
太阳冠(radiant),又称耀芒冠、辐冠、辐射冠,是王冠或头饰,象征着太阳或更普遍的与太阳相关的力量。 它通常采用有角圆盘的形式来表示太阳,或者采用弯曲的点带来表示光线。
在古埃及的图像中,太阳冠被视为由绵羊[1] [2]或牛的角构成的圆盘。

[编辑]- ^ Teissier 1996,第185页
- ^ Cooney 2012,第149页
[编辑]- Bardill, Jonathan, Constantine, Divine Emperor of the Christian Golden Age, Cambridge University Press, 2012
- Cooney, Kathlyn M., Apprenticeship and Figures Ostraca from the Ancient Egyptian Village of Deir el-Medina, Archaeology and Apprenticeship: Body Knowledge, Identity, and Communities of Practice, University of Arizona Press, 2012
- Lavan, Luke, Political Talimans? Residual 'Pagan' Statues in Late Antique Public Space, The Archaeology of Late Antique 'Paganism', Brill, 2011
- Stewart, Andrew, Faces of Power: Alexander's Image and Hellenistic Politics, University of California Press, 1993
- Teissier, Beatrice, Egyptian Iconography on Syro-Palestinian Cylinder Seals of the Middle Bronze Age, Orbis Biblicus et Orientalis Series Archaeologia 11, Fribourg Switzerland: University Press, 1996