
用户讨论:Trizek (WMF)/Flow





MediaWiki message delivery (留言贡献)











MediaWiki message delivery (留言贡献)


MediaWiki message delivery (留言贡献)

This is a test message. Trizek (WMF) 2019年9月30日 (一) 17:04 (UTC)


Discardpath (留言贡献)


Trizek (WMF) (留言贡献)


Sorry for this late reply.

We are looking for translators all the time. Please have a look at our ressources on Meta, where you would find places where translators are needed.

Thank you in advance for your help!

Flow boards problem

Wong128hk (留言贡献)

Lamenzond just got renamed to be Hmgqzx and his/ her flow boards got left behind. The problems got back again.The error message shown that is ""flow-board" content is not allowed on page". I don't know whether it is caused by "the revoke" of "flow-create-board" from sysop (Special:群组权限) Could you please have a check and fix the mentioned usertalk page. Thank you.

Trizek (WMF) (留言贡献)

I'm surprised. I've moved the page without any issue, using the usual system to rename pages. Haven't you tried that option?

No change in software has been made over the week end so that's not a software issue (in theory).

Wong128hk (留言贡献)
Trizek (WMF) (留言贡献)

What was your target page?

Wong128hk (留言贡献)
Trizek (WMF) (留言贡献)

Strange. I've managed to make the move using Special:移动页面/Wikipedia_talk:Flow_tests (where you can see the log). I assume you have used the same page to try your move? (I'm asking just in case, because I've already seen people moving pages a different way.) If so, I'll report it.

Wong128hk (留言贡献)

Yes, I am using Special:移动页面/Wikipedia_talk:Flow_tests to move the page. Moreover, you can see there is a log of moving the page made by me previously. I have asked another admin to try to move the page and they received the same error message.

Rationales against sysops creating & moving flow boards

摘要最近由Ericliu1912编辑 2022年1月21日 (五) 07:03 3年前
Bluedeck (留言贡献)

Hey. It's long been true that sysops cannot do this. What is the rationale behind that? Can you perhaps point me to where this decision is made? Thank you.

Trizek (WMF) (留言贡献)


The right to create Flow boards is global and

There is no formal decision, more a way to do things: at the beginning only a few boards were enabled on a few wikis. Then, different communities have decided to use Flow more and more. Nothing has been defined yet to give it to sysops (or another role) on the wikis. My bad, it is one of my tasks and I've postponed it since a while. :/

Can you ask other sysops if it is okay if all sysops of zh.wp have the right to create, move and delete Flow boards? Thanks!

Bluedeck (留言贡献)

I haven't explicitly asked the community about their stance on this, but I am pretty sure that most people agree the sysop should be able to do those things. I'll do a real survey soon.

On a related note, I have found a way to move and create flow pages as a sysop. I moved user talk:bluedeck/flow to user talk:bluedeck/flow/test with my little exploit. So in all actuality sysops right now can create as many flow boards as they wish and move them wherever they want.

I published this exploit in the local VP a while ago and a global renamer in our community, Wong128hk, I believe, uses this scheme to fulfill rename requests that involve moving flow talks.

Wong128hk (留言贡献)

I think there should be no problems to allow sysops on zh.wp having the right to create, move and delete Flow boards. And at least, I do believe that phab:T150572 should be resolved asap. Global renamers, other than coming from zh.wp, may not know that flow boards will be left behind while renaming a user on zh.wp.

Trizek (WMF) (留言贡献)

@Bluedeck, can you hold the survey for a couple of days? Maybe a decision to attribute this right automatically to all sysops on all wikis using Flow as a Beta feature can be taken soon. That would spare time to your colleagues.

For the redirect, have you used this trick?

@Wong128hk, yeah, I know about that. :/ I'm time to time pinged when an account has been renamed but the Flow board hasn't moved.

Bluedeck (留言贡献)

No, that's not what I did. Here's my exploit.

Objective: move user talk:bluedeck/flow (Page A) to user talk:bluedeck/flow/test (Page B)


  1. Delete page A.
  2. Create an ordinary page on top of page A
  3. Delete this ordinary page
  4. Restore the whole history of A. So that the history versions carrying flow board is loaded to current history. At this point A looks like an ordinary page.
  5. Move A to B.
  6. Delete B
  7. Restore B, but only restore the versions carrying the flow board. Now you have the flow moved to B.
Trizek (WMF) (留言贡献)

Interesting! I'll try it next week.

Trizek (WMF) (留言贡献)

You were two to say it is a good idea, plus I had the same request from Wikidata users. We are going to give the right to create, move and delete Structured Discussions to sysops on your wiki.

Bluedeck (留言贡献)

I opened a discussion about this issue. While there's not enough involvement for it to be called consensus yet, someone said any unprivileged user should also be able to create and move flow in a way no different than ordinary talk pages. And it made sense to me. So, is this possible?

Trizek (WMF) (留言贡献)

It would be possible, but I advice prefer to give the right only to sysops first, to see if there is a big need and if the creation process reveals issues. We will be able to move on to give that right to autopatrolled users (for instance) if everything goes well.

Wong128hk (留言贡献)

It works quite good for sysop to move the flow boards on this wiki. But it would be better if there is a log of page moving created on the page history, just like what have done on the other pages.

Trizek (WMF) (留言贡献)

It is now possible to create, move and delete Structured discussions boards on this wiki.

@Wong128hk, I'll check this log problem you describe. On which page have you seen it?

Wong128hk (留言贡献)
Wolfch (留言贡献)

That is ok. I still would like create that Flow board on a sub-page.

Trizek (WMF) (留言贡献)


Kou Dou (留言贡献)

Question about flow

Lnnocentius (留言贡献)

Hello Trizek,

Are there needs to backup and archive data in our flow pages periodically just like other Talk pages?

Thank you and happy thanksgiving.

Trizek (WMF) (留言贡献)

Hello Lnnocentius,

That is not necessary. Archiving is done automatically, you just have to scroll down the page to load old topics.

Happy thanksgiving to you too if you celebrate it! :)


MediaWiki message delivery (留言贡献)


就像社群中的其他人一样,您也在使用 Flow。

使用 Flow 或考虑使用 Flow 的社群越来越多。尽管 Flow 本身在2016年并没有安排为主要研发对象,协作小组仍然对提供一个改进的结构化讨论系统有极大兴趣。

您可以通过分享您对于 Flow 的想法帮助我们在今后研发的道路上作出决定——什么应该有,什么不应该有和什么应该做出改进?

请填写这个调查问卷,这个调查问卷是由一个第三方服务商管理的。 调查问卷并不要求您提供邮箱或用户名。 参见我们的隐私政策

感谢您对于 Flow 的意见和想法!

Trizek (WMF)协作小组成员, 2016年9月7日 (三) 14:45 (UTC)