链孢囊菌属![]() | |
科学分类 ![]() | |
域: | 细菌域 Bacteria |
门: | 放线菌门 Actinomycetota |
纲: | 放线菌纲 Actinomycetes |
目: | 孢囊菌目 Streptosporangiales |
科: | 链孢囊菌科 Streptosporangiaceae |
属: | 链孢囊菌属 Streptosporangium Couch, 1955 |
模式种 | |
玫瑰链孢囊菌 Streptosporangium roseum Couch, 1955
链孢囊菌属(学名:Streptosporangium )为链孢囊菌科的一属细菌。此属的模式种为玫瑰链孢囊菌(Streptosporangium roseum)。
- Streptosporangium albidum Furumai et al. 1968 ,异名
- 白链孢囊菌 Streptosporangium album Nonomura and Ohara 1960
- Streptosporangium algeriense Boubetra et al. 2016
- Streptosporangium amethystogenes Nonomura and Ohara 1960
- Streptosporangium anatoliense Sazak et al. 2012
- Streptosporangium becharense Chaabane Chaouch et al. 2016
- Streptosporangium canum Zhang et al. 2009
- Streptosporangium carneum Mertz and Yao 1990
- Streptosporangium claviforme Petrolini et al. 1993,异名
- Streptosporangium corrugatum Williams and Sharples 1976,异名
- Streptosporangium corydalis Fang et al. 2016
- 凤凰链孢囊菌 Streptosporangium fenghuangense Fang et al. 2016
- Streptosporangium fragile Shearer et al. 1983
- Streptosporangium indianense Gupta 1965,异名:Streptosporangium indianensis Gupta 1965 ,拼写错误
- 交河链孢囊菌 Streptosporangium jiaoheense Zhao et al. 2016
- Streptosporangium jomthongense Intra et al. 2014
- Streptosporangium longisporum Schäfer 1969
- Streptosporangium lutulentum Fang et al. 2016
- 南湖链孢囊菌 Streptosporangium nanhuense He et al. 2014
- Streptosporangium nondiastaticum Nonomura and Ohara 1969
- Streptosporangium oxazolinicum Inahashi et al. 2011
- Streptosporangium pseudovulgare Nonomura and Ohara 1969
- Streptosporangium purpuratum Zhang et al. 2005
- 玫瑰链孢囊菌 Streptosporangium roseum Couch 1955
- Streptosporangium saharense Chaouch et al. 2016
- Streptosporangium sandarakinum Kämpfer et al. 2013
- 胜利链孢囊菌 Streptosporangium shengliense Zhang et al. 2016,异名:Streptosporangium shengliensis Zhang et al. 2016
- Streptosporangium subroseum Zhang et al. 2002
- Streptosporangium taraxaci Zhao et al. 2016
- 土地链孢囊菌 Streptosporangium terrae Vaddavalli et al. 2015
- Streptosporangium violaceochromogenes Kawamoto et al. 1975
- Streptosporangium viridialbum Nonomura and Ohara 1960
- Streptosporangium viridogriseum Okuda et al. 1966
- Streptosporangium vulgare Nonomura and Ohara 1960
- 云南链孢囊菌 Streptosporangium yunnanense Zhang et al. 2005
[编辑]- ^ Streptosporangium Couch, 1955. GBIF. [2022-08-27]. (原始内容存档于2021-05-07).
- LPSN - List of Prokaryotic names with Standing in Nomenclature