
羅伯聃,原名羅伯特·湯姆(英語:Robert Thom; 1807年—1846年),漢名羅伯聃,是19世紀英格蘭的翻譯家,為廣州的怡和洋行工作。在第一次鴉片戰爭時期被借調到英國武裝部隊。
[編輯]- ^ Fairbank, John King. Trade and Diplomacy on the China Coast: The Opening of the Treaty Ports , 1842-1854, Volumes 1-2. Harvard University Press. 1953: 126. ISBN 0-674-89835-4.
- ^ Kaske, Elisabeth. The Politics of Language in Chinese Education, 1895-1919. Brill. 2007: 68. ISBN 978-9004163676.
- ^ The Lasting Resentment of Miss Keaou Lwan Wang, a Chinese Tale Founded on Fact. Canton Press Office. 1839年11月4日 [2023年11月4日]. (原始內容存檔於2023年11月4日).
- ^ Le Pichon, Alain. China Trade and Empire: Jardine, Matheson & Co. and the Origins of British Rule in Hong Kong 1827-1843. Oxford University Press. 2006: 184. ISBN 978-0197263372.
[編輯]- The Lasting Resentment of Miss Keaou Lwan Wang, a Chinese Tale. Canton Press Office. 1839.
- Esop's Fables Written in Chinese by the Learned Mun Mooy Seen-Shang. Canton Press Office. 1840.
- The Chinese Speaker or Extracts from Works Written in the Mandarin Language, as Spoken at Peking. Ningpo: Presbyterian Mission Press. 1846.
- Chinese and English Vocabulary, compiled chiefly with a view to facilitate intercourse in the Northern ports. Part 1. Canton. 1843.