
大花草屬![]() | |
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科學分類 ![]() | |
界: | 植物界 Plantae |
演化支: | 維管束植物 Tracheophyta |
演化支: | 被子植物 Angiosperms |
演化支: | 真雙子葉植物 Eudicots |
演化支: | 薔薇類植物 Rosids |
目: | 金虎尾目 Malpighiales |
科: | 大花草科 Rafflesiaceae |
屬: | 大花草屬 Rafflesia R.Br., 1821 |
模式種 | |
阿諾爾特大花草 Rafflesia arnoldii R.Br., 1821
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物種 | |
見正文 |
- 阿諾爾特大花草 Rafflesia arnoldii R.Br.,大王花[1]
- 近打大花草 Rafflesia aurantia Barcelona, Co & Balete,橙黃大花草[1]
- 阿茲蘭大花草 Rafflesia azlanii Latiff & M.Wong[1]
- 伊薩洛克大花草 Rafflesia baletei Barcelona & Cajano[1]
- Rafflesia banaoana Malabrigo[2][1]
- Rafflesia banahawensis [1]
- 明古魯大花草 Rafflesia bengkuluensis Susatya, Arianto & Mat-Salleh[1]
- 婆羅洲大花草 Rafflesia borneensis Koord.,婆羅大花草
- Rafflesia camarinensis F.B.Valenz., Jaucian-Adan, Agoo & Madulid
- 莖生大花草 Rafflesia cantleyi Solms[1]
- 緣毛大花草 Rafflesia ciliata Koord.
- 康氏大花草 Rafflesia consueloae Galindon, Ong & Fernando[3][1]
- 芽篤大花草 Rafflesia gadutensis Meijer[1]
- Rafflesia hasseltii Suringar[1]
- 爪哇大花草 Rafflesia horsfieldii R. Br.
- 沙巴大花草 Rafflesia keithii Meijer[1]
- Rafflesia kemumu Susatya, Hidayati & Riki[4]
- 凱里大花草 Rafflesia kerrii Meijer,泰國大花草
- Rafflesia lagascae Blanco
- Rafflesia lawangensis Mat-Salleh, Mahyuni & Susatya
- Rafflesia leonardi Barcelona & Pelser[1]
- 淺裂大花草 Rafflesia lobata R.Galang & Madulid[1]
- 馬尼拉大花草 Rafflesia manillana Teschem.[1]
- Rafflesia meijeri Wiriad. & Sari
- 鹿蹄大花草 Rafflesia micropylora Meijer
- 驚奇大花草 Rafflesia mira Fernando & Ong[1]
- 混雜大花草 Rafflesia mixta Barcelona, Manting, Arbolonio, R.B.Caball. & Pelser[1]
- Rafflesia micropylora Meijer, 1981[1]
- 小斑大花草 Rafflesia parvimaculata Sofiyanti, Mat-Salleh, Khairil, Zuhailah, Mohd.Ros & Burslem[5]
- Rafflesia panchoana [1]
- 缽頭摩大花草 Rafflesia patma Blume[1]
- 菲律賓大花草 Rafflesia philippensis Blanco
- Rafflesia pricei Meijer
- 銀山大花草 Rafflesia rochussenii Teijsm. & Binn.[1]
- Rafflesia schadenbergiana Göpp. ex Hieron.[1]
- Rafflesia sharifah-hapsahiae J.H.Adam, Rahmah, Aizat-Juhari & K.L.Wan
- 美麗大花草 Rafflesia speciosa Barcelona & Fernando
- Rafflesia su-meiae M.Wong, Nais & F.Gan
- 東姑阿德林大花草 Rafflesia tengku-adlinii K.Mat-Salleh & Latiff
- Rafflesia tiomanensis Siti-Munirah, Salamah & Razelan
- 王子大花草 Rafflesia tuan-mudae Becc.[1]
- Rafflesia tuanku-halimii J.H.Adam, Aizat-Juhari, Azilah & K.L.Wan
- 多疣大花草 Rafflesia verrucosa Balete, Pelser, Nickrent & Barcelona[1]
[編輯]最初由法國人 Louis Deschamps 於1791-1794年在爪哇發現,但他的筆記被英國人於1803年沒收。 直到1818年,自然學家約瑟夫·阿諾德(Joseph Arnold)和英國在新加坡殖民地的創建者托馬斯·斯坦福德·萊佛士(Sir Thomas Stamford Bingley Raffles)率領的科學探險隊在印尼蘇門答臘發現了這種植物,並以萊佛士的名字命名。其帶有斑點的血紅色花朵有7公斤重,直徑一般1米以上,散發一種腐爛屍體般的惡臭;同時生產熱量[6],吸引蒼蠅和幾種食腐蜂類來傳播花粉。

大戟科 sensu lato |
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2010 年對18種大花草屬的分子親緣關係學發育研究發現,它們分為四個明確的地理定義組:[7]
大花草屬 Rafflesia |
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However, the clear monophyly of the four geographical clades does not correspond to any clear difference in appearance. There is no consistency within the clades in the size of flowers, or the presence or absence of white warts; species in different clades resemble one another more than they do some other species within the same clade. Homoplasy – repeatedly gaining or losing traits – seems to be the rule within Rafflesia.[7]
- ^ 1.00 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.05 1.06 1.07 1.08 1.09 1.10 1.11 1.12 1.13 1.14 1.15 1.16 1.17 1.18 1.19 1.20 1.21 1.22 1.23 Pastor Malabrigo Jr., Adriane B. Tobias, Joko Witono, Sofi Mursidawati, Agus Susatya, Mat Yunoh Siti-Munirah, Adhityo Wicaksono, Reza Raihandhany, Sarah Edwards and Chris J. Thorogood. 2023. Most of the World's Largest Flowers (Genus Rafflesia) are now on the Brink of Extinction. PLANTS, PEOPLE, PLANET. DOI: 10.1002/ppp3.10431
- ^ Adriane B. Tobias, Chris J. Thorogood and Pastor L. Malabrigo Jr. 2023. The Reinstatement of Rafflesia banaoana (Rafflesiaceae), and Implications for Assessing Species Diversity and Conservation Requirements of the World's Largest Flowers. Phytotaxa. 612(2); 201-216. DOI: 10.11646/phytotaxa.612.2.5
- ^ John Michael M. Galindon, Perry S. Ong and Edwino S. Fernando. 2016. Rafflesia consueloae (Rafflesiaceae), The Smallest among Giants; A New Species from Luzon Island, Philippines. PhytoKeys. 61: 37-46. DOI: 10.3897/phytokeys.61.7295
- ^ Agus Susatyaม Siti Nur Hidayati and Septian Riki. 2017. Rafflesia kemumu (Rafflesiaceae), A New Species from Northern Bengkulu, Sumatra, Indonesia. Phytotaxa. 326(3); 211–220. DOI: 10.11646/phytotaxa.326.3.5
- ^ Nery Sofiyanti, Kamarudin Mat-Salleh, Khairil Mahmud, Nor Zuhailah Mazlan, Mohd. Ros. Albukharey Hasein and David F.R.P. Burslem. 2016. Rafflesia parvimaculata (Rafflesiaceae), A New Species of Rafflesia from Peninsular Malaysia. Phytotaxa. 253(3); DOI: 10.11646/phytotaxa.253.3.4
- ^ Patiño, Sandra; Aalto, Tuula; Edwards, Alice A.; Grace, John. Is Rafflesia an endothermic flower?. New Phytologist. 2002-05, 154 (2) [2024-05-28]. ISSN 0028-646X. doi:10.1046/j.1469-8137.2002.00396.x. (原始內容存檔於2024-05-28) (英語).
- ^ 7.0 7.1 Bendiksby, Mika; Schumacher, Trond; Gussarova, Galina; Nais, Jamili; Mat-Salleh, Kamarudin; Sofiyanti, Nery; Madulid, Domingo; Smith, Stephen A. & Barkman, Todd. Elucidating the evolutionary history of the Southeast Asian, holoparasitic, giant-flowered Rafflesiaceae: Pliocene vicariance, morphological convergence and character displacement. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution. 2010-11-01, 57 (2): 620–633. PMID 20723606. doi:10.1016/j.ympev.2010.08.005.