


仁慈同化政策(英语:Benevolent assimilation)是指美国总统威廉·麦金莱在《巴黎条约》签署后于1898年12月21日在给美国战争部长的备忘录中所描述的美国菲律宾的政策,该政策结束了美西战争[1]它指出,菲律宾群岛未来的控制以及处置已被西班牙割让给美国,美国军政府的统治将扩展到整个菲律宾群岛。





  1. ^ Filipinos Are Informed Just What the United States Intends To Do By A Presidential Proclamation". Los Angeles Herald. January 5, 1899 – via UCR Center for Bibliographic al Studies and Research.
  2. ^ Mixed Blessing: The Impact of the American Colonial Experience on Politics and Society in the Philippines
  3. ^ The text of the amended version published by General Otis is quoted in its entirety in José Roca de Togores y Saravia; Remigio Garcia; National Historical Institute (Philippines) (2003), Blockade and siege of Manila, National Historical Institute, pp. 148–150, ISBN 978-971-538-167-3; See also s:Letter from E.S. Otis to the inhabitants of the Philippine Islands, January 4, 1899.
  4. ^ McKinley's Benevolent Assimilation Proclamation. [2023-06-15]. (原始内容存档于2021-11-08). 
  5. ^ Dec. 21, 1898: Mckinley issues "Benevolent Assimilation" Proclamation. [2023-06-15]. (原始内容存档于2023-02-02).