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电子元件属于维基百科技术主题的基础条目扩展。请勇于更新页面以及改进条目。 本条目属于下列维基专题范畴: |
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[编辑]由User:Tokentw编辑的电阻术语部分,我认为不适合本条目,并含有部分广告。故剪切至此。--Jimmy xu wrk (留言) 2008年8月3日 (日) 04:58 (UTC)
或許我們經常在某些電子產品上看到電阻,卻不知道如何分辨什么是電阻,也不知道其實電阻器是分為很多種類的,电阻器包括可调电阻和固定电阻系列,主要有大功率电阻,制动电阻,老化电阻,波纹电阻,陶瓷电阻,刹车电阻/煞车电阻,微欧电阻,毫欧电阻,取样/采样电阻,合金电阻,高压电阻,低阻电阻,贴片电阻,晶圆电阻,高精密电阻等。 下面是我們給大家的一點小提示,希望對剛接觸電阻器的朋友有一點幫助。也希望電阻界的高手多多指教!
Rated Power The maximum value of power, which can be continuously loaded to a resistor at a rated ambient temperature. Please confirm beforehand that there is such a case in a network that rated power per package as well as per element is specified.
Rated Voltage
The maximum value of D.C. voltage or A.C. voltage (commercial frequency effective value) capable of being applied continuously to resistors at the rated ambient temperature. Rated voltage shall be calculated from the following formula. However, it shall not exceed the maximum working voltage. Rated Voltage (V) = √Rated Power (W) × Nominal Resistance Value(Ω)
Critical Resistance Value The maximum nominal resistance value at which the rated power can be loaded without exceeding the maximum working voltage. The rated voltage is equal to the maximum working voltage in the critical resistance value.
Maximum Working Voltage The maximum value of D.C. voltage or A.C. voltage (commercial frequency effective value) capable of being applied continuously to resistors or element. However, the maximum value of the applicable voltage is the rated voltage at the critical resistance value or lower.
Maximum Overload Voltage Specifications given herein may be changed at any time without prior notice. Please confirm technical specifications before you order and/or use. The maximum value of voltage capable of being applied to resistors for five seconds in the overload test. (JIS C 5201- 1 4.13) Typically the applied voltage in the short time overload test shall be 2.5 times larger than the rated voltage. However, it shall not exceed the maximum overload voltage.
Dielectric Withstanding Voltage A.C. voltage (commercial frequency effective value) that can be applied to a designated spot between the electrode and the outer coating for a minute in the dielectric withstanding voltage test. (JIS C 5201- 1 4.7)
Rated Ambient Temperature The maximum ambient temperature at which resistors are capable of being used continuously with the prescribed rated load (power). The rated ambient temperature refers to the temperature around the resistors inside the equipment, not to the air- temperature outside the equipment.
Derating Curve The curve that expresses the relation between the ambient temperature and the maximum value of continuously loadable power at its temperature, which is generally expressed in percentage.
Temperature Coefficient of Resistance (T.C.R.) The rate of change in resistance value per 1 °C in the prescribed temperature within the range of resistors operating temperature shall be expressed in the following formula: T.C.R. (ppm/°C) =(R-Ro)/Ro × 1/(T-To) × 106
R: Measured resistance(Ω) at T °C Ro: Measured resistance(Ω) at To °C T: Measured test temperature(°C) To: Measured base temperature(°C)
- 电阻器色码识别(声明:我厂是生产电阻器的厂商--台湾德键,所以提供的资料全部直接从我公司网站而来!)
TOKEN (德键被动元器件) 固定电阻器的色码色环标示识别,主要应用于圆柱型的电阻器上,如:碳膜电阻、氧化膜电阻、精密电阻、耐冲击电阻、保险丝电阻、实芯电阻、实芯电阻、保险丝电阻、绕线电阻、突波电阻。在早期,一般当电阻的表面不足以用数字表示法时,就会用色码色环标示法来表示电阻的阻值,公差,规格。现在,色码色环标示法已应用于TOKEN 的自动化生产设备上。TOKEN 生产的电阻器上的色码色环,非常易于识别,前后端易于区分。TOKEN 的色码色环,主要分成两部分:
第一部分: 靠近电阻前端的一组是用来表示阻值,两位有效数的电阻值,用前三个色环来代表其阻值,如:39Ω,39KΩ,39MΩ。三位有效数的电阻值,用前四个色环来代表其阻值,如:69.8Ω,698Ω,69.8KΩ,一般用于精密电阻的表示。 第二部分: 靠近电阻后端的一条色环用来代表公差精度。 第一部分的每一条色环都是等距,自成一组,易于区分第二部分的色环。带有四个色环的其中第一、二环分别代表两位有效数的阻值;第三环代表倍率;第四环代表误差,带有五个色环比四色环多了一个有效数字。
TOKEN 的第五条色环如为黑色,一般用来表示为绕线电阻器,第五条色环如为白色,一般用来表示为保险丝电阻器。 如果电阻体只有中间一条黑色的色环,则代表此电阻为零欧姆电阻。
- 电阻器使用注意事项
- 选择通过认证机构认证的生产线制造出的执行高水平标准的电阻器。
- 选择具备功能优势、质量优势、效率优势、功能价格比优势、服务优势的制造商生产的电阻器。
- 选择能满足上述要求的上型号目录的制造商,并向其直接订购电阻器。
[编辑]- 因为原本的条目内容,品质差很多,所以选择重新翻译。
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- 关于各电子元件的简介,如已有中文页面,可略过或是30字以内的简介,勿在此条目内大幅介绍特定电子元件。(如果您想详细介绍, 请写到该电子元件专用的页面)
- 切记勿使用机械翻译或自创名词,如果显示的名称与您地区的用语不同的话,请使用地区用语转换的写法,内部链接则以现有的条目名称为基准,尽量避免重定向后才连入正确的页面。
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- 基本上这个条目所写的电子元件种类很多,所以基本上不建议再放其他的图了,不然本条目的版面会很杂乱。