

座標53°54′00″N 27°33′32″E / 53.9001°N 27.5589°E / 53.9001; 27.5589

53°54′00″N 27°33′32″E / 53.9001°N 27.5589°E / 53.9001; 27.5589

俄語:Национальный банк Республики Беларусь
總部 白俄羅斯 明斯克[1]
坐標53°54′00″N 27°33′32″E / 53.9001°N 27.5589°E / 53.9001; 27.5589
(Pavel U. Kalaur)
中央銀行 白俄羅斯
BYR (ISO 4217)
資產總額:103.853萬億白俄羅斯盧布[5]:51.1[註 1]
負債總額:134.118萬億白俄羅斯盧布[5]:51.2[註 1]

白俄羅斯共和國國家銀行(英語:NATIONAL BANK OF THE REPUBLIC OF BELARUS,簡稱NBRB)是白俄羅斯共和國中央銀行,是白俄羅斯盧布的發行機構。總部位於白俄羅斯首都明斯克。其根據《白俄羅斯共和國憲法》,《白俄羅斯共和國銀行法》以及白俄羅斯總統頒佈的監管法律,獨立進行業務活動。[6]






  • 發行白俄羅斯盧布,並確保其購買力匯率之穩定性;
  • 維護白俄羅斯共和國銀行體系之穩定;
  • 確保支付系統持續高效,可靠,安全地運作。




  • 研究、指導以及實施貨幣政策
  • 調節和組織資金流通,充當銀行之最後貸款人
  • 發行貨幣白俄羅斯盧布
  • 依法監管外匯;
  • 管理國家外匯儲備以及黃金儲備
  • 規範信用關係,建立並維護銀行以及金融業的法規,管理銀行和非銀行金融機構的活動;
  • 組織國內現金和非現金結算;
  • 分析國際收支,並代表政府參與國際組織
  • 其他規定需要執行的職能。



白俄羅斯共和國國家銀行之最高管理機構為董事會, 其成員由白俄羅斯總統決定,成員不得擔任其他公職或從屬於任何政黨[9]。在董事會下設立之部門有[10]

  • 董事會主席轄:
    • 顧問組(英語:Advisory Group
    • 內部審計局(英語:Internal Audit Directorate
      • 綜合審計部(英語:Comprehensive Audit Department
      • 信息審計司(英語:Informational Audit Division
      • 風險管理司(英語:Risk Management Division
    • 人事局(英語:Personnel Directorate
      • 人事管理部(英語:Personnel Management Department
      • 勞工組織與獎勵部(英語:Labour Organization and Stimulation Department
      • 人員培訓與發展部(英語:Personnel Training and Development Department
    • 金融與經濟局(英語:Financial and Economic Directorate
      • 金融與規劃部(英語:Financial and Budget Department
      • 經濟部(英語:Economic Department
    • 國家銀行秘書處(英語:Secretariat of the National Bank
      • 控制和組織工作部(英語:Control and Organisational Work Department
      • 文檔支持部(英語:Documentary Support Department
      • 協議與編務司(英語:Protocol and Editorial Division
    • 信息與公關部(英語:Information and Public Relations Department
      • 公關與大眾傳媒司(英語:Public Relations and the Mass Media Division
      • 歷史與信息司(英語:History and Information Division
      • 參考文獻與信息資源司(英語:Reference and Information Resources Division
    • 國家機密保護司(英語:State Secrets Protection Division
    • 布列斯特州主管部(英語:Brest Region Main Department
    • 維捷布斯克州主管部(英語:Vitebsk Region Main Department
    • 戈梅利州主管部(英語:Gomel Region Main Department
    • 格羅德諾州主管部(英語:Grodno Region Main Department
    • 莫吉廖夫州主管部(英語:Mogilev Region Main Department
  • 董事會常務副主席轄:
    • 外匯法規與控制局(英語:Foreign Exchange Regulation and Control Directorate
      • 外匯控制部(英語:Foreign Exchange Control Department
      • 外匯法規部(英語:Foreign Exchange Regulation Department
      • 對外經濟活動監測部(英語:Foreign Economic Activities Monitoring Department
    • 貨幣市場運行局(英語:Monetary Operations Directorate
      • 貨幣政策執行部(英語:Monetary Policy Implementation Department
      • 證券業務操作部(英語:Securities Operations Department
      • 儲藏所(英語:Depositary
      • 股票市場部(英語:Stock Market Department
    • 國際業務局(英語:International Operations Directorate
      • 貴金屬寶石業務部(英語:Precious Metals and Stones Operations Department
      • 銀行代理,黃金與外匯貴重物品業務分析部(英語:Correspondent Relations and Gold and Foreign Exchange Valuables Operations Analysis Department
      • 外匯貴重物品業務管控部(英語:Foreign Exchange Valuables Operations Control Department
      • 外匯業務部(英語:Foreign Exchange Operations Department
    • 支付系統局(英語:Payment System Directorate
      • 支付系統組織與發展部(英語:Payment Systems Organization and Development Department
      • 銀行同業清算部(英語:Interbank Settlements Department
      • 支付系統監督部(英語:Payment System Oversight Department
    • 法律局(英語:Legal Directorate
      • 銀行活動法規執行部(英語:Legal Provisioning of Banking Activity Department
      • 法規起草與監管法規檢查部(英語:Legal Acts Drafting and Regulatory Legal Acts Examination Department
  • 董事會副主席轄:
    • 單一結算與信息空間局(英語:Single Settlement and Information Space Directorate
      • 單一結算與信息空間發展部(英語:Single Settlement and Information Space Development Department
      • 結算系統業務部(英語:Settlement System Operation Department
      • 結算系統技術性基礎設施司(英語:Settlement System Technical Infrastructure Division
    • 信息技術局(英語:Information Technologies Directorate
      • 信息技術發展局(英語:Information Technologies Development Department
      • 信息系統支持部(英語:Information Systems Support Department
      • 組織單位信息技術部(英語:Information Technologies of the Organizational Units Department
      • 信息與支付系統基礎設施部(英語:Information And Payment Systems Infrastructure Department
      • 信息系統發展部(英語:Information Systems Development Department
    • 信貸登記部(英語:Credit Registry Department
    • 非銀行業務監管部(英語:Non-bank Operations Regulation Department
    • 銀行支付卡和電子貨幣發展部(英語:Bank Payment Cards and Electronic Money Development Department
    • 結算中心(英語:Settlement Center
  • 董事會副主席轄:
    • 貨幣政策與經濟分析局(英語:Monetary Policy and Economic Analysis Directorate
      • 貨幣政策部(英語:Monetary Policy Department
      • 經濟分析部(英語:Economic Analysis Department
      • 預報部(英語:Forecasting Department
      • 研究部(英語:Research Department
    • 國際收支和銀行業統計局(英語:Balance of Payments and Banking Statistics Directorate
      • 國際收支部(英語:Balance of Payments Department
      • 銀行業統計部(英語:Banking Statistics Department
      • 統計信息匯總部(英語:Aggregated Statistical Information Department
    • 對外經濟活動局(英語:Foreign Economic Activities Directorate
      • 國際金融與經濟關係部(英語:International Financial and Economic Relations Department
      • 合作一體化部(英語:Integration Cooperation Department
      • 禮賓司(英語:Protocol Division
  • 董事會副主席轄:
    • 銀行業監管局(英語:Banking Supervision Directorate
      • 審慎監管方法部(英語:Prudential Supervision Methodology Department
      • 宏觀審慎監管部(英語:Macroprudential Supervision Department
      • 系統性銀行場外監管部(英語:Systemic Banks Off-site Supervision Department
      • 非系統性銀行場外監管部(英語:Non-systemic Banks Off-site Supervision Department
      • 檢查部(英語:Inspection Department
      • 註冊及牌照事務司(英語:Registration and Licensing Division
    • 銀行業務監管局(英語:Banking Operations Regulation Directorate
      • 非現金結算法規部(英語:Non-cash Settlement Regulation Department
      • 信貸和存款業務方法部(英語:Credit and Deposit Operations Methodology Department
      • 信貸和存款業務分析部(英語:Credit and Deposit Operations Analysis Department
      • 信貸項目分析部(英語:Credit Projects Analysis Department
    • 意識形態與社會發展部(英語:Ideology and Social Development Department
    • 培訓中心(英語:Training Center
  • 董事會副主席轄:
    • 行政總局(英語:Administration Directorate
      • 材料與技術供應部(英語:Material and Technical Provision Department
      • 公用網運維部(英語:Utilities Nets Operation and Maintenance Department
        • 中央存儲庫工程系統操作和服務司(英語:Central Vault Engineering Systems Operation and Service Division
      • 機構內部支援部(英語:In-house Support Department
      • 建築保養部(英語:Construction and Maintenance Department
      • 汽車支持部(英語:Automotive Support Department
      • 財產處理部(英語:Property Disposal Department
      • 公共餐飲部(英語:Public Catering Department
    • 現金流通局(英語:Cash Circulation Directorate
      • 現金業務組織部(英語:Cash Operations Organization Department
      • 貨幣流通法規部(英語:Money Circulation Regulation Department
      • 發行業務及貴重物品運輸法規部(英語:Issue Operations and Valuables Transportation Regulation Department
    • 中央儲藏部(英語:Central Vault Department
      • 現金管理部(英語:Cash Management Department
      • 貴金屬及寶石管理部(英語:Precious Metals and Precious Stones Management Department
      • 現金服務部(英語:Cash Services Department
      • 貴重物品運輸部(英語:Valuables Transportation Department
      • 控制部(英語:Control Department
      • 組織工作及內部控制部(英語:Organizational Work and Internal Control Department
      • 銀行系統司(英語:Banking Systems Division
    • 安全與信息保護部(英語:Security and Information Protection Department
    • 勞工保護司(英語:Labour Protection Division
  • 首席會計師轄:
    • 會計與報告局(英語:Accounting and Reporting Directorate
      • 會計與報告組織及方法部(英語:Accounting and Reporting Organization and Methodology Department
      • 合併會計與財務報告部(英語:Consolidated Accounting and Financial Reporting Department
      • 銀行業務核算部(英語:Bank Operations Accounting Department
      • 國際業務核算部(英語:International Operations Accounting Department
      • 銀行間業務核算部(英語:Intrabank Operations Accounting Department
      • 銀行業核算方法部(英語:Banking Accounting Methodology Department






  1. ^ 1.0 1.1 截至2014年1月1日


  1. ^ Postal address of NATIONAL BANK OF THE REPUBLIC OF BELARUS. NBRB. [2014-12-03]. (原始內容存檔於2014-11-09) (英語). Postal address: 20, Nezavisimosty Ave., 220008 Minsk, Belarus 
  2. ^ Waits, Douglas. National Bank of Belarus launches financial literacy campaign. Cistran Finance. 2013-10-08 [2014-12-05]. (原始內容存檔於2013-10-29) (英語). 
  3. ^ Board of the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus. NBRB. [2014-07-05]. (原始內容存檔於2013-02-24) (英語). Employment of Pavel U. Kalaur:since 2014,Chairperson of the Board, National Bank of the Republic of Belarus 
  4. ^ RESERVES OF FOREIGN EXCHANGE AND GOLD. The World Factbook. [2014-11-22]. (原始內容存檔於2018-12-26) (英語). 
  5. ^ 5.0 5.1 5.2 《REPORT of the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus for 2013》 (pdf). NBRB. 2014-05-16 [2014-12-03]. (原始內容存檔 (PDF)於2016-03-05) (英語). P52:Capital of the National Bank:The authorized capital of the National Bank was set up in full in the amount of BYR250 billion.,P51.1:As at January 1, 2014, the assets of the National Bank amounted to BYR103,853 billion .;P51.2:As at January 1, 2014, the liabilities of the National Bank amounted to BYR134,118 billion. 
  6. ^ General information of NATIONAL BANK OF THE REPUBLIC OF BELARUS. NBRB. [2014-12-03]. (原始內容存檔於2014-11-09) (英語). The National Bank of the Republic of Belarus (hereinafter referred to as the "National Bank") is the central bank and a government agency of the Republic of Belarus operating exclusively in the interests of the Republic of Belarus. In performing its activities, the National Bank shall be guided by the Constitution of the Republic of Belarus , the Banking Code of the Republic of Belarus , laws of the Republic of Belarus, regulatory legal acts of the President of the Republic of Belarus, and the Statute of the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus pdf and shall be independent in its activities. 
  7. ^ The main objectives of the National Bank shall be as follows. NBRB. [2014-07-05]. (原始內容存檔於2014-06-27) (英語). Gaining profit shall not be the main objective of the National Bank. The main objectives of the National Bank shall be as follows:protecting the Belarusian ruble and ensuring its stability, including its purchasing power and the rate of exchange relative to foreign currencies;maintaining the stability of the banking system of the Republic of Belarus; and ensuring efficient, reliable, and secure functioning of the payment system. 
  8. ^ Functions of the National Bank. NBRB. [2014-07-05]. (原始內容存檔於2014-06-27) (英語). 
  9. ^ Board of the National Bank. NBRB. [2014-07-05]. (原始內容存檔於2014-06-27) (英語). The management body of the National Bank shall be the Board of the National Bank, The membership of the Board of the National Bank shall be decided by the President of the Republic of Belarus,The members of the Board of the National Bank are not allowed to hold other public positions unless otherwise stipulated in the Constitution of the Republic of Belarus and other legislative acts of the Republic of Belarus, as well as belong to political parties. 
  10. ^ Structure of the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus. NBRB. 1 July 2014 [2014-07-02]. (原始內容存檔於2014-06-27) (英語).