半日花科![]() 化石時期:
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白瑞木 Cistus incanus | |
科學分類 ![]() | |
界: | 植物界 Plantae |
演化支: | 維管束植物 Tracheophyta |
演化支: | 被子植物 Angiosperms |
演化支: | 真雙子葉植物 Eudicots |
演化支: | 薔薇類植物 Rosids |
目: | 錦葵目 Malvales |
科: | 半日花科 Cistaceae Juss., 1789 |
屬 | |
Reference: Kew (2004) |
[編輯]本科主要分佈在北溫帶氣候乾旱、陽光比較強烈的地區,如地中海沿岸、北美,也有少數種分佈在南美。中國只有一屬一種—半日花(Helianthemum polifolium DC.),主要分佈在新疆、內蒙一帶。
[編輯]1981年的克朗奎斯特分類法將半日花科分到堇菜目中,1998年根據基因親緣關係分類的APG 分類法將其列入錦葵目。
[編輯]†Cistinocarpum roemeri是來自漸新世中期發現於德國的宏觀化石,被描述為現存半日花科的祖先。Tuberaria屬的化石被發現於上新世的德國。[1]
[編輯]- Chevalier, G., D. Mousain, Y. Couteaudier (1975). Associations ectomycorhiziennes entre Tubéracées et Cistacées. Annales de Phytopathologie 7(4), 355-356.
- Ferrandis, P., J. M. Herrantz, J. J. Martínez-Sánchez (1999). Effect of fire on hard-coated Cistaceae seed banks and its influence on techniques for quantifying seed banks. Plant Ecology 144 (1): 103-114. (Available online: DOI | Abstract(頁面存檔備份,存於互聯網檔案館) | Full text (PDF)(頁面存檔備份,存於互聯網檔案館))
- Giovannetti, G., A. Fontana (1982). Mycorrhizal synthesis between Cistaceae and Tuberaceae. New Phytologist 92, 533-537.
- Heywood, V. H. (ed.) (1993). Flowering plants of the world, pp. 108–109. London: Batsford. ISBN 0-19-521037-9.
- Hutchinson, J. (1973). The families of flowering plants: arranged according to a new system based on their probable phylogeny (3rd ed.), pp. 254–255. Oxford: Clarendon. ISBN 0-19-854377-8.
- IPNI (2004). The International Plant Names Index - Record on Cistaceae. Retrieved Nov. 15, 2004.
- Judd W. S., C. S. Campbell, E. A. Kellogg, P. F. Stevens, M. J. Donoghue (2002). Plant Systematics: A Phylogenetic Approach, 2nd edition, pp. 409–410 (Cistaceae). Sunderland, Massachusetts: Sinauer Associates. ISBN 0-87893-403-0.
- Jussieu, Antoine Laurent de (1789). Genera Plantarum: 294. Parisiis.
- Kew (2004). List of genera in Cistaceae, in Vascular Plant Families and Genera Database, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. Retrieved Nov. 15, 2004.
- Mabberley, D. J. (1997). The plant-book: a portable dictionary of the vascular plants (2nd ed.), p. 160. New York: Cambridge University Press. ISBN 0-521-41421-0.
- Thanos, C. A., K. Georghiou, C. Kadis, C. Pantazi (1992). Cistaceae: a plant family with hard seeds. Israel Journal of Botany 41 (4-6): 251-263. (Available online: Abstract | Full text (PDF))
[編輯]- 網站關於半日花科
- Angiosperm Phylogeny 網站關於半日花科Portuguese Web Archive的存檔,存檔日期2016-05-15 (Cistaceae(頁面存檔備份,存於互聯網檔案館)). Version 5, May 2004.
- 在L. Watson和M.J. Dallwitz (1992年)《有花植物分科》中的半日花科(頁面存檔備份,存於互聯網檔案館)
- ^ Beatriz Guzman; Pablo Vargas. Historical biogeography and character evolution of Cistaceae (Malvales) based on analysis of plastid rbcL and trnL-trnF sequences (PDF). Organisms, Diversity & Evolution. 2009, 9 (2): 83–99 [31 March 2022]. doi:10.1016/j.ode.2009.01.001. (原始內容存檔 (PDF)於2023-11-22).