犁頭鰩科![]() 化石時期:
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一條剷頭犁頭鰩 | |
科學分類 ![]() | |
界: | 動物界 Animalia |
門: | 脊索動物門 Chordata |
綱: | 軟骨魚綱 Chondrichthyes |
目: | 犁頭鰩目 Rhinopristiformes |
科: | 犁頭鰩科 Rhinobatidae J. P. Müller & Henle, 1837 |
屬 | |
- 廢除顆粒犁頭鰩屬,原屬於該屬的2個物種以及犁頭鰩屬的5個物種移至藍吻犁頭鰩科
- 團扇鰩亞科升格為科並劃入電鰩目
- 擬團扇鰩屬劃至團扇鰩科,原屬於該屬的1個物種一併遷移
- 梳板鰩屬升格為科
- 兩個新屬擬犁頭鰩屬與弧犁頭鰩屬自犁頭鰩屬分離。
- 杜氏犁頭鰩和短吻犁頭鰩自犁頭鰩屬分別移至南犁頭鰩屬與強鰭鰩屬
- 鏟吻犁頭鰩屬不作調整。
- 馬爾加什弧犁頭鰩 Acroteriobatus andysabini ,見於馬達加斯加[12]
- 突吻弧犁頭鰩 Acroteriobatus annulatus
- 布氏弧犁頭鰩 Acroteriobatus blochii
- 灰斑弧犁頭鰩 Acroteriobatus leucospilus (Norman, 1926)[12]
- 南非弧犁頭鰩 Acroteriobatus ocellatus
- 阿曼弧犁頭鰩 Acroteriobatus omanensis
- 沙拉蘭弧犁頭鰩 Acroteriobatus salalah
- 索科特拉弧犁頭鰩 Acroteriobatus stehmanni ,見於索科特拉[12]
- 斑鼻弧犁頭鰩 Acroteriobatus variegatus
- 桑吉巴爾弧犁頭鰩 Acroteriobatus zanzibarensis
- 白斑犁頭鰩 Rhinobatos albomaculatatus :又稱白斑琵琶鱝。
- 安氏犁頭鰩 Rhinobatos annandalei :又稱安氏琵琶鱝。
- 奧斯汀犁頭鰩 Rhinobatos austini :又稱奧斯汀琵琶鱝。
- 婆羅洲犁頭鰩 Rhinobatos borneensis :又稱婆羅洲琵琶鱝。
- 台灣犁頭鰩 Rhinobatos formosensis :又稱台灣琵琶鱝。
- 長犁頭鰩 Rhinobatos holcorhynchus :又稱長琵琶鱝。
- 斑紋犁頭鰩 Rhinobatos hynnicephalus :又稱斑紋琵琶鱝。
- 暗斑犁頭鰩 Rhinobatos irvinei :又稱暗斑琵琶鱝。
- 印尼犁頭鰩 Rhinobatos jimbaranensis 又稱印尼琵琶鱝。
- 光背犁頭鰩 Rhinobatos lionotus :又稱光背琵琶鱝。
- 馬納氏犁頭鰩 Rhinobatos manai :又稱馬納氏琵琶鱝。
- 裸背犁頭鰩 Rhinobatos nudidorsalis 又稱裸背琵琶鱝。
- 彭氏犁頭鰩 Rhinobatos penggali :又稱彭氏琵琶鱝。
- 紅海犁頭鰩 Rhinobatos punctifer :又稱紅海琵琶鱝。
- 拉廊犁頭鰩 Rhinobatos ranongensis :又稱拉廊琵琶鱝。
- 琴犁頭鰩 Rhinobatos rhinobatos :又稱琴琵琶鱝。
- 塞氏犁頭鰩 Rhinobatos sainsburyi :又稱塞氏琵琶鱝。
- 薛氏犁頭鰩 Rhinobatos schlegelii :又稱許氏犁頭鰩、薛氏琵琶鱝。
- 肖氏犁頭鰩 Rhinobatos thouiniana :又稱肖氏琵琶鱝。
- 菲律賓犁頭鰩 Rhinobatos whitei :又稱菲律賓琵琶鱝。
- 菲利浦扁犁頭鰩 Tarsistes philippii :又稱菲利浦扁琵琶鱝。
[編輯]- ^ Froese, R. & Pauly, D. (eds.) (2011). Rhinobatidae. FishBase. Version 2011-02.
- ^ 2.0 2.1 Giuseppe Marramà; Giorgio Carnevale; Gavin J. P. Naylor; Massimo Varese; Luca Giusberti; Jürgen Kriwet. Anatomy, taxonomy and phylogeny of the Eocene guitarfishes from the Bolca Lagerstätten, Italy, provide new insights into the relationships of the Rhinopristiformes (Elasmobranchii: Batomorphii). Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society. 2021, 192 (4): 1090–1110. doi:10.1093/zoolinnean/zlaa125.
- ^ Giuseppe Marramà; Giorgio Carnevale; Gavin J. P. Naylor; Massimo Varese; Luca Giusberti; Jürgen Kriwet (2021). "Anatomy, taxonomy and phylogeny of the Eocene guitarfishes from the Bolca Lagerstätten, Italy, provide new insights into the relationships of the Rhinopristiformes (Elasmobranchii: Batomorphii)". Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society. 192 (4): 1090–1110. doi:10.1093/zoolinnean/zlaa125.
- ^ 4.0 4.1 Tikkanen, A. (n.d.). guitarfish | fish | Britannica. [online] www.britannica.com. Available at: https://www.britannica.com/animal/guitarfish (頁面存檔備份,存於網際網路檔案館).
- ^ Monterey Bay Aquarium (2022). Guitarfish. [online] Montereybayaquarium.org. Available at: https://www.montereybayaquarium.org/animals/animals-a-to-z/shovelnose-guitarfish (頁面存檔備份,存於網際網路檔案館) [Accessed 19 Aug. 2022].
- ^ NOAA Fisheries (2021). Common Guitarfish | NOAA Fisheries. [online] NOAA. Available at: https://www.fisheries.noaa.gov/species/common-guitarfish (頁面存檔備份,存於網際網路檔案館).
- ^ Florida Museum (2017). Rhinobatos lentiginosus. [online] Florida Museum. Available at: https://www.floridamuseum.ufl.edu/discover-fish/species-profiles/rhinobatos-lentiginosus/ (頁面存檔備份,存於網際網路檔案館).
- ^ 8.0 8.1 Sullivan, Taylor. "FLMNH Ichthyology Department: Atlantic Guitarfish". Florida Museum of Natural History. Florida Museum of Natural History. Retrieved 1 May 2015
- ^ 9.0 9.1 9.2 National Marine Sanctuary Foundation. (2021). Sea Wonder: Guitarfish. [online] Available at: https://marinesanctuary.org/blog/sea-wonder-guitarfish/ (頁面存檔備份,存於網際網路檔案館).
- ^ Forget, F. and Muir, J. (2021). The critically endangered bowmouth guitarfish (Rhina ancylostoma) in the open ocean with an associated tuna school. Marine Biodiversity, 51(4). doi:10.1007/s12526-021-01195-8.
- ^ 11.0 11.1 Peter Last; William White; Marcelo de Carvalho; Bernard Séret; Matthias Stehmann; Gavin Naylor, eds. (2016). Rays of the World. CSIRO. ISBN 9780643109148.
- ^ 12.0 12.1 12.2 Simon Weigmann, David A. Ebert and Bernard Séret. 2021. Resolution of the Acroteriobatus leucospilus Species Complex, with A Redescription of A. leucospilus (Norman, 1926) and Descriptions of Two New western Indian Ocean Species of Acroteriobatus (Rhinopristiformes, Rhinobatidae). Marine Biodiversity. 51, 58. DOI: 10.1007/s12526-021-01208-6
- ^ Uerpmann, M. and Uerpmann, H.-P. (2005). Fish exploitation at Bronze Age harbour sites in the Arabian Gulf area. Paléorient, [online] 31(1), pp.108–115. doi:10.3406/paleo.2005.4790.
- ^ Shark Dive Protea Banks. (n.d.). Shark Diving Protea Banks - Dive with Bullsharks + Tigersharks. [online] Available at: http://www.afridive.com/ (頁面存檔備份,存於網際網路檔案館).