
![]() | 此页面汇整维基媒体基金会(Wikimedia Foundation,WMF)相关方面对本行动之相关声明。 以下内容仅为作者之意见,不代表中文维基百科社区立场。 |
在基金会开始行动的同时,维基媒体基金会法务部门属下社区稳定及发展组的副主席玛姬·丹尼斯(Maggie Dennis,即User:Mdennis (WMF))在元维基以及维基媒体邮件列表(Wikimedia-l)中发表有关一系列基金会行动的声明,中文翻译如下(内容复制自meta:Office actions/September 2021 statement/zh):
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我是维基媒体基金会法务部门的副总玛姬·丹尼斯(Maggie Dennis),目前专门负责社区稳定及发展(Community Resilience & Sustainability)。[1]此信是为了要向大家说明为了保护全球社区,维基媒体基金会采取的一系列行动。 在此先向各位致歉——这封信内容非常长,且部分内容较为含糊。本信所述之大量议题相当复杂,我会尽量简单总结其中对大家来说可能较不熟悉的信息。在条件允许的情况下,我会尽量回复相关问题,在数个星期之后我们的部门将会举办公听会,到时我们可以更深入的讨论本案相关议题。具体时间和详细消息会于跟工作人员协调好之后,尽快公告于Wikimedia-L和元维基。 也许您们之中许多人已经注意到,最近维基媒体基金会修改了保密协议(Non-disclosure agreements,NDA)政策。在元维基上已经有针对这些政策改变的讨论,我不会在此信中复述相关讨论内容。[2]简而言之,基于潜在威胁的可信信息,维基媒体基金会改变了个人接受保密协议的相关方针。这些安全威胁是有关于对维基媒体的渗透(infiltration)的信息,包括对能够接触个人身份信息以及当选的有影响力人物的职务的威胁。由于担心可能触发我们被警告的相关风险,我们无法预告我们此次的行动——即便是对我们所信任的社区成员(如监管员等)我们也不得不保密。我们立即限制了可能受影响的人士对此类工具的使用权限,并正在与相关用户积极沟通,以核实他们是否确切受到危险。 我想要在此强调我们无意指责因此政策改变而权限受到限制之用户有任何不良企图。上述的渗透有多种渠道。我们既发现有用户为了获取相关权力来刻意试图融入社区——然而他们的最终目的与维基媒体基金会开放知识之目标相左。同时我们也注意到部分受信任的社区成员,可能已成为外部团体利用和伤害的危险目标。这项政策主要为了解决后者,减少相关成员被招募或胁迫的可能性。除了这项政策改变中被除权的用户能获得的个人信息可能被泄露之外,我们相信这些用户中的部分也可能面临危险。 本日,维基媒体基金会已经推出第二阶段的方案着手处理关于渗透的顾虑。我们在两大受到影响的辖区之一内采取行动。在深入调查未获认可的组织“中国大陆维基人(用户组)”(Wikimedians of Mainland China,以下简称WMC)部分成员之相关行为后,我们决定全域禁制7位用户,并将12位管理人员除权。[3]同时,我们向部分编辑者告知了拉票以及人肉搜索的相关政策,要求他们改变行为。 通常来说,维基媒体基金会不会对于自身之行动做过多的解释,但此次破例是因为此次受影响范围之大前所未见。为了保护在特定国家,及未受认可之用户组的用户之隐私及安全,我们无法透露过多消息。我承认这些行动实属激进,然而此决议并非轻易。我们并不想要打击及摧毁那些积极为开放知识奋斗的诚信的包含WMC成员的中国编辑者的努力。我们不希望他们担忧他们的贡献会不受欢迎。可是,我们也不能在明知他们的安全可能遭受威胁的前提下,放任他们暴露在危险之中,而不采取任何保护措施。 在此之前,我们已经限制了对中国大陆地区用户的个人信息访问,我们知悉到上述的威胁存在于我们的项目之中。我们了解到已有用户因此受到人身伤害。在确认案件真实性后,我们不得不立即采取相应措施。 在我的维基生涯里面,此次的事件是一场挑战,同时是一场胜利——维基百科已从一个受怀疑的非主流网站变成了全球高度信任普遍仰仗的网络百科。我在2007年第一次编辑项目时,就觉得维基媒体有成为世界最伟大的成就之潜力:大众的知识唾手可得。这是全体编辑者伟大的善举。但是我在我开始编辑之后很快地意识到在如何呈现信息上的角力之激烈,且有人利用该争端来达成其目的。在此,我并不是要说我有先见之明——我相信有许多维基成员在我之前早就意识到了相应的风险。我相信当今天的维基媒体项目备受信任,而外部势力控制维基媒体信息对他们能带来前所未有的好处的时候,我们面临的风险之大也是前所未有的。 “掌控”社区的威胁是实质存在的。数年来,维基媒体基金会一直知道克罗地亚语维基百科(Croatian Wikipedia)有面临相关的挑战——当中的相关文件可以追溯至近十年前。维基媒体基金会近期设置了打击虚假消息团队,他们在评估相关风险、查找适当的方式、并已聘雇外部研究人员来审查项目的相关资料,以帮助我们更好地理解在面临相似情况时可以使用怎样的解决方案,以及该情境的起因[4]。最近,我们也成立了人权团队,专门处理这些因有组织的控制消息的尝试而造成的紧急人权威胁。我们今天所处理的案件展示了作为一个全球媒体活动,我们多么需要积极地处理面对的威胁,既要保证任何人在任何地方都可以编辑,又要保证这些人免受想让他们噤声的人的伤害。 关于除权,我们希望可以于可见的未来跟国际中文社区作近一步的沟通,探讨我们对于选举制度的项目,以避免相关的维基媒体基金会项目被不合理的控制,并确保人们可以感觉安全并确实安全地编辑维基百科。我们需要确保我们的社区可以举办公正的选举——没有拉票或欺诈的行为。同时,我们希望对于选举制度的改变可以帮助我们恢复(中文维基百科之)用户查核员(CheckUser)权限。 在本信的结尾,我想要对你们当中被惊扰到人被表达我最真挚的歉意。这些人无疑包括那些担心个人信息是否已被泄漏的(我们并不认为有这样的问题。我们已经及时采取行动避免了此事。)以及那些担心更多此类的维基媒体基金会行动可能影响他们正常编辑和他们的社区的用户(我们认为我们目前的行动已经在中短期遏止了相关的风险)。我对于受到相关威胁的社区表示抱歉。维基媒体基金会将继续加强建设,以支持所有需要我们支持的社区,我们也仍然在学习如何能做得更好。同时,我们将继续改进我们在这两方面的认知:我们在人权领域的影响以及我们解决相关挑战的能力。您们值得有更好的服务——我们无法马上解决所有的问题,但我们将积极努力专注地提升改进。 在此,我想要对在全球活跃贡献的为五洲四海的读者服务的四千多名中文维基人表达歉意和遗憾。[5][6]我向你们保证,我们将会做得更好。您们向在世界各地的中文维基读者分享知识是非常有意义的善举——我们保证会持续支持您们的付出,为您们提供所需工具,使您们在一个安全、有效的环境心想事成。 在此重申,我会在法务团队及其他相关团队的帮助下,尽力回答你们的问题。我们会在元维基上设立一个专页,以讨论此系列的行动,并于几周之后,我会主持公听会,让我们能更深入的讨论本案相关议题。 致以最诚挚的问候, Maggie Dennis (WMF)(留言) 2021年9月13日 (一) 16:13 (UTC) 玛姬
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Hello everyone, I’m Maggie Dennis, the Wikimedia Foundation’s Vice President of Community Resilience & Sustainability.[1] I’m reaching out to you today to talk about a series of actions the Foundation has recently taken to protect communities across the globe. I apologize in advance for the length and the ambiguity in certain areas. These are complicated issues, and I will try to summarize a lot of what may be unfamiliar information to some of you succinctly. I will answer questions to the best of my ability within safety parameters, and I will be hosting an office hour in a few weeks where I can discuss these issues in more depth. We’re currently getting that set up in regards to availability of support staff and will announce it on Wikimedia-L and Meta as soon as that information is prepared. Many of you are already aware of recent changes that the Foundation has made to its NDA policy. These changes have been discussed on Meta, and I won’t reiterate all of our disclosures there,[2] but I will briefly summarize that due to credible information of threat, the Foundation has modified its approach to accepting “non-disclosure agreements” from individuals. The security risk relates to information about infiltration of Wikimedia systems, including positions with access to personally identifiable information and elected bodies of influence. We could not pre-announce this action, even to our most trusted community partner groups (like the stewards), without fear of triggering the risk to which we’d been alerted. We restricted access to these tools immediately in the jurisdictions of concern, while working with impacted users to determine if the risk applied to them. I want to pause to emphasize that we do not mean to accuse any specific individual whose access was restricted by that policy change of bad intent. Infiltration can occur through multiple mechanisms. What we have seen in our own movement includes not only people deliberately seeking to ingratiate themselves with their communities in order to obtain access and advance an agenda contrary to open knowledge goals, but also individuals who have become vulnerable to exploitation and harm by external groups because they are already trusted insiders. This policy primarily served to address the latter risk, to reduce the likelihood of recruitment or (worse) extortion. We believe that some of the individuals impacted by this policy change were also themselves in danger, not only the people whose personal information they could have been forced to access. Today, the Foundation has rolled out a second phase of addressing infiltration concerns, which has resulted in sweeping actions in one of the two currently affected jurisdictions. We have banned seven users and desysopped a further 12 as a result of long and deep investigations into activities around some members of the unrecognized group Wikimedians of Mainland China.[3] We have also reached out to a number of other editors with explanations around canvassing guidelines and doxing policies and requests to modify their behaviors. When it comes to office actions, the Wikimedia Foundation typically defaults to little public communication, but this case is unprecedented in scope and nature. While there remain limits to what we can reveal in order to protect the safety and privacy of users in that country and in that unrecognized group, I want to acknowledge that this action is a radical one and that this decision was not easily made. We struggled with not wanting to discourage and destroy the efforts of good faith users in China who have worked so hard to fight for free and open knowledge, including some of those involved in this group. We do not want them to fear that their contributions are unwelcome. We also could not risk exposing them to danger by doing nothing to protect them after we became aware of credible threats to their safety. While some time ago we limited the exposure of personal information to users in mainland China, we know that there has been the kind of infiltration we describe above in the project. And we know that some users have been physically harmed as a result. With this confirmed, we have no choice but to act swiftly and appropriately in response. I take it as both a triumph and a challenge that in the years of my own involvement I have seen Wikimedia go from a suspect non-mainstream website to a highly trusted and widely relied upon source across the world. When I first started editing the projects in about 2007, I already believed Wikimedia had the capacity to be one of the greatest achievements of the world — collective knowledge, at your fingertips. What an amazing gesture of goodwill on the part of all of its many editors. It didn’t take me long after I started editing to realize how entrenched the battles could be over how to present information and how that can be exploited to achieve specific ends. I’m not trying to suggest that I was astonishingly prescient; I think there were many who realized that risk long before I stumbled naively on the scene. I do think that the risk is greater than ever now, when Wikimedia projects are widely trusted, and when the stakes are so high for organized efforts to control the information they share. Community “capture” is a real and present threat. For years, the movement has been widely aware of challenges in the Croatian Wikipedia, with documentation going back nearly a decade. The Foundation recently set up a disinformation team, which is still finding its footing and assessing the problem, but which began by contracting an external researcher to review that project and the challenges and help us understand potential causes and solutions for such situations.[4] We have also recently staffed a human rights team to deal with urgent threats to the human rights of communities across the group as a result of such organized efforts to control information. The situation we are dealing with today has shown me how much we need as a movement to grapple with the hard questions of how we remain open to editing by anyone, anywhere, while ensuring that individuals who take us up on that offer are not harmed by those who want to silence them. With respect to the desysopping, we hope to connect with the international Chinese language community in the near future to talk about approaches to elections that avoid the risk of project capture and ensure that people are and feel safe contributing to the Chinese language Wikipedia. We need to make sure that the community can hold fair elections, without canvassing or fraud. We hope that helping to establish such a fair approach to elections will allow us to reinstate CheckUser rights in time. I want to close this message by noting that I am personally deeply sorry to those of you for whom this will be a shock. This will undoubtedly include those who wonder if they should fear that their personal information has been exposed (we do not believe so; we believe we acted in time to prevent that) and also those who fear that further such bold action is in the works which may disrupt them and their work and their communities (at this point, with this action, we believe the identified risks have been contained in the short to medium term). I am also truly sorry to those communities who have been uneasy in the shadow of such threats for some time. The Foundation continues to build our capacity to support every community that wants or needs its support - and we are still learning how to do so well when we do. One of the key areas we seek improvement is in our ability to understand our human rights impact and in our ability to address those challenges. You have not had the service you’ve deserved. We can’t fix things immediately, but we are working to improve, actively, intentionally, and with focus. To the 4,000 active Chinese language Wikimedians distributed across the world and serving readers in multiple continents,[5][6] I would like to communicate my sorrow and regret. I want to assure you that we will do better. The work you do in sharing knowledge to Chinese readers everywhere has great meaning, and we are committed to supporting you in doing this work into the future, with the tools you need to succeed in a safe, secure, and productive environment. Again, I will answer what questions I can, also relying on the support of others in Legal and perhaps beyond. We’re setting up a page on Meta to talk, and I will be hosting an office hour in coming weeks. Best regards, Maggie Dennis (WMF) (talk) 16:13, 13 September 2021 (UTC) Maggie
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玛姬·丹尼斯在2021年9月14日 (二) 20:16 (UTC)于元维基声明页的讨论页中发表了一个问答,回应了六条问题。以下采用User:卡达在2021年9月15日 (三) 04:12 (UTC)在互助客栈消息区发布(固定版本)的翻译版本,并有少量修订。
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玛姬·丹尼斯在2021年9月15日 (三) 18:48 (UTC)于元维基声明页的讨论页中发表了第二次问答,回应了五条问题。以下采用User:Antigng在2021年9月16日 (四) 16:26 (UTC)在基金会行动本地主论坛发布(固定版本)的翻译版本。
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在基金会行动中,User:玄客为该轮行动中被全局锁定的用户之一。经报告后,基金会于2021年9月16日 (四) 21:47 (UTC)在元维基的原声明页发布一则有关User:玄客的公开声明,表示经调查后发现为错误封禁并致歉。该用户账号于2021年9月17日 (五) 05:12 (UTC)解除锁定(日志:m:43359576)。
“ | 基于信任与安全团队通过ca@频道所得的最新信息,我们重新审视了一个因此案而被锁定的账号。该账号属于用户玄客。我们经收到的信息和证据经调查人员查证后,确认玄客并非如原先判断为(被全域禁制用户)Walter Grassroot的傀儡账号。因此,玄客的账号已被完全恢复。
我们感谢所有通过ca@频道发送额外信息和证据以反证我们近期的基金会行动的用户。这是一个非常重要的过程,而基金会会审视每一个用户提供的电邮和文件。 我们在此向用户玄客致以深切歉意,同时在此呼吁用户通过ca@频道向我们提供更多信息。 |
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Upon recent information provided through our ca@ channel within Trust and Safety, we have reassessed one account locked as a result of this investigation. This account belongs to user 玄客. The information and supporting evidence received and authenticated by our investigators ascertains that user 玄客 is not, as originally identified, a sock of Walter Grassroot. As a result of this, user 玄客's account has been restored to full capacity. We appreciate everyone who is using ca@ channel to send us additional information and evidence that substantiates or refutes the recently undertaken Office Action. This is an important part of the process, and the Foundation is reviewing each email and documents provided. We offer our unreserved apologies to user 玄客, and we request anyone with additional information to share it through ca@. |
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2021年9月17日,User:Assifbus在维基百科和维基媒体基金会共同创始人吉米·威尔士(Jimmy Wales,即User:Jimbo Wales)的英文维基百科用户讨论页上发表了对此次基金会行动的意见,同日吉米·威尔士作出了回应。以下前两段采用User:Antigng在2021年9月18日 (六) 05:55 (UTC)在基金会行动本地主论坛发布(固定版本)的翻译版本,并有少量修订及第三段自行翻译,摘录如下:
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对我而言,维基百科最重要的支柱之一就是中立性。(在维基百科上,)来自中国大陆的编者与来自台湾、香港乃至世界各地的编者一样受到欢迎。不受欢迎的是通过有组织的活动操纵议题及噤声他人的企图——无论这种企图来自哪一方。 我能理解以行为不当和操纵议题为由将一批用户逐出门外可能引起(社区的)不安——事实当然如此。但惟有如此,方能确保(日后)公开、公正、不偏不倚的争论得以开展,维基百科得以描述事实,坚持可靠来源,不辜负这些年来我们所珍视和坚守的理念。 了解我在这里的角色也很重要——我并不直接做出或参与这类决定。我不是(基金会)首席执行官(CEO),我只是我自己。我认为我的职责主要是提醒每个人——(包括)员工、编者、读者、每一个人——我们的价值观,并坦率地谈论我们都在努力实现的目标。 |
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——Jimbo Wales(留言) 2021年9月17日 (五) 18:01 (UTC) |
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For me, one of the most important pillars of Wikipedia is neutrality. Editors from mainland China are welcomed, as are editors from Taiwan, Hong Kong, and all around the world. What is not welcomed is organized efforts to push an agenda and silence others - from any side. I can understand that the removal of a group of editors for misbehavior and agenda pushing can cause turmoil - of course it does. But it is the first step to ensuring that fair, open, and neutral discussions and debates can be had to ensure that Wikipedia speaks the truth, adheres to reliable sources, and lives up to the values that have nourished and sustained us for all these years. It is also important to understand my role here - I don't directly make or get involved with such decisions. I am not the CEO, I am only me. I view my responsibility as mainly to remind everyone - staff, editors, readers, everyone - of our values and to speak plainly about what we are all trying to achieve. |
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——Jimbo Wales (talk) 18:01, 17 September 2021 (UTC) |