
模板:Infobox election/doc



對於政黨眾多的立法選舉,請考慮使用 {{Infobox legislative election}}。



Remove fields for different types of election.

{{Infobox election
| election_name     = 2016 Presidential Election 
| country           = United States 
| flag_year         = 
| flag_image        = 
| type              = <!-- presidential-->
| vote_type         = Popular <!-- default -->
| ongoing           = 
| party_colour      = 
| party_name        = 
| alliance_name     = 
| previous_election = 2012
| previous_year     = 
| outgoing_party  = 
| election_date     = <!-- {{Start date|2016|11|8}} -->
| elected_members   = 
| next_election     = <!--2020-->
| next_year         = 
| votes_for_election= 
| needed_votes      = 270
| seats_for_election= 
| majority_seats    = 
| opinion_polls     = 
| registered        = 
| turnout           = 58.9%
| votes_counted = <!-- Use ONE out of votes_counted, reporting or declared, do not include percentage (%) sign-->
| reporting = <!-- Use ONE out of votes_counted, reporting or declared, do not include percentage (%) sign-->
| declared = <!-- Use ONE out of votes_counted, reporting or declared, do not include percentage (%) sign-->
| last_update =  
| time_zone = 
<!--        person 1        -->
| image1            = 
| colour1           = 
| nominee1          = <!-- presidential only, when appropriate, candidate1 can be used instead -->
| candidate1        = '''Donald Trump'''
| leader1           = <!-- legislative or parliamentary only-->
| party1            = '''Republican'''
| alliance1         = 
<!-- presidential -->
| home_state1       = New York 
| running_mate1     = [[Newt Gingrich]]
| electoral_vote1   = '''348'''
| delegate_count1   = '''73,248,907'''
| states_carried1   = '''35'''
| districts_won1    = 
<!-- legislative or parliamentary -->
| leader_since1     = 
| leaders_seat1     = 
| last_election1    = 
| seats_before1     = 
| seats_needed1     = 
| seats1            = 
| seats_after1      = 
| seat_change1      = 
<!-- any -->
| popular_vote1     = 
| percentage1       = 
| swing1            = <!-- legislative or parliamentary only-->
<!--        person 2        -->
| image2            = 
| colour2           = 
| nominee2          = Hillary Clinton 
| candidate2        = <!-- any type of election -->
| leader2           = <!-- legislative or parliamentary only-->
| party2            = Democratic
| alliance2         = 
<!-- presidential -->
| home_state2       = New York 
| running_mate2     = Terry McAullife 
| electoral_vote2   = 190
| delegate_count2   = 54,806, 936
| states_carried2   = 15
| districts_won2    = 
<!-- legislative or parliamentary -->
| leader_since2     = 
| leaders_seat2     = 
| last_election2    = 
| seats_before2     = 
| seats_needed2     = 
| seats2            = 
| seats_after2      = 
| seat_change2      = 
<!-- any -->
| popular_vote2     = 
| percentage2       = 
| swing2            = <!-- legislative or parliamentary only-->
<!-- polls -->
| poll1_date        = 
| poll1_source      = 
| poll1_nominee1    = <!-- presidential only, when appropriate, poll1_candidate1 can be used instead -->
| poll1_party1      = <!-- legislative or parliamentary only-->
| poll1_nominee2    = <!-- presidential only, when appropriate, poll1_candidate2 can be used instead -->
| poll1_party2      = <!-- legislative or parliamentary only-->
| poll2_date        = 
| poll2_source      = 
| poll2_nominee1    = <!-- presidential only, when appropriate, poll2_candidate1 can be used instead -->
| poll2_party1      = <!-- legislative or parliamentary only-->
| poll2_nominee2    = <!-- presidential only, when appropriate, poll2_candidate2 can be used instead -->
| poll2_party2      = <!-- legislative or parliamentary only-->
<!-- auxiliary rows -->
| 1blank            = 
| 1data1            = 
| 1data2            = 
| 2blank            = 
| 2data1            = 
| 2data2            = 
<!-- map -->
| map_image         = 
| map_size          = 
| map_alt           = 
| map               = 
| map_caption       = 
<!-- bottom -->
| title             = 
| before_election   = 
| before_party      = 
| posttitle         = 
| after_election    = 
| after_party       = 
*Non-optional fields.
† only displayed if the election is yet to take place.
‡ only displayed if the election has finished.
Field Type Description
election_name * Name given to the election. If this field is left empty the page name is displayed
country 舉行的國家或地區。
flag_year For historical elections when an older flag design was in effect, enter the year the flag came into effect (not the election year). Default is to use the current flag.
flag_image For non-country elections, specify the full name of the flag, coat-of-arms, or seal image to display.
type * 選舉類型。只可填以下其中一個:presidential、legislative、parliamentary或by-election。Legislative after the election will display majority and minority party, rather than first and second party.
vote_type The type of votes recorded at popular_voten. Defaults to "Popular".
ongoing * 填 yes(將進行的選舉)或 no(已完結)。Fields marked with a † are only displayed if the election is yet to take place. Fields marked with a ‡ are only displayed if the election has finished(預設為 no)。
party_colour Also spelled party_color. To turn off the party colours enter 'no'.
party_name To turn off linking to the parties enter 'no'.
alliance_name To turn off linking to the alliances enter 'no'.
previous_election 前次同類型選舉的條目名稱(不存在的條目不會有連結)
previous_year 前次同類型選舉的年份。
previous_mps (DEPRECATED) legislative
Also spelled previous_MPs or previous_members, page name for the members elected in the last election.
outgoing_members legislative
The page name of the legislative term (typically including a list of members) serving between the previous election and this election.
(Can either be a page title or a wiki link.)
election_date 選舉日期 - use {{Start date}}
elected_mps (DEPRECATED) legislative
Wikilink to the MPs elected in this election.
elected_members legislative
The page name of the legislative term (typically including a list of members) serving between this election and the next election.
(Can either be a page title or a wiki link.)
next_election 下次同類型選舉的條目名稱(不存在的條目不會有連結)
next_year 下次同類型選舉的年份
next_mps (DEPRECATED, REMOVED) legislative
Also spelled next_MPs or next_members, page name for the members elected in the next election.
votes_for_election presidential The number of votes for election and the system of voting (e.g. Electoral College).
needed_votes presidential The number of votes required to win. If there is an even number of votes, use the number that is said by the media.
seats_for_election legislative
The number of seats for election and the house or chamber the seats are for.
majority_seats legislative
The number of seats required for a majority government. If there is an even number of seats in the house or chamber, use the number that is said by the media.
opinion_polls Pagename or section anchor of opinion polls.
registered 已登記選民人數
turnout 投票率
votes_counted The number of votes or the number of constituencies, in %, that have been counted after polls have closed. Do not include the percentage sign (%) after number. It is advisable to remove this information soon after the counting process has finished and all the results have been declared. Use votes_counted, reporting or declared according to whichever term best suits the specific election and counting procedure
last_update The time at which the latest update on results and the number of votes were updated on the infobox
time_zone Time zone of the time given in the last_update field. Must be linked as normal similar to an article (e.g. [[Greenwich mean time|GMT]])
image1 Image of Nominee, head of Party list or Party Leader. The number can be changed up to nine to display different Nominees, heads of Party list or Leaders at the same time. In order to work, colour1 or party1 must be entered.
colour1 Also spelt color1. Enter a hex colour code (without the #) to override the border colour of image1. The number can be changed up to nine to display different Nominees, heads of Party list or Leaders at the same time.
nominee1 presidential
Name of Nominee. When appropriate, candidate1 can be used instead. The number can be changed up to nine to display different Nominees or Candidates at the same time.
candidate1 Name of Candidate. The number can be changed up to nine to display different Candidates at the same time.
leader1 legislative
party1 Political Party using 政黨簡稱模板. The number can be changed up to nine to display different Parties at the same time.
alliance1 Political alliance in elections where coalition politics is common.
home_state1 presidential The state the Nominee or Candidate represents. The number can be changed up to nine to display different Nominees at the same time.
running_mate1 presidential The Nominee's Running mate. The number can be changed up to nine to display different Nominees at the same time.
electoral_vote1 presidential
The electoral votes obtained by the Nominee. The number can be changed up to nine to display different Nominees at the same time.
projected_vote1 presidential
The electoral votes projected for the Nominee.
delegate_count1 presidential The aggregate number of delegates obtained by the candidate. The number can be changed up to nine to display different candidates at the same time. Intended for use in pre-election processes such as selection of delegates to United States presidential nominating conventions. Intended to be used instead of electoral_vote1 for these cases.
states_carried1 presidential
The states carried or won by the Nominee. The number can be changed up to nine to display different Nominees at the same time.
districts_won1 presidential
The number of districts won by the Nominee. The number can be changed up to nine to display different Nominees at the same time.
leader_since1 legislative
The date the Leader took office. The number can be changed up to nine to display different Parties at the same time.
leaders_seat1 legislative
The seat the Leader represents. The number can be changed up to nine to display different Parties at the same time.
last_election1 legislative
The seat count and percentage of the vote received at the previous election. The number can be changed up to nine to display different Parties at the same time.
seats_before1 legislative
The seat count before the election, labeled 'current seats' if the election is yet to take place. The number can be changed up to nine to display different Parties at the same time.
seats_needed1 legislative
The seats required to gain an overall majority. The number can be changed up to nine to display different Parties at the same time.
seats1 legislative
The seats won at the election. The number can be changed up to nine to display different Parties at the same time.
seats_after1 legislative
The seat count after the election. The number can be changed up to nine to display different Parties at the same time.
seat_change1 legislative
與上次選舉比較的所得席次增減。The number can be changed up to nine to display different Parties at the same time.
popular_vote1 得票。The number can be changed up to nine to display different Nominees or Parties at the same time.
percentage1 得票率。The number can be changed up to nine to display different Nominees or Parties at the same time.
swing1 legislative
The swing or change in popular vote at the election compared to the previous election. The number can be changed up to nine to display different Parties at the same time.
poll1_date 民意調查日期。The number can be changed up to five to display different polls at the same time.
poll1_source 民意調查的來源或URL。The number can be changed up to five to display different polls at the same time.
poll1_nominee1 presidential
The percentage poll 1 gave to nominee 1. When appropriate, poll1_candidate1 can be used instead. The poll number can be changed up to five to display different polls at the same time. The nominee or candidate number can be changed up to nine to display different Nominees or Candidates at the same time.
poll1_party1 legislative
The percentage poll 1 gave to party 1. The poll number can be changed up to five to display different polls at the same time. The party number can be changed up to nine to display different Nominees at the same time.
1blank Title of an auxiliary row. The number can be changed up to six to display six extra rows.
1data1 Data 1 for nominee or party 1. The first number can be changed up to six to display six extra rows. The second number can be changed up to nine to display different Nominees or Parties at the same time.
map_image Page name for the election map file.
map_size Size of image of the election map to be displayed. (Default 300px).
map_alt Alt text for the election map.
map A freeform replacement for the above, which can be used to insert extension:ImageMaps or templates instead of images, or insert both Traditional and Simplified Chinese version of the election map file.
map_caption Caption on image of the election map to be displayed.
title Title of the leader before the election. (President, Speaker, Government, Prime Minister...)
before_election 是次選舉前的總統、議長、政府或總理,若連任則標註現任。
before_party 是次選舉前的執政黨。 This can be set to "Acting (law)" (which will display as "Acting") if necessary.
posttitle Title of the victor of the election (President-elect, Prime Minister-designate...), only if different than before.
after_election 是次選舉後的總統、議長、政府或總理。
after_party 是次選舉後的執政黨。




All the fields that work for Legislative will also work for Parliamentary. The only difference between the two is the titles above the images.

The template uses the party fields to display the party colour in the background of the images and some text. To turn this function off, input:

| party_colour      = no

To override the calling of the party short name templates, input:

| party_name        = no

To override the calling of the alliance short name templates, input:

| alliance_name     = no

To override the colour for party1 or nominee1, input:

| colour1           = [HEX OF COLOUR, MINUS #]

The hex number must be entered without the hash for the field to work. The number (colour1) can be changed up to nine for different parties or Nominees. The fields work with both spellings of the word 'color'.





← 2000 2004年11月2日 (2004-11-02) 2008 →

All 538 electoral votes of the 美國選舉人團
獲提名人 喬治·沃克·布什 約翰·福布斯·凱瑞
政黨 共和黨 民主黨
家鄉州 德克薩斯州 麻薩諸塞州
競選搭檔 理查德·B·切尼 約翰·愛德華茲
選舉人票 286 251
勝出州/省 31 19 + DC
民選得票 62,040,610 59,028,444
得票率 50.7% 48.3%

Presidential election results map





{{Infobox election
| election_name     = 2004年美国总统选举
| country           = United States
| type              = presidential
| previous_election = 2000年美国总统选举
| previous_year     = 2000
| election_date     = {{Start date|2004|11|02}}
| next_election     = 2008年美国总统选举
| next_year         = 2008
| votes_for_election= All [[List of United States presidential electors, 2004|538 electoral votes]] of the [[美国选举人团]]
| needed_votes      = 270
<!-- George W. Bush -->
| image1            = [[File:George-W-Bush.jpeg|160x150px]]
| nominee1          = [[乔治·沃克·布什]]
| party1            = 共和黨 (美國)
| home_state1       = [[德克萨斯州]]
| running_mate1     = [[迪克·切尼|理查德·B·切尼]]
| electoral_vote1   = 286
| states_carried1   = 31
| popular_vote1     = 62,040,610
| percentage1       = 50.7%
<!-- John Kerry -->
| image2            = [[File:John Kerry headshot with US flag.jpg|160x150px]]
| nominee2          = [[約翰·福布斯·凱瑞]]
| party2            = 民主党 (美国)
| home_state2       = [[麻薩諸塞州]]
| running_mate2     = [[约翰·爱德华兹]]
| electoral_vote2   = 251
| states_carried2   = 19 + [[华盛顿哥伦比亚特区|DC]]
| popular_vote2     = 59,028,444
| percentage2       = 48.3%
<!-- map -->
| map_image         = ElectoralCollege2004.svg
| map_size          = 270px
| map_caption       = Presidential election results map
<!-- bottom -->
| title             = 總統
| before_election   = [[乔治·沃克·布什]]
| before_party      = 共和黨 (美國)
| after_election    = [[乔治·沃克·布什]]
| after_party       = 共和黨 (美國)



← 2004 2008年11月4日 (2008-11-04) 2012 →
候選人 希拉里·克林頓 貝拉克·奧巴馬 約翰·愛德華茲
政黨 民主黨 民主黨 民主黨
家鄉州 紐約州 伊利諾伊州 北卡羅來納州
2007年8月3日[1] 45% 22% 9%
2007年8月1日[2] 46% 23% 12%
2007年8月1日[3] 44% 23% 14%
2007年7月30日[4] 43% 22% 13%

候選人 魯迪·朱利安尼 弗雷德·湯普森 約翰·麥凱恩
政黨 共和黨 共和黨 共和黨
家鄉州 紐約州 田納西州 亞利桑那州
2007年8月3日[5] 26% 21% 11%
2007年8月1日[6] 32% 20% 13%
2007年8月1日[7] 33% 20% 17%
2007年7月30日[8] 30% 22% 13%

Presidential electoral votes by state.



{{Infobox election
| election_name     = 2008年美国总统选举
| country           = United States
| type              = presidential
| ongoing           = yes
| previous_election = 2004年美国总统选举
| previous_year     = 2004
| election_date     = {{Start date|2008|11|04}}
| next_election     = 2012年美國總統選舉
| next_year         = 2012
<!-- Hillary Clinton -->
| image1            = [[File:Hillary Clinton official Secretary of State portrait crop.jpg|160x150px]]
| candidate1        = [[希拉里·克林顿]]
| party1            = 民主党 (美国)
| home_state1       = [[纽约州]]
| running_mate1     = 
| projected_vote1   = 
| states_carried1   = 
| popular_vote1     = 
| percentage1       = 
<!-- Barack Obama -->
| image2            = [[File:Official portrait of Barack Obama.jpg|160x150px]]
| candidate2        = [[贝拉克·奥巴马]]
| party2            = 民主党 (美国)
| home_state2       = [[伊利诺伊州]]
| running_mate2     = 
| projected_vote2   = 
| states_carried2   = 
| popular_vote2     = 
| percentage2       = 
<!-- John Edwards -->
| image3            = [[File:John Edwards, official Senate photo portrait.jpg|160x150px]]
| candidate3        = [[约翰·爱德华兹]]
| party3            = 民主党 (美国)
| home_state3       = [[北卡罗来纳州]]
| running_mate3     = 
| projected_vote3   = 
| states_carried3   = 
| popular_vote3     = 
| percentage3       = 
<!-- Rudy Giuliani -->
| image4            = [[File:Rudy Giuliani.jpg|160x150px]]
| candidate4        = [[魯迪·朱利安尼]]
| party4            = 共和黨 (美國)
| home_state4       = [[纽约州]]
| running_mate4     = 
| projected_vote4   = 
| states_carried4   = 
| popular_vote4     = 
| percentage4       = 
<!-- Fred Thompson -->
| image5            = [[File:Fred Thompson.jpg|160x150px]]
| candidate5        = [[弗雷德·汤普森]]
| party5            = 共和黨 (美國)
| home_state5       = [[田纳西州]]
| running_mate5     = 
| projected_vote5   = 
| states_carried5   = 
| popular_vote5     = 
| percentage5       = 
<!-- John McCain -->
| image6            = [[File:John McCain official portrait 2009.jpg|160x150px]]
| candidate6        = [[約翰·麥凱恩]]
| party6            = 共和黨 (美國)
| home_state6       = [[亞利桑那州]]
| running_mate6     = 
| projected_vote6   = 
| states_carried6   = 
| popular_vote6     = 
| percentage6       = 
<!-- polls -->
| poll1_date        = 2007年8月3日
| poll1_source      = http://www.example.edu/poll/070803
| poll1_candidate1  = '''45%'''
| poll1_candidate2  = 22%
| poll1_candidate3  = 9%
| poll1_candidate4  = '''26%'''
| poll1_candidate5  = 21%
| poll1_candidate6  = 11%

| poll2_date        = 2007年8月1日
| poll2_source      = http://www.example.edu/poll/070801
| poll2_candidate1  = '''46%'''
| poll2_candidate2  = 23%
| poll2_candidate3  = 12%
| poll2_candidate4  = '''32%'''
| poll2_candidate5  = 20%
| poll2_candidate6  = 13%

| poll3_date        = 2007年8月1日
| poll3_source      = http://www.example.com/news/070801
| poll3_candidate1  = '''44%'''
| poll3_candidate2  = 23%
| poll3_candidate3  = 14%
| poll3_candidate4  = '''33%'''
| poll3_candidate5  = 20%
| poll3_candidate6  = 17%

| poll4_date        = 2007年7月30日
| poll4_source      = http://www.example.com/news/070730
| poll4_candidate1  = '''43%'''
| poll4_candidate2  = 22%
| poll4_candidate3  = 13%
| poll4_candidate4  = '''30%'''
| poll4_candidate5  = 22%
| poll4_candidate6  = 13%
<!-- map -->
| map_image         = Electoral map.svg
| map_size          = 350px
| map_caption       = Presidential electoral votes by state.
<!-- bottom -->
| title             = 總統
| before_election   = [[乔治·沃克·布什]]
| before_party      = 共和黨 (美國)
| after_election    = 
| after_party       = 




日期只會在使用了{{Start date}}或{{End date}}的情況下顯示,URL只會在使用了{{Url}}的情況下被包含。

hCalendar使用的HTML class包括:

  • attendee
  • contact
  • description
  • dtend
  • dtstart
  • location
  • organiser
  • summary
  • url
  • vevent


Note: If no date is entered, then the microformat is not emitted.

