大楼电话 19979住宅 愚园路738号”,《上海百业人才小史》,龙文书店编辑部,中华民国三十四年二月一日