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莫克姆湾(英语:Morecambe Bay)是英格兰西北部曼岛东侧的大海湾,同时也被归在湖区国家公园南部。莫克姆湾英国最大的由泥滩与沙滩组成的潮间带,总面积310平方公里。1974年时,英国在其以西40公里处发现自身第二大的天然气田,原始储存量超过2,000亿立方米。在供应高峰期时该海湾占英国天然气生产15%,但是近年产量逐渐下降并且主要海域在2011年时宣布封存。
[编辑]- A brief article on the Morecambe Bay tidal crossing appeared in 2005: Cawley, David [2005]: Time & Tide: Morecambe Bay, hidden europe magazine (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆), 4 (Sept 2005), pp. 40–44.
[编辑]- Morecambe Bay partnership (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) - local conservation charity
- Walney bird observatory
- ITV footage of Morecambe Bay Half Marathon 2008 (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆)
- The Cross Bay Challenge on Morecambe Bay by Keith Wilkinson (reporter)
54°07′N 3°00′W / 54.117°N 3.000°W
- Morecambe Bay ARS - Local Amateur Radio Society and Training
- Sands Amateur Radio Contest Group -Amateur Radio Group in Morecambe
- - Walks in the Morecambe Bay area
- Morecambe Bay Visitor Information site - Lancaster City Council Tourism website
- - Morecambe Bay Local Information Site