地形軟化(terrain softening)在火星南北緯30度以上地區的地貌外觀與赤道附近的截然不同。軟化的地形缺少赤道附近所看到的尖峭峰脊,而是較為平滑圓鈍。這種鈍化被認為是由土壤中高濃度的水冰所引起。「地形軟化」一詞是1986年由「史蒂夫·斯奎爾斯」(Steve Squyres)和米高·卡爾(Michael Carr)在研究海盜號火星任務的圖像時提出。
[編輯]在緯度30度以下地區,撞擊坑坑壁陡峭、邊緣清晰,碗狀的坑底平坦流暢。隕石坑平原上的山脊也呈現出輪廓分明的尖峰。然而,在這一緯度以上,這些類似的特徵看起來卻非常不同。在山脊和隕石坑邊緣上看到的峰頂非常圓鈍,而且更加模糊。特徵的地勢起伏(高度)有所降低,小隕石坑明顯不太常見。換言之,在別處看上去很尖峭的地形在此地變得「軟化」了[1][2][3]。 這種質地也被描述為「平坦」或「起伏」[4],軟化的隕坑坑底通常佈滿同心圖案[2]。
[編輯]- 非軟化地形
- 軟化地形
[編輯]- ^ 1.0 1.1 Squyres, Steven W., and Michael H. Carr. "Geomorphic evidence for the distribution of ground ice on Mars." Science 231.4735 (1986): 249-252.
- ^ 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 Carr, Michael H. The surface of Mars. Vol. 6. Cambridge University Press, 2006.
- ^ Zimbelman, James R. "Spatial resolution and the geologic interpretation of Martian morphology: Implications for subsurface volatiles." Icarus 71.2 (1987): 257-267.
- ^ Jankowski, David G., and Steven W. Squyres. "The topography of impact craters in 「softened」 terrain on Mars." Icarus 100.1 (1992): 26-39.
- ^ Roering, Joshua J., James W. Kirchner, and William E. Dietrich. "Evidence for nonlinear, diffusive sediment transport on hillslopes and implications for landscape morphology." Water Resources Research 35.3 (1999): 853-870.
- ^ Rosenbloom, N. A., and Robert S. Anderson. "Hillslope and channel evolution in a marine terraced landscape, Santa Cruz." California: Journal of Geophysical Research 99.B7 (1994): 14-013.
- ^ Berman, Daniel C., David A. Crown, and Leslie F. Bleamaster III. "Degradation of mid-latitude craters on Mars." Icarus 200.1 (2009): 77-95.
- ^ Zimbelman, J. R., S. M. Clifford, and S. H. Williams. "Terrain Softening Revisited: Photogeological Considerations." Lunar and Planetary Institute Science Conference Abstracts. Vol. 19. 1988.
- ^ Clifford, S. M., and J. R. Zimbelman. "Softened Terrain on Mars: The Ground Ice Interpretation Reconsidered." Lunar and Planetary Institute Science Conference Abstracts. Vol. 19. 1988.