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- 在7月23日星期四的17:50至17:59 UTC之间,Wikidata Query Service的所有查询都失敗了,有些查询在更長的时间段上失敗。
- 在过去的几周,跨语言链接的順序錯誤,此問題已在兩週前的技術新聞中提到,现已修复。
- 全局偏好設定的「使用旧的矢量」选项目前有问题,开发人員正在進行修复。
- 在維基共享資源上,Wikibase擴充功能中的一個錯誤導致「移動」和「建立」保護類型在主要(Gallery)命名空間中被停用,無法設定新的保護,現存的保護也無法作用,導致允許了某些原本不應被允許的頁面移動和建立。現已修復。
- 影片播放器將變得更簡單、更現代,目前的測試版功能將在本週成為維基百科以外的維基上所有人使用的影片播放器,舊版播放器將移除。
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,這會影響CSS和JS小工具,可以在T255953上找到遷移說明。這個更改曾在第27期新聞中提到過。 機器人操作者可以使用Pywikibot來定時存檔討論,為了防止存檔過大而由機器人使用的counter
變數行為被修改。 MediaWiki新版本將於8月4日部署至測試維基及MediaWiki.org,8月5日部署至非維基百科站點及部分维基百科,8月6日部署至所有站點,參見日曆。
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2020年8月3日 (一) 15:43 (UTC)
The winner this Translation of the week is en:Child soldiers in the Democratic Republic of the Congo Please be bold and help to translation this article! ![]() During the first and second civil conflicts which took place in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), all sides involved in the war actively recruited child soldiers, known locally as Kadogos which is a Swahili term meaning "little ones". It has been estimated that the militia led by Thomas Lubanga Dyilo was 30 percent children. In 2011 30,000 children were still operating with armed groups. The United Nations Organization Stabilization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (MONUSCO), released a report in 2013 which stated that between 1 January 2012 and 31 August 2013 up to 1,000 children had been recruited by armed groups, and described the recruitment of child soldiers as "endemic". (Please update the interwiki links on Wikidata of your language version of the article after each week's translation is finished so that all languages are linked to each other.) |
The winner this Translation of the week is en:Child soldiers in the Democratic Republic of the Congo Please be bold and help to translation this article! ![]() During the first and second civil conflicts which took place in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), all sides involved in the war actively recruited child soldiers, known locally as Kadogos which is a Swahili term meaning "little ones". It has been estimated that the militia led by Thomas Lubanga Dyilo was 30 percent children. In 2011 30,000 children were still operating with armed groups. The United Nations Organization Stabilization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (MONUSCO), released a report in 2013 which stated that between 1 January 2012 and 31 August 2013 up to 1,000 children had been recruited by armed groups, and described the recruitment of child soldiers as "endemic". (Please update the interwiki links on Wikidata of your language version of the article after each week's translation is finished so that all languages are linked to each other.) |
- 有志愿者不仿先建立草稿,然后模拟巡退6个条目!
- 这个建议把巡查豁免和巡退的模拟分开来,因为我看了感觉很疑惑:草稿放什么?巡查豁免还是模拟巡退?自荐又是怎样进行?
- 之后分别由草稿审核者和巡退审核者审核
- 草稿审核者是指P:AFC里的审核员,还是这个专题里的审核员?
- 巡退审核者必须上任巡查员和回退员或更高的权限10天以上,而且拥有维基助理编辑。否则,只有巡查员只可以审核他们的巡查;只有回退员只可以审核他们的回退,没有维基助理编辑或以上者不能审核。
- 首先,这句话很费解。其次,巡退员管理员授权即为可信用户,为何再等10天?最后,是巡退员但不是维基助理编辑应该怎样做?
閣下曾提報不符合關注度指引之條目「Li Zi-Fong」已過限期(條目已刪除),如閣下認為該條目現時尚未合乎關注度標準,可作提刪。 閣下曾提報不符合關注度指引之條目「牛頭島石礦場」已過限期,如閣下認為該條目現時尚未合乎關注度標準,可作提刪。
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Recent changes
- The Starter kit is now available for wiki communities. This page lists technical resources, tools, and recommendations. These are essential to operate a wiki project. This is mostly useful for smaller wikis where the community has limited experience with this.
- The first features of the Desktop Improvements project are available for logged-in users on all wikis. In order to use them, uncheck 使用旧的矢量 in your local or global preferences in section 皮肤偏好. More improvements are planned. Feedback is welcome.
On multiple wikis, a UTCLiveClock gadget is available. For wikis that import the gadget directly from mediawiki.org, end users can now choose a different timezone to show instead of UTC.
The deployment train for MediaWiki has been blocked this week.- Translation Notification Bot was sending the same message multiple times to every translator. This has been fixed.
- Some users were receiving the same notification multiple times. This has been fixed.
Changes later this week
The new version of MediaWiki will be on test wikis and MediaWiki.org from July 28. It will be on non-Wikipedia wikis and some Wikipedias from July 29. It will be on all wikis from JUly 30 (calendar).
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2020年7月27日 (一) 13:53 (UTC)