![]() | 本页是以往讨论的存档。请勿编辑本页。若您想发起新讨论或重启现有讨论,请在当前讨论页进行。 |

有用户正就Template talk:Twitter § Twitter改为X(维基百科提议主题)征求意见。感谢您的帮助。
--路西法的爪牙 · 死亡笔记 2024年4月18日 (四) 04:21 (UTC)
Wikidata weekly summary #624

This is the Wikidata summary of the week before 2024-04-22.
Translations are available.
- New requests for permissions/Bot:
- OpeninfoBot - Task: Importing financial data (assets, equity, revenue, EBIT, net profit) from openinfo.uz to entries on public Uzbek companies in Wikidata.
- IntegrationBot - Task: retrieve information from Wikidata and contribute data back
- It’s time to nominate your favorite tool(s) for the fifth edition of the Coolest Tool Award! To nominate, follow this link. Deadline: 10 May 2024 - winners will be unveiled at Wikimania 2024.
Press, articles, blog posts, videos
- Blogs: Wikimedia begins mapping of Anambra MDAs, streets, markets on Wikidata - The Wikimedia Anambra Network and the Anambra State ICT Agency are collaborating on a project to map ministries, departments, agencies (MDAs), streets, and markets in Anambra State on Wikidata.
- Papers
Tool of the week
- Mishramilan (মিশ্রমিলন), a tool listing words/phrases in different language catalogs and allowing users to match the entries in those catalogs to existing Wikidata lexemes or to create new lexemes based on those entries.
Other Noteworthy Stuff
- It's not too late to join the Wikidata Open Online Course, open from April 22 to May 31! Whether you're a beginner taking your first steps, an individual in need of a refresher on Wikidata concepts, or a seasoned trainer looking to level up your skills - this course is right for you. Register here: Wikidata:Open Online Course
- There is a new update relative to the experiment with splitting the Wikidata Query Service graph. A new proposal for the split has also been published, feedback will be open until May 15th 2024.
Newest properties and property proposals to review
- General datatypes:
- Imagehash difference hash (hash which tells whether two images look nearly identical)
- image of construction (image showing the building/object/work under construction)
- derived from base unit (the base unit(s) that this derived unit is derived from)
- International Classification of Nonprofit Organizations (industry classification for nonprofit organization created by the Johns Hopkins University and adapted by the United Nations)
- RTE substation ID (identifier of electrical substations operated by RTE in France)
- API formatter URL (URI template from which "$1" can automatically be replaced with the effective property value on items; for API access and other machine-readable data)
- leaf morphology (characterization of aspects of the shape of a plant’s leaves)
- creative director (person who makes high-level creative decisions)
- beneficial owner (natural person or persons who ultimately owns or controls a company or organisation)
- official server list URL (website, officially recommended by the developer of the software, that lists public server instances of the software)
- EBITDA (accounting measure: net earnings, before interest expenses, taxes, depreciation, and amortization are subtracted)
- date popularized (point in time the subject became well known to the public, if different from its inception)
- number of accepted contributions (number of accepted submissions, e.g., conference articles to a conference)
- electoral symbol (symbol allocated to a political party or candidate for use on ballots)
- authorised capital (maximum amount of share capital that the company is authorised to issue to shareholders)
- number of submissions (number of submissions, e.g., submitted papers to a conference)
- follows spelling pattern (spelling rule, pattern or paradigm followed by this form)
- Newest External identifiers: ECF rating code, CalPhotos taxon ID, TMDB season ID, TMDB episode ID, ASM Mammal Diversity Database ID, SteamGridDB ID, Amazon Luna game ID, Triton Poker player ID, Traineras rower ID, StatMuse Premier League player ID, AllSkaters person ID, DoblajeVideojuegos dub actor ID, IsThereAnyDeal ID, Algerian National Library ID, Lisaan Masry Egyptian Arabic Dictionary ID, Encyclopaedia of the Qur'ān ID, Brazilian Football Confederation player ID, BeSoccer player ID, A New Nation Votes ID, istina.msu.ru person ID, KupiGolos game ID, Oskar Schindler Archive agent ID, Oxford Reference overview ID, Theatrical Index company ID, Touhou Wiki ID, Traineras club ID, Traineras competition ID, Slovenian organization number, Featherbase ID, TUESPWiki ID, Theatrical Index theatre ID, Supreme Court of Canada case number, SNS Info Saúde, OSHA Occupational Chemical Database ID, National Library of Uruguay authority ID, museum-digital tag ID, museum-digital person ID, government.ru person ID, arch2.iofe.center person ID, Digital Athenaeus Catalog author ID, China Ministry of Industry and Information Technology ID, BFO class ID, identifiant Sculpturo, Michigan Historical Marker ID, Barry Hugman's Footballers player ID, droitne.ch author ID, Statbunker player ID, ffspb.org player ID, beachsoccer.com team ID, WildTangent Games ID, HCERES organisation ID, az.lib.ru author ID, Hanslick Online person ID, ID of member of the Chambre des députés, Algerian National Statistics Office ID, mosff.ru staff ID, PeerTube channel address, WDF player ID, The Spriters Resource game ID, Cemu Wiki article ID, Génération Nintendo game ID, British Comedy Guide person ID, The Oxford Dictionary of Islam ID, Zillow zpid, Aragonario ID (6th version), The Oxford Encyclopedia of the Islamic World ID, Algerian trademark number ID, Dictionary of Qur'anic Usage ID, Delisted Games ID, Algerian commune ID, The Oxford Encyclopedia of Islam and Women ID, The Islamic World: Past and Present ID, The Concise Oxford Dictionary of World Religions ID, pressball.by football manager ID, Duden sense ID, GovTrack person ID, PlantZAfrica Plants of the Week ID, Kritikanstvo game ID, Kritikanstvo publication ID, Kritikanstvo critic ID, myabandonware.com game ID, FürthWiki article ID, IAFD film UUID
- New General datatypes property proposals to review:
- WEM facility code ()
- Type of representation (Property to indicate the '''representation type''' as a qualifier for Wikimedia Commons SDC Depicts statements of such Wikidata items, indicating the media type of the media file as can be derived from its registered property in Wikidata, being different from P18 (image).)
- is fake of (the kind (class) of elements this item falsifies / is a fake for)
- image decay (image decay suffered by an old photograph)
- risk group (risk group of a biological agent guiding its initial handling in labs according to the risk group classification defined by the WHO laboratory biosafety manual)
- tartan image (image of the item's tartan)
- tartan (item's tartan; Tartan is a Scottish cloth pattern symbolizing a clan, region, or group.)
- hasFeldpostNumber (Property to link German military units to their respective Feldpost numbers, referencing the specific identifier used during the military communications in the world wars.)
- total deposits (total value of deposits held by a bank or financial institution)
- Total loans (total value of loans given out by a bank or financial institution)
- source of transfer & destination of transfer (entity that a transferred item is initially associated with, before this process associates it with another entity (the destination of transfer) [aliases: source / sender])
- type of deterioration (to indicate types of deterioration presented by an artwork, building, artifact, etc.)
- rythme narratif (video game mechanic based on the rhythm of the player's actions)
- event role (item that describes a role in an event class)
- Patent Abstract (Abstract of the patent)
- New External identifier property proposals to review: TMDB award IDs, Algerian National Assembly ID, CPV profile ID, SPV profile ID, The Oxford Essential Dictionary of Foreign Terms in English ID, YList ID, Stichting Erfgoed Nederlandse Biercultuur brewery ID, Brill ID, Encyclopedia of Canonical Hadith ID, case number (mainland China), English & Scottish Football League transfers player ID, Rugby Romania ID, Scottish Register of Tartans ID, A Dictionary of Arabic Literary Terms and Devices ID, NICE Paintings ID, AccessAble venue ID, The Oxford Dictionary of Phrase and Fable ID, Asociation Espanola de Amigos de los Castillos ID, Pitchbook Company Profile, Cbonds Company Profile, Sonic Retro article ID, New Oxford American Dictionary ID, Kunstenpunt Knowledge Graph ID, identifiant Encyklopedia Medyków Powstania Warszawskiego, Algerian district ID, The Spriters Resource platform ID, The Oxford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, Science, and Technology in Islam ID, The Oxford Encyclopedia of Islam and Politics ID, PEGI game ID, Jerusalem Film Cinematheque person id, The Grove Encyclopedia of Islamic Art and Architecture ID, Flora Croatica Database taxon ID, Algerian province ID, more kaino.kotus.fi identifiers, World Encyclopedia ID, Encyclopedia of the Middle Ages ID, Gentoo Guru ID
You can comment on all open property proposals!
Did you know?
- Query examples:
- Newest WikiProjects:
- WikiProject NZThesisProject Wikidata library training Christchurch 2024 - The aim is to organize an event to show participants how adding New Zealand collections to Wikidata can be useful, and to train participants to improve Wikidata Items so that tools such as Scholia, which builds academic profiles, will be demonstrated.
- WikiProject Islam - Aims to collaborate on Islam-related topics
- WikiProject Algerian History - The goal of this project is to ensure the completeness of the history of Algeria (Q473761) during its historic period to modern time in Wikidata.
- WikiProject Highlights: WikiProject India/General Elections 2024 task force - is an initiative to create and up-to-date information related to general election (Q1076105) in India (Q668).
- Newest database reports: Merge candidates based on same sitelink name
- Showcase Items: Bertus Aafjes (Q353003) - Dutch poet and writer (1914–1993)
- Showcase Lexemes: dismesso (L1200000) - "discontinued/disused" in Italian
- mul language code: We are continuing the roll-out. It is now available on https://test.wikidata.org and https://wikidata.beta.wmflabs.org.
- REST API: We are putting finishing touches on the following:
- Create an Item via POST /entities/items (phab:T342990)
- Modify data of a Property via PATCH /entities/properties/{property_id} (phab:T347394)
- EntitySchemas: We are continuing the work on the new datatype to link to EntitySchemas in statements.
- Leveling Up Days: We are wrapping up the event.
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
Weekly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Contribute to the showcase Item and Lexeme above.
- Participate in this week's Lexeme challenge: Other objects and tools
- Summarize your WikiProject's ongoing activities in one or two sentences.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
Wikifunctions & Abstract Wikipedia Newsletter #152 is out: Welcome, Sharvani!
There is a new update for Abstract Wikipedia and Wikifunctions. Please, come and read it!
In this issue, we welcome a new member of the team and we take a look at the latest software developments.
Want to catch up with the previous updates? Check our archive.
Enjoy the reading! -- User:Sannita (WMF) (talk) 2024年4月22日 (一) 17:14 (UTC)
- 从本周开始,维基百科的新手编辑者会被鼓励尝试结构化任务。结构化任务已被证明能提升新手的活跃度和留存率。 [1]
- 即日起可以提名您最喜欢的工具参加第五届最酷工具奖。提名将持续开放至5月10日。
- 这是最后一次提醒,从2024年5月底开始,Vector 2022皮肤将不再与旧版Vector共用网站和用户的脚本及样式。对于要在Vector 2022上继续使用的用户脚本,请将Special:我的用户页/vector.js的内容复制到Special:我的用户页/vector-2022.js。参阅更多技术细节。界面管理员若预期这将导致大量技术支持问题,可以效仿法语维基百科,向您所在的社群发送大量信息。 [4]
MediaWiki message delivery 2024年4月22日 (一) 20:26 (UTC)
Books & Bytes – Issue 62
The Wikipedia Library: Books & Bytes
Issue 62, March – April 2024
- IEEE and Haaretz now available
- Let's Connect Clinics about The Wikipedia Library
- Spotlight and Wikipedia Library tips
Sent by MediaWiki message delivery on behalf of The Wikipedia Library team --2024年4月23日 (二) 11:03 (UTC)
Growth News, April 2024

The Growth team will now send quarterly reports to keep you in the loop. Growth team weekly updates are available on wiki (in English) if you want to know more about our day-to-day work.
If you want to receive more general updates about technical activity happening across the Wikimedia movement (including Growth work), we encourage you to subscribe to Tech News.
Community Configuration
Growth features are currently configurable at Special:EditGrowthConfig
. This quarter we are working on making Community Configuration accessible for other MediaWiki developers while also moving Growth feature configuration to the new CommunityConfiguration extension.
An early version of Community Configuration can be tested at Spanish Beta Wikipedia. We plan to release the new Community Configuration extension to pilot wikis (Arabic and Spanish Wikipedia) in early May, 2024. The first non-Growth team feature to utilize Community Configuration will be Automoderator.
In parallel with the development, the Growth team will propose Community Configuration usage guidelines, Community Configuration design guidelines, and provide technical documentation.
Experiment Results
Add a Image experiment analysis results
The Growth team conducted an experiment to assess the impact of the “Add an Image” structured task on the Newcomer Homepage's "Suggested Edits" module. This analysis finds that the Add an Image structured task leads to an increase in newcomer participation on the mobile web platform, particularly by making constructive (non-reverted) article edits:
- The likelihood that mobile web newcomers make their first article edit (+17.0% over baseline)
- The likelihood that they are retained as newcomers (+24.3% over baseline)
- The number of edits they make during their first two weeks on the wiki (+21.8% over baseline)
- A lower probability of the newcomers' edits will be reverted (-3.3% over baseline).
Personalized praise experiment results
This feature was developed for Mentors as part of the Growth team's Positive Reinforcement project. When A/B testing on Spanish Wikipedia, we found no significant impact on retention, but we found a significant positive impact on newcomer productivity. However, we concluded that the results weren’t positive enough to justify the time investment from Mentors. We plan to discuss this feature with our pilot wikis, and consider further improvements before scaling this feature further. Meanwhile, communities willing to test the feature can ask to have it deployed. (T361763)
English donors encouraged to try editing
As in previous years, donors were directed to a Thank you page after donation (example). However, this year we tested a new “Try editing Wikipedia,” call to action on the Thank You page. This call to action linked to a unique account creation page. From this account creation page we were able to track Registrations and Activation (editing for the first time). During the English banner campaign, the Donor Thank you page led to 4,398 new accounts, and 441 of those accounts went on to constructively edit within 24 hours. (T352900)
Future work
Annual Plan
The Growth team and the Editing team will work on the WE1.2 Key Result in the coming fiscal year. We will start initial discussions with communities soon to help finalize our plans. (T361657)
Newcomer Homepage Community Updates module
We plan to A/B test adding a new Community Configurable module to the Newcomer Homepage that will allow communities to highlight specific events, projects, campaigns, and initiatives. We are early in the planning phase of this project that will take place first at our pilot wikis and wikis volunteering. We welcome community feedback on initial designs and plans, in any language at our project talk page.
Growth team's newsletter prepared by the Growth team and posted by bot • Give feedback • Subscribe or unsubscribe.
2024年4月23日 (二) 18:55 (UTC)

有用户正就Wikipedia talk:消歧义 § 请问以下消歧义的存在是否合理?[锚点失效](维基百科方针与指引主题)征求意见。感谢您的帮助。
--路西法的爪牙 · 死亡笔记 2024年4月25日 (四) 08:01 (UTC)
The Signpost: 25 April 2024
- In the media: Censorship and wikiwashing looming over RuWiki, edit wars over San Francisco politics and another wikirace on live TV
- News and notes: A sigh of relief for open access as Italy makes a slight U-turn on their cultural heritage reproduction law
- WikiConference report: WikiConference North America 2023 in Toronto recap
- WikiProject report: WikiProject Newspapers (Not WP:NOTNEWS)
- Recent research: New survey of over 100,000 Wikipedia users
- Traffic report: O.J., cricket and a three body problem
来自HedwigJH的问题 (2024年4月27日 (六) 16:01)
您好,我在找资料时发现韩国艺人2PM的条目被大量删除,不知道编辑者的用意,这是被允许的吗? --HedwigJH(留言) 2024年4月27日 (六) 16:01 (UTC)
- 可靠来源佐证,因而将其删除,不过后面有另外一名编者回退了,如果您找到关于那些章节的可靠来源的话,欢迎将其新增至条目中,谢谢。谢谢。--冥王欧西里斯(留言) 2024年4月28日 (日) 00:44 (UTC) 看起来是因为该位编辑者认为那些内容并无那些内容并无
This Month in Education: March 2024
This Month in Education
Volume 13 • Issue 3 • March 2024

有用户正就Talk:1000 § 应收录几个1000~1999的数字?(数学、科学与科技主题)征求意见。感谢您的帮助。
--路西法的爪牙 · 死亡笔记 2024年4月28日 (日) 13:12 (UTC)

订于台湾时间4/29 (一) 19:00举行,
参与连结为 https://meet.google.com/qiv-ctih-sse 。
想跟更多台湾维基人互动吗?方才自柏林归来的Wikimedia Summit心得收获与感想、以及即将截止的COSCUP议程轨报名,本次对话时间将针对上述两项活动进行讨论,欢迎一起来聊聊!
2024年4月28日 (日) 16:20 (UTC)

有用户正就Wikipedia:互助客栈/其他 § 对ITN获选标准及ITNR的小修订(维基百科提议主题)征求意见。感谢您的帮助。
--路西法的爪牙 · 死亡笔记 2024年4月29日 (一) 06:32 (UTC)
Wikidata weekly summary #625

- Nubuke Wikidata Workshop - Sat. 27 April 1100 - 1400 GMT at the Nubuke Foundation, Lome Close Accra, Ghana.
- There's still time for nominating your favorite tool in the Coolest Tool Award! To nominate, follow this link. Deadline: 10 May 2024 - winners unveiled at Wikimania 2024
- Coordinate Me 2024 - an international Wikidata competition around content with geodata. The competition starts on 1 May 2024 and ends on 31 May 2024.
- Wikimedia Hackathon 2024 is just around the corner, taking place in Tallinn, Estonia from 02 - 06 May. We hope there will be lots of Wikidata hacking projects worked on.
Press, articles, blog posts, videos
- Blogs
- Diff Blog: Museums around the world, according to Wikidata - Wikimedia's own blog, Diff, has this interesting graphic showing museums around the world. To explore further, check the Wikidata Query.
- Papers
- Bringing PanglaoDB to 5-star Linked Open Data using Wikidata - This paper documents the experiences mapping PanglaoDB's free text cell types and genes i Wikidata to improve reusability and fairness. By Tiago Lubiana & João Vitor F. Cavalcante.
- Exploring Wikidata for Social Science Research (Portugese) - Highlights the relevance of open resources such as Wikidata for the Social Sciences, providing access to information that facilitates research in the social, economic and cultural areas. By Wenceslao Arroyo-Machado.
- Integrating Wikidata with Data Sleuthing Techniques For Enhanced Knowledge Discovery of Hidden Figures - this is a training resource to find and enrich Items on Natural History collector's.
- Videos
- The Data Mine: Wikimedia Content Quality 2024 - a short video on how to find mismatched data between Wikidata on other data sources.
- MWCon Spring 2024 (Day 3) - This session of the MediaWiki Users and Developers Conference explores the different extensions you can use with Wikibase. See the rest of the program here
- Getting Started with OpenRefine - Introducing OpenRefine, importing data, filtering and faceting and bulk editing, as well as how to connect to other data sources for reconciling your data. By Margaret Heller & Diana Rusch.
- A Decade of Scholarly Research on Open Knowledge Graphs - Houcemeddine Turki host this presentation of the LREC-COLING 2024's findings. You can read the full paper here.
- Beyond Wikidata: building a universal knowledge graph with MediaWiki and Wikibase - James Hare explores Wikibase as a focused alternative to creating a knowledge graph around a specific theme or project.
Tool of the week
- Antvaset's Wikidata Ontology explorer - explore Wikidata's Ontology in this top-down tree explorer. By Anton Vasetenkov.
Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Wikimedia Deutschland closed their Call for Software Contributions! Discover the project proposals submitted and share your feedback.
- Release of Wikibase Suite: Wikibase 1.39.7WMDE .18 - minor security release compatible with MediaWiki 1.39.7
- OpenRefine 3.8.0 was released
Newest properties and property proposals to review
- Newest properties:
- General datatypes:
- RTE substation ID (identifier of electrical substations operated by RTE in France)
- API formatter URL (URI template from which "$1" can automatically be replaced with the effective property value on items; for API access and other machine-readable data)
- leaf morphology (characterization of aspects of the shape of a plant’s leaves)
- creative director (person who makes high-level creative decisions)
- beneficial owner (natural person or persons who ultimately owns or controls a company or organisation)
- official server list URL (website, officially recommended by the developer of the software, that lists public server instances of the software)
- EBITDA (accounting measure: net earnings, before interest expenses, taxes, depreciation, and amortization are subtracted)
- date popularized (point in time the subject became well known to the public, if different from its inception)
- number of accepted contributions (number of accepted submissions, e.g., conference articles to a conference)
- electoral symbol (symbol allocated to a political party or candidate for use on ballots)
- authorised capital (maximum amount of share capital that the company is authorised to issue to shareholders)
- number of submissions (number of submissions, e.g., submitted papers to a conference)
- follows spelling pattern (spelling rule, pattern or paradigm followed by this form)
- risk group (risk group of a biological agent guiding its initial handling in labs according to the risk group classification defined by the WHO laboratory biosafety manual)
- timetable/schedule URL (link to the timetable or the schedule (in PDF, HTML, image format) for the given service or the event schedule. The current timetable/schedule should have preferred rank.)
- deterioration (to indicate types of deterioration presented by an artwork, building, artifact, etc.)
- External identifiers: Oxford Reference overview ID, Theatrical Index company ID, Touhou Wiki ID, Traineras club ID, Traineras competition ID, Slovenian organization number, Featherbase ID, TUESPWiki ID, Theatrical Index theatre ID, Supreme Court of Canada case number, SNS Info Saúde, OSHA Occupational Chemical Database ID, National Library of Uruguay authority ID, museum-digital tag ID, museum-digital person ID, government.ru person ID, arch2.iofe.center person ID, Digital Athenaeus Catalog author ID, China Ministry of Industry and Information Technology ID, BFO class ID, identifiant Sculpturo, Michigan Historical Marker ID, Barry Hugman's Footballers player ID, droitne.ch author ID, Statbunker player ID, ffspb.org player ID, beachsoccer.com team ID, WildTangent Games ID, HCERES organisation ID, az.lib.ru author ID, Hanslick Online person ID, ID of member of the Chambre des députés, Algerian National Statistics Office ID, mosff.ru staff ID, PeerTube channel address, WDF player ID, The Spriters Resource game ID, Cemu Wiki article ID, Génération Nintendo game ID, British Comedy Guide person ID, The Oxford Dictionary of Islam ID, Zillow zpid, Aragonario ID (6th version), The Oxford Encyclopedia of the Islamic World ID, Algerian trademark number ID, Dictionary of Qur'anic Usage ID, Delisted Games ID, Algerian commune ID, The Oxford Encyclopedia of Islam and Women ID, The Islamic World: Past and Present ID, The Concise Oxford Dictionary of World Religions ID, pressball.by football manager ID, Duden sense ID, GovTrack person ID, PlantZAfrica Plants of the Week ID, Kritikanstvo game ID, Kritikanstvo publication ID, Kritikanstvo critic ID, myabandonware.com game ID, FürthWiki article ID, IAFD film UUID, A Dictionary of Arabic Literary Terms and Devices ID, Rugby Romania ID, Scottish Register of Tartans ID, Asociation Espanola de Amigos de los Castillos ID, NICE Paintings ID, Sonic Retro article ID, Algerian district ID, English & Scottish Football League transfers player ID, The Spriters Resource platform ID, Encyklopedia Medyków Powstania Warszawskiego ID, Cerist.dz CCDZ ID, Flora Croatica Database taxon ID, Quadrinhopédia artist ID, SPV profile ID, CPV profile ID, Kunstenpunt Knowledge Graph ID, The Oxford Dictionary of Phrase and Fable ID, Hindawi Foundation book ID, The Oxford Essential Dictionary of Foreign Terms in English ID, Pennsylvania State Senate ID, Vanhan kirjasuomen sanakirja ID, Suomi–ruotsi-suursanakirja ID, FilmVandaag ID
- General datatypes:
- New property proposals to review:
- General datatypes:
- WEM facility code ()
- Type of representation (Property to indicate the '''representation type''' as a qualifier for Wikimedia Commons SDC Depicts statements of such Wikidata items, indicating the media type of the media file as can be derived from its registered property in Wikidata, being different from P18 (image).)
- is fake of (the kind (class) of elements this item falsifies / is a fake for)
- tartan (item's tartan; Tartan is a Scottish cloth pattern symbolizing a clan, region, or group.)
- hasFeldpostNumber (Property to link German military units to their respective Feldpost numbers, referencing the specific identifier used during the military communications in the world wars.)
- total deposits (total value of deposits held by a bank or financial institution)
- Total loans (total value of loans given out by a bank or financial institution)
- source of transfer & destination of transfer (entity that a transferred item is initially associated with, before this process associates it with another entity (the destination of transfer) [aliases: source / sender])
- rythme narratif (video game mechanic based on the rhythm of the player's actions)
- event role (item that describes a role in an event class)
- Patent Abstract (Abstract of the patent)
- category for this time deaths (category item for people who died in this time)
- category for this time births (category item for people who born in this time)
- is ontological root of (forms the root element of the ontology)
- founder of (Organization, religion, or place that was founded or co-founded by subject. Inverse of P112.)
- writing technique (technique used for writing on stone, paper or other support)
- identifiant Inventaire du patrimoine immobilier culturel ()
- External identifiers: TMDB award IDs, Algerian National Assembly ID, YList ID, Stichting Erfgoed Nederlandse Biercultuur brewery ID, Brill ID, Encyclopedia of Canonical Hadith ID, case number (mainland China), AccessAble venue ID, Pitchbook Company Profile, Cbonds Company Profile, New Oxford American Dictionary ID, The Oxford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, Science, and Technology in Islam ID, The Oxford Encyclopedia of Islam and Politics ID, PEGI game ID, Jerusalem Film Cinematheque person id, The Grove Encyclopedia of Islamic Art and Architecture ID, Algerian province ID, World Encyclopedia ID, Encyclopedia of the Middle Ages ID, Gentoo Guru ID, Oxford University Press ID, FilmVandaag ID, FBW-Kennung, Duden node ID, Cambridge University Press ID, Taylor & Francis book ID, AbeBooks book ID, COBISS ID, Dhliz person ID, LGD Block Code, Edinburgh University Press ID, BD Gest' work ID, Gentoo Wiki ID, Barnes & Noble ID, Vanguard Books ID, Douban Personage ID, De Gruyter ID, Thriftbooks ID, eBay item, numéro d'établissement d'une ICPE, Columbia University Press ID, Kōmako id
- General datatypes:
- Deleted properties:
You can comment on all open property proposals!
Did you know?
- Query examples:
- Two or more statements on a certain property - generates a list of all elements where there are two or more statements on a certain property (without deprecated statements).
- Explore data about Tabakalera participants - find biographical information of film director's that have participate din the San Sebastian Film Festival Tabalakera cultural centre.
- Mothers on Wikidata - explore the mother and child relationships of Wikidata items.
- Presidents of French Universities - curious about which individuals have presided at French Universities and Higher education institutions? This query explores that!
- Showcase Items: Jerzy Spława-Neyman - A polish Statistician, the first to introduce a confidence interval to statistical hypothesis testing.
- Showcase Lexemes: Pfeil (DE) - Arrow, part of the Weekly Lexeme Challenge.
- You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
Weekly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Suggested and open tasks!
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!

- 下列维基的讨论页外观已更改:阿塞拜疆语维基百科、孟加拉语维基百科、德语维基百科、波斯语维基百科、希伯来语维基百科、印地语维基百科、印尼语维基百科、韩文维基百科、荷兰语维基百科、葡萄牙语维基百科、罗马尼亚语维基百科、泰语维基百科、土耳其语维基百科、乌克兰语维基百科、越南语维基百科。这些维基参与的测试为期一年,其中有50%的用户使用了新设计。由于测试结果良好,新设计已作为默认设计部署至这些维基。用户可以在参数设置中选择停用这些更改(“显示讨论活动”)。未来几周内,所有维基均将进行部署。 [5]
- 七个新的维基已创建:
- 您现在可以在Translatewiki.net上监视消息组或项目。起初,此功能会通知您这些群组中新增或删除的消息。 [13]
- 深色模式现在可供所有维基的已登录用户在移动版网站使用,须启用高级模式。这是该功能的抢先发行版。邀请技术编者检查各维基的无障碍问题。参见详细指南。
- 属性值
可让Kartographer地图使用不带地名标注的替代视觉样式。这原本在预览中不起作用,造成它不受支持的错误印象。此问题已解决。 [14]
MediaWiki message delivery 2024年4月30日 (二) 03:32 (UTC)

有用户正就Template talk:Hang on § {{hangon}}(维基百科提议主题)征求意见。感谢您的帮助。
--路西法的爪牙 · 死亡笔记 2024年4月30日 (二) 08:42 (UTC)
RamzyM (WMF) 2024年5月2日 (四) 22:54 (UTC)
来自HedwigJH的问题 (2024年5月3日 (五) 17:24)
您好,请问维基上的图档如何更换呢?想变更旧的签名。另外页面上放艺人的照片要如何不违反著作权呢?非常感谢🙏 --HedwigJH(留言) 2024年5月3日 (五) 17:24 (UTC)
- 维基共享资源,但若您并未持有图片的著作权,则需确认是否符合Wikipedia:非自由内容使用准则而得以在条目中使用您并不持有著作权的图片,否则并不能使用。另外,关于仍活着的艺人,您只能上传自行拍摄的照片,请勿从其粉专、网站或其他地方下载后上传到维基体系,这将会被删除,谢谢。--冥王欧西里斯(留言) 2024年5月3日 (五) 23:30 (UTC) 您好,原则上,维基百科使用的图片会上传到
Wikifunctions & Abstract Wikipedia Newsletter #153 is out: Team meeting and Quarterly plan
There is a new update for Abstract Wikipedia and Wikifunctions. Please, come and read it!
In this issue, we discuss the results of our team meeting held in San Francisco, USA, as well as presenting the objectives that we will pursue in the next months.
Want to catch up with the previous updates? Check our archive.
Enjoy the reading! -- User:Sannita (WMF) (talk) 2024年5月4日 (六) 12:57 (UTC)
Next Wikifunctions & Abstract Wikipedia Volunteer's Corner is on May 6
We remind you that if you have questions or ideas to discuss, the next Volunteers' Corner will be held on May 6, at 17:30 UTC (link to the meeting).
Apologies for the reaching out to you with a separate message.
See you at the meeting! -- User:Sannita (WMF) (talk) 2024年5月4日 (六) 13:12 (UTC)
来自Tc team的问题 (2024年5月6日 (一) 03:56)
您好,请问关于上传相片的问题 若我手边有一张人物的相片要上传,相片是经过此人物同意拍摄的,那么还需要上传许可权吗? --Tc team(留言) 2024年5月6日 (一) 03:56 (UTC)
- EXIF资料是否存在判断)且未在其他地方以不相容于维基共享资源可使用的授权条款就不需要另行提供许可,谢谢。--冥王欧西里斯(留言) 2024年5月6日 (一) 06:01 (UTC) 您好,只要确认这张人物照片是您自行拍摄(通常是以照片的

- 除了维基共享资源、维基数据和大多数维基百科之外,所有维基的讨论页外观均已更改(部分维基已在此前获得新设计)。您可以在Diff阅读此更改的详细资讯。用户可以在参数设置中选择停用此更改(“显示讨论活动”)。未来几周内,其余维基将获得此部署。 [17][18]
,更有效地控制移动版网站上条目元素的样式。关于如何停用样式的更多资讯,请参阅扩展页面。 [19]Wikimedia Enterprise已将JSON格式的条目内文章节和精选的简短描述栏位添加至现有的已解析信息框中。此API扩展也可以通过维基媒体云服务使用。 [20]
MediaWiki的新版本将于5月7日部署至测试维基及MediaWiki.org,于5月8日部署至非维基百科wiki及部分维基百科,并于5月9日部署至所有站点(参见日程表)。 [21][22]
- 当您查看Special:Log特殊页面时,第一眼见到的是“所有公开日志”标签,但其仅显示部分日志。该标签现将更名为“主要公开日志”。 [23]
- Graph扩展将被新服务取代,该服务仍待开发。详情请见该扩展的最新更新资讯。
- 自5月21日起,英语维基百科和德语维基百科将可以启用“添加链接”。这是逐步向所有维基百科部署此工具的一部分。这些社群可以在本地启用和配置此功能。 [24]
MediaWiki message delivery 2024年5月6日 (一) 16:43 (UTC)
Wikidata weekly summary #626

This is the Wikidata summary of the week before 2024-05-06.
Translations are available.
- Reminder: the period for feedback on the Wikidata Query Service graph split ruleset closes on 15-May-2024. More information here!
- The Wikimedia Hackathon 2024 took place in Tallinn, Estonia. Wikimedians from all over came together to hack on a huge variety of topics, including Wikidata and Wikibase topics. See the entire Program
- International Museum Day 2024 on Wikimedia: Take part in the translation, media, and data challenges!
- Registration for Wiki Workshop 2024 is now open! The event will be virtually held on *June 20, 12:00-18:30 UTC
- Coordinate Me 2024 is an international Wikidata competition taking place over the month of May. This year, the focus is on enriching or creating Wikidata items with the Property: Coordinate Location (P625). To participate, enroll on the dashboard to ensure your edits are tracked.
Press, articles, blog posts, videos
- Papers: MisgenderMender - A community-informed approach to interventions of misgendering.
- Videos
- Intro to Wikidata Query Service - hosted by User:Gnoeee, this comprehensive video will equip newcomers to Wikidata with the skills to effectively start querying Wikidata.
- Siobhan Leachman, NZ Citizen Scientist and Wikipedian - CitSciOz23 Keynote Speaker, this prolific editor discusses her passions and workflows for contributing and enriching Wikidata on topics as diverse as women scientists, scientific illustrators, artworks and citation data, moths and more.
- WikiSearch from Wikibase Data - Wout Geveart shows how the WikiSearch extension is using Wikibase data to explore and visualise the data in new ways.
- WikimediaAPIs: a WM Technology Training Session - Mr. Neechalkaran of the WM Indic MediaWiki Developers Usergroup introduces the function and utility of WM projects APIs, including the REST AOI, the Wikidata API and more.
- Accessing Wikidata's Data: An Introduction to the Wikidata REST API (Zoom recording). A WikiMentor Africa session by Eugene Egbe.
Tool of the week
- Wikidata periodic table - Tool by User:Ricordisamoa, to browse all chemical elements available on Wikidata, with atomic number, chemical symbol, and localized label. It also includes two charts of the nuclides, with links to every isotope in Wikidata, colored by half-life or decay mode.
Other Noteworthy Stuff
- A new UI mode is available for the online validator for EntitySchemas. It represents validation reports as a table rather than a very long string, and replaces most links with hyperlinks with some of the text behind them; making them easier to read. Currently being tested at https://shex-validator.toolforge.org/packages/shex-webapp/doc/shex-simple-improved.html, we are looking for participants to evaluate this tool. Some experience with editing Wikidata is appreciated, but no experience working with Schemas is required. If you are interested, you can sign up here. We hope to begin interviews around May 13. For more details, visit User:M.alten.tue
Newest properties and property proposals to review
- Newest General datatypes:
- category for this time births (category item for people who born in this time)
- category for this time deaths (category item for people who died in this time)
- representation type (property to indicate the representation type as a qualifier for Wikimedia Commons SDC Depicts statements of such Wikidata items)
- source of transfer (entity that a transferred item is initially associated with, before this process associates it with another entity)
- destination of transfer (entity that a transferred item comes to be associated with as a result of this process)
- Newest External identifiers: FilmVandaag ID, FBW ID, Encyclopedia of the Middle Ages ID, Jerusalem Film Cinematheque person ID, PitchBook profile ID, New Oxford American Dictionary ID, Stichting Erfgoed Nederlandse Biercultuur brewery ID, Gentoo Wiki article ID, Dhliz person ID, RAG ID
- New General datatypes property proposals to review:
- LombardiaBeniCulturali collection ID (ID of a collection on lombardiabeniculturali.it)
- is ontological root of (forms the root element of the ontology)
- New External identifier property proposals to review: last appearance, Perlego ID, Bokkilden ID, Iconoteca dell'Accademia di architettura ID, The Law Dictionary entry, urban area census code, Wardah Books ID, The Lost Media Wiki page ID, The Sounds Resource game ID, Palula dictionary ID, CDC Stacks ID, Virtual Russian Museum artist ID, Pushkin Museum artist ID, NLR editions, الملف الاستنادي للمؤلفين العراقيين, Dhliz film ID, Dhliz TV series ID, glubinka.by, Azerbaijani National Assembly ID, TheLegacy ID, Explanatory Ukrainian Dictionary ID, Transfermarkt competition ID, Quranic Semantic Search word ID
You can comment on all open property proposals!
Did you know?
- Query examples:
- Newest database reports: young mothers (source)
- Showcase Items: Deirdre (Q1183379) - heroine in Irish mythology
- Showcase Lexemes: 사랑하다 (L741213) - verb "to love (cherish with affection)" in Korean
- We attended the Wikimedia Hackathon.
- REST API: We are finishing the route for creating an Item (phab:T342990) and modify the data of a Property (phab:T347394)
- EntitySchemas: We are continuing the work on creating the new datatype to link to EntitySchemas in statements (phab:T214884)
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
Weekly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Contribute to the showcase Item and Lexeme above.
- Participate in this week's Lexeme challenge:
- Summarize your WikiProject's ongoing activities in one or two sentences.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
阁下曾提报不符合收录标准之条目“黄常祚”已过限期(条目已挂上提删模板),如阁下认为该条目现时尚未合乎收录标准,可作提删。 --Cewbot(留言) 2024年5月10日 (五) 00:02 (UTC)
This Month in GLAM: April 2024
Wikifunctions & Abstract Wikipedia Newsletter #154 is out: Flagship type for enumerations: Months of the Gregorian calendar
There is a new update for Abstract Wikipedia and Wikifunctions. Please, come and read it!
In this issue, we discuss our first proposal for a new type for enumerations and we take a look at the latest software developments.
Want to catch up with the previous updates? Check our archive.
Enjoy the reading! -- User:Sannita (WMF) (talk) 2024年5月13日 (一) 12:22 (UTC)
Wikidata weekly summary #627

This is the Wikidata summary of the week before 2024-05-13.
Please help Translate.
- Project Chat - Data model pages: Alexmar983 and User:Epìdosis have proposed updates to standardize the nomenclature in the Wikidata: Data Model pages, join the conversation. Also see this Talk page for a draft proposal for a new Navbox.
- New requests for permissions/Bot: Bot5958 - Task: Infer Trakt.tv ID (P8013) of an episode from the Trakt.tv ID (P8013) of the corresponding TV series.
Press, articles, blog posts, videos
- Blogs: Navigating the world of Wikidata: An intro and hands-on experience. This blog entry documents the session from Yaw Tuba and Nana Yaw Botar and organised by Open Foundation West Africa in building skills for new and experienced editors alike.
- Papers
- Sharing data, caring for collections. Open data on collection agents affiliated with the Museum für Naturkunde Berlin - This paper documents a project at the MN to digitise collector metadata from museum exhibits for reuse, research and provenance. S. Mering et al.
- Erenrich, Daniel. ‘Psychiq and Wwwyzzerdd: Wikidata Completion Using Wikipedia’. 1 Jan. 2023 : 1 – 14.
- Ilievski, Filip et al. ‘A Study of Concept Similarity in Wikidata’. 1 Jan. 2024 : 1 – 20.
- Videos
- using Open Data to Automatically Generate Localised Analogies - Sofia Spatharioti explains how information from Wikidata and Wikipedia can be used to provide more contextual comparisons when dealing with large numbers, dimensions or statistics.
- Thesaurus INAPP in Wikidata (Italian) - Camillo Carlo Pellizzari shows INAPP thesaurus usage on Wikidata and how to normalise keywords assigned to publications.
- Authors INAPP on Wikidata (Italian) - Camillo also presents how Wikidata can record biographical data and the presence of authors affiliated with INAPP.
Tool of the week
- Wikidata:Projector - is a tool that shows maps and lists with Wikidata items for a specific topic, usually a location. As an example, see the Projector for Corfu
- Wikidata Anti Pattern Analyzer companion tool to the Evidence of large-scale conceptual disarray in multi-level taxonomies in Wikidata research paper
Newest properties and property proposals to review
- Newest General datatypes:
- category for this time births (category item for people who born in this time)
- category for this time deaths (category item for people who died in this time)
- representation type (property to indicate the representation type as a qualifier for Wikimedia Commons SDC Depicts statements of such Wikidata items)
- source of transfer (entity that a transferred item is initially associated with, before this process associates it with another entity)
- destination of transfer (entity that a transferred item comes to be associated with as a result of this process)
- LombardiaBeniCulturali collection ID (ID of a collection on lombardiabeniculturali.it)
- Newest External identifiers: FilmVandaag ID, FBW ID, Encyclopedia of the Middle Ages ID, Jerusalem Film Cinematheque person ID, PitchBook profile ID, New Oxford American Dictionary ID, Stichting Erfgoed Nederlandse Biercultuur brewery ID, Gentoo Wiki article ID, Dhliz person ID, RAG ID, The Sounds Resource game ID, The Lost Media Wiki page ID, Cbonds company profile, Iconoteca dell'Accademia di architettura ID, Kōmako author ID, urban area census code, The Law Dictionary entry, CDC Stacks ID, Authority file of the Iraqi Authors, Gentoo GURU package ID, TheLegacy ID
- New General datatypes property proposals to review:
- is ontological root of (forms the root element of the ontology)
- located in the Islamic territorial entity (the item is located on the territory of the following Islamic entity.)
- New External identifier property proposals to review: last appearance, Perlego ID, Bokkilden ID, Wardah Books ID, Palula dictionary ID, Virtual Russian Museum artist ID, Pushkin Museum artist ID, NLR editions, Dhliz film ID, Dhliz TV series ID, glubinka.by, Azerbaijani National Assembly ID, Explanatory Ukrainian Dictionary ID, Transfermarkt competition ID, Quranic Semantic Search word ID, Folkets lexikon ID, Grand Theft Wiki ID, Quranic Arabic Corpus topic ID, Australian Oxford Dictionary ID, Oxford Encyclopedia of the Islamic World: Digital Collection ID, Lille norske leksikon-ID, The Encyclopedia of Religion and Nature ID, Brewer's Dictionary of Phrase & Fable ID, The Oxford Companion to World Mythology ID, GOG product ID, Yandex.Music track ID, WiiG.de developer ID, WiiG.de publisher ID, Comprehensive Dictionary of the Contemporary Ukrainian Language ID, The New Zealand Oxford Dictionary ID, Canadian Oxford Dictionary ID, promodj album ID, The Oxford Encyclopedia of the Modern World ID, The Oxford Companion to the Mind ID, Arkitekturguide for Nord-Norge og Svalbard ID, person ID in MNAHA
You can comment on all open property proposals!
Did you know?
- Query examples:
- Schema examples: List of roles played by siblings
- Newest database reports: Lost links - (New editor removed sitelink and did not reconnect it)
- Showcase Items: Mister President (Q3050361) - novel written by Miguel Ángel Asturias
- Showcase Lexemes: Ordbokredaktør - (Bokmål; a literary version of Norwegian) appropriately, for Lexicographer.
Development You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
Weekly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Contribute to the showcase Item and Lexeme above.
- Participate in this week's Lexeme challenge: Gambling
- Summarize your WikiProject's ongoing activities in one or two sentences.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
- 维基文库有一个特殊页面,会列出没有扫描件的作品页面列表。现在您可以使用新的魔术字
使该列表排除特定页面(例如,作品的版本列表或译文)。 [25] - 现在,如果您在用户参数设置启用“显示预览时不重新加载页面”,模板页面功能“预览使用本模板的页面”也无需重新加载页面。 [26]
- Kartographer地图现在可以通过
属性相同。此功能的例外是维基导游等维基站点,这些站点的微型地图是交互式的。 [27] - “新的编辑审核过滤器”功能的旧导览已被移除。该导览创建于2017年,旨在向拥有旧账号的用户展示界面的变化,现在大多数目标用户已得知这一点。 [28]
MediaWiki的新版本将于5月14日部署至测试维基及MediaWiki.org,于5月15日部署至非维基百科wiki及部分维基百科,并于5月16日部署至所有站点(参见日程表)。 [29][30]
Special:搜索结果页面现在使用CSS flex属性而非表格,以进一步落实无障碍。如果您有用于调整搜索结果的小工具或脚本,请更新该脚本以处理新的HTML结构。 [31]
- 在Vector 2022皮肤中,主命名空间页面将会以全屏宽度显示(如同特殊页面)。此举的目标是确保每行容纳的字符数足够多。这与即将发生的Vector 2022排版设计更改有关。了解更多。 [32]
)。在现有的SQL查询中:- 将
语句中的JOIN pagelinks
替换为JOIN linktarget
- 在其下方添加
JOIN pagelinks ON lt_id = pl_target_id
- 参见phab:T222224以了解技术原因。 [33][34]
- 将
MediaWiki message delivery 2024年5月13日 (一) 23:57 (UTC)
This Month in Education: April 2024
The Signpost: 16 May 2024
- News and notes: Democracy in action: multiple elections
- Special report: Will the new RfA reform come to the rescue of administrators?
- Arbitration report: Ruined temples for posterity to ponder over – arbitration from '22 to '24
- Comix: Generations
- Traffic report: Crawl out through the fallout, baby
Wikifunctions & Abstract Wikipedia Newsletter #155 is out: Call for Functions: Spell out the number!
There is a new update for Abstract Wikipedia and Wikifunctions. Please, come and read it!
In this issue, we call on you to help us doing new language functions about numbers and we also take a look at the latest software developments.
Want to catch up with the previous updates? Check our archive.
Enjoy the reading! -- User:Sannita (WMF) (talk) 2024年5月16日 (四) 18:01 (UTC)
- “大量删除”(Nuke)功能使管理员得以删除大量页面。该功能现在能正确删除经移动至其他标题的页面。 [35]
- 维基共享资源上传向导有新更改:表单及其栏位将遵循新样式和间距,以改进整体布局;各栏位的标题和帮助文本有些许更改;媒体说明文字现在是必填栏位,使用者还可以选择将媒体说明文字复制到媒体描述中。 [36][37]
MediaWiki的新版本将于5月21日部署至测试维基及MediaWiki.org,于5月22日部署至非维基百科wiki及部分维基百科,并于5月23日部署至所有站点(参见日程表)。 [38][39]
MediaWiki message delivery 2024年5月20日 (一) 23:03 (UTC)

有用户正就Wikipedia talk:关注度 (地理特征) § 建议将地理特征关注度指引中有关道路的部分改为在交通关注度指引中列出(维基百科方针与指引主题)征求意见。感谢您的帮助。
--路西法的爪牙 · 死亡笔记 2024年5月21日 (二) 04:11 (UTC)
Wikidata weekly summary #628

This is the Wikidata summary of the week before 2024-05-20. Please help Translate.
- New requests for permissions/Bot:
- Browse9ja Bot - Task: Automated data retrieval focusing on Nigerian / African-based information, integrating a chatbot, NLP API, knowledge graph, and machine learning model.
- DhlizBot - Task: add Dhliz ID (P12696) for persons/films/TV series that exist in Dhliz (Q125594802) database.
- AmeisenBot 2 - Task: Working on bot requests at WD:RBOT using QuickStatements.
Press, articles, blog posts, videos
- Blogs
- Wikidata to split as sheer volume of information overloads infrastructure, by Bluerasberry. "The split will create a WikiCite graph separate from the main Wikidata graph. The main Wikidata graph will retain content of broader interest, including items for authors, journals, publishers, and anything with a page in a Wikimedia project."
- Learnings from AI and Heritage inclusive Metadata requires more than erasing stereotyping terms - this article explores the presence of contentious terms in Wikidata labels.
- Reconciling Shira: Wikibase Cloud and OpenRefine - as part of the Shira project to document and digitise Penn University's Jewish music collections, the author gives a step-by-step process on installing OpenRefine for Wikibase Cloud instances.
- Papers
- Camillo Carlo Pellizzari di San Girolamo, Storia della collaborazione tra Wikidata e le biblioteche della Rete URBE nel controllo di autorità. Abstract: "The contribution draws a history of the presence of the identifiers of the authority records of the URBE network libraries in Wikidata, and of the collaboration that has evolved since 2020 between the Wikidata community and the cataloguers of the URBE network libraries, relating to the harmonisation of these authority records with Wikidata and the improvement of the quality of the respective data. The first part of the contribution traces the main stages of collaboration in chronological order, while the second part of the contribution presents the main areas in which the collaboration materialises (or can materialise) in the daily authority work carried out by cataloguers in theme-based groupings".
- Using Open Data to Automatically Generate Localized Analogies. Numerical analogies that translate unfamiliar measurements into familiar reference objects (e.g., “275k sq miles is roughly as large as Texas”). By "Sofia Eleni Spatharioti, Daniel G. Goldstein, Jake M. Hofman"
- Videos
- ¿Cómo contribuir masivamente a Wikidata con OpenRefine? (Spanish) - As part of the Coordinate Me Campaign, this is a review of the OpenRefine tool for contributing large sets of data to Wikidata.
- Patrimoine spolié : le projet ProvEnhance (French) - A seminae on the looted heritage project on the Royal Museum of Fine Arts of Belgium. At timestamp: 55:02 onwards, Wikibase is discussed as a platform to host the Looted Heritage and Provenance research project.
Tool of the week
- Wikidata GenderStats measures gender bias at the user level by computing stats on created items.
- Created items : a list of items created by a user with labels. This not new but this has been repaired.
Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Wikimedia Deutschland job opening: Project Manager Machine Learning, Wikidata. Application deadline: Apply until 26.05.2024
Newest properties and property proposals to review
- Newest General datatypes:
- population by native language (native language population of a place)
- tartan (item's tartan; Tartan is a Scottish cloth pattern symbolizing a clan, region, or group.)
- Newest External identifiers: FilmVandaag ID, FBW ID, Encyclopedia of the Middle Ages ID, Jerusalem Film Cinematheque person ID, PitchBook profile ID, New Oxford American Dictionary ID, Stichting Erfgoed Nederlandse Biercultuur brewery ID, Gentoo Wiki article ID, Dhliz ID, RAG ID, The Sounds Resource game ID, The Lost Media Wiki page ID, Cbonds company profile, Iconoteca dell'Accademia di architettura ID, Kōmako author ID, urban area census code, The Law Dictionary entry, CDC Stacks ID, Authority file of the Iraqi Authors, Gentoo GURU package ID, TheLegacy game ID, Explanatory Ukrainian Dictionary ID, Grand Theft Wiki ID, Folkets lexikon ID, Pushkin Museum artist ID, Virtual Russian Museum artist ID, LGD Block Code, Australian Oxford Dictionary ID, ICPE establishment ID, case number (mainland China), Lille norske leksikon ID, WiiG.de developer ID, WiiG.de publisher ID, The New Zealand Oxford Dictionary ID, Azerbaijani National Assembly ID, Canadian Oxford Dictionary ID, GOG product ID
- New General datatypes property proposals to review:
- is ontological root of (forms the root element of the ontology)
- located in the Islamic territorial entity (the item is located on the territory of the following Islamic entity.)
- address of addressee (address of the address e.g. on a postcard)
- TheaterEncyclopedie ID (An item of the TheaterEncyclopedie)
- relates to sustainable development goal, target or indicator (relation to the SDGs)
- taxon synonym of (taxon item (considered a preferred name according to a given reference) of which this taxon name is a synonym - the new property will be the inverse property of {{P|1420}})
- New External identifier property proposals to review: last appearance, Perlego ID, Bokkilden ID, Wardah Books ID, Palula dictionary ID, NLR editions, glubinka.by, Transfermarkt competition ID, Quranic Arabic Corpus topic ID, Oxford Encyclopedia of the Islamic World: Digital Collection ID, The Encyclopedia of Religion and Nature ID, Brewer's Dictionary of Phrase & Fable ID, The Oxford Companion to World Mythology ID, Yandex.Music track ID, Comprehensive Dictionary of the Contemporary Ukrainian Language ID, promodj album ID, The Oxford Encyclopedia of the Modern World ID, The Oxford Companion to the Mind ID, Arkitekturguide for Nord-Norge og Svalbard ID, person ID in MNAHA, New Oxford Rhyming Dictionary ID, Archnet authority ID, Nintendo Life game ID, Push Square game ID, Pure Xbox game ID, Global Egyptian Museum ID, TheLegacy company ID, Historic Synagogues of Europe ID, IAFD actor UUID, Database of Hungarian archaeology ID, The Oxford Dictionary of the Middle Ages ID, Zoraptera Species File taxon ID, Dermaptera Species File taxon ID, Plecoptera Species File taxon ID, Grylloblattodea Species File taxon ID, Mantophasmatodea Species File taxon ID, Dictionary of Taiwan Hakka ID, vehicle keeper marking / VKM, Oxford Dictionary of English ID, Embioptera Species File taxon ID, Isoptera Species File taxon ID, Aphid Species File taxon ID, Coleorrhyncha Species File taxon ID, LGD Subdistrict Code, PLC (Primary Location Code), Sinhala Cinema Database ID, LGD District Code, LGD Village Code, LGD State or UT Code, Slovenski etymološki slovar ID, Korrespondenzen der Frühromantik, Bundes-Klinik-Atlas Hospital ID, Jedipedia.net ID, JJM Habitation id, McDonald's US product, Justapedia, Atarimuseum ID, PNG School Code
You can comment on all open property proposals!
Did you know?
- Query examples:
- Newest WikiProjects:
- MELA on Palestine - The Wiki project page for the Middle East Librarians Association (MELA) work group on Palestine.
- India Aviation - A usergroup focused on airports in India
- Newest database reports: Complex constraint violations (list of Properties)
- Showcase Items: 12 Angry Men (Q2345) - 1957 drama film by Sidney Lumet
- Showcase Lexemes: panneband (L1223420) - means "headband" in Nynorsk
- We have completed the preparation work to migrate the Query Builder's front end from Wikit to Codex (phab:T360096)
- We also continued work on the EntitySchema data type and refining the CI flow for EntitySchemas (phab:T362000)
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
Weekly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Contribute to the showcase Item and Lexeme above.
- Participate in this week's Lexeme challenge:
- Summarize your WikiProject's ongoing activities in one or two sentences.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!

有用户正就Talk:Speedtest.net § Speedtest被封锁(数学、科学与科技主题)征求意见。感谢您的帮助。
--路西法的爪牙 · 死亡笔记 2024年5月22日 (三) 04:42 (UTC)
Wikifunctions & Abstract Wikipedia Newsletter #156 is out: New type - Gregorian calendar months
There is a new update for Abstract Wikipedia and Wikifunctions. Please, come and read it!
In this issue, we announce our initial enumeration Type, Gregorian calendar months, and we take a look at the latest software developments.
Want to catch up with the previous updates? Check our archive.
Enjoy the reading! -- User:Sannita (WMF) (talk) 2024年5月23日 (四) 12:18 (UTC)

订于台湾时间5/25 (一) 14:00举行,
参与连结为 https://meet.google.com/qiv-ctih-sse 。
想跟更多台湾维基人互动吗?不知道台湾有个维基协会,或知道协会但不知道他们平常都在干嘛吗?本次对话时间将针对ESEAP Conference与会经验进行讨论,欢迎一起来聊聊!
--MediaWiki message delivery(留言) 2024年5月24日 (五) 19:03 (UTC)
Wikidata weekly summary #629

This is the Wikidata summary of the week before 2024-05-27. Please help Translate.
- New requests for permissions/Bot: ELMCIPBot - Task: Import records from ELMCIP Knowledge Base (Q113705072) as part of the Wikidata WikiProject Digital Narratives
- New request for oversight: KonstantinaG07 - RfP scheduled to end 8 June 2024 16:09 (UTC)
- Next Linked Data for Libraries LD4 Wikidata Affinity Group call May 28, 2024: We have our next LD4 Wikidata Affinity Group Call on Tuesday, 28 May, 2024 at 9am PT / 12pm ET / 17:00 UTC / 6pm CET (Time zone converter). Please join us for a community discussion on the LCCN Wikidata Bot with Mary Campany, Steven Folsom, and Matt Miller. 2024-05-28: Wikidata Affinity Group Call Agenda
- Coordinate Me 2024 (Spanish): An international Wikidata competition around geolocation content, from towns, hospitals, public art and natural monuments to improve or create Wikidata elements with a coordinate location (P625) in focus countries. Contest ends 31 May 2024.
Press, articles, blog posts, videos
- Blogs
- Using Wikidata (and Mapbox) to make a UNESCO World Heritage Sites map Stefan Bohacek documents a follow and code along project to make a map displaying UNESCO World Heritage sites on a Mapbox, fuelled by Wikidata.
- Libraries using Wikidata: 11 examples - following on from the previous post, this Diff blog highlights 11 projects where Libraries and Librarians are using Wikidata in their projects.
- Use SPARQL to query for movies, then watch them Bob DuCharme inspired by WikiFlix demonstrates how SPARQL queries can be used to find YouTube-hosted media content entered in Wikidata to curate your next Watchlist.
- Enhancing KG's with LLM's: A novel approach to keyword extraction and synonym merging. This blog post shows an example of using a Wikidata subgraph with AI to discover new connections and relationships.
- Papers
- RQSS: Referencing Quality Scoring System for Wikidata - The authors show how RQSS framework can be applied to Wikidata subsets to qualify Reference Quality. By S. Beghaeiraveri, A.Gray & F. McNeill.
- Automatisierte semantische Anreicherung von historischen Texten: Erkennung und Verknüpfung von Entitäten mit Wikidata und Wikipedia (German) - The paper discusses using AI and Wikipedia and Wikidata as Knowledge Graphs to identify, classify and link entities from the Berlin State Library.
- ParaNames 1.0: Creating an Entity Name Corpus for 400+ Languages Using Wikidata - ParaNames is a multilingual parallel name resource consisting of 140 million names spanning over 400 languages. Names are provided for 16.8 million entities, and each entity is mapped from a complex type hierarchy to a standard type (PER/LOC/ORG). Using Wikidata as a source, the authors created the largest resource of this type to date.
- Videos
- FOSSGIS 2024 Das Zusammenspiel von Wikidata, Wikipedia und OpenStreetMap (German) - A presentation of what tags are present in OpenStreetMap that connects to Wikidata and Wikipedia.
- IWD Inspire Inclusion Campaign English Wikidata Training - Rhoda James gives an introduction to Wikidata, its principles and common misconceptions and how to begin editing.
Tool of the week
- Wikipedia:WE-Framework: WE-Framework is a tool developed by Sergey Vladimirov that allows editing related Wikidata elements in an article without having to go to Wikidata. When you save your Wikidata edit, it will reference the utility in the edit summary.
Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Wikimedia Deutschland is looking for a machine learning project manager to make it easier to use Wikidata's data in machine learning settings.
Newest properties and property proposals to review
- Newest General datatypes:
- category for births in this time period (category item for people who born in this time period)
- category for deaths in this time period (category item for people who died in this time period)
- representation type (property to indicate the representation type as a qualifier for Wikimedia Commons SDC Depicts statements of such Wikidata items)
- source of transfer (entity that a transferred item is initially associated with, before this process associates it with another entity)
- destination of transfer (entity that a transferred item comes to be associated with as a result of this process)
- LombardiaBeniCulturali collection ID (ID of a collection on lombardiabeniculturali.it)
- population by native language (native language population of a place)
- tartan (item's tartan; Tartan is a Scottish cloth pattern symbolizing a clan, region, or group.)
- Newest External identifiers: FilmVandaag ID, FBW ID, Encyclopedia of the Middle Ages ID, Jerusalem Film Cinematheque person ID, PitchBook profile ID, New Oxford American Dictionary ID, Stichting Erfgoed Nederlandse Biercultuur brewery ID, Gentoo Wiki article ID, Dhliz ID, RAG ID, The Sounds Resource game ID, The Lost Media Wiki page ID, Cbonds company profile, Iconoteca dell'Accademia di architettura ID, Kōmako author ID, urban area census code, The Law Dictionary entry, CDC Stacks ID, Authority file of the Iraqi Authors, Gentoo GURU package ID, TheLegacy game ID, Explanatory Ukrainian Dictionary ID, Grand Theft Wiki ID, Folkets lexikon ID, Pushkin Museum artist ID, Virtual Russian Museum artist ID, LGD Block Code, Australian Oxford Dictionary ID, ICPE establishment ID, case number (mainland China), Lille norske leksikon ID, WiiG.de developer ID, WiiG.de publisher ID, The New Zealand Oxford Dictionary ID, Azerbaijani National Assembly ID, Canadian Oxford Dictionary ID, GOG product ID, Archnet authority ID, Brewer's Dictionary of Phrase & Fable ID, Comprehensive Dictionary of the Contemporary Ukrainian Language ID, Archaeological investigations in Hungary ID, Global Egyptian Museum ID, Historic Synagogues of Europe ID, TheLegacy company ID, Nintendo Life game ID, Push Square game ID, Pure Xbox game ID, Palula dictionary ID, Oxford Dictionary of English entry ID, Slovenian Etymological Dictionary ID, Jedipedia.net ID
- New General datatypes property proposals to review:
- last appearance (last work featuring a fictional character or item)
- is ontological root of (forms the root element of the ontology)
- located in the Islamic territorial entity (the item is located on the territory of the following Islamic entity.)
- address of addressee (address of the address e.g. on a postcard)
- TheaterEncyclopedie ID (An item of the TheaterEncyclopedie)
- relates to sustainable development goal, target or indicator (indicates a relation between the subject and the SDGs or one of the components)
- taxon synonym of (taxon item (considered a preferred name according to a given reference) of which this taxon name is a synonym - the new property will be the inverse property of {{P|1420}})
- Competitor (Competitors in game shows)
- basionym of (taxon item of which this taxon name is a basionym (original name, for botanical and similar items) - inverse property of {{P|566}})
- land acknowledgement ()
- protonym of (taxon item of which this taxon name is a protonym (original name, for zoological taxa) - inverse property of {{P|1403}})
- replaced synonym of (taxon item which replaced this taxon name (now only a synonym) - inverse property of {{P|694}})
- student count by gender (I think there should be a way to document the number of students at a university by their gender, as data for student counts (at least if they come from GENESIS Online - german universities) contain that data divided in male and female students. I think it would make more sense to implement that as a qualifier for {{P|2196}} than implementing it as a new property as that wouldn't make old data obsolete, but also it could interfere with tools that retrieve that data automated and are then confused by having multiple counts at the same time.)
- has semantic role (item that describes a role in an event class)
- New External identifier property proposals to review: Perlego ID, Bokkilden ID, Wardah Books ID, NLR editions, glubinka.by, Transfermarkt competition ID, Quranic Arabic Corpus topic ID, Oxford Encyclopedia of the Islamic World: Digital Collection ID, The Encyclopedia of Religion and Nature ID, The Oxford Companion to World Mythology ID, Yandex.Music track ID, promodj album ID, The Oxford Encyclopedia of the Modern World ID, The Oxford Companion to the Mind ID, Arkitekturguide for Nord-Norge og Svalbard ID, person ID in MNAHA, New Oxford Rhyming Dictionary ID, IAFD actor UUID, The Oxford Dictionary of the Middle Ages ID, Zoraptera Species File taxon ID, Dermaptera Species File taxon ID, Plecoptera Species File taxon ID, Grylloblattodea Species File taxon ID, Mantophasmatodea Species File taxon ID, Dictionary of Taiwan Hakka ID, vehicle keeper marking / VKM, Embioptera Species File taxon ID, Isoptera Species File taxon ID, Aphid Species File taxon ID, Coleorrhyncha Species File taxon ID, LGD Subdistrict Code, PLC (Primary Location Code), Sinhala Cinema Database ID, LGD District Code, LGD Village Code, LGD State or UT Code, Korrespondenzen der Frühromantik, Bundes-Klinik-Atlas Hospital ID, JJM Habitation id, McDonald's US product, Justapedia, Atarimuseum ID, PNG School Code, Filozofia jezuitów w Polsce w XX wieku ID, Garner's Modern American Usage ID, Meurgorf historical dictionary, SNARC ID, milog.co.il entry ID, Green's Dictionary of Slang (Oxford Reference) ID, F.C. Copenhagen player id, Locomotive Yaroslavl HC player id, Milldatabase ID, A Dictionary of Biology ID, Chinese Basketball Association ID, WHO Country Database ID, Limited Liability Partnership Identification Number (LLPIN) in India
You can comment on all open property proposals!
Did you know?
- Query examples:
- Newest WikiProjects: Wikidata:WikiProject Solarpunk - aims to collects Wikidata Items (focus list) and supports the Solarpunk Movement.
- Newest database reports: Items without Labels - explore Wikidata Items that are missing a Label. This list is handy for finding abandoned, incomplete or vandalised Items.
- Showcase Items: Hessischer Rundfunk (Q23565) - German public broadcaster
- Showcase Lexemes: L1221007 - Nynorsk noun, translates to "a spy ring"
- EntitySchemas: We continued work on the new datatype for linking to EntitySchemas in statements. We focused on the input so it shows the label of the EntitySchema when entering the ID. Search by label and aliases will follow. (phab:T362004)
- Wikibase REST API:
- We looked into how to improve error messages.
- We wrapped up the route for modifying the data of a Property. (phab:T347394
- We are nearing the finish line for the route for creating a new Item. (phab:T342990)
- We are continuing work on the route for modifying an Item. (phab:T342993)
- Developer advocacy: We are collecting content for a new landing page for developers who want to build applications with Wikidata's data.
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
Weekly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Contribute to the showcase Item and Lexeme above.
- Participate in this week's Lexeme challenge:
- Summarize your WikiProject's ongoing activities in one or two sentences.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
- 与维基共享资源上传向导最新更新相关的多个错误已解决。参见T365107和T365119以了解更多。
2024年3月,新增了addPortlet API,使小工具能为自定义皮肤创建新的portlet(菜单)。在特定皮肤中,这可以用来创建下拉式菜单。欢迎小工具开发者试用并提供反馈。
MediaWiki message delivery 2024年5月28日 (二) 00:14 (UTC)

MediaWiki message delivery(留言) 2024年5月29日 (三) 04:12 (UTC)
Wikifunctions & Abstract Wikipedia Newsletter #157 is out: A single singular or a plurality of plurals?
There is a new update for Abstract Wikipedia and Wikifunctions. Please, come and read it!
In this issue, we discuss the various implications of linguistic functions about singulars and plurals, and we take a look at the latest software developments.
Want to catch up with the previous updates? Check our archive!
Also, we remind you that if you have questions or ideas to discuss, the next Volunteers' Corner will be held on June 3, at 17:30 UTC (link to the meeting).
Enjoy the reading! -- User:Sannita (WMF) (talk) 2024年5月31日 (五) 12:17 (UTC)

有用户正就Wikipedia talk:破坏 § 重修破坏方针[锚点失效](维基百科方针与指引主题)征求意见。感谢您的帮助。
--路西法的爪牙 · 死亡笔记 2024年6月1日 (六) 17:41 (UTC)
Wikidata weekly summary #630

This is the Wikidata summary of the week before 2024-06-03. Please help Translate.</translate>
- Open request for adminship: The Squirrel Conspiracy - RfP scheduled to end after 9 June 2024 06:47 (UTC).
- New requests for permissions/Bot: TongcyBot - Task: Linking the Chinese and English Wiktionary, specifically in categories using Template:auto cat, and pages in the Template, Module, Appendix, Reconstruction, and Rhymes namespaces.
- Open request for permissions/Bot: IliasChoumaniBot - Task: Automatic updating of data from JSON files on German scientists.
- Closed request for comments: IP Masking Engagement - The RfC was closed due to inactivity. Discussions are still welcomed on Meta.
<translate> Events
- Wikidata workshop at the university of Catania, Sicily, Italy, on June 14th.
- Lexicodays 2024, June 28-30, online event dedicated to Lexicographical Data on Wikidata with a focus on languages of Indonesia. Proposals for the program open until June 20th.
<translate> Press, articles, blog posts, videos
- Blogs
- Deploying Wikidatalite into Toolforge - This article explains the deployment process of Wikidatalite into the Toolforge platform. This tool is now available at wdlite.toolforge.org.
- (fr) Wikidata and the missing data : discussion in French about missing data in Wikidata
- (fr) Sous-classe ou instance de ? Comprenons nous l'ontologie de Wikidata ?, discussion in French about "Evidence of large-scale conceptual disarray in multi-level taxonomies in Wikidata"
- Papers
- Taxonomies and Ontologies in Wikipedia and Wikidata: In-Depth Examination of Knowledge Organization Systems. This paper explores the Knowledge Organisation System (KOS) of Wikipedia, Wikidata and gender-related biases contained within. By M. Centelles & N.Ferran-Ferrer.
- Videos
- BHL Day 2024 | Year of the Cicada: Buzzing with 17 Years of Biodiversity Achievements - talk by Siobhan about her biodiversity work.
- Contributing to Wikidata - African Library Activism Month - Jesse Asiedu-Akrofi provides a tutorial on the characreristics of Wikidata and how Librarians can contribute.
- Learning Clinic: Wiktionary & Lexemes on Wikidata - this clinic co-hosted by Taufik Rosman and Sadik Shahadu of Wikimedia User Groups Malaysia and Dagbani respectively.
- ¿Cómo convertir la edición de Wikidata en un juego? (Spanish) - User:Piracalamina and User:Jmmuguerza show in this Wikitools how to create a API to add your own themed game to The Distributed Game.
- Miscellaneous
- Wiquizz a quiz generator based on Wikidata and Query.wikidata.org
<translate> Tool of the week
- WikiTwister - RoloWiki: Replace the interwiki links of a Wikipedia article with a pop-up card full of useful Wikidata, & Wikidata Quick Dip: Browse the Wikidata properties used by the pages in a category.
</translate> <translate> Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Wikidata Infobox is now used by over 5 million Commons categories.
- Wikidata:Tools/Potential gadgets is a new page where you can propose to turn CSS and JS scripts into gadgets, so that the can be activated from Preferences instead of through user common.css and common.js pages.
- Wikimedia Deutschland is looking for a Head of Product Strategy and a Senior Software Engineer.
</translate> <translate> Newest properties and property proposals to review
- Newest properties:
- General datatypes:
- LombardiaBeniCulturali collection ID (ID of a collection on lombardiabeniculturali.it)
- population by native language (native language population of a place)
- tartan (item's tartan; Tartan is a Scottish cloth pattern symbolizing a clan, region, or group.)
- taxon synonym of (''(without English description)'')
- replaced synonym of (taxon item which replaced this taxon name (now only a synonym) - inverse property of replaced synonym (for nom. nov.) (P694))
- protonym of (taxon item of which this taxon name is a protonym (original name, for zoological taxa) - inverse property of original combination)
- basionym of (taxon item of which this taxon name is a basionym (original name, for botanical and similar items) - inverse property of basionym (P566))
- External identifiers: Dhliz ID, RAG ID, The Sounds Resource game ID, The Lost Media Wiki page ID, Cbonds company profile, Iconoteca dell'Accademia di architettura ID, Kōmako author ID, urban area census code, The Law Dictionary entry, CDC Stacks ID, Authority file of the Iraqi Authors, Gentoo GURU package ID, TheLegacy game ID, Explanatory Ukrainian Dictionary ID, Grand Theft Wiki ID, Folkets lexikon ID, Pushkin Museum artist ID, Virtual Russian Museum artist ID, LGD Block Code, Australian Oxford Dictionary ID, ICPE establishment ID, WIPO Lex ID, Lille norske leksikon ID, WiiG.de developer ID, WiiG.de publisher ID, The New Zealand Oxford Dictionary ID, Azerbaijani National Assembly ID, Canadian Oxford Dictionary ID, GOG product ID, Archnet authority ID, Brewer's Dictionary of Phrase & Fable ID, Comprehensive Dictionary of the Contemporary Ukrainian Language ID, Archaeological investigations in Hungary ID, Global Egyptian Museum ID, Historic Synagogues of Europe ID, TheLegacy company ID, Nintendo Life game ID, Push Square game ID, Pure Xbox game ID, Palula dictionary ID, Oxford Dictionary of English entry ID, Slovenian Etymological Dictionary ID, Jedipedia.net ID, Bundes-Klinik-Atlas hospital ID, Atarimuseum ID, Dictionary of Taiwan Hakka ID, LGD Village Code, LGD District Code, LGD State or UT Code, LGD Subdistrict Code, SNARC ID, Dermaptera Species File taxon ID, Embioptera Species File taxon ID, Isoptera Species File taxon ID, Zoraptera Species File taxon ID, Bildindex der Kunst und Architektur PID, Garner's Modern American Usage ID, Artcena ID, Islamic Art and Architecture ID, Transfermarkt competition ID, Sinhala Cinema artist ID, Sinhala Cinema film ID, Meurgorf identifier, milog.co.il entry ID, Aphid Species File taxon ID, Grylloblattodea Species File taxon ID, Mantophasmatodea Species File taxon ID, Plecoptera Species File taxon ID, Coleorrhyncha Species File taxon ID, Milldatabase ID, New Oxford Rhyming Dictionary ID, A Dictionary of Biology ID, Dictionary of the Middle Ages ID, IAFD actor UUID, F.C. Copenhagen player id, Norwegian prisoner of war camp ID, Arkitekturguide for Nord-Norge og Svalbard ID, Korrespondenzen der Frühromantik person ID, Korrespondenzen der Frühromantik work ID, Filozofia jezuitów w Polsce w XX wieku ID, PLC (primary location code)
- General datatypes:
- New property proposals to review:
- General datatypes:
- last appearance (last work featuring a fictional character or item)
- is ontological root of (forms the root element of the ontology)
- located in the Islamic territorial entity (the item is located on the territory of the following Islamic entity.)
- address of addressee (address of the address e.g. on a postcard)
- TheaterEncyclopedie ID (An item of the TheaterEncyclopedie)
- relates to sustainable development goal, target or indicator (indicates a relation between the subject and the SDGs or one of the components)
- student count by gender (I think there should be a way to document the number of students at a university by their gender, as data for student counts (at least if they come from GENESIS Online - german universities) contain that data divided in male and female students. I think it would make more sense to implement that as a qualifier for {{P|2196}} than implementing it as a new property as that wouldn't make old data obsolete, but also it could interfere with tools that retrieve that data automated and are then confused by having multiple counts at the same time.)
- has semantic role (item that describes a role in an event class)
- model for (2) (what the subject is a conceptual or scientific model/theory for)
- Dynasty (A dynasty is a sequence of rulers from the same family, usually in the context of a monarchy or imperial system but sometimes also appearing in republics. A dynasty can be used to describe the time period in which a person lived, an event happened, a work was created, or a place existed.)
- showrunner (person who is responsible for the day-to-day operation of a television show)
- antonomasia (epithet or phrase that takes the place of a proper name)
- screen size (Size of a display screen as measured along the diagonal)
- External identifiers: NLR editions, glubinka.by, Cerist journal ID, Soldatregisteret ID, Quranic Arabic Corpus topic ID, Oxford Encyclopedia of the Islamic World: Digital Collection ID, The Encyclopedia of Religion and Nature ID, The Oxford Companion to World Mythology ID, promodj album ID, The Oxford Encyclopedia of the Modern World ID, The Oxford Companion to the Mind ID, person ID in MNAHA, vehicle keeper marking / VKM, JJM Habitation id, Justapedia, PNG School Code, Green's Dictionary of Slang (Oxford Reference) ID, Locomotive Yaroslavl HC player id, Chinese Basketball Association ID, WHO Country Database ID, Limited Liability Partnership Identification Number (LLPIN) in India, A Dictionary of Zoology ID, SALDO sense ID, Flown From The Nest person id, Online Swahili - English Dictionary ID, Téarma ID, IMAIOS entity ID, Dictionary of Contemporary Icelandic ID, A Dictionary of Plant Sciences ID, Seret film ID, Pocket Oxford American Thesaurus ID, Oxford Paperback Thesaurus ID, Orthoptera Species File taxon ID, CAMRA Experience pub ID, Pocket Oxford Spanish Dictionary: English-Spanish ID, Paleobiology Database ID for this journal article, Naturalis Repository ID, Te Aka Māori Dictionary ID, He Pātaka Kupu ID, Oqaasersiorfik ID, Greenlandic-English Dictionary ID, poblesdecatalunya.cat identifier, 广播电视播出机构许可证编号, Vikidia ID, This Is Basketball player ID
- General datatypes:
- Deleted properties:
You can comment on all open property proposals! </translate> <translate> Did you know?
- Query examples:
- Mountains with a height over 7000m - display on a map. Adjust the P:elevation above sea level to widen or narrow the search.
- Find Items that share an Identifier - this query has identified a possible duplicate by matching P5696 - Indian Railways Station Code.
- Who has worked with this Celebrity? - this query looks for co-stars, colleagues and co-actors of Seth Rogen. Adjust this value for other celebrities or professionals.
- Schema examples: Tamkang University location - building and location entities associated with Tamkang University, Taiwan.
- Newest WikiProjects: Timna Valley - a community project on the Timna Valley archaelogical site.
- Newest database reports: Gadget usage statistics - find out which gadgets are used the most and perhaps find something new.
- Showcase Items: Ferdinand Magellan - 15th Century Portugese explorer who led the first expedition to circumnavigate the Globe (despite his death in the Philippines).
- Showcase Lexemes: Be - The english copular verb that helps express all of existence.
</translate> <translate> Development
- EntitySchemas: The new EntitySchema data type is ready for testing on Test Wikidata
- Wikibase REST API:
- We finished the route for modifying the data of an Item (phab:T342993)
- We finished the route for modifying the data of a Property (phab:T347394)
- We continued working on the route for creating an Item (phab:T342990)
- We fixed an issue where IDs were shown for badges and after editing a statement. The fix will be rolled out this week. (phab:T366236)
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer. </translate> <translate> Weekly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Contribute to the showcase Item and Lexeme above.
- Participate in this week's Lexeme challenge: Gambling
- Summarize your WikiProject's ongoing activities in one or two sentences.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
- 管理员现在无需使用JavaScript,即可在工具侧边栏的底部添加链接。参见手册。 [43]
- WikiHiero追踪分类的定义的讯息名称已从“
”。 [44] - 一个新的维基已创建: 中部杜顺语维基百科 (
) [45]
MediaWiki message delivery 2024年6月3日 (一) 22:33 (UTC)
Wikifunctions & Abstract Wikipedia Newsletter #158 is out: New Type: Sign
There is a new update for Abstract Wikipedia and Wikifunctions. Please, come and read it!
In this issue, we introduce a new enumeration type, Sign, and we take a look at the latest software developments.
We are also looking for feedback for our next new types. See the announcement at the Project Chat for more information.
Want to catch up with the previous updates? Check our archive!
Enjoy the reading! -- User:Sannita (WMF) (talk) 2024年6月7日 (五) 11:59 (UTC)
The Signpost: 8 June 2024
- Technology report: New Page Patrol receives a much-needed software upgrade
- Deletion report: The lore of Kalloor
- In the media: National cable networks get in on the action arguing about what the first sentence of a Wikipedia article ought to say
- News from the WMF: Progress on the plan — how the Wikimedia Foundation advanced on its Annual Plan goals during the first half of fiscal year 2023-2024
- Recent research: ChatGPT did not kill Wikipedia, but might have reduced its growth
- Featured content: We didn't start the wiki
- Essay: No queerphobia
- Special report: RetractionBot is back to life!
- Traffic report: Chimps, Eurovision, and the return of the Baby Reindeer
- Comix: The Wikipediholic Family
- Concept: Palimpsestuous
This Month in GLAM: May 2024
来自Monickar的问题 (2024年6月10日 (一) 02:26)
导师您好,如果我想对知网上博士论文中的内容进行引用,我该使用哪个模板?会议模板or期刊模板?。感谢。 --Monickar(留言) 2024年6月10日 (一) 02:26 (UTC)
Wikidata weekly summary #631

This is the Wikidata summary of the week before 2024-06-10. Please help Translate.
- Open request for adminship: Kadı - RfP scheduled to end after 14 June 2024 17:51 (UTC)
- Closed request for adminship: The Squirrel Conspiracy - Closed as successful. Welcome back Squirrel!
- New requests for permissions/Bot:
- MDanielsBot 2 Task(s) - Replace translations of descriptions and labels.
- TapuriaBot Task(s) - interwiki
- Skybristol bot Task(s) - Flesh out mapping of DOI provider orgs to WD orgs, syncing DOI prefix values.
- EpidòseosBot Task(s) - improve incomplete references to GND for sex / gender; add new references containing GND ID for sex / gender when the property has no references containing stated in.
- Next Linked Data for Libraries LD4 Wikidata Affinity Group call June 11, 2024: We have our next LD4 Wikidata Affinity Group Call on Tuesday, 11 June, 2024 at 9am PT / 12pm ET / 17:00 UTC / 6pm CET (Time zone converter). Please join us for a community discussion on SMALL GLAM SLAM Pilot 1 with Ismael Olea. Link to agenda.
- Celtic Knot Wikimedia Conference, September 25-27, 2024 in Waterford City, Ireland. This conference usually hosts Wikidata-related sessions. You can now propose your contributions to the program until July 14th, and apply for a scholarship until June 30th (full announcement and links)
- WikiIndaba conference 2024, 4 - 6 October 2024 in Johannesburg, South Africa. This conference typically hosts Wikidata-related sessions. Program submissions 05 - 30 June 2024.
Press, articles, blog posts, videos
- Blogs
- 100,000 video games on Wikidata - Wikidata’s WikiProject Video games has just passed a major milestone: 100,000 video game (Q7889) items on Wikidata.
- Videos
- (es) How to strengthen the public domain with Wikidata? - This is a Spanish-speaking Wikitools workshop exploring Paulina (see: Tool of the Week), a search interface powered by Wikidata for finding and exploring author's and whether their works are in the public domain.
- Notebooks
- Radio France meets Wikidata 😘: Extracting IDs from radio France and matching them with Wikidata using P10780 property
- Wikidata's analytics for Radio France's podcasts
Tool of the week
- Paulina: Data for the Public Domain - Explore the cultural heritage of humanity. Search Paulina by author and discover if they have freely accessible works in the Public Domain.
Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Propose to transform an existing CSS or Javascript script (i.e. scripts that you can enable in your common.css and common.js pages) into a gadget: Wikidata:Tools/Potential gadgets
Newest properties and property proposals to review
- Newest General datatypes:
- showrunner (person who is responsible for the day-to-day operation of a television show)
- Newest External identifiers: Locomotive Yaroslavl HC player ID, Orthoptera Species File taxon ID (new), Flown From the Nest person ID, Online Swahili - English Dictionary ID, A Dictionary of Plant Sciences ID, A Dictionary of Zoology ID, A Dictionary of Contemporary Icelandic ID, Seret film ID, Limited Liability Partnership Identification Number, Paleobiology database reference ID, PNG School Code, Téarma ID, IMAIOS entity ID, Naturalis Repository ID, Pocket Oxford Spanish Dictionary: English-Spanish ID, Vikidia ID
- New General datatypes property proposals to review:
- Music mood (qualifier carrying an emotion (mood) relevant to an audio recording (musical or not))
- ecosystem type (type of ecosystem that the item represents)
- Burgenwelt (Burgenwelt; castles)
- construction time ({{Construction time refers to the time which was needed to build a certain building, which sometimes took more than one year, especially in former times | de = <!-- Die Bauzeit bezieht sich auf die Zeit, die benötigt wurde, um ein Gebäude zu errichten, was manchmal länger, gerade früher, als ein Jahr brauchte --> <!-- | xx = Beschreibungen in anderen Sprachen --> }})
- Nom dans la langue locale ()
- YAMAP mountain ID (YAMAP mountain ID)
- New External identifier property proposals to review: Pocket Oxford-Hachette French Dictionary: English-French ID, Pocket Oxford Irish Dictionary: English-Irish ID, Fowler’s Concise Dictionary of Modern English Usage ID, MODI ID, código del Inventario del Patrimonio Cultural de Castilla-La Mancha, AllGame style ID, MoFo ID, DAKA Greenlandic-Danish Dictionary ID, DAKA Danish-Greenlandic Dictionary ID, Farhang-i farsī ba rusī ID, FC Metz player id, Pocket Oxford Spanish Dictionary: Spanish-English ID, itch.io numeric ID, produsent-ID hos Nasjonalmuseet, Phasmida Species File taxon ID, Psocodea Species File taxon ID, Cockroach Species File taxon ID, Lygaeoidea Species File taxon ID, filmas.lv film ID, filmas.lv studio ID, filmas.lv person ID, Cineuropa international sales agent ID, Cineuropa production company ID, Cineuropa distributor ID, Biodiversity Information System for Europe ID, Tommaseo-Bellini Online ID, Tesoro della Lingua Italiana delle Origini ID, Elonet company ID, Pocket Oxford Irish Dictionary: Irish-English ID
You can comment on all open property proposals!
Did you know?
- Query examples:
- Newest WikiProjects:
- Honoris Causa France - aims to coordinate the actions carried out in terms of reporting the attributions of honorary doctorate (Q11415564) by French universities.
- HolyWells - aims to organize Items around Holy Wells.
- OghamStones - aims to organise Items around Ogham Stones
- Western Michigan University Libraries - used to gather Wikidata work being done at Western Michigan University Libraries.
- Visibilizando el dominio público colombiano - to help the unique, permanent and visible identification, worldwide, of Colombian authors in the public domain, within the framework of Colombian legislation.
- Newest database reports: Connectivity between Wikimedia projects
- Showcase Items: Pomona College (Q7227384) - private liberal arts college in Claremont, California, United States
- Showcase Lexemes: bustadmarknad (L1122204) - "housing market" in Nynorsk
- The UnpatrolledEdits gadget now shows a notice when there are older and multiple unpatrolled edits, previously it only showed the notice when the most recent edit was unpatrolled. Please help translate the messages here.
- Query Service: We are fixing a bug where no examples are shown in the example dialog (phab:T366871)
- EntitySchemas: We have enabled the new datatype for testing on test.wikidata.org and are preparing the rollout to Wikidata (phab:T365686)
- Item UI: We fixed an issue where labels were not shown for badges or after making an edit (phab:T366236)
- Wikibase REST API: We have continued the work on the route for modifying the data of an Item (phab:T342993)
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
Weekly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Contribute to the showcase Item and Lexeme above.
- Participate in this week's Lexeme challenge:
- Summarize your WikiProject's ongoing activities in one or two sentences.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
- SVG渲染软件已更新,修复了多项长期存在的SVG渲染错误。 [48]
所有标题的HTML标记正在进行更改,以进一步落实无障碍。部分皮肤(旧版Vector(2010)和MinervaNeue)已于上周更改。请于您所在的维基的这些皮肤下测试小工具,并回报任何相关问题,以便在Vector 2022进行更改之前解决这些问题。开发人员仍在考虑引入小工具API,用来向章节标题添加按钮(如果这对工具创作者有帮助的话);开发人员将非常感谢您对此提供任何意见。
class,以便更好地兼容旧版解析器。详情请见公告。 [49]
- 内容翻译功能的界面出现错误,导致了工具菜单错位。此问题已解决。 [50]
MediaWiki的新版本将于6月11日部署至测试维基及MediaWiki.org,于6月12日部署至非维基百科wiki及部分维基百科,并于6月13日部署至所有站点(参见日程表)。 [51][52]
<span class="mw-cite-backlink">
wrapper,以便更好地兼容旧版解析器。请界面管理员确认与引用互动的小工具是否兼容新标记。详情请见公告。 [53]- 在使用
系统的多语言维基上,可能过时的翻译会以粉红色背景显示,直到被更新或确认。从本周开始,确认翻译操作将记录在日志中;如果社群提出要求,我们将为确认翻译新增一项用户权限。 [54]
MediaWiki message delivery 2024年6月10日 (一) 20:19 (UTC)
Wikifunctions & Abstract Wikipedia Newsletter #159 is out: New Type: Igbo calendar months
There is a new update for Abstract Wikipedia and Wikifunctions. Please, come and read it!
In this issue, we introduce a new enumeration type, this time for the thirteen months of the Igbo calendar, and we take a look at the latest software developments.
Want to catch up with the previous updates? Check our archive!
Enjoy the reading! -- User:Sannita (WMF) (talk) 2024年6月14日 (五) 16:21 (UTC)
This Month in Education: May 2024
Weekly Summary #632

This is the Wikidata summary of the week before 2024-06-17.
- New requests for permissions/Bot:
- Mdann52 bot - Task(s): Updating callsign, frequency and FCC ID of US Radio Station items from FCC database.
- M2Ys4U-Bot - Task(s): Import data about candidates standing for election in the 2024 United Kingdom general election.
- Looking ahead
- Lexico Days 2024 is coming up. June 28 - 30, there will be a packed programme of presentations, discussions and workshops on Lexicographical data. This is an online event.
- Wikidata Workshop for Botanists at the XX Intl. Botanical Congress, July 21 - 27, 2024, Madrid, Spain.
Press, articles, blog posts, videos
- Blogs
- Diff Blog: Why Wikimedia (and Wikidata) is an antidote to disinformation - Wiki Movimento Brasil discuss how Wikidata has equipped researchers, activists and the public the ability to safeguard truths about human rights abuses during the civic-military Brazilian dictatorship between 1964 - 1985.
- Making location based timelines with Wikipedia, Wikidata and mojeek - Tara Calishain of Calishat blog.
- (de) 20 Years of WMDE - scroll down the timeline and see what Wikimedia Deutschland has done in its 20 years of existence!
- Papers
- Linking Named Entities in Diderot's Encyclopédie to Wikidata - This paper describes the annotation of more than 10,300 of the Encyclopédie entries with Wikidata identifiers enabling them to be connect to the graph of structured data. By Piere Nugues.
- Towards a linking between WordNet and Wikidata - The authors propose linking the 2 described reosurces through hapax legomenon and natural language processing techniques to create new connections and uses. By J. McCrae & D. Cillessen.
- Videos
- WikiWednesday Webinar – Increasing Education & Outreach through Wikidata & the Wiki-Commons - Victoria Stasiuk and Navino Evans of the Digital Literacy for GLAM show how museums and galleries have opened up their collections through Wikidata and Commons and increase education, outreach and volunteer engagement strategies.
- What is Wikidata? How to use Wikidata? - Asaf Bartov hosts this informative session on Wikidata at the Wikimania Singapore 2023. If you're attending Wikimania 2024, this session will prepare you for other Wikidata-related sessions.
- Creating a Lexeme Database from Scratch - The runup to Wikimania Katowice has begun. Refresh yourself for upcoming sessions with this Wikidata basics workshop hosted by Leon Liesener.
Tool of the week
- Gestapo.Terror.Places (in Lower Saxony 1933-1945) - This app displays on a map of lower Saxony areas of interest or significance of the terror-related crimes of the Gestapo during WWII.
Other Noteworthy Stuff
- A new Wikidata Query Service scaling update has been published. It outlines the final set of rules for the WDQS graph split.
- Programming Languages ranked by Sitelinks in Wikidata
Newest properties and property proposals to review
- Newest properties:
- General datatypes:
- showrunner (person who is responsible for the day-to-day operation of a television show)
- External identifiers:Locomotive Yaroslavl HC player ID, Orthoptera Species File taxon ID (new), Flown From the Nest person ID, Online Swahili - English Dictionary ID, A Dictionary of Plant Sciences ID, A Dictionary of Zoology ID, A Dictionary of Contemporary Icelandic ID, Seret film ID, Limited Liability Partnership Identification Number, Paleobiology database reference ID, PNG School Code, Téarma ID, IMAIOS entity ID, Naturalis Repository ID, English-Spanish Dictionary ID, Vikidia ID, thisisbasketball.be player ID, poblesdecatalunya.cat ID, Oqaasersiorfik ID, MNAHA person ID, Greenlandic-English Dictionary ID, Te Aka Māori Dictionary ID, Tropicos person ID, He Pātaka Kupu ID, vehicle keeper marking (VKM), AllGame style ID, FC Metz player ID, MoFo ID, itch.io numeric ID, filmas.lv film ID, filmas.lv person ID, filmas.lv studio ID, Cockroach Species File taxon ID (new), Lygaeoidea Species File taxon ID (new), Phasmida Species File taxon ID (new), Psocodea Species File taxon ID (new), Spanish-English Dictionary ID, Norwegian National Museum producer ID, Burgenwelt ID, Pocket Oxford Irish Dictionary: Irish-English ID, Tesoro della Lingua Italiana delle Origini ID, Tommaseo-Bellini Online ID, danskfodbold.com player ID
- General datatypes:
- New property proposals to review:
- General datatypes:
- Music mood (qualifier carrying an emotion (mood) relevant to an audio recording (musical or not))
- ecosystem type (type of ecosystem that the item represents)
- construction time (Construction time refers to the time which was needed to build a certain building, which sometimes took more than one year, especially in former times)
- Nom dans la langue locale ()
- YAMAP mountain ID (YAMAP mountain ID)
- coin edge (Coin edges may be plain (smooth) or patterned, or a combination of both. They can also include lettering.)
- ozone depletion potential (relative amount of degradation to the ozone layer relative to CFC-11)
- External identifiers: Pocket Oxford-Hachette French Dictionary: English-French ID, Pocket Oxford Irish Dictionary: English-Irish ID, Fowler’s Concise Dictionary of Modern English Usage ID, MODI ID, código del Inventario del Patrimonio Cultural de Castilla-La Mancha, DAKA Greenlandic-Danish Dictionary ID, DAKA Danish-Greenlandic Dictionary ID, Farhang-i farsī ba rusī ID, Cineuropa international sales agent ID, Cineuropa production company ID, Cineuropa distributor ID, Biodiversity Information System for Europe ID, Elonet company ID, Numista issuer ID, Douban Personage ID, Canadian Great War Project person ID, stiga.trefik.cz, PMC journal ID, European Education Thesaurus ID, Brezhoneg21 ID, Personnel Records of the First World War (Library and Archives Canada) ID, Canadian Virtual War Memorial ID, Federal Reserve Subject Taxonomy ID
- General datatypes:
- Deleted properties:
You can comment on all open property proposals! Did you know?
- Query examples:
- Newest WikiProjects:
- Assoc. Football - Euro 2024 - for best practices on UEFA Euro 2024 items.
- Bulgarian Elections - for describing data related to elections in Bulgaria.
- ARS3D - statements and properties for an African Red Slip ware 3D artifact data model.
- WikiProject Highlights:
- (de)Theorie und Praxis in Wikidata - User:Matthiasb uses examples of Highway intersection classification on Wikidata of locations in and around Berlin to highlight inconsistencies between the data model and legal classification. By highlighting a considerable number of differences in a relatively small geographic area, these comments provide further context on an earlier discussion within the German Wikipedia community on integrating Wikidata further into Wikipedia articles.
- Newest database reports: Badge Stats - How are badges being applied in Wikidata, which items have the most Good or Featured Articles? Savvy editors can use this to enrich said articles in their own Wiki.
- Showcase Items: Mordor - A desolate volcanic plain of nauseous gases and shadows. J.R.R Tolkien's blighted land is this week's showcase.
- Showcase Lexemes: вода - A Russian word for a clear, vitality-giving liquid, of course it's Water.
- EntitySchemas: We are preparing for the rollout of the new datatype to link to EntitySchemas in statements.
- Wikibase REST API:
- We are continuing the work on the route for modifying an Item (phab:T342993)
- We are working on improving errors and error messages in the API
- Query Service UI: We fixed a bug. The example dialog was empty and not showing any examples (phab:T366871)
- We changed the datatype of two Properties to external ID as requested (phab:T367174)
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
Weekly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Contribute to the showcase Item and Lexeme above.
- Participate in this week's Lexeme challenge: Gambling
- Summarize your WikiProject's ongoing activities in one or two sentences.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
Anything to add? Please share! :)
- 现在,当用户在视觉化编辑器中尝试加入外部链接,而该网域被列入维基项目的黑名单,用户将立即收到回馈。详情请见编辑检查。 [55]
- 新的社群配置扩展可在测试维基使用。此扩展使本地社群能依需求自订特定功能。目前仅能配置Growth功能,但未来将支持其他用例。 [56][57]
- 现在,深色模式测试功能可以在分类、帮助页面以及更多特殊页面上使用。请留意可能存在对比问题。如果您发现任何错误,请在项目讨论页回报。 [58]
上周,维基媒体云服务中断了25分钟。这是由于数据中心的缆线故障所致。 [59]
- 上周,Vector 2022皮肤进行了样式更新。这导致了模板、顶注和图片出现意料之外的问题。对模板和顶注的更改已被回退;大多数图片问题已解决。如果您发现任何问题,请在此工单回报。 [60]
MediaWiki的新版本将于6月18日部署至测试维基及MediaWiki.org,于6月19日部署至非维基百科wiki及部分维基百科,并于6月20日部署至所有站点(参见日程表)。 [61][62]
- 从6月18日开始,“参考编辑检查”功能将部署至新一批维基百科。当用户新增内容至维基百科条目时,若未附上引注,此功能将请他们新增引注,借此来协助新手并辅助巡查工作。在涵盖11个维基的测试中,当向用户显示“参考检查”时,新增的引注数量增加了一倍以上。“参考检查”可由社群自行配置。 [63]
- 本周二(18日),维基媒体邮件列表将于10:00至12:00 UTC期间暂停服务约两个小时。这是为了迁移至新服务器并升级其软件。 [64]
MediaWiki message delivery 2024年6月17日 (一) 23:47 (UTC)
Wikifunctions & Abstract Wikipedia Newsletter #160 is out: New Type: Integers
There is a new update for Abstract Wikipedia and Wikifunctions. Please, come and read it!
In this issue, we are happy to announce that we introduced another new type, integers, that will increase our coverage of mathematical functions. Moreover, we take a look at the (many!) software developments we introduced in the last week.
Want to catch up with the previous updates? Check our archive!
Enjoy the reading! -- User:Sannita (WMF) (talk) 2024年6月21日 (五) 11:07 (UTC)
Wikidata weekly summary #633

This is the Wikidata summary of the week before 2024-06-24. Please help Translate.
- Past: The 200th online Wikidata meetup in Swedish was held.
- Upcoming: Lexicodays, online event dedicated to Lexemes on Wikidata, will take place on June 28-30. It takes place across time zone and both in English and Indonesian. Check the program and find the access links on the event page.
Press, articles, blog posts, videos
- Blogs: 20th Century Press Archives – history in newspaper clippings, made accessible by ZBW and Wikimedia. The blog discusses how ZBW and Wikimedia collaborated to digitize and make accessible the 20th Century Press Archives, integrating its metadata into Wikidata items and providing fresh access to 3.8 million digitized pages from raw microfilm1.
- Notebooks: Dashboard of European Parliament
Tool of the week
- Wikidata in Prometheus - Prometheus is a non-commercial image archive for art and cultural studies. It hosts images from a variety of image and media databases and now works can be connected with Wikidata.
- New Mix'n'match feature: For lists of (full or auto) matches where both the MnM entry and the Wikidata Item have coordinates, it now shows the distance between them in the description. (source)
Other Noteworthy Stuff
- The Wikidata development team at Wikimedia Deutschland is planning a brief survey to understand the various ways people contribute to the project and identify user contribution patterns. A request has been made for a CentralNotice banner to deploy the survey to a broad audience. Your feedback, comments, and questions on this request are welcome: m:CentralNotice/Request/Wikidata Community Survey 2024
- The second iteration of the Wikidata:Open Online Course will begin from July 1 until August 11. Whether you're a beginner taking your first steps, an individual in need of a refresher on Wikidata concepts, or a seasoned trainer looking to level up your skills - this course is right for you.
Newest properties and property proposals to review
- Newest General datatypes:
- showrunner (person who is responsible for the day-to-day operation of a television show)
- music mood (qualifier carrying an emotion (mood) relevant to a musical audio recording)
- Newest External identifiers: Locomotive Yaroslavl HC player ID, Orthoptera Species File taxon ID (new), Flown From the Nest person ID, Online Swahili - English Dictionary ID, A Dictionary of Plant Sciences ID, A Dictionary of Zoology ID, A Dictionary of Contemporary Icelandic ID, Seret film ID, Limited Liability Partnership Identification Number, Paleobiology database reference ID, PNG School Code, Téarma ID, IMAIOS entity ID, Naturalis Repository ID, English-Spanish Dictionary ID, Vikidia ID, thisisbasketball.be player ID, poblesdecatalunya.cat ID, Oqaasersiorfik ID, MNAHA person ID, Greenlandic-English Dictionary ID, Te Aka Māori Dictionary ID, Tropicos person ID, He Pātaka Kupu ID, vehicle keeper marking (VKM), AllGame style ID, FC Metz player ID, MoFo ID, itch.io numeric ID, filmas.lv film ID, filmas.lv person ID, filmas.lv studio ID, Cockroach Species File taxon ID (new), Lygaeoidea Species File taxon ID (new), Phasmida Species File taxon ID (new), Psocodea Species File taxon ID (new), Spanish-English Dictionary ID, Norwegian National Museum producer ID, Burgenwelt ID, Irish-English Dictionary ID, Tesoro della Lingua Italiana delle Origini ID, Tommaseo-Bellini Online ID, danskfodbold.com player ID, DAKA Danish-Greenlandic Dictionary ID, DAKA Greenlandic-Danish Dictionary ID, Canadian Great War Project person ID, English-Irish Dictionary ID, PMC journal ID, Census ID, Douban personage ID, AviBase person ID
- New General datatypes property proposals to review:
- Nom dans la langue locale ()
- YAMAP mountain ID (YAMAP mountain ID)
- coin edge (Coin edges may be plain (smooth) or patterned, or a combination of both. They can also include lettering.)
- ozone depletion potential (relative amount of degradation to the ozone layer relative to CFC-11)
- New External identifier property proposals to review: Pocket Oxford-Hachette French Dictionary: English-French ID, Fowler’s Concise Dictionary of Modern English Usage ID, código del Inventario del Patrimonio Cultural de Castilla-La Mancha, Farhang-i farsī ba rusī ID, Cineuropa international sales agent ID, Cineuropa production company ID, Cineuropa distributor ID, Biodiversity Information System for Europe ID, Elonet company ID, Numista issuer ID, stiga.trefik.cz, European Education Thesaurus ID, Brezhoneg21 ID, Personnel Records of the First World War (Library and Archives Canada) ID, Canadian Virtual War Memorial ID, Federal Reserve Subject Taxonomy ID, Devri ID, OpenCitations Meta Identifier, IGN franchise ID, Plex person key, Overcast episode ID, OBJ ID, NooSFere publisher ID, Metamath statement label, Pocket Oxford German Dictionary: English-German ID, Pocket Oxford Italian Dictionary: English-Italian ID, UNIBO professor ID, Mapes de Patrimoni Cultural ID, Il Nuovo DOP ID, FEI horse ID
You can comment on all open property proposals!
Did you know?
- Query examples:
- Newest WikiProjects:
- Multilingualism - organizes work around achieving 100% Wikidata multilingualism for every language with MediaWiki internationalization support. It is initiated, developed & supported by Wikimedia Language Diversity community volunteers.
- NAVISone
- Newest database reports: Identical labels and descriptions
- Showcase Items: Kofi Annan (Q1254) - 7th Secretary-General of the United Nations (1938-2018)
- Showcase Lexemes: ʒirilana (L719353) - Dagbanli proverb that translates to "liar"
- [Breaking Change Announcement] Upcoming Changes to Wikibase: EntitySchema data type
- EntitySchemas: We prepared for the release of the new data type to link to EntitySchemas in statements on July 2nd.
- Mul language code: We picked up the remaining issues before enabling it by default on Wikidata
- Wikibase REST API:
- We completed the route to modify the data of an Item (phab:T342993)
- We continued improving and reworking errors (phab:T366172, phab:T366175)
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
Weekly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Contribute to the showcase Item and Lexeme above.
- Participate in this week's Lexeme challenge:
- Govdirectory weekly focus country: Cameroon
- Summarize your WikiProject's ongoing activities in one or two sentences.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
- 上周,差异视图中的文字背景颜色以及字节变化数字的颜色有一些更改。这些改动旨在使文字在浅色模式和深色模式下更容易阅读,是加强落实无障碍的一部分。您可以在专案讨论页提出意见和疑问。 [65]
- 上周,
链接的颜色也略有改动,以在浅色模式和深色模式下进一步落实无障碍。 [66]
- 点击留言的时间戳可以复制讨论页留言的固定链接。当话题标题过长并且链接被用作wikitext连结时,有一些留言固定链接不起作用。此问题已解决。感谢Lofhi回报错误。 [67]
MediaWiki message delivery 2024年6月24日 (一) 22:31 (UTC)

订于台湾时间6/27 (四) 19:00举行,
参与连结为 https://meet.google.com/qiv-ctih-sse 。
--MediaWiki message delivery(留言) 2024年6月25日 (二) 00:39 (UTC)

有用户正就Talk:频率 § 建议更名:“頻率”→“频率 (物理学)”(数学、科学与科技主题)征求意见。感谢您的帮助。
--路西法的爪牙 · 死亡笔记 2024年6月25日 (二) 22:11 (UTC)

有用户正就Wikipedia talk:共识/讨论页及共识方针试行案 § 试行案期中及期末报告呈现方式讨论(维基百科方针与指引主题)征求意见。感谢您的帮助。
--路西法的爪牙 · 死亡笔记 2024年6月26日 (三) 04:11 (UTC)
提报关注度不足过期提醒:中日韩统一表意文字笔顺表 (一二三序:一)
阁下曾提报不符合收录标准之条目“中日韩统一表意文字笔顺表 (一二三序:一)”已过限期,如阁下认为该条目现时尚未合乎收录标准,可作提删。 --Cewbot(留言) 2024年6月27日 (四) 00:02 (UTC)
Wikifunctions & Abstract Wikipedia Newsletter #161 is out: Welcome, Daphne!
There is a new update for Abstract Wikipedia and Wikifunctions. Please, come and read it!
In this issue, we welcome a new member of the team, we ask for feedback about our "About" widget designs, and we take a look at the latest software developments.
Want to catch up with the previous updates? Check our archive!
Also, we remind you that if you have questions or ideas to discuss, the next Volunteers' Corner will be held on July 1, at 17:30 UTC (link to the meeting).
Enjoy the reading! -- User:Sannita (WMF) (talk) 2024年6月27日 (四) 13:20 (UTC)
提报关注度不足过期提醒:中日韩统一表意文字笔顺表 (一二三序:㇑)
阁下曾提报不符合收录标准之条目“中日韩统一表意文字笔顺表 (一二三序:㇑)”已过限期,如阁下认为该条目现时尚未合乎收录标准,可作提删。 --Cewbot(留言) 2024年6月28日 (五) 00:02 (UTC)

有用户正就Talk:灼伤 § 建议更名:“灼傷”→“烧伤”(数学、科学与科技主题)征求意见。感谢您的帮助。
--路西法的爪牙 · 死亡笔记 2024年7月1日 (一) 02:41 (UTC)
@S8321414您好,我是“国立高雄科技大学学生会”条目的创建者,我由衷希望能够成立该条目,让更多人能够知悉这个组织的历史以及现状,我希望能在建立后陆续更新,想请问具体来说我应该完成什么部分才能够成立呢?谢谢--GT 1113(留言) 2024年7月1日 (一) 05:10 (UTC)
- @GT 1113:您好,我不是草稿审核员,但建议您可以多找一些与国立高雄科技大学学生会相关的新闻报导(最好是有介绍其历史或组织架构等的新闻)作为参考资料来引用,待写到您觉得可以找人审核时,请按下页面顶部的“提交草稿等待审核!”蓝色按钮,然后按照画面指示进行,谢谢。--冥王欧西里斯(留言) 2024年7月1日 (一) 05:19 (UTC)
- 了解了,谢谢您,我会再多新增一些资料来源。--GT 1113(留言) 2024年7月3日 (三) 05:31 (UTC)
Wikidata weekly summary #634

This is the Wikidata summary of the week before 2024-07-01. Please help Translate.
- New requests for permissions/Bot:
- DifoolBot 4 Task(s) - Split single references containing multiple reference URLs into multiple references.
- Bot Bozze Task(s) - Add sitelinks to itwiki draft articles after they've been moved to the main namespace.
- New request for comments: Spelling convention for labels and descriptions in English - RfC started 2024-06-25. This RfC requests feedback and input for finding consistency in spelling convention as English has multiple regional variations.
- Past: The Lexicodays 2024 was an online event designed to offer a discussion space for the Wikidata community about Lexicographical Data. An archive of some of the slides and session recordings are here c:Category:Lexicodays 2024. More will be added as they become available.
- Upcoming:
- The next Wikidata+Wikibase office hours will take place on Wednesday, 16:00 UTC on Wednesday, 10th July 2024 (18:00 Berlin time) in the Wikidata Telegram group. The Wikidata and Wikibase office hours are online events where the development team presents what they have been working on over the past quarter, and the community is welcome to ask questions and discuss important issues related to the development of Wikidata and Wikibase.
- Talk to the Search Platform / Query Service Team—July 3, 2024
- Botany-focused Wikidata online workshop online as part of the #IBC2024. Date: Tuesday 9th July at 9pm NZST (GMT+12) / 11 am central Europe. Register here!
Press, articles, blog posts, videos
- Blogs
- Querying for audio on Wikidata - This blog post discusses using SPARQL queries on Wikidata to find audio recordings, focusing on musical compositions and their associated genres.
- Stories from the anti-disinformation repository: Why Wikimedia is an antidote to disinformation - The blog post highlights how Wikidata, as a central storage repository, plays a crucial role in countering disinformation by providing reliable, structured data for Wikimedia projects and beyond.
- Diff Blog: Imagining a Wikidata future for librarians together - the sixth and final blog post from the LD42023 conference. Silvia Gutiérrez (WMF) and Giovanna Fontenelle (WMF) document the results of the collaborative session on building a bridge between the Library-Wikidata community and WMF.
- Census IDs are Now Wikidata External Identifiers
- Library Knowledge as Linked Data: A Wikidata Approach: Contributing to a shared data commons. David Erlandson describes the experiences of using Wikidata for the pilot Program for Cooperative Cataloging to "accelerate the movement towards ubiquitous identifier creation and identity management at the network level".
- Papers
- Mapping the Past: Geographically Linking an Early 20th Century Swedish Encyclopedia with Wikidata - This paper describes the extraction of location entries from a prominent Swedish encyclopedia and sheds light on selection and representation of geographic information in the Nordisk Familjebok. By A. Ahlin, A. Myrne & P. Nugues.
- Papers from the just-ended Wiki Workshop 2024
- Do LOD Conventions Impede the Representation of Diversity? The Case of Disabled Actors in DBpedia and Wikidata?
- SPARQL for LIS Analytics: Exploring Gender Representation amongst PCC Wikidata Pilot Participant
- Wikidata Vandalism Detection with Graph-Linguistic Fusion
- Wikidata Quality Toolkit: Entity Schema Generator Demonstration (tool demonstration)
- Videos
- Wikidata Knowledge Graph to Enable Equitable and Validated Generative AI - Wikimedia Deutschland's Jonathan Fraine and Lydia Pintscher show how Wikidata can be used to provide well-cited information and how semantic search can augment generative AI inference. Presented at the Open Source GenAI & ML Summit.
- Wikidata Editing LIVE at Lexico Days 2024 - User:Abbe98 and User:JanAinali are back for another session of live-editing, focused on lexicographical data, during the Lexico Days 2024 event that took place this last weekend, June 28 - June 30.
- Get more out of Wikidata with Resonator - Rachel Hendrick and Gary Price of LibTech Tools walk through Resonator and point out the best ways to use it. Resonator is available on ToolForge.
- Knowledge Integrity: Reliability- Wikidata Vandalism Detection with Graph Linguistic Fusion - Diego (WMF) and Mykola Trokhmovych showcase their work on building a model to help Wikidata editors identify edits that require patrolling, as part of the [Wiki Workshop 2024.
- Inclusion of Communities: Using Wikibase to Leverage Community Sourced Data Initiatives - Erin Yunes talks about their work in using Wikibase Cloud as part of the Compel project (COmputer Music Preservation Electronic Library).
- (es) ¿Cómo fortalecer el dominio público con Wikidata? - This Wikitools Workshop hosted by Jorge Gemetto is on Paulina, a tool for exploring and accessing public domain information on authors and their works.
Tool of the week
- Automatic Structuring of text for Wikidata - User:BrokenSegue introduces their new tool.
- User:Zvpunry/CreateNewItem - This is a User script to easily add a new Item while editing a Statement and noticing that the desired Item is missing.
Other Noteworthy Stuff
- The second iteration of the Wikidata:Open Online Course has begun. Class will continue until August 11. Whether you're a beginner taking your first steps, an individual in need of a refresher on Wikidata concepts, or a seasoned trainer looking to level up your skills - this course is right for you.
Newest properties and property proposals to review
- Newest General datatypes:
- showrunner (person who is responsible for the day-to-day operation of a television show)
- music mood (qualifier carrying an emotion (mood) relevant to a musical audio recording)
- coin edge (image or images that show the edge of a coin)
- ozone depletion potential (relative amount of degradation to the ozone layer relative to CFC-11)
- Newest External identifiers: Locomotive Yaroslavl HC player ID, Orthoptera Species File taxon ID (new), Flown From the Nest person ID, Online Swahili - English Dictionary ID, A Dictionary of Plant Sciences ID, A Dictionary of Zoology ID, A Dictionary of Contemporary Icelandic ID, Seret film ID, Limited Liability Partnership Identification Number, Paleobiology database reference ID, PNG School Code, Téarma ID, IMAIOS entity ID, Naturalis Repository ID, English-Spanish Dictionary ID, Vikidia article ID, thisisbasketball.be player ID, poblesdecatalunya.cat ID, Oqaasersiorfik ID, MNAHA person ID, Greenlandic-English Dictionary ID, Te Aka Māori Dictionary ID, Tropicos person ID, He Pātaka Kupu ID, vehicle keeper marking (VKM), AllGame style ID, FC Metz player ID, MoFo ID, itch.io numeric ID, filmas.lv film ID, filmas.lv person ID, filmas.lv studio ID, Cockroach Species File taxon ID (new), Lygaeoidea Species File taxon ID (new), Phasmida Species File taxon ID (new), Psocodea Species File taxon ID (new), Spanish-English Dictionary ID, Norwegian National Museum producer ID, Burgenwelt ID, Irish-English Dictionary ID, Tesoro della Lingua Italiana delle Origini ID, Tommaseo-Bellini Online ID, danskfodbold.com player ID, DAKA Danish-Greenlandic Dictionary ID, DAKA Greenlandic-Danish Dictionary ID, Canadian Great War Project person ID, English-Irish Dictionary ID, PMC journal ID, Census ID, Douban personage ID, Avibase person ID, Brezhoneg21 ID, European Education Thesaurus ID, Cineuropa distributor ID, Cineuropa production company ID, OpenCitations Meta ID, IGN franchise ID, Federal Reserve Subject Taxonomy ID, Farhang-i forsī ba rusī ID, Devri ID, Cambridge University Press ID, Canadian Virtual War Memorial ID, Personnel Records of the First World War ID, Fowler’s Concise Dictionary ID, NooSFere publisher ID, Plex person key, BHMPI OBJ ID, Index Fungorum person ID, stiga.trefik.cz player ID, UNIBO professor ID, Cineuropa international sales agent ID, Mapes de Patrimoni Cultural ID
- New General datatypes property proposals to review:
- number of local branches (number of branches of this organization at the lowest (local) level)
- KANAL inventory ID (inventory number of a creative work assigned by KANAL)
- Tüik mahalle id (Identifier of neighborhoods <small>({{q|Q17051044}})</small> in Turkey in TÜİK <small>({{q|Q1375058}})</small> database)
- New External identifier property proposals to review: Pocket Oxford-Hachette French Dictionary: English-French ID, Biodiversity Information System for Europe ID, Elonet company ID, Numista issuer ID, Overcast episode ID, Metamath statement label, Pocket Oxford German Dictionary: English-German ID, Pocket Oxford Italian Dictionary: English-Italian ID, Il Nuovo DOP ID, FEI horse ID, Google Play author ID, identifiant d'une personne sur Archelec, Standard Ebooks ID, Lojas com História ID, RGALI person ID, RGALI organization ID, Hebrew Academy term ID, milononline.net entry ID, KANAL identifier, LAGL author ID, Alle Burgen, FC Krasnodar player id, Pocket Oxford Italian Dictionary: Italian-English ID, Pocket Oxford German Dictionary: German-English ID, Pocket Oxford-Hachette French Dictionary: French-English ID, Manhom Arabic Profile ID, GOArt databas, ArchWiki article, Star Wars.com, identifikátor filmu ve Filmové databázi (FDb)
You can comment on all open property proposals!
Did you know?
- Query examples:
- Newest WikiProjects: Inuktitut - This is the space to organize work to assure that the sum of all knowledge and the supporting infrastructure for necessary services are available in Inuktitut (ᐃᓄᒃᑎᑐᑦ, Inuktitut).
- Newest database reports: Merge candidates based on same pattern
- Showcase Items: Montblanc (Q761735) - town in the province of Tarragona, Catalonia
- Showcase Lexemes: gbuɣi (L725113) - Dagbanli verb, translates to "vomiting" and "sprouting"
- EntitySchemas:
- We worked around an issue where EntitySchema pages were no longer considered “content” and had become unsearchable (phab:T368010)
- We prepared for the release of the new datatype on July 2nd.
- mul language code: We are working on the last remaining blocker before rolling out the first stage to Wikidata (phab:T362917)
- Wikibase REST API: We are continuing to rework API errors (phab:T366911, phab:T366239)
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
Weekly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Contribute to the showcase Item and Lexeme above.
- Participate in this week's Lexeme challenge:
- Govdirectory weekly focus country: Argentina
- Summarize your WikiProject's ongoing activities in one or two sentences.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
- 在未来三周内,从行动版网页开始,深色模式将逐步供所有用户使用,无论登入与否。这实现了社群最迫切的愿望之一,并改善低对比环境下的阅读体验以及低光环境下的使用。作为这些变更的一部分,深色模式现在可以在用户页和主题页面使用。详情请见网页团队的最新更新。 [71]
- 已登入用户现在可以设置字号和深色模式的全域参数设置,感谢基金会各团队的共同努力。如此,穿梭多个wiki的维基人能够轻松地建立一致的阅读体验,例如,只需设置一次即可为所有wiki切换浅色或深色模式。 [72]
- 维基媒体维基上的部分功能将不再兼容老旧的网页浏览器。这将影响Internet Explorer 11以及早于2016年的Chrome、Firefox和Safari版本。这使我们能够使用新的CSS特性,并向所有读者传送更少的代码。 [73][74]
- 维基百科管理员可以使用社群配置功能,轻松自订本地配置选项。社群配置旨在使社群能够自订特定功能的运作方式,以满足不同语言版本维基的独特需求。目前,管理员可以在其维基配置Growth功能,以更有效地吸引和留住新编辑者。未来几个月将提供更多选项。 [75]
- 有兴趣探讨与Unicode标准相关语言议题的编辑者,现可于MediaWiki.org的新对话空间讨论这些话题。维基媒体基金会现已成为Unicode联盟的会员,协调小组将共同审查讨论议题,并适当地传达给Unicode联盟。
- 一个新的维基已创建: 曼代灵语维基百科 (
) [76]
- 在修复错误后,编辑者再度能够在可视化编辑器中点击引注预览中的连结,感谢编辑团队修复错误。 [77]
- 邀请您填写这份简短问卷调查,协助我们改善技术新闻。本次调查旨在更有效地满足阅读技术新闻的各类读者的需求。本次调查将持续开放两周。本次调查适用这份隐私声明。本次调查提供其他语言的翻译版本。
MediaWiki message delivery 2024年7月1日 (一) 23:58 (UTC)
The Signpost: 4 July 2024
- News and notes: WMF board elections and fundraising updates
- Special report: Wikimedia Movement Charter ratification vote underway, new Council may surpass power of Board
- In focus: How the Russian Wikipedia keeps it clean despite having just a couple dozen administatrors
- Discussion report: Wikipedians are hung up on the meaning of Madonna
- In the media: War and information in war and politics
- Sister projects: On editing Wikisource
- Obituary: Hanif Al Husaini, Salazarov and Hyacinth
- Opinion: Etika: a Pop Culture Champion
- Gallery: Spokane Willy's photos
- Humour: A joke
- Recent research: Is Wikipedia Politically Biased? Perhaps
- Traffic report: Talking about you and me, and the games people play

有用户正就Talk:微软记事本 § 突然发现还有一个相关用户的移动没有撤销(数学、科学与科技主题)征求意见。感谢您的帮助。
--路西法的爪牙 · 死亡笔记 2024年7月5日 (五) 10:06 (UTC)
Wikifunctions & Abstract Wikipedia Newsletter #162 is out: Quarterly planning
There is a new update for Abstract Wikipedia and Wikifunctions. Please, come and read it!
In this issue, we present our objectives and lines of work for this quarter, we remember to give your feedback about our "About" widget designs, and we take a look at the latest software developments.
Want to catch up with the previous updates? Check our archive!
Also, we remind you that if you have questions or ideas to discuss, the next Volunteers' Corner will be held on July 8, at 17:30 UTC (link to the meeting).
Enjoy the reading! -- User:Sannita (WMF) (talk) 2024年7月5日 (五) 12:59 (UTC)

有用户正就Talk:地球大气层 § 建议更名:“地球大气层”→“大气层”(数学、科学与科技主题)征求意见。感谢您的帮助。
--路西法的爪牙 · 死亡笔记 2024年7月6日 (六) 15:24 (UTC)
Wikidata weekly summary #635

This is the Wikidata summary of the week before 2024-07-08. Please help Translate.
- Upcoming:
- The next Wikidata+Wikibase office hours will take place on Wednesday, 16:00 UTC on Wednesday, 10th July 2024 (18:00 Berlin time) in the Wikidata Telegram group. The Wikidata and Wikibase office hours are online events where the development team presents what they have been working on over the past quarter, and the community is welcome to ask questions and discuss important issues related to the development of Wikidata and Wikibase.
- Registration for Wikimania 2024 is open! In-person participants: please register until 26 July, 11:59 p.m., UTC. Virtual participants can register anytime. If you received a scholarship from the Wikimedia Foundation, you will receive an email with a registration code and instructions.
Tool of the week
- User:Teester/EntityShape.js - a userscript that adds an input box to a Wikidata page wherein you can enter an EntitySchema (such as E10). When you click "Check", checks whether each statement and property conforms to the schema. It then displays a summary at the top of the Item for each property indicating whether they conform or not. It also adds a badge to each statement and each property on the page indicating whether they conform or not.
Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Wikidata teams' development goals for the third quarter of 2024 have been updated: Wikidata:Development plan
Newest properties and property proposals to review
- Newest General datatypes:
- music mood (qualifier carrying an emotion (mood) relevant to a musical audio recording)
- coin edge (image or images that show the edge of a coin)
- ozone depletion potential (relative amount of degradation to the ozone layer relative to CFC-11)
- EntitySchema for class (schema that members of a class should conform to)
- Newest External identifiers: Naturalis Repository ID, English-Spanish Dictionary ID, Vikidia article ID, thisisbasketball.be player ID, poblesdecatalunya.cat ID, Oqaasersiorfik ID, MNAHA person ID, Greenlandic-English Dictionary ID, Te Aka Māori Dictionary ID, Tropicos person ID, He Pātaka Kupu ID, vehicle keeper marking (VKM), AllGame style ID, FC Metz player ID, MoFo ID, itch.io numeric ID, filmas.lv film ID, filmas.lv person ID, filmas.lv studio ID, Cockroach Species File taxon ID (new), Lygaeoidea Species File taxon ID (new), Phasmida Species File taxon ID (new), Psocodea Species File taxon ID (new), Spanish-English Dictionary ID, Norwegian National Museum producer ID, Burgenwelt ID, Irish-English Dictionary ID, Tesoro della Lingua Italiana delle Origini ID, Tommaseo-Bellini Online ID, danskfodbold.com player ID, DAKA Danish-Greenlandic Dictionary ID, DAKA Greenlandic-Danish Dictionary ID, Canadian Great War Project person ID, English-Irish Dictionary ID, PMC journal ID, Census ID, Douban personage ID, Avibase person ID, Brezhoneg21 ID, European Education Thesaurus ID, Cineuropa distributor ID, Cineuropa production company ID, OpenCitations Meta ID, IGN franchise ID, Federal Reserve Subject Taxonomy ID, Farhang-i forsī ba rusī ID, Devri ID, Cambridge University Press ID, Canadian Virtual War Memorial ID, Personnel Records of the First World War ID, Fowler’s Concise Dictionary ID, NooSFere publisher ID, Plex person key, BHMPI OBJ ID, Index Fungorum person ID, stiga.trefik.cz player ID, UNIBO professor ID, Cineuropa international sales agent ID, Mapes de Patrimoni Cultural ID, Il Nuovo DOP ID, RGALI person ID, RGALI organization ID, Archelec person ID, Lojas com História ID, milononline.net entry ID, Hebrew Academy term ID, LAGL author ID, KANAL ID, Google Play author ID, Overcast episode ID, ArchWiki article, Valencian Library ID, Star Wars.com ID
- New General datatypes property proposals to review:
- number of local branches (number of branches of this organization at the lowest (local) level)
- KANAL inventory ID (inventory number of a creative work assigned by KANAL)
- Tüik mahalle id (Identifier of neighborhoods <small>({{q|Q17051044}})</small> in Turkey in TÜİK <small>({{q|Q1375058}})</small> database)
- myfixguide.com (Photos about how to disassemble hardware)
- date de vote (vote date, date on which people decided or casted their ballot)
- Sandbox-EntitySchema (Sandbox property for value of type "EntitySchema")
- Imperial University of Dorpat student ID (matriculation number of a student of the Imperial University of Dorpat)
- indexer (entity responsible for compiling an index of a book, database, website or other forms of media publications in the form of a methodical arrangement of records designed to enable users to locate information quickly. Example: Hazel K. Bell (Q70226489))
- WorldCyclingStats ID (identifier on the website WorldCyclingStats (www.worldcyclingstats.com))
- New External identifier property proposals to review: Pocket Oxford-Hachette French Dictionary: English-French ID, Biodiversity Information System for Europe ID, Elonet company ID, Numista issuer ID, Metamath statement label, Pocket Oxford German Dictionary: English-German ID, Pocket Oxford Italian Dictionary: English-Italian ID, FEI horse ID, Standard Ebooks ID, Alle Burgen, FC Krasnodar player id, Pocket Oxford Italian Dictionary: Italian-English ID, Pocket Oxford German Dictionary: German-English ID, Pocket Oxford-Hachette French Dictionary: French-English ID, Manhom Arabic Profile ID, GOArt databas, identifikátor filmu ve Filmové databázi (FDb), identifikátor osoby ve Filmové databázi (FDb), ScienceDirect journal ID, Iraqnla Book ID, islamway authority ID, Hermitage Museum artist ID, Coptic Dictionary Online ID, autoritateak.eus, Museum of the Russian Academy of Arts artist ID, Thinkwiki article
You can comment on all open property proposals!
Did you know?
- Query examples:
- Newest database reports: User:Pasleim/commonsmerge - Merge candidates based on same commons category
- Showcase Items: Ferdinand Magellan (Q1496) - Portuguese explorer in the service of Spain
- Showcase Lexemes: bergkant (L1083157) - Nynorsk noun, translates to "the top edge of a mountain"
- EntitySchemas: The new datatype to link to EntitySchemas in statements has been released.
- mul language code: We are preparing the release.
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
Weekly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Contribute to the showcase Item and Lexeme above.
- Participate in this week's Lexeme challenge:
- Govdirectory weekly focus country: Armenia
- Summarize your WikiProject's ongoing activities in one or two sentences.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
- 维基媒体基金会成立了一个新的专门工作组,致力于建构更安全、易于使用和可扩展的Chart图表,以取代已停用的Graph图表。订阅电子报以获取有关Chart项目的最新进展和其他新闻的通知。
- CampaignEvents扩展现已供元维基、伊博语维基百科和斯瓦希里语维基百科使用,您所在的wiki也可请求部署之。此扩展有助于管理活动并提高活动的可见度,以及让活动筹办人员能够使用诸如活动报名工具等工具。参见元维基的CampaignEvents页面了解部署状态以及如何请求部署。
- 编辑超过50次的编辑者现在可以在iOS维基百科App使用“添加图片”功能。这项功能为维基百科提供了微小但有用的贡献机会。
- 感谢为MediaWiki Core做出贡献的所有人。得益于此,贡献超过5个补丁的贡献者比例较去年增加了25%,这有助于确保维基媒体专案平台的永续发展。
- Vector 2022中出现一个问题,讨论页标签的颜色始终显示为蓝色,即使不存在页面本应显示为红色。此问题已解决。
- 信任与安全产品团队希望以尽可能不干扰工具和工作流的方式引入临时账号。恳请志愿开发者——包括小工具和用户脚本维护人员——更新您维护的工具和功能的代码以应对临时账号。团队已建有文档来解释如何进行更新。了解更多。
- 邀请您填写这份简短问卷调查,协助我们改善技术新闻。本次调查旨在更有效地满足阅读技术新闻的各类读者的需求。本次调查还会开放一周。本次调查适用这份隐私声明。本次调查提供其他语言的翻译版本。
MediaWiki message delivery 2024年7月8日 (一) 21:30 (UTC)
This Month in Education: June 2024
This Month in Education
Volume 13 • Issue 6 • June 2024
- From a Language Teacher to a Library Support Staff: The Wikimedia Effect
- 5th WikiEducation 2024 Conference in Mexico
- Lviv hosted a spring wikischool for Ukrainian high school students
- First class of teachers graduated from Reading Wikipedia in the Classroom 2024
- Empowering Digital Citizenship: Unlocking the Power of Open Knowledge with Participants of the LIFE Legacy
- Wiki Movimento Brazil supports online and in-person courses and launches material to guide educators in using Wikimedia projects
- Where to find images for free? Webinar for librarians answered many questions
- Wikimedia MKD and University of Goce Delchev start a mutual collaboration

有用户正就Wikipedia talk:快速删除方针 § 调整快速删除方针G18款的用词,并扩大适用范围(维基百科方针与指引主题)征求意见。感谢您的帮助。
--路西法的爪牙 · 死亡笔记 2024年7月10日 (三) 12:41 (UTC)

有用户正就Wikipedia talk:快速删除方针 § 合理化快速删除方针O7款的规定(维基百科方针与指引主题)征求意见。感谢您的帮助。
--路西法的爪牙 · 死亡笔记 2024年7月10日 (三) 13:21 (UTC)
This Month in GLAM: June 2024