
1082 年的拜占庭-威尼斯條約是拜占庭帝國和威尼斯共和國之間簽署的一項貿易和防禦條約,以帝國金璽詔書的形式由皇帝阿萊克修斯一世科穆寧頒佈。 該條約為威尼斯人提供了重大的貿易讓步,以換取他們在對抗諾曼人的戰爭中的幫助,該條約將對帝國和共和國產生重大影響,並決定了他們未來幾個世紀的歷史[1]。
[編輯]- ^ Timothy E Gregory, 2010.
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- Robert Bideleux and Ian Jeffries. A History of Eastern Europe: Crisis and Change. London: Routledge. 1998 [2023-07-05]. ISBN 978-04151-6112-1. (原始內容存檔於2024-04-29).
- Timothy E. Gregory. A History of Byzantium. Malden, Massachusetts: John Wiley & Sons. 2010. ISBN 978-1405-18471-7.
- Olivia Remie Constable. Housing the Stranger in the Mediterranean World: Lodging, Trade, and Travel in Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 2003. ISBN 978-0521-81918-3.
- Peter Frankopan. Byzantine Trade Privileges to Venice in the Eleventh Century: The Chrysobull of 1092. Journal of Medieval History (Elsevier). 2004, 30 (2): 135–60 [2014-12-08]. doi:10.1016/j.jmedhist.2004.03.005. (原始內容存檔於2008-10-14).
- John Mark Nicovich. The Poverty of the Patriarchate of Grado and the Byzantine–Venetian Treaty of 1082. The Mediterranean Historical Review (New York: Routledge). 2009, 24 (1): 1–16. doi:10.1080/09518960903000736.