雙星團 | |
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觀測數據 (J2000.0 曆元) | |
星座 | 英仙座 |
赤經 | 2h 20m |
赤緯 | 57° 08′ |
距離 | 7.5 kly (2300 秒差距) |
視星等 (V) | 3.7和3.8 |
視直徑 (V) | 60′ |
物理性質 | |
其他名稱(標示) | 科德韋爾 14 |
相關條目:疏散星團、疏散星團列表 |
雙星團(也稱為科德韋爾14)是裸眼可見的疏散星團NGC 869和 NGC 884(經常被錯誤的稱為英仙座h和χ,其實h是鄰近的一顆恆星,而χ就是這兩個星團)的合稱[1],在英仙座內靠得很近。NGC 869和NGC 884 兩者至地球的距離都是7,600光年[2]。NGC 869的質量約為3,700太陽質量,而NGC 884的質量大約是2,800太陽質量;然而後來的研究顯示這兩個星團有很多的暈星環繞著,所以它們的總質量至少是20,000太陽質量[3]。依據對個別恆星的研究,這兩個星團相對來說都很年輕,大約都只有1,280萬歲[4]。相較之下,昴宿星團的年齡估計是7,500萬至15,000萬歲。這兩個星團各自都有300顆以上的藍白色超巨星。這兩個星團都有藍移,NGC 869以39 km/s(24 mi/s)接近地球,NGC 884也以相似的速度,38 km/s(24 mi/s)朝向地球接近[5]。星團中最熱主序星的光譜類型是B0。
[編輯]- ^ Some confusion surrounds what Bayer intended by these designations. It is sometimes claimed that Bayer could not have resolved the pair into two patches of nebulosity, and that Chi refers to the Double Cluster and h to a nearby star; see Stephen James O'Meara and Daniel W.E. Green, 2003, "The Mystery of the Double Cluster", Sky and Telescope, Vol. 105, No. 2 (February 2003), p. 116–119. Bayer's Uranometria chart for Perseus does not show them as nebulous objects, but his chart for Cassiopeia does, and they are described as Nebulosa Duplex in Schiller's Coelum Stellatum Christianum, which was assembled with Bayer's help; see Morton Wagman, Lost Stars, McDonald & Woodward, 2003, ISBN 0939923785, p. 240.
- ^ UBVI and Hα Photometry of the h and χ Persei Cluster. [8 April 2013].
- ^ The Stellar Population of h and χ Persei: Cluster Properties, Membership, and the Intrinsic Colors and Temperatures of Stars. [13 July 2013]. (原始內容存檔於2019-03-27).
- ^ The Star Formation History and Mass Function of the Double Cluster h and χ Persei (PDF). [8 April 2013]. (原始內容 (PDF)存檔於2017-07-22).
- ^ Astrophysical parameters of Galactic open clusters. [8 April 2013]. (原始內容存檔於2014-12-13).
- ^ O'Meara, Stephen James. The Caldwell Objects. Cambridge University Press. 2002. ISBN 978-0-521-82796-6.
- ^ Caldwell Club Introduction. [2006-09-08]. (原始內容存檔於2014-12-14).
- ^ Chaple, Glenn. A double take 39 (1). Astronomy. January 2011.