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在数学中,配边(英文:cobordism 来自法文的 bord)是紧流形的等价关系。它使用边界的拓扑概念。若两个流形M和N的不交并是另一个流形W的边界,那么M和N这两个流形是配边的。此外M和N的配边是W:
配边缩写为 。M的配边类(cobordism class)是与M配边的所有流形的集合。 [1]
[编辑]最简单的例子是区间 I =[0,1]。这是 {0}和{1}这两个0-维流形的1-维配边。

如果M 是圆,N是两个圆, 那么M 和 N 的不交并是pair of pants(W)的边界。所以pair of pants是M和N的配边。

[编辑]- ^ 若M和N是维的,则W是维的,而且这是维的配边。
[编辑]- John Frank Adams, Stable homotopy and generalised homology, Univ. Chicago Press (1974).
- Anosov, Dmitri; bordism
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- 丹尼尔·奎伦, On the formal group laws of unoriented and complex cobordism theory Bull. Amer. Math. Soc., 75 (1969) pp. 1293–1298.
- Douglas Ravenel, Complex cobordism and stable homotopy groups of spheres, Acad. Press (1986).
- Yuli Rudyak Cobordism.
- Yuli B. Rudyak, On Thom spectra, orientability, and (co)bordism, Springer (2008).
- Robert E. Stong, Notes on cobordism theory, Princeton Univ. Press (1968).
- Taimanov, Iskander. Topological library. Part 1: cobordisms
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- Wall, C. T. C. Determination of cobordism ring. Annals of Mathematics(数学年刊)
- Bordism on the Manifold Atlas.
- B-Bordism Archive.today的存档,存档日期2012-05-29 on the Manifold Atlas.