彌爾頓 (布萊克)
《彌爾頓》的序言中有一首短詩《恆古時光的足跡》(And did those feet in ancient time),這首詩被改編成了讚美詩《耶路撒冷》。這首詩出現在攻擊古希臘和古羅馬文化的影響的散文之後,這與《聖經的崇高》形成了不利的對比。
[編輯]- ^ Apesos, Anthony. The Poet in the Poem: Blake's "Milton". Studies in Philology (UNC Press). Spring 2015, 112 (2): 379–413. JSTOR 24392028. doi:10.1353/sip.2015.0014.
- ^ Jones, John H. "Self-Annihilation" and Dialogue in Blake's Creative Process: "Urizen, Milton, Jerusalem". Modern Language Studies. Spring 1994, 24 (2): 3–10. JSTOR 3195140. doi:10.2307/3195140.
- ^ Pierce, Frederick E. The Genesis and General Meaning of Blake's "Milton". Modern Philology (The University of Chicago Press). 1927, 25 (2): 165–178. JSTOR 433219. doi:10.1086/387700.
- ^ Analysis. William Blake's 'Milton'. British Library. [April 19, 2020]. (原始內容存檔於2021-03-22).
The artist and poet William Blake (1757–1827) was moved, provoked and inspired by the poetry of John Milton