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冯应谦 教授 | |
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英文名 | Anthony Y.H. Fung |
性别 | 男 |
出生 | ![]() |
居住地 | ![]() |
国籍 | ![]() |
教育程度 | |
职业 | 香港中文大学任教于香港中文大学新闻与传播学院(2001年至今),担任教授(2010年至今),担任院长(2011年至2017年) 北京师范大学艺术与传媒学院教授(2015-2020年),担任香港中文大学亚太研究所所长(2017年至今)。 |
信仰 | 天主教 |
奖项 |
冯应谦(英语:Anthony Y.H. Fung,?—),现任香港中文大学亚太研究所所长及香港中文大学新闻与传播学院教授,2016年以中国“千人计划”入选者身份,获北京师范大学艺术与传媒学院的引进,成为该院的数字创意媒体研究中心主任[7]。1998年,冯教授取得美国明尼苏达大学新闻与大众传播学院的哲学博士学位[8]。
[编辑]- 2017年8月担任所长一职。
[编辑]- 代表香港中文大学,首次以《香港游戏工业:文化政策、创意群聚与亚洲市场》项目,向香港中央政策组提出申请,并获研究资助局批出的《策略性公共政策研究金》[9]。(2010-2014年)
- 参予推出《闪钻计划》,透过手机技术作新媒介,向年轻人传播流行的信息或相关的活动[9]。(2010年)
- 向香港中文大学倡议,把人文馆一楼的建筑空间改建为新亚书院的多用途场地,以举办更多的学术研讨会及作录影室之用[10]。(2010年)
- 与东南亚、欧美的大学联系,为在校学生提供海外交流、实习的机会[9]。
- 他带领学院上下及新旧校友筹办了“新传五十.张佬摆大寿”庆典,庆祝香港中文大学新闻与传播学院成立50周年[11]。(2015年)
- 倡议在香港中文大学新闻与传播学院增设全新的“全球传播”四年制课程,以培养学生的全球化视野[12]。(2016年)
- 以院长的身份,在香港电台的《香港家书》节目,以“数码广播”为题,撰写了一封公开信致青年人[13]。(2017年)
- 7月卸任院长一职,寄予同学坚持所好,实践自己的梦想[14]。(2017年)
[编辑]- Asian Popular Culture: the Global (Dis)continuity (2013)
- Youth Cultures in China (2016 under Polity Press) (coauthored with de Kloet)
[编辑]- Global Capital, Local Culture: Transnational Media Corporations in China (2008)
- Policies for the Sustainable Development of the Hong Kong Film Industry (2009)
- Riding a Melodic Tide: The Development of Cantopop in Hong Kong (2009) (in Chinese)
- Melodic Memories: The Historical Development of Music Industry in Hong Kong (2012) (in Chinese)
- Global Game Industries and Cultural Policy (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) (2017 under Palgrave Macmillan)
- Cultural Policy and East Asian Rivalry: The Hong Kong Gaming Industry(2018)
[编辑]- 《媒介与流行文化》收录于《传播学》 (2007)
- Imagining Chinese Communication Studies (2012)
[编辑]- 与何建宗、周耀辉、陈锦荣教授合著《透视男教授》[15](2016年)
- 与李沛然编《文化感觉II:给大家的情书》(2002年)
[编辑]- Anthony Fung and Boris Pun (2017) Discourse and Identity in the Hong Kong Comic Magazine Teddy Boy. Global Media and China 1(4): 424-434.
- 冯应谦 (2016) 亚洲流行音乐的研究路径 ˴ 理论和方法。《全球传媒学刊》 第3卷 第2期: 84-92.
- Anthony Fung (2016) Strategizing for Creative Industries in China: Contradictions and Tension in Nation Branding. International Journal of Communication 10: 3004-3021 (Journal listed in SSCI).
- 冯应谦 (2016) 徐佳士教授与新闻传播教育。《传播与社会》 36: 3-4 (Journal listed in TSSCI).
- Anthony Fung (2016) Comparative Cultural Economy and Game Industries in Asia. Media International Australia 159 (1): 43-52 (Journal listed in SSCI).
[编辑]- Anthony Fung (2014) The iTunization of Pop: Mobile Music and Youth Social Networks. Perfect Beat: 23-43.
- Xiaoxiao Zhang and Anthony Fung (2014) TV Formatting of the Chinese Ugly Betty: An Ethnographic Observation of the Production Community. Television & New Media 15(6): 507-522 (Journal listed in SSCI).
- Lin Zhang and Anthony Fung (2014) Working as playing? consumer labor and the guild of online gaming in China. New Media and Society 16(1): 38-54 (Journal listed in SSCI).
- Anthony Fung and John Erni (2013) Cultural Clusters and Cultural Industries in China. , Inter-Asia Cultural Studies 14(4): 644-656 (Journal listed in SSCI).
- Anthony Fung and Keysook Choe (2013) Affect in TV Drama: A Comparison between the Korean and Chinese version of Meteor Shower. Journal of Korean Studies 161: 363-399. (in Korean) (Journal listed in KCI; Korean equivalence of SSCI)
- Anthony Fung (2013) Youth and Online Game in Hong Kong. Journal of Youth Studies 16(1): 43-55 (in Chinese). 冯应谦 (2013) 香港青少年与网络游戏。《青年研究学报》,第16卷第1期,页43-55。
- Anthony Fung (2013) Deliberating fandom and new wave of Chinese pop: a case study of Chris Li. Popular Music 32: 79-89 (Journal listed in A&HI).
- Zhang Lin and Anthony Fung (2013) The Myth of 'Shanzhai' Culture and the Paradox of Digital Democracy in China, Inter-Asia Cultural Studies 14(3): 401-416 (Journal listed in SSCI).
- Anthony Fung (2012) Pleasant Goat and Grey Wolf: Social Media, Market and the State-Animated Modernity in China. International Journal of Cultural and Creative Industries 1(1): 54-64.
- Anthony Fung (2012) Interview with Toby Miller , Television Studies: Trajectories of Development. Communication and Society (in Chinese) 19: 1-26. 冯应谦 (2012) 电视研究的前沿思索。《传播与社会》,第19期,页1-26。(Journal listed in TSSCI).
- Anthony Fung (2012) Television Studies in Post-TV Era. Communication and Society (in Chinese) 19: 27-30. 冯应谦 (2012) 后电视年代的电视研究。《传播与社会》,第19期,页27-30。(Journal listed in TSSCI).
- Anthony Fung and Xiaoxiao Zhang (2012) The signification of Modern Imagination in China: A textual study of Meteor Shower. Communication and Society (in Chinese) 19: 59-76. 冯应谦、张潇潇 (2012) 现代幻想在中国之符号践行:“流星花园”模式的文化解析。《传播与社会》,第19期,页59-76。(Journal listed in TSSCI).
- Anthony Fung (2011) The Study of Social Contradiction through KTV Consumption. Environment and Arts Journal 8: 75-91 (in Chinese). 冯应谦 (2011) 从 KTV 消费觊觎中国的社会矛盾。《环境与艺术学刊》 第8卷, 75-91页。
- Zhang, Xiao Xiao and Anthony Fung (2011) Market, Politics and Media Competition in China: Competing Media Discourses in TV Industries. The Journal of Oriental Society of Australia 42: 133-154.
- Anthony Fung and Xiao Xiao Zhang (2011) The Chinese Ugly Betty: TV cloning and Local Modernity. International Journal of Cultural Studies 14(3) 265-276 (Journal listed in SSCI).
[编辑]- Anthony Fung (2010) Consuming Karaoke in China: Modernities and Social Contradictions. Chinese Sociology and Anthropology 42(2): 39-55 (Journal listed in SSCI).
- Erni, John and Anthony Fung (2010) Clear Love: Dislocated Intimacies among Youth. Emotion, Space and Society 3: 21-27.
- Anthony Fung (2010) Harmonizing the Global Recession in China. Popular Communication 8(3): 169-174.
- Joseph Chan and Anthony Fung (2010) Structural Hybridization in Film and Television Production in Hong Kong. Visual Anthropology 24(1/2): 77-89 (Journal Listed in SSCI during the publishing period)
- Anthony Fung (2009) Rocking gender values: Sammi Cheng’s Androgynous Persona. International Journal of Chinese Culture and Management 2(3): 235-247.
- Anthony Fung (2009) Faye and the Fandom of a Chinese Diva. Popular Communication 7(2): 252-266.
- Anthony Fung (2009) Fandom, Youth and Consumption in China. European Journal of Cultural Studies 12(3): 285-303 (Journal listed in SSCI).
- Anthony Fung and Micky Lee (2009) Localizing a Global Amusement Park: Hong Kong Disneyland. Continuum: Journal of Media and Cultural Studies 23(2): 197-208 (Journal listed in SSCI).
- Anthony Fung and Joseph Chan (2009) Interview with Lawrence Grossberg. Localization of Cultural Studies. Communication and Society 11 (in Chinese). 冯应谦、陈韬文 (2009) 文化研究之落地生根。《传播与社会》 (Journal listed in TSSCI).
- Anthony Fung and Joseph Chan (2009): Interview with Lawrence Grossberg. What is the Direction of Cultural Studies. Communication and Society 10 (in Chinese). 冯应谦、陈韬文 (2009) 文化研究往哪里去?《传播与社会》 (Journal listed in TSSCI).
- Anthony Fung (2008) Global Cultural Industries: A Comparative Perspective. Chinese Cultural Industries Forum 8: 265-270 (in Chinese). 冯应谦 (2008) 全球文化工业:比较角度探讨。《中国文化产业评论》第8期,页265-270。(Journal listed in CSSCI)
- Anthony Fung (2008) Western Style, Chinese Pop: Jay Chou’s Rap and Hip-Hop in China. Asian Music 39(1) Winter/Spring: 69-90 (Journal listed in A&HCI).
- Anthony Fung (2008) Fandom of Jay Chou, Hwanghae Review 61: 117-141 (in Korean).
- Anthony Fung (2007) The Emerging (National) Popular Music Culture in China. Inter-Asian Cultural Studies 8(3): 425-437 (Journal listed in SSCI).
- Anthony Fung (2007) Intra-Asian Cultural Flow: Cultural Homologies in Hong Kong and Japanese Television Soap Operas. Journal of Broadcasting and Electronic Media 51(2): 265-286 (Journal listed in SSCI).
- Anthony Fung (2007) Political Economy of Hong Kong Media: Producing a Hegemonic Voice. Asian Journal of Communication 17(2): 159-171 (Journal listed in SSCI).
- Eric Ma and Anthony Fung (2007) Negotiating Local and National Identifications: Hong Kong Identity Surveys 1996-2006. Asian Journal of Communication 17(2): 172-185 (Journal listed in SSCI).
- Anthony Fung (2006) `Think Globally, Act Locally’: MTV’s Rendezvous with China, Global Media and Communication 2: 22-88.
- Tuen-yu Lau, Anthony Fung and Michael Ji (2005) E-government in China: Keeping up with the Joneses? Journal of E-government 2(4): 15-38.
[编辑]- Anthony Fung (2005) Music and Youth Culture: From Leisure Consumption to Intervention. Journal of Youth Studies 8(1): 12-20 (in Chinese). 冯应谦 (2005) 流行音乐与青少年:从消费到校本介入。《青年研究学报》,第8卷第1期,页12-20。
- Feng, Guangchao and Anthony Fung (2005) The Survival and Debates of Public Television in the World. China Media Report (Zhongguo Chuanmei Baogao) 4(1): pp. 63-73 (in Chinese). 冯广超、冯应谦 (2005) 世界公共电视的生存及其争议。《中国传媒报告》,第4卷第1期,页63-73。(Journal listed in CSSCI)
- Anthony Fung (2005) Hong Kong as the Asian and Chinese Distributor of Pokemon. International Journal of Comic Art 7(1): 432-448.
- Anthony Fung (2004) Postcolonial Hong Kong Identity: Hybridising the Local and the National, Social Identities 10(3): 399-414 (listed in CSA Sociological Abstract).
- Anthony Fung (2003) Cram Schooling in Hong Kong: The Privatization of Education. Asian Anthropology 2: 179-195.
- Fang Wan, Ronald Faber, and Anthony Fung (2003) Perceived Impact of Thin Female Models in Advertising: A Cross-Cultural Examination of Third Person Perception and its Impact on Behaviors, Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics 15(1/2): 51-73.
- Anthony Fung (2002) Women’s Magazines: Construction of Identities and Cultural Consumption in Hong Kong, Consumption, Markets and Culture, 5(4): pp. 321-336.
- Anthony Fung and Michael Curtin (2002) The Anomalies of Being Faye (Wong): Gender Politics in Chinese Popular Music, International Journal of Cultural Studies. 5(3): 263-290 (Journal listed in SSCI).
- Anthony Fung (2002) One City, Two Systems: Democracy in an Electronic Chat room in Hong Kong. Javnost: the Public 9(2): 77-94 (Journal listed in SSCI during the publishing period).
- Anthony Fung (2002) Identity Politics, Resistance and New Media Technologies: A Foucauldian Approach to the Study of Hknet, New Media and Society 4(2): 185-204 (Journal listed in SSCI).
- Jennifer Ostini and Anthony Fung (2002), Beyond the Four Theories of the Press: A New Model of National Media Systems, Mass Communication and Society 5(1): 41-56 (Journal listed in SSCI).
- Tsan-Kuo Chang with Pat Berg, Anthony Fung, Kent Kedl, Catherine Luther and Janet Szuba (2001) Comparing Nations in Mass Communication Research, 1970-97: A Critical Assessment of How We Know What We Know. Gazette 63(5): 415-434.
- Anthony Fung (2001) The role of Asian consumer culture in Hong Kong’s postcolonial identity formation, Imperium Journal: An International Journal on Media and Postcolonial Studies. Vol 2, Autumn (Luton, UK: University of Luton) (https://web.archive.org/web/20040225130111/http://apocalypse.luton.ac.uk/imperium/index.html).
53. Anthony Fung (2001) What Makes the Local? A Brief Consideration of the Rejuvenation of Hong Kong Identity, Cultural Studies 15(3/4): 591-601 (Journal listed in SSCI).
- Anthony Fung and Kent Kedl (2000/2001) Representative Publics, Political Discourses and the Internet: A Case Study of a Degenerated Public Sphere in a Chinese Online Community, World Communication 29(4): 69-84.
- Anthony Fung and Eric Ma (2000) Formal vs. Informal Use of Television and Sex Role Stereotyping in Hong Kong, Sex Roles, 42 (1/2): 57-81 (Journal listed in SSCI).
[编辑]- Anthony Fung (2000) Educating New Communicator: Problems and Issues in New Media Education in Hong Kong, Asia Pacific Media Educator 8: 70-81.
- Anthony Fung (2000) Feminist Philosophy and the Cultural Representation in the Asian Context, Gazette, Sage Publication, 62(2): 153-165 (Journal listed in SSCI).
- Anthony Fung (2000) Guangzhou People Reading Hong Kong Television, Mass Communication Research 61: 259-275 (in Chinese) 冯应谦 (2000) 广州人阅读香港电视——解构阶级意识。《新闻学研究》第61期,页259-275。(Journal listed in TSSCI).
- Anthony Fung (1998) The Dynamic of Public Opinion, Political Parties and Media in Transitional Hong Kong, Asian Survey. May: 474-93 (Journal listed in SSCI).
- Anthony Fung (1996) Politics of Media Economics and Economy of Media Politics: An Overview, Journal of Communication Inquiry 20(1): 99-113 (Journal listed in SSCI).
- Anthony Fung (1995) Parties, Media and Public Opinion: A Study of Media's Legitimation of Party Politics in Hong Kong, Asian Journal of Communication 5(2): 18-46 (Journal listed in SSCI).
- Anthony Fung and Chin-Chuan Lee (1994) Hong Kong's Changing Media Ownership: Uncertainty and Dilemma. Gazette 53: 127-133 (Journal listed in SSCI).
[编辑]- 担任香港书展天主教展区“i-talk”活动,以“传播•福传”为题,展示信仰和新闻工作的关系[16]。(2013年)
- 担任香港中文大学崇基学院神学院牧养研讨会“新‧网中人──网络与牧养”的主讲嘉宾,以“网络世代时髦外型赤子心”为题,探讨新的教会与青少年的关系[17]。(2016年)
- 担任香港廉政公署贪污问题咨询委员会小组委员[18]。(2017年)
[编辑]- 透过大众媒介,以流行文化,身体力行地倡导性别平等的意识[19]。
[编辑]- ^ http://books.jef.org.hk/zh-TW/news/news-archive/1079-events-2010-01-002-tc[永久失效链接] 香港中文大学新闻与传播学学院冯应谦教授获得2009年社会科学院模范教学奖
- ^ http://www.hkgia.org.hk/news.php?id=196 《2011年度香港游戏产业协会全体会员大会》
- ^ http://app3.rthk.org.hk/press/main.php?id=943 《社区参与广播计划》首阶段完成 十五获选节目下周港台数码台启播
- ^ http://www.hkexnews.hk/listedco/listconews/GEM/2016/0113/a6253/CGAMEONE-20151008-20.PDF 智傲集团有限公司董事及高级管理层
- ^ http://hknovelist.org/news_44.htm 2015年度香港小说会年会
- ^ 引用错误:没有为名为
的参考文献提供内容 - ^ http://www.art.bnu.edu.cn/Article/index/id/750/aid/1073 (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) 北京师范大学艺术与传媒学院数字创意媒体研究中心主任
- ^ http://www.com.cuhk.edu.hk/zh-TW/people/teaching-staff/fung-anthony-y-h (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) 香港中文大学新闻与传播学院院长冯应谦教授
- ^ 9.0 9.1 9.2 http://www.com.cuhk.edu.hk/alumni/v020/1.pdf (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) 以学生为本 新任院长冯应谦教授
- ^ http://www.com.cuhk.edu.hk/alumni/v021/1.pdf (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) 新传空间大改造
- ^ https://news.mingpao.com/pns/dailynews/web_tc/article/20151031/s00002/1446228471000 中大张佬贺五十大寿 巨型花牌恭迎校友
- ^ https://www.hk01.com/港聞/49652/中大新傳學院開新課程-拓學生國際視野 中大新传学院开新课程 拓学生国际视野
- ^ http://www.rthk.hk/radio/radio1/programme/hkletter/episode/427079 (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) 中大新闻与传播学院院长冯应谦──为消失中的数码声音广播而悲伤
- ^ http://alumni.com.cuhk.edu.hk/e-news/2017v3_anthony/ (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) 潮院长难忘“张佬摆大寿”冯应谦专访
- ^ https://thestandnews.com/book/透視男教授-dans-l-œil-du-flâneur-漫遊者的視角/ (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) 《透视男教授》 ──Dans l'œil du flâneur,“漫游者的视角”
- ^ http://kkp.org.hk/node/5865 (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) 公教传播学者冯应谦 书展分享媒体福传心得
- ^ http://christiantimes.org.hk/Common/Reader/News/ShowNews.jsp?Nid=96030&Pid=1&Version=0&Cid=837&Charset=big5_hkscs (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) 冯应谦:网络世代时髦外型赤子心 崇基研讨网络牧养下午脸书直播
- ^ ([//web.archive.org/web/20181009114752/http://www.icac.org.hk/en/check/advisory/caccr/index.html 页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) 香港廉政公署贪污问题咨询委员会小组委员
- ^ https://hk.lifestyle.appledaily.com/lifestyle/realtime/article/20180820/58577562 (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) 【女装男着】贪靓教授化妆着女装返学 “我从头到尾都是异类”