大衛王 (電影)
《大衛王》(英語:King David) 是一部1985年由Bruce Beresford執導的美國電影,講述以色列第二任國王大衛王的故事,並由李察·基爾飾演主演大衛王一角。
[編輯]- 李察·基爾 適 大衛王
- 愛德華‧伍德沃德 as 掃羅王
- 艾麗絲·克里奇 as 拔示巴
- Denis Quilley as 撒母耳
- Niall Buggy as 拿單 (先知)
- Cherie Lunghi as 米甲
- Hurd Hatfield as 亞希米勒
- Jack Klaff as 約拿單
- John Castle as 押尼珥
- Tim Woodward as 約押
- David de Keyser as Ahitophel
- Ian Sears as 年輕時的大衛王
- Simon Dutton as Eliab
- Jean-Marc Barr as 押沙龍
- George Eastman as 歌利亞
- Arthur Whybrow as 耶西
- 克里斯托夫·麥爾科姆 as Doeg the Edomite
- Valentine Pelka as Shammah
- Ned Vukovic as Malchishua
- Gina Bellman as 他瑪 (大衛之女)
- James Coombes as 暗嫩
- James Lister as Uriah the Hittite
- Jason Carter as 所羅門
- Genevieve Allenbury as 亞希暖
- Massimo Sarchielli as Palastu
- Aïché Nana as Ahinoab
- Ishia Bennison as Maacah
- Jenny Lipman as Abigail
- Roberto Renna as Zabad
- Marino Masé as King Agag
- George Eastman as Goliath
- Anton Alexander as Runner
- Tomás Milián as Akiss (uncredited)
- John Barrard as Benjamite Elder
- Michael Müller as Abinadab
- Mark Drewry as Ishbosheth
- John Gabriel as King Jehosaphat
- Lorenzo Piani as Guardian
- Nicholas van der Weide as 年輕時的所羅門
- Shimon Avidan as 年輕時的押沙龍
- Peter Frye as Judean Elder
- David Graham as Ephraimite Elder
- David George as Messenger
- Nicola Di Gioia as Hebrew
- John Hallam as Philistine Armour Bearer
[編輯]It was filmed in 1984 in Matera and Craco both in Basilicata, and Campo Imperatore in Abruzzo, the Lanaitto valley (Oliena) in Sardinia, Italy, and at Pinewood Studios in England.[2]
[編輯]這部電影的評價並不是很好,紐約時報曾以「並不是一部好電影」形容,而爛番茄的評價也只有14%[3] 。李察‧吉爾也以此片獲得了金酸莓獎最差男主角的提名,不過最終是由席維斯·史特龍獲獎。
[編輯]幾年之後,Bruce Beresford 提到這部片:
[編輯]- ^ 存档副本. [2015-11-18]. (原始內容存檔於2015-04-25).
- ^ Pinewood Group credit for filming of King David.. [2015-11-18]. (原始內容存檔於2016-03-03).
- ^ 存档副本. [2015-11-18]. (原始內容存檔於2020-10-07).
- ^ "Interview with Bruce Beresford", Signet, 15 May 1999 Archive.today的存檔,存檔日期2012年12月20日, accessed 17 November 2012
[編輯]- 互聯網電影數據庫(IMDb)上《King David》的資料(英文)
- King David (頁面存檔備份,存於互聯網檔案館) at []
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