颶風米爾頓 | |
氣象歷史 | |
形成 | 2024年10月5日 |
溫帶氣旋 | 2024年10月10日 |
消散 | 2024年10月13日 |
5級 颶風 | |
1分鐘平均風速 (SSHWS/NWS) | |
最高風速 | 180英里/小時(285公里/小時) |
最低氣壓 | 897 毫巴(百帕);26.49英寸汞柱 |
整體影響 | |
死亡人數 | 35人 |
失蹤人數 | 6人 |
財產損失 | 至少850億美元(非官方估計) |
影響地區 | 墨西哥(墨西哥灣沿岸和尤卡坦半島北部)、大安的列斯群島(古巴西部)、美國東南部(尤其是佛羅里達州和喬治亞州)、盧卡亞群島(巴哈馬) |
2024年大西洋颶風季的一部分 |
[編輯]國家颶風中心於9月26日首次勾勒出西加勒比海可能發展的區域[9]。西加勒比海形成了一片廣闊的低壓區,產生了無序陣雨和雷暴[10],兩天後逐漸減弱為開放低壓槽[11]。隨後,擾動氣旋與東北太平洋熱帶低氣壓11E的殘餘雲系及一片准靜止鋒發生相互作用[12],並在坎佩切灣合併。10月4日,美國海軍研究實驗室給予其擾動編號92L[13]。10月5日,隨着關聯陣雨和雷暴進一步發展[14],國家颶風中心將其升格為熱帶低氣壓,並給予熱帶氣旋編號14L[15]。不到三小時後,衛星風數據顯示風暴正在產生烈風,因此將其升格為熱帶風暴,並命名為米爾頓 (Milton)[16]。由於受弱導向氣流影響,該系統在坎佩切灣移動不規律,並逐漸增強。美國中部上方形成的中層低壓槽最終幫助米爾頓向東穿過墨西哥灣。米爾頓的熱帶風暴風力半徑僅為30海里(56公里),此時其為一個相對較小的風暴[17]。螺旋帶和持續的對流爆發一直持續到10月6日凌晨[18]。
最強烈的大西洋颶風 | ||||
排名 | 颶風 | 颶風季 | 氣壓 | |
百帕 | 英寸汞柱 | |||
1 | 威爾瑪 | 2005 | 882 | 26.05 |
2 | 吉爾伯特 | 1988 | 888 | 26.23 |
3 | 「勞動節」 | 1935 | 892 | 26.34 |
4 | 麗塔 | 2005 | 895 | 26.43 |
5 | 米爾頓 | 2024 | 897 | 26.50 |
6 | 艾倫 | 1980 | 899 | 26.55 |
7 | 卡米爾 | 1969 | 900 | 26.58 |
8 | 卡特里娜 | 2005 | 902 | 26.64 |
9 | 米奇 | 1998 | 905 | 26.73 |
迪安 | 2007 | |||
來源:大西洋颶風數據庫[19] |
截至10月6日下午,颶風獵人發現米爾頓已增強為颶風,並出現間歇性眼狀特徵[20]。同日夜間,受到有力的環境條件、較高的海面溫度(接近31 °C(88 °F))、中層相對濕度較高以及風切變較低,米爾頓開始快速增強。與此同時,一個直徑4海里(7公里)的針孔風眼在約−80 °C(−112 °F)的深對流中形成[21],米爾頓於協調世界時10月7日11:00升格為大型颶風,16:00升格為五級颶風[22][23],成為2024年大西洋颶風季第二個五級颶風。米爾頓於協調世界時10月8日00:00達到最高強度,最大持續風速為180英里每小時(290公里每小時),中心最低氣壓為897毫巴(26.49英寸汞柱),是繼2005年颶風威爾瑪後最強颶風,也成為有記錄以來第五強的大西洋颶風[3][24]。從協調世界時10月7日00:00到10月8日00:00的24小時內,米爾頓的氣壓從981毫巴(28.97英寸汞柱)降至897毫巴(26.49英寸汞柱),降幅達84毫巴(2.481英寸汞柱),而同期風速則增加了90英里每小時(145公里每小時)。這也是繼颶風威爾瑪和颶風費利克斯之後大西洋第三快的颶風增強期,也是墨西哥灣最快的增強期[25]。
[編輯]區域 | 死亡 (失蹤) |
財產損失 | 參考資料 |
墨西哥尤卡坦州 | 3 (6) | 未知 | [114][115][116] |
美國佛羅里達州 | 32 (0) | 超過850億美元 | [117][118][119][120][8] |
總計 | 35 (6) | 超過850億美元 |
米爾頓穿過墨西哥時,普羅格雷索的四艘船上有15名漁民失蹤[131]。其中兩艘載有八名漁民的船隻於10月9日返回。另一艘失蹤的船隻Peyucsa 12在一天後被墨西哥海軍飛機發現,在普羅格雷索東北約133英里(214公里)處傾覆,船上有一名男子。飛機無法救出該男子,飛行員呼叫墨西哥海軍的一艘捍衛者級巡邏艇前來救援。該男子的兄長當時也在搜救飛機上,並表示男子從船上滑落,臉朝下落入水中,在救援船趕到之前即沉沒。但墨西哥海軍尚未證實這一說法[132][116][133]。10月11日,最後一艘失蹤的漁船Halcón I被墨西哥海軍發現,沉沒時船上未載有船員[134]。
受到米爾頓的影響,聖露西縣有7人死亡[158],沃盧西亞縣有4人死亡,皮尼拉斯縣有2人死亡,錫特勒斯縣、波爾克縣和橙縣各有1人死亡[159][160]。聖彼得堡有兩人因颶風喪生[161]。奧蒙德海灘有一人因樹枝倒在屋頂而死亡[162]。希爾斯伯勒縣一名 80多歲婦女被倒下的樹枝砸死[159]。夏洛特縣一名男性長者因吸入煙霧在布雷登頓的一家醫院死亡,此前他家中的高爾夫球車鋰電池因風暴潮引發洪水而爆炸[163]。惠靈頓的一場EF3級龍捲風造成10人受傷[164]。坦帕、萊克蘭、代托納和那不勒斯等多個地區的華夫餅屋指數均升至紅色[165][166]。
[編輯]排名 | 名稱 | 年份 | 損失 | ||
1 | 卡特里娜 | 2005 | $1250億 | ||
2 | 哈維 | 2017 | |||
3 | 伊恩 | 2022 | $1130億 | ||
4 | 瑪麗亞 | 2017 | $900億 | ||
5 | 海倫妮 | $879億 | |||
6 | 米爾頓 | $850億 | |||
7 | 艾達 | 2021 | $750億 | ||
8 | 桑迪 | 2012 | $650億 | ||
9 | 艾瑪 | 2017 | $521億 | ||
10 | 艾克 | 2008 | $300億 | ||
來源:美國國家颶風中心[注 1][183][184] |
佛羅里達州選舉監督委員會在10月15日致佛羅里達州務卿科德·伯德和選舉司司長瑪麗亞·馬修斯的一封信中,要求放寬對十個縣的選舉和投票限制。這些要求包括延長提前投票和郵寄選票的截止日期、通知郵寄選票投遞箱的位置以及任命投票站工作人員。據Florida Politics報道,委員會還詢問是否可以免除投票站搬遷的要求,並授權「急救人員、一線工作人員和救援人員的直系親屬代表他們申請郵寄選票」[227]。
[編輯]- 2024年大西洋颶風季
- 五級大西洋颶風列表
- 颶風奧帕爾,1995年的4級颶風,路徑和強度與米爾頓類似
- 颶風米奇,1998年的5級颶風,以熱帶風暴的形式在尤卡坦半島和佛羅里達州西南部登陸
- 颶風查利,2004年的4級颶風,影響佛羅里達州的相同地區
- 颶風伊恩,2022年的5級颶風,影響與4級颶風相同的地區
[編輯]- ^ 本表格所有損失數額均折算成2004年美元價值。
[編輯]- ^ Chinchar, Allison. Less than 10 days after Helene made landfall in Florida, the state is bracing for another hurricane. CNN. 2024-10-05 [2024-10-05]. (原始內容存檔於2024-10-09) (英語).
- ^ Masters, Jeff; Henson, Bob. Category 5 Super Typhoon Man-yi hits the Philippines. New Haven, Connecticut: Yale Climate Connection. 2024-11-16 [2024-11-16]. (原始內容存檔於2024-11-16).
- ^ 3.0 3.1 Richard J. Pasch. Hurricane Milton Discussion Number 12 (報告). National Hurricane Center. 2024-10-07 [2024-10-07]. (原始內容存檔於2024-10-09) (美國英語).
- ^ Hurricane Milton live updates: Monster storm re-intensifies to Category 5 as Florida braces for direct hit. NBC News. 2024-10-08 [2024-10-08]. (原始內容存檔於2024-10-08) (英語).
- ^ 5.0 5.1 Berg, Robbie. Hurricane Milton Discussion Number 15. National Hurricane Center. Miami, Florida. 2024-10-08 [2024-10-08]. (原始內容存檔於2024-10-08).
- ^ Czachor, Emily Mae. Hurricane Milton dips to Category 3 as it heads for Florida landfall - CBS News. CBS News. 2024-10-09 [2024-10-09] (美國英語).
- ^ Hurricane Milton Makes Landfall On Florida's West Coast. The Weather Channel. [2024-10-10]. (原始內容存檔於2024-11-17) (美國英語).
- ^ 8.0 8.1 8.2 The real reason billion-dollar disasters like Hurricane Helene are growing more common. The Washington Post. [2024-10-24]. (原始內容存檔於2024-11-13).
- ^ Zelinsky, David; Bookbinder, Paula. Seven-Day Graphical Tropical Outlook (報告). Miami, Florida: National Hurricane Center. 2024-09-26 [2024-10-05]. (原始內容存檔於2024-10-07).
- ^ Blake, Eric; Mahoney, Aiden. Seven-Day Graphical Tropical Outlook (報告). Miami, Florida: National Hurricane Center. 2024-09-29 [2024-10-05]. (原始內容存檔於2024-10-07).
- ^ Papin, Philippe; Mora, Cassie. Seven-Day Graphical Tropical Outlook (報告). Miami, Florida: National Hurricane Center. 2024-10-01 [2024-10-05]. (原始內容存檔於2024-10-07).
- ^ Masters, Jeff. Watching the Gulf of Mexico for tropical storm formation. Yale Climate Connections. 2024-10-04 [2024-10-05]. (原始內容存檔於2024-10-04).
- ^ Cangialosi, John; Bucci, Lisa. Seven-Day Graphical Tropical Outlook (報告). Miami, Florida: National Hurricane Center. 2024-10-04 [2024-10-05]. (原始內容存檔於2024-10-05).
- ^ Kelly; Bucci, Lisa. Seven-Day Graphical Tropical Outlook (報告). Miami, Florida: National Hurricane Center. 2024-10-05 [2024-10-05]. (原始內容存檔於2024-10-07).
- ^ Brown, Daniel. Tropical Depression Fourteen Discussion Number 1 (報告). Miami, Florida: National Hurricane Center. 2024-10-05 [2024-10-05]. (原始內容存檔於2024-10-05).
- ^ Brown, Daniel; Kelly. Tropical Storm Milton Update Statement (報告). Miami, Florida: National Hurricane Center. 2024-10-05 [2024-10-05]. (原始內容存檔於2024-10-07).
- ^ Cangialosi, John. Tropical Storm Milton Discussion Number 3. National Hurricane Center. Miami, Florida. 2024-10-05 [2024-10-09]. (原始內容存檔於2024-10-06).
- ^ Beven, Jack. Tropical Storm Milton Discussion Number 4. National Hurricane Center. Miami, Florida. 2024-10-06 [2024-10-08]. (原始內容存檔於2024-10-07).
- ^ Atlantic hurricane best track (HURDAT version 2) (Database). United States National Hurricane Center. 2022-04-19 [2025-02-02].
- ^ Blake, Eric. Hurricane Milton Discussion Number 6. National Hurricane Center. Miami, Florida. 2024-10-06 [2024-10-08]. (原始內容存檔於2024-10-07).
- ^ Beven, Jack. Hurricane Milton Discussion Number 8. National Hurricane Center. Miami, Florida. 2024-10-07 [2024-10-08]. (原始內容存檔於2024-10-07).
- ^ Brown, Daniel; Blake, Eric. Hurricane Milton Update Statement (報告). Miami, Florida: National Hurricane Center. 2024-10-07 [2024-10-07]. (原始內容存檔於2024-10-07).
- ^ Blake, Eric; Brown, Daniel. Milton rapidly intensifies into a Category 5 hurricane (報告). Miami, Florida: National Hurricane Center. 2024-10-07 [2024-10-07]. (原始內容存檔於2024-10-07).
- ^ Pasch, Richard; Papin, Philippe. Hurricane Milton Intermediate Advisory Number 11A. National Hurricane Center. Miami, Florida. 2024-10-08 [2024-10-08]. (原始內容存檔於2024-10-08).
- ^ Holpuch, Amanda. Here's How Fast Hurricane Milton Intensified. The New York Times. 2024-10-07 [2024-10-07]. (原始內容存檔於2024-10-07) (英語).
- ^ Pasch, Richard. Hurricane Milton Discussion Number 12. National Hurricane Center. Miami, Florida. 2024-10-07 [2024-10-08]. (原始內容存檔於2024-10-09).
- ^ Cangialosi, John. Hurricane Milton Intermediate Advisory Number 12A. National Hurricane Center. Miami, Florida. 2024-10-08 [2024-10-08]. (原始內容存檔於2024-10-08).
- ^ Berg, Robbie. Hurricane Milton Intermediate Advisory Number 13A. National Hurricane Center. Miami, Florida. 2024-10-08 [2024-10-08]. (原始內容存檔於2024-10-08).
- ^ Pasch, Richard. Hurricane Milton Intermediate Advisory Number 15A. National Hurricane Center. [2024-10-09]. (原始內容存檔於2024-10-09).
- ^ Berg, Robbie. Hurricane Milton Intermediate Advisory Number 17A. National Hurricane Center. Miami, Florida. 2024-10-09 [2024-10-09]. (原始內容存檔於2024-10-09).
- ^ Berg, Robbie. Hurricane Milton Discussion Number 18. National Hurricane Center. Miami, Florida. 2024-10-09 [2024-10-09]. (原始內容存檔於2024-12-23).
- ^ Reinhart, Papin; Brown, Mahoney; Camposano. Hurricane Milton 8.30pm EDT Update Statement. National Hurricane Center. Miami, Florida. 2024-10-09 [2024-10-10]. (原始內容存檔於2024-11-04).
- ^ Bucci, Lisa; Mahoney, Aidan; Cangialosi, John; Sardi, Matt. Hurricane Milton Tropical Cyclone Update. National Hurricane Center. Miami, Florida. 2024-10-10 [2024-10-10]. (原始內容存檔於2024-11-13).
- ^ Berg, Robbie. Post-Tropical Cyclone Milton Intermediate Advisory Number 22A. National Hurricane Center. Miami, Florida. 2024-10-10 [2024-10-10]. (原始內容存檔於2024-12-28).
- ^ Analysis: Ocean temperatures warmed by climate change provided fuel for Hurricane Milton's extreme rapid intensification. Climate Central. 2024-10-07 [2024-10-17].
- ^ Yet another hurricane wetter, windier and more destructive because of climate change. World Weather Attribution. [2024-10-16]. (原始內容存檔於2024-11-18).
- ^ Tabachnick, Cara; Tanyos, Faris. Tropical Storm Milton forecast to strengthen into hurricane, on path toward Florida. CBS News. 2024-10-05 [2024-10-06]. (原始內容存檔於2024-10-06) (美國英語).
- ^ Cangialosi, John. Tropical Storm Milton Forecast Discussion. National Hurricane Center. Miami, Florida. 2024-10-06 [2024-10-06]. (原始內容存檔於2024-10-06).
- ^ Blake, Eric. Tropical Storm Milton Discussion Number 5. National Hurricane Center. 2024-10-06 [2024-10-06]. (原始內容存檔於2024-10-06).
- ^ Blake, Eric. Hurricane Milton Advisory Number 6. National Hurricane Center. Miami, Florida. 2024-10-06 [2024-10-06]. (原始內容存檔於2024-10-06).
- ^ Andone, Dakin; Chinchar, Allison; Faheid, Dalia. 'Here we go again': Hurricane Milton strengthens to Category 3 and aims at Helene-weary Florida. CNN. 2024-10-06 [2024-10-07]. (原始內容存檔於2024-10-07) (英語).
- ^ Beven, Jack. Hurricane Milton Advisory Number 8. National Hurricane Center. Miami, Florida. 2024-10-07 [2024-10-07]. (原始內容存檔於2024-10-07).
- ^ 43.0 43.1 43.2 Monstrous Milton forces the evacuation of thousands as it passes the Yucatan Peninsula. Riviera Maya News. 2024-10-08 [2024-10-08]. (原始內容存檔於2024-10-08) (美國英語).
- ^ Quintana Roo island evacuations begin as Milton intensifies into a category 5 with 330 km/h gusts. Riviera Maya News. 2024-10-07 [2024-10-07]. (原始內容存檔於2024-10-09) (美國英語).
- ^ 45.0 45.1 Huracán Milton: Alerta Verde en 4 municipios de Campeche. Por Esto!. 2024-10-06 [2024-10-06]. (原始內容存檔於2024-10-07) (spanish).
- ^ Reportan COMPRAS DE PÁNICO en supermercados de Mérida por la amenaza del Huracán Milton. Azteca Yucatán. 2024-10-07 [2024-10-07]. (原始內容存檔於2024-10-07) (西班牙語).
- ^ Declaran de ÚLTIMO MOMENTO suspensión de actividades en Yucatán por Huracán Milton. Azteca Yucatán. 2024-10-07 [2024-10-07]. (原始內容存檔於2024-10-07) (西班牙語).
- ^ Progreso, Mérida on hurricane watch as 'Milton' whips across the Gulf of Mexico. Mexico News Daily. 2024-10-07 [2024-10-08]. (原始內容存檔於2024-10-08).
- ^ Petro, Allison. Gov. DeSantis issues executive order ahead of Tropical Storm Milton's landfall in Florida. WESH. 2024-10-05 [2024-10-05]. (原始內容存檔於2024-10-07) (英語).
- ^ Gonzalez, Regina. Tampa looking for help in cleaning up debris from Helene ahead of Milton. WTVT. 2024-10-06 [2024-10-07]. (原始內容存檔於2024-10-06).
- ^ EXECUTIVE ORDER NUMBER 24-214 (PDF). Governor Ron DeSantis's Office. [2024-10-07]. (原始內容存檔 (PDF)於2024-10-07).
- ^ 52.0 52.1 Jones, Octavio; Chavez, Julio-cesar. Monstrous Hurricane Milton targets Florida, triggering evacuations from storm-weary coast. Reuters. 2024-10-08 [2024-10-08]. (原始內容存檔於2024-10-08).
- ^ Sudhir, Leah. Central Florida opens sandbag locations ahead of potential tropical weather. WESH. 2024-10-05 [2024-10-05]. (原始內容存檔於2024-10-05) (英語).
- ^ Tribou, Richard. Hurricane Milton a 'ferocious' Category 5 storm with 180 mph winds, forecast to turn toward Florida. Orlando Sentinel. 2024-10-07 [2024-10-07]. (原始內容存檔於2024-10-07) (美國英語).
- ^ Biden approves emergency declaration for Florida. NBC News. 2024-10-07 [2024-10-07]. (原始內容存檔於2024-10-07).
- ^ Tropical Storm Milton could hit Florida as a major hurricane midweek. Loop Caribbean News. 2024-10-06 [2024-10-06]. (原始內容存檔於2024-10-09) (英語).
- ^ Storm Information. Florida Department of Education. 2024-10-05 [2024-10-06]. (原始內容存檔於2022-09-28) (英語).
- ^ Petro, Allison. Central Florida schools announce closures ahead of Hurricane Milton's landfall. WESH. 2024-10-07 [2024-10-07]. (原始內容存檔於2024-10-07) (英語).
- ^ School closures in Southwest Florida due to Hurricane Milton. WBBH-TV. 2024-10-07 [2024-10-07]. (原始內容存檔於2024-10-08) (英語).
- ^ Kluger, Paloma. Hurricane Milton Update: College Closure and Campus Evacuation. The Sandspur. 2024-10-07 [2024-10-08]. (原始內容存檔於2024-10-08) (美國英語).
- ^ 61.0 61.1 Marion County mandatory evacuation for mobile homes and RVs, additional shelter openings. Ocala Gazette. [2024-10-07]. (原始內容存檔於2024-10-07) (英語).
- ^ Amtrak Advisory: Modified service due to Hurricane Milton. amtrak.com. [2024-10-07]. (原始內容存檔於2024-10-08) (英語).
- ^ 63.0 63.1 Chen, Eve; Wichter, Zach; Diller, Nathan. How flights, cruises and theme parks are being impacted by Hurricane Milton. USA Today. 2024-10-07 [2024-10-08]. (原始內容存檔於2024-10-08) (英語).
- ^ Florida airports close and flights are cancelled due to Hurricane Milton. NBC Miami. 2024-10-08 [2024-10-09]. (原始內容存檔於2024-10-09).
- ^ Florida airports close and flights are cancelled due to Hurricane Milton. NBC 6 South Florida. 2024-10-08 [2024-10-09]. (原始內容存檔於2024-10-09) (美國英語).
- ^ Hurricane Milton is causing flight cancellations. Here's how Florida airports are impacted by the storm.. CBS News. 2024-10-07 [2024-10-07]. (原始內容存檔於2024-10-07) (美國英語).
- ^ Wynne, Sharon Kennedy. Schools, attractions and what else is closed for Hurricane Milton. Tampa Bay Times. 2024-10-07 [2024-10-07]. (原始內容存檔於2024-10-07) (英語).
- ^ Harwood, William. FAA clears European asteroid probe for launch, but stormy weather threatens delay. CBS News. 2024-10-06 [2024-10-07]. (原始內容存檔於2024-10-07) (美國英語).
- ^ Davenport, Justin. ESA's Hera mission has launched to asteroid binary as Falcon 9 returns to flight. NASASpaceFlight.com. 2024-10-07 [2024-10-07]. (原始內容存檔於2024-10-07) (美國英語).
- ^ Plucinsky, Stephanie. Crew-8 Return No Earlier Than Oct. 13 – Commercial Crew Program. NASA Blogs. 2024-10-07 [2024-10-08]. (原始內容存檔於2024-10-08) (美國英語).
- ^ Boulandier, Kevin. Brightline closes operations between West Palm Beach and Orlando ahead of Hurricane Milton. WSVN. 2024-10-07 [2024-10-07]. (原始內容存檔於2024-10-09) (美國英語).
- ^ Disney World joins theme park closures ahead of Hurricane Milton. CBS News. 2024-10-09 [2024-10-10].
- ^ Tapp, Tom. Hurricane Milton Explodes To 180 MPH Cat. 5; Disney World Resort Closing Some Attractions As Florida Braces For "Monster" Storm – Update. Deadline. 2024-10-07 [2024-10-07]. (原始內容存檔於2024-10-09) (美國英語).
- ^ Durkee, Alison. Disney World Says Theme Parks Will Reopen Friday After Hurricane Milton. Forbes. [2024-10-12]. (原始內容存檔於2024-11-13) (英語).
- ^ Hurricane Milton: Busch Gardens closes ahead of storm. WTVT. 2024-10-07 [2024-10-07]. (原始內容存檔於2024-10-07) (美國英語).
- ^ Speck, Emilee. As Hurricane Milton approaches, Florida prepares for largest evacuation since 2017's Hurricane Irma. Fox Weather. 2024-10-06 [2024-10-06]. (原始內容存檔於2024-10-09) (美國英語).
- ^ Gardner, Sheldon. Volusia County orders evacuations by 8 am. Wednesday; curfew to come. Daytona Beach News-Journal Online. [2024-10-07]. (原始內容存檔於2024-10-09) (美國英語).
- ^ Henkles, Patrick. Hurricane Helene comfort stations closing across Tampa Bay as Milton nears Florida. WTSP. 2024-10-05 [2024-10-06]. (原始內容存檔於2024-10-09).
- ^ Modrick, Mike. Fire Chief Paul Dezzi urges Longboat Key residents to 'leave as soon as you can'. ABC 7. 2024-10-06 [2024-10-06]. (原始內容存檔於2024-10-06) (英語).
- ^ Watkins, Tyler. Uber offering free rides to and from shelters. WBBH-TV. 2024-10-08 [2024-10-08]. (原始內容存檔於2024-10-08) (英語).
- ^ Quaglia, Sofia. 'We've used hallways, we've used bathrooms': How zoos protect animals when hurricanes hit. BBC. 2024-10-09 [2024-10-10]. (原始內容存檔於2024-11-11) (英國英語).
- ^ McKay, Rich. Tampa zoo animals hunkered down as Hurricane Milton nears. Reuters. 2024-10-10 [2024-10-10].
- ^ Chaiyabhat, Shaun. Animal shelters working to rescue pets ahead of Hurricane Milton. WCVB. 2024-10-09 [2024-10-10]. (原始內容存檔於2024-10-10) (英語).
- ^ 84.0 84.1 Hurricane Milton forces NFL, NHL and other sporting events to adjust game plans. WSAZ. 2024-10-08 [2024-10-08]. (原始內容存檔於2024-10-08).
- ^ Cushman, Kyle. Lightning's home opener postponed due to Hurricane Milton. TheScore. 2024-10-10 [2024-10-10] (英語).
- ^ USF Football vs. Memphis Rescheduled To Saturday. USF Athletics. 2024-10-09 [2024-10-10]. (原始內容存檔於2024-11-14) (英語).
- ^ Williams, Charean. Bucs and their families relocate to New Orleans in wake of Hurricane Milton. NBC Sports. 2024-10-09 [2024-10-09]. (原始內容存檔於2024-10-10).
- ^ Publix, Walmart, close stores across Florida ahead of Milton. Spectrum News 13. 2024-10-08 [2024-10-08]. (原始內容存檔於2024-10-09).
- ^ Genovese, Daniella. Some Florida store shelves nearly empty as Milton barrels toward coast. Fox Business. 2024-10-08 [2024-10-08]. (原始內容存檔於2024-10-08).
- ^ Isidore, Chris; Egan, Matt. Nearly 1,500 Florida gas stations have run out of fuel. Hurricane Milton could cause even more trouble. CNN. 2024-10-08 [2024-10-08]. (原始內容存檔於2024-10-08).
- ^ Daley, Haven; McGill, Kevin. The hunt for gasoline is adding to Floridians' anxiety as Milton nears. Associated Press News. 2024-10-08 [2024-10-08]. (原始內容存檔於2024-10-09).
- ^ Encinas, Amaris. 'Out of harm's way': Dozens of Florida Waffle Houses close ahead of Hurricane Milton. USA Today. 2024-10-08 [2024-10-08]. (原始內容存檔於2024-10-09) (美國英語).
- ^ Bogan, Ray. FEMA experiencing severe staffing shortage ahead of Milton: Report. Straight Arrow News. 2024-10-08 [2024-10-08]. (原始內容存檔於2024-10-09).
- ^ Flavelle, Christopher. As Major Hurricane Approaches Florida, FEMA Faces Severe Staffing Shortage. The New York Times. 2024-10-07 [2024-10-08]. (原始內容存檔於2024-10-09).
- ^ Holmes, Oliver; Helmore, Edward. Floridians warned 'you are going to die' if they don't evacuate as Milton nears. The Guardian. 2024-10-08 [2024-10-09]. ISSN 0261-3077. (原始內容存檔於2024-10-09) (英國英語).
- ^ Miller, Austin L. Woman killed in NW Marion County vehicle crash was evacuating ahead of Hurricane Milton. Ocala StarBanner. 2024-10-08 [2024-10-09]. (原始內容存檔於2024-10-08) (美國英語).
- ^ Prator, Jack. 3 injured in plane crash into bay after takeoff from Albert Whitted. Tampa Bay Times. 2024-10-08 [2024-10-09] (英語).
- ^ Rodriguez, Tomas. Two killed in Immokalee crash Tuesday as evacuations began ahead of Hurricane Milton. 2024-10-09 [2024-10-10] (英語).
- ^ Smith, Dylan. Hurricane Milton's impact on the Coastal Empire and Lowcountry. WTOC. 2024-10-09 [2024-10-10]. (原始內容存檔於2024-10-10) (英語).
- ^ Atlanta Motor Speedway opening campgrounds for Milton evacuees. Atlanta Motor Speedway. 2024-10-07 [2024-10-08]. (原始內容存檔於2024-10-08).
- ^ 2024 Executive Orders. Office of the Governor. [2024-10-08]. (原始內容存檔於2024-10-07).
- ^ Koenen, Sarah. Cumberland Island National Seashore to close in preparation for Hurricane Milton. NPS.gov. 2024-10-08 [2024-10-09]. (原始內容存檔於2024-10-09).
- ^ Berg. Hurricane Milton Public Advisory 14. National Hurricane Center. Miami, Florida. 2024-10-08 [2024-10-08]. (原始內容存檔於2024-10-08).
- ^ Sealy, Theo. Govt issues Tropical Storm Watch for northern islands. Eye Witness News. 2024-10-08 [2024-10-08]. (原始內容存檔於2024-10-09) (美國英語).
- ^ Berg, Robbie. Hurricane Milton Public Advisory 15. National Hurricane Center. Miami, Florida. 2024-10-08 [2024-10-08]. (原始內容存檔於2024-10-09).
- ^ 106.0 106.1 Hall, Italia. Emergency Operations Center Activated In Grand Bahama. Our News. 2024-10-08 [2024-10-09]. (原始內容存檔於2024-10-09) (美國英語).
- ^ Williams, Joshua. RBDF: "We Stand Ready To Mobilize And Assist". Our News. 2024-10-09 [2024-10-09]. (原始內容存檔於2024-10-09) (美國英語).
- ^ School closures announced due to Hurricane Milton. Eye Witness News. 2024-10-07 [2024-10-08]. (原始內容存檔於2024-10-08) (美國英語).
- ^ WEATHER UPDATE: Tropical Storm warning issued for northwestern Bahamas. Tribune 242. [2024-10-08]. (原始內容存檔於2024-10-08) (英語).
- ^ Campbell, Kelie. 'Seek shelter', ministry urges. Tribune 242. 2024-10-07 [2024-10-08]. (原始內容存檔於2024-10-08) (英語).
- ^ GB Resident: "I'm So Happy Nothing Happened To This Great, Beautiful Island". Our News. 2024-10-12 [2024-10-12] (美國英語).
- ^ Sealy, Theo. BPL offices in select islands will close at noon. Eye Witness News. 2024-10-09 [2024-10-09]. (原始內容存檔於2024-10-09) (美國英語).
- ^ Brayson, Jaynen. Banks in Grand Bahama, Abaco to close Thursday Oct 10 2024. Eye Witness News. 2024-10-09 [2024-10-09]. (原始內容存檔於2024-10-09) (美國英語).
- ^ Huracán Milton: Un Muerto en Campeche por Intentar Ayudar a Pescadores [Hurricane Milton: A person died in Campeche trying to help fishermen]. N+. 2024-10-08 [2024-10-11] (西班牙語).
- ^ 'Milton': Pescador en Yucatán Muere Esperando Ayuda; Otros Cuatro Son Salvados [Milton: Fisherman in Yucatan died while waiting for help; another four are rescued]. N+. 2024-10-10 [2024-10-11] (西班牙語).
- ^ 116.0 116.1 Raz Herrera, Abraham Ismael. Muere náufrago en Yucatán del Peyucsa 12, Marina "no lo rescató"; esto dice la familia. Diario de Yucatán. 2024-10-10 [2024-10-12]. (原始內容存檔於2024-10-12) (西班牙語).
- ^ At least 16 people dead in Hurricane Milton's aftermath. Tampa Bay Times. [2024-10-11]. (原始內容存檔於2024-10-11) (英語).
- ^ 118.0 118.1 Wee, Lian Kit. Hurricane Milton might cost insurers up to $50 billion — but it could have been much worse, analysts said. Business Insider. 2024-10-11 [2024-10-11]. (原始內容存檔於2024-10-11).
- ^ Florida's Manasota Key utterly devastated after Hurricane Milton made landfall nearby. NBC News. 2024-10-14 [2024-10-14]. (原始內容存檔於2024-10-14) (英語).
- ^ Bridges, C. A. Inhalation death from flooded golf cart battery brings Hurricane Milton toll to 25 in Florida. The Palm Beach Post. [2024-10-20] (美國英語).
- ^ Lluvias generadas por Milton inundan calles en la capital Campechana. Tribuna Campeche. 2024-10-07 [2024-10-07]. (原始內容存檔於2024-10-07) (西班牙語).
- ^ Huracanes: Sin tocar tierra, Milton deja estragos en costas de Yucatán como categoría cuatro. El Informador. 2024-10-08 [2024-10-08]. (原始內容存檔於2024-10-08) (西班牙語).
- ^ Huracán Milton: Evacúan de EMERGENCIA en Celestún por creciente del mar. Azteca Yucatán. 2024-10-07 [2024-10-07]. (原始內容存檔於2024-10-07) (西班牙語).
- ^ A CAUSA DE MILTON, EL MAR "INVADE" Y DESLAVA TRAMOS EN LA CARRETERA CARMEN-ISLA AGUADA. Tribuna Campeche. 2024-10-08 [2024-10-08]. (原始內容存檔於2024-10-09) (西班牙語).
- ^ PIDEN AYUDA PARA LOCALIZAR A FAMILIARES DE PERSONA QUE MURIÓ AHOGADA EN ISLA ARENA. Tribuna Campeche. [2024-10-08]. (原始內容存檔於2024-10-09) (西班牙語).
- ^ MUERE AHOGADO EN ISLA ARENA, MILTON COBRA SU PRIMERA VÍCTIMA. Tribuna Campeche. 2024-10-08 [2024-10-08]. (原始內容存檔於2024-10-09) (西班牙語).
- ^ Puerto, Pablo. ÚLTIMO MOMENTO: Se derrumba casa en Progreso tras fuertes vientos del Huracán Milton. Azteca Yucatán. 2024-10-08 [2024-10-08]. (原始內容存檔於2024-10-09) (西班牙語).
- ^ FOTOS: Potentes vientos del Huracán Milton de categoría 5 DERRIBARON una casa en Chuburná, comisaría de Progreso. Azteca Yucatán. 2024-10-09 [2024-10-09]. (原始內容存檔於2024-10-09) (西班牙語).
- ^ No casualties reported as Milton hits Celestún and Sisal. The Yucatan Times. 2024-10-08 [2024-10-08]. (原始內容存檔於2024-10-08).
- ^ Milton dejó sin muelle a Chelem y dañó el de Progreso. Tribuna Campeche. 2024-10-08 [2024-10-08]. (原始內容存檔於2024-10-09) (西班牙語).
- ^ 15 Yucatán fishermen reported missing after Hurricane Milton. Mexico News Daily. 2024-10-09 [2024-10-12]. (原始內容存檔於2024-10-09).
- ^ Two boats with fishermen are still missing after Hurricane Milton. The Yucatan Times. 2024-10-10 [2024-10-12].
- ^ Domínguez Massa, David. Exigen investigación por náufrago muerto en Yucatán que Marina "no rescató". Diario de Yucatán. 2024-10-12 [2024-10-12] (西班牙語).
- ^ "Milton" será inolvidable: crónica de una tragedia en Yucatán. Diario de Yucatán. 2024-10-13 [2024-10-15] (西班牙語).
- ^ HURRICANE MILTON BRINGS FLOODING TO CUBA. One Caribbean News. 2024-10-10 [2024-10-16].
- ^ Cuban west on alert for Hurricane Milton: Winds over 50 km/h and flooding are expected.. CiberCuba. 2024-10-08 [2024-10-09]. (原始內容存檔於2024-10-09) (英語).
- ^ Boat service suspended in Havana bay due to the effects of Hurricane Milton.. CiberCuba. 2024-10-08 [2024-10-09]. (原始內容存檔於2024-10-09) (英語).
- ^ Robinson, Circles. Hurricane Milton to Make Landfall In Florida Tonight. Havana Times. 2024-10-09 [2024-10-09]. (原始內容存檔於2024-10-09) (美國英語).
- ^ Demos, Telis. Hurricane Milton Tests the Revamped Plumbing of the Insurance Market. The Wall Street Journal (News Corp). 2024-10-11 [2024-10-20].
- ^ Hurricane Milton Wind, Flood Cause an Estimated $17B to $28B in Insured Losses After Unusual Landfall Activity. CoreLogic®. 2024-10-13 [2024-10-24].
- ^ Hurricane Milton Advisory 20. National Hurricane Center. 2024-10-09 [2024-10-19]. (原始內容存檔於2024-11-03).
- ^ Hurricane Milton Tropical Cyclone Update. National Hurricane Center. 2024-10-10 [2024-10-15]. (原始內容存檔於2024-12-12).
- ^ Hurricane Milton Advisory 21. National Hurricane Center. 2024-10-10 [2024-10-15]. (原始內容存檔於2024-12-23).
- ^ Rainfall totals, top wind gusts from Hurricane Milton across Tampa Bay and Central Florida. Spectrum News 13. 2024-10-10 [2024-10-15].
- ^ Hurricane Milton's deadly onslaught in Florida leaves 3 million without power after destructive 100-mph winds. Fox Weather. 2024-10-10 [2024-10-10].
- ^ Harper, Mark. Milton aftermath: Flooding, power outages, closed roads, four deaths. Daytona Beach News Journal. 2024-10-14 [2024-10-17].
- ^ By the numbers: What made Hurricane Milton so historic?. JaxToday. 2024-10-17 [2024-10-17].
- ^ All the Ways Hurricane Milton Made History. 2024-10-11 [2024-10-12]. (原始內容存檔於2024-11-14).
- ^ Tornadoes, mass outages and deaths: what to know about Hurricane Milton's impact. The Guardian. 2024-10-10 [2024-10-10].
- ^ Tampa sees over 5x the usual October rainfall due to Hurricane Milton. WFLA. 2024-10-11 [2024-10-15].
- ^ Lemnus, Keith Burbank and Jack. Hurricane Milton: See final wind speeds, rain totals across Treasure Coast. Treasure Coast.
- ^ Hurricane Milton mauls Florida: City and county guide to death, misery and destruction. [2024-11-19]. (原始內容存檔於2024-11-16).
- ^ NWS: Milton unleashes full brunt on Volusia-Flagler with life-threatening rains, wind. Daytona Beach Journal. 2024-10-10 [2024-10-15].
- ^ 154.0 154.1 154.2 Hurricane Milton Brought Devastation Across Central Florida (RECAP) | Weather.com. The Weather Channel. [2024-10-10]. (原始內容存檔於2024-11-17) (美國英語).
- ^ Oberholtz, Chris. Hurricane Milton's destructive path strikes Daytona Beach with wind gusts topping 80 mph. FOX Weather. 2024-10-10 [2024-10-12] (美國英語).
- ^ Sistek, Scott. Record flooding, slow-to-recede rivers plague Florida after Milton blasted state with torrential rain. FOX Weather. 2024-10-12 [2024-10-14] (美國英語).
- ^ Why Milton's 'reverse surge' sucked water away from flood-fearing Tampa. AP News. 2024-10-10 [2024-10-17]. (原始內容存檔於2024-11-17).
- ^ Death toll in St. Lucie County due to Hurricane Milton rises to 7. WFLX. 2024-10-15 [2024-10-15] (英語).
- ^ 159.0 159.1 159.2 Wolfe, Elizabeth; Faheid, Dalia; Yeung, Jessie; Tucker, Emma; Magramo, Kathleen; Yan, Holly; Rose, Andy; Chowdhury, Maureen; Andone, Dakin; Bailey, Chelsea; Sangal, Aditi; Powell, Tori B. Deadly Milton leaves Florida with flooding and damage in its wake: Live updates. CNN. 2024-10-10 [2024-10-10]. (原始內容存檔於2024-11-05).
- ^ Yeung, Jessie; Harvey, Lex; Faheid, Dalia; Wolfe, Elizabeth; Vera, Amir. Hurricane Milton death toll mounts as the destruction is laid bare. CNN. 2024-10-11 [2024-10-11].
- ^ 161.0 161.1 Silva, Daniella. Hurricane Milton live updates: At least 6 deaths confirmed following monster storm slamming into Florida. NBC News. 2024-10-10 [2024-10-10]. (原始內容存檔於2024-11-14).
- ^ Wolfe, Elizabeth; Faheid, Dalia; Yeung, Jessie; Tucker, Emma; Magramo, Kathleen; Yan, Holly; Rose, Andy; Chowdhury, Maureen; Andone, Dakin; Bailey, Chelsea; Sangal, Aditi; Powell, Tori B. Deadly Milton leaves Florida with flooding and damage in its wake: Live updates. CNN. 2024-10-10 [2024-10-10]. (原始內容存檔於2024-10-13).
- ^ Mendoza, Jesse. Charlotte County resident dies at Bradenton hospital during Hurricane Milton. The Palm Beach Post. 2024-10-15 [2024-10-22].
- ^ Multiple fatalities reported in Florida from tornadoes spawned by Hurricane Milton. NBC 6 South Florida. 2024-10-10 [2024-10-10]. (原始內容存檔於2024-10-13) (美國英語).
- ^ Waffle House, citing the Waffle House Index, closes Tampa locations ahead of Hurricane Milton - CBS News. CBS News. 2024-10-10 [2024-10-14] (美國英語).
- ^ Perray, Helena. It's not a myth: Waffle House closes Daytona- area restaurants ahead of Hurricane Milton. Daytona Beach News-Journal Online. [2024-10-14] (美國英語).
- ^ Sanders, Hank. Hurricane Milton Destroys Roof of Tropicana Field Stadium. The New York Times. 2024-10-10 [2024-10-10]. (原始內容存檔於2024-10-10).
- ^ Crane collapses into Times' office building amid thrashing Milton winds. Tampa Bay Times. [2024-10-10].
- ^ Kellerman, Austin; Accettulla, Kevin. Sarasota Bradenton International Airport loses roof; closed until Wednesday. WFLA-TV. 2024-10-11 [2024-10-12].
- ^ Hurricane Milton live updates: At least 14 deaths confirmed; power outages, flooding still major concerns. NBC News. 2024-10-11 [2024-10-11] (英語).
- ^ Spencer, Terry; Payne, Kate. More than 1.5 million without power as Hurricane Milton slams Florida. Associated Press News. 2024-10-09 [2024-10-10].
- ^ Cortez, Julio; Payne, Kate; Daley, Haven. Milton knocks out power to millions and spawns 150 tornadoes across Florida. At least 4 dead. AP News. 2024-10-10 [2024-10-10]. (原始內容存檔於2024-11-18).
- ^ Hagopian, Alicja; Musto, Julia. Hurricane Milton damage: 'Storm of the century' versus other hurricanes. The Independent. 2024-10-10 [2024-10-17]. (原始內容存檔於2024-11-18) (英語).
- ^ Hurricane Milton latest: 'Everything in its path is gone' - deaths reported as daylight reveals Florida devastation. Sky News. [2024-10-10] (英語).
- ^ Wolfe, Elizabeth; Faheid, Dalia; Yeung, Jessie; Tucker, Emma; Magramo, Kathleen; Yan, Holly; Rose, Andy; Chowdhury, Maureen; Andone, Dakin; Bailey, Chelsea; Sangal, Aditi; Powell, Tori B. Deadly Milton leaves Florida with flooding and damage in its wake: Live updates. CNN. 2024-10-10 [2024-10-11].
- ^ Rosales, Isabel. Video shows an enormous sinkhole left behind by Hurricane Milton. CNN. 2024-10-10 [2024-10-10].
- ^ Watkins, Christina. Gaping holes appear in Central Florida streets after Milton roars through. 2024-10-10 [2024-10-10] –透過WESH.
- ^ Loria, Christopher Cann, Jeanine Santucci and Michael. Hurricane Milton leaves widespread destruction; rescue operations underway. USA Today. [2024-10-12] (美國英語).
- ^ Milton damages at $267M in Volusia; residents call for action on flooding. Daytona Beach News Journal. 2024-10-16 [2024-10-17]. (原始內容存檔於2024-11-10).
- ^ Layden, Laura. Hurricane Milton caused $280 million in damage in Collier County. Naples Daily News. [2024-10-23] (美國英語).
- ^ Scouten, Ted. Port of Key West closes due to Hurricane Milton, local businesses feel impact. CBS News. 2024-10-09 [2024-10-10] (美國英語).
- ^ ROWDIES TO CLOSE OUT 2024 REGULAR SEASON AT IMG ACADEMY. Tampa Bay Rowdies. 2024-10-18 [2024-10-19]. (原始內容存檔於2024-11-16).
- ^ Costliest U.S. tropical cyclones tables update (PDF) (報告). United States National Hurricane Center. 2018-01-12 [2020-05-13]. (原始內容存檔 (PDF)於2018-01-27).
- ^ Assessing the U.S. Climate in 2018. National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI). 2019-02-06 [2019-02-09].
- ^ Oct 8, 2024 0600 UTC Day 2 Convective Outlook. Storm Prediction Center. 2024-10-08.
- ^ Why Hurricane Milton produced such strong tornadoes — and why future storms might do so again. NBC News. 2024-10-11 [2024-10-16]. (原始內容存檔於2024-11-16).
- ^ At least 19 tornadoes touch down in Florida ahead of Hurricane Milton landfall. WBBH-TV. 2024-10-09 [2024-10-09]. (原始內容存檔於2024-10-10).
- ^ Hurricane Milton Spawned Record Number Of Florida Tornadoes, The Weather Channel, 2024-10-23
- ^ Milton set a Florida record for the most tornadoes in one day, WMAF
- ^ Lewis, Kaitlin. Hurricane Milton update as Florida breaks tornado warning record. Newsweek. 2024-10-09 [2024-10-10] (英語).
- ^ NWS Miami [@NWSMiami]. 10/9 - As of 6pm: 55 Tornado Warnings issued today solely by NWS Miami.98 Tornado Warnings issued today by NWS Tampa Bay, NWS Melbourne, and NWS Miami today. At least 9 Confirmed Tornadoes today in our NWS Miami area (Preliminary). (推文). 2024-10-09 [2024-10-09] –透過Twitter.
- ^ Blue, Mathieu [@MathieuBlue]. 🌪️ Both NWS Miami & NWS Tampa have broken the record for *most tornado warnings issued in a single day* by their offices. (推文). 2024-10-09 [2024-10-10] –透過Twitter.
- ^ Morgan, Michelle. Record-breaking 126 tornado warnings issued in Florida ahead of Hurricane Milton. WKMG-TV. 2024-10-10 [2024-10-10].
- ^ ArcGIS Web Application. apps.dat.noaa.gov. [2024-10-16]. (原始內容存檔於2020-04-23).
- ^ Ferrell, Jesse. 2 large tornadoes from Hurricane Milton cross I-75 in Florida. AccuWeather. 2024-10-09 [2024-10-09]. (原始內容存檔於2024-10-09).
- ^ 196.0 196.1 196.2 National Weather Service in Miami, Florida. NWS Damage Survey for the Hurricane Milton Tornado Event - Update #3 (報告). National Weather Service. 2024-10-15 [2024-10-15].
- ^ Hannon, Mickenzie. Hurricane Milton: Tornadoes cause wide-spread damage in Fort Myers area. The News-Press. 2024-10-09 [2024-10-09]. (原始內容存檔於2024-10-09).
- ^ Jean, Olivia. Twin Palm's tornado was the strongest tornado ever recorded in southwest Florida. WINK-TV. 2024-10-15 [2024-10-16].
- ^ Photos reveal dramatic aftermath of tornado hitting a solar farm. The Weather Network. 2024-10-17 [2024-10-18].
- ^ National Weather Service issues preliminary report, says 20 homes in Spanish Lakes were 'tossed or flipped'. WPTV. 2024-10-14 [2024-10-16]. (原始內容存檔於2024-11-16).
- ^ National Weather Service in Melbourne, Florida. NWS Damage Survey for St. Lucie/SE Indian River County Tornado Event - Update #2 (報告). National Weather Service. 2024-10-13 [2024-10-13].
- ^ 'We're all alive, that's what matters': Woman's actions saved lives in St. Lucie tornado. CBS12. 2024-10-14 [2024-10-16].
- ^ 6 victims of tornado that hit Spanish Lakes mobile home community identified. NBC Miami. 2024-10-15 [2024-10-16].
- ^ 5 reasons Hurricane Milton's tornado outbreak was historic. AccuWeather. 2024-10-16 [2024-10-16].
- ^ Dahm, Daniel. Cocoa Beach buildings damaged by possible tornado spawned by Hurricane Milton. WKMG-TV. 2024-10-09 [2024-10-10]. (原始內容存檔於2024-10-10).
- ^ Volunteers and local church members unite to aid tornado victims in St. Lucie County. CW34. 2024-10-15 [2024-10-16]. (原始內容存檔於2024-11-18).
- ^ St. Lucie County deputies remain outside the Spanish Lakes community where tornado killed 6 people. WPBF. 2024-10-12 [2024-10-16].
- ^ 'Let's shine a light': WPTV partners with 7 local businesses to raise money for tornado victims. WPTV-TV. 2024-10-15 [2024-10-16].
- ^ Deem, John. Hurricane Milton brings wind, potential coastal flooding to Savannah area Thursday. Savannah News Now. 2024-10-10 [2024-10-11].
- ^ Tybee Island flooding concerns at ease, rip current risk continues. WJCL. 2024-10-10 [2024-10-11].
- ^ Kukulich, Tony; Cota, Kailey. Instead of flooding tides and high winds, Milton ushers in sunny fall weather. The Post and Courier. 2024-10-10 [2024-10-12]. (原始內容存檔於2024-11-16).
- ^ Munnings, Lynaire; Maycock, Denise. All clear - and time to clean up. Tribune 242. 2024-10-11 [2024-10-12] (英語).
- ^ 213.0 213.1 Cartwright-Carroll, Travis. No major damage reported on northern islands after Milton, officials say. The Nassau Guardian. 2024-10-11 [2024-10-14].
- ^ Etienne, Jose. HURRICANE MILTON UPDATE: DRMA issues 'all clear' for The Bahamas. Eye Witness News. 2024-10-10 [2024-10-13].
- ^ Amtrak Advisory | Modified service due to Hurricane Milton. www.amtrak.com. [2024-10-13] (英語).
- ^ Are tolls still suspended on Florida highways after Hurricane Milton? What to know. USA Today. 2024-10-16 [2024-10-16].
- ^ Adeniji, Are. Hurricane Milton aftermath: Death toll climbs with hundreds of thousands still without power. AccuWeather. 2024-10-14 [2024-10-14].
- ^ Biden surveys Milton damage; Florida power will be restored by Tuesday: Updates. USA Today. 2024-10-13 [2024-10-14].
- ^ Roeloffs, Mary Whitfill. Blake Lively, Ryan Reynolds Announce $1 Million Hurricane Relief Donation: All The Celebrities Who've Pitched In. Forbes. 2024-10-10 [2024-10-15].
- ^ Baltimore Orioles Make $250,000 Initial Donation to Hurricane Relief Campaign (頁面存檔備份,存於網際網路檔案館), Sarasota Magazine
- ^ Floridians cleaning up from Hurricane Milton are hampered by a widespread fuel shortage. AP News. 2024-10-13 [2024-10-14].
- ^ Cumberland Island reopens October 12 after Hurricane Milton. NPS.gov. 2024-10-11 [2024-10-15].
- ^ Damage from Hurricane Milton closes Florida national seashore indefinitely. Fox Weather. 2024-101-44 [2024-10-15].
- ^ Parts of Canaveral National Seashore prepare to reopen after Milton, Spectrum News 13, 2024-10-18
- ^ Diaz, Jaclyn; Parks, Miles. Biden surveys Milton damage in Florida and announces funding for electric grid. NPR. 2024-10-13 [2024-10-15].
- ^ Anderson, Zac; Devine, Alicia; Barrera, Elena. Recap: Biden returns to Florida to visit St. Pete Beach after hit from Helene, Milton. Sarasota Herald-Tribune. 2024-10-13 [2024-10-15].
- ^ Scheckner, Jesse. Florida Supervisors of Elections ask for more voting accommodations post-Milton. Florida Politics. 2024-10-15 [2024-10-16]. (原始內容存檔於2024-11-16).
- ^ 228.0 228.1 Jaime, Caroline. Flesh-eating bacteria cases rise in Florida after hurricanes Helene and Milton. CNN. 2024-10-18 [2024-10-19] (英語).[失效連結]
- ^ Bowen, Jordan. Mosquito-borne illness found in Bay Area after Hurricane Milton. FOX 13 News. 2024-10-26 [2024-10-28] (美國英語).
- ^ Hallas, Emily. Scalise promises House investigation after FEMA official blocked aid to Florida Trump homes. Washington Examiner. 2024-11-08 [2024-11-08]. (原始內容存檔於2024-11-16).
- ^ Mallonee, Mary. FEMA employee fired after telling relief team to skip houses with Trump signs following Florida hurricane. CNN. November 9, 2024 [2024-11-09]. (原始內容存檔於2024-11-14).
- ^ Elliott, Debbie. Florida sues FEMA for discrimination accusing it of denying aid to Trump supporters. NPR News. 2024-11-14 [2024-11-15].
[編輯]- 美國國家颶風中心關於颶風米爾頓的警告存檔 (頁面存檔備份,存於網際網路檔案館)