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将重启。这可能在6月21日发生,也可能延期。部分工具使用它来获取最近更改订阅源,而这些工具在重启期间将不能正常工作。 [2]Special:PageData
将作为机器可读页面数据的接入点。 [3]MediaWiki的新版本将于6月20日部署于测试维基及MediaWiki.org。它将于6月21日部署至非维基百科wiki及部分维基百科,并于6月22日部署至所有wiki,参见日历。
您可以参与下周编辑团队的会议。在会议中您可以告知开发人员哪些问题是最重要的。会议将于6月20日 19:00 (UTC)开始。参见如何加入。
2017年6月19日 (一) 15:44 (UTC)
Latest news from the Wikimedia Collaboration team, about Notifications, Flow and Edit Review Improvements. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you.
What's new?
Integrated Filters
- The team is moving full speed ahead on a follow-up project to the New Filters for Edit Review beta dubbed "Integrated Filters." The name refers to the fact that we are integrating the Recent Changes tools that currently remain in the old user interface (like Namespace and Tag filters), along with some tools and capabilities from Watchlist and elsewhere, into the new Recent Changes interface.
- You can get an overview of the Integrated Filters projects, and the general release strategy, on the description page of the project Phabricator board. Among the more interesting new capabilities:
- Category filters: We'll be adding the ability to filter by category. This is a little tricky, since wiki categories often work in a somewhat counter-intuitive way, with the broadest categories returning the fewest results—because categories like "Science" or "Art" tend to contain not articles but other categories. So we're exploring solutions where a category search will crawl at least a layer or two down the category treat to, hopefully, bring back more useful results. [4]
- User filters: We're adding the ability to filter by any username, similar to what's available already on the the User Contributions page. [5]
- Live update: Users will have the ability to look at a more or less continuous flow of changes. This is a much requested feature that we expect will open up new possibilities for Recent Changes, especially for patrollers who want to see vandalism or other changes as they happen. While the updates won't truly be "live," the page updates will be frequent, similar to the way real-time tools (like RTRC or LiveRC) works. [6]
Edit Review Improvements [More information • Help pages]
Have time for a talk?
- We're looking for people we can interview about their experiences with the new beta. If you’re a regular user of Recent Changes and have tried the new features—and if you can spare an hour to chat in English with our design researcher—please email dchen
wikimedia.org with the subject line “user interview.” Let us know how to get in touch with you and what time zone (city, country...) you’re in.
Recent changes
- It is now possible to save your favorite filters sets by using bookmarks. [7]
This feature documentation can be translated.
- It is possible to filter only the last edits done on a page on the Recent Changes page. [8]
- ORES review tool has been deployed to French Wikipedia. This wiki can use predictions filters. To have the predictions filters on your wiki, you need to work on the labeling campaign for your wiki or request it. [9]
- There were some issues with loading highlighted results when the URL was copied and pasted. This is now fixed. [10]
- A "Watchlisted pages" filter group now lets reviewers use Recent Changes, and all its tools, to patrol changes to pages they've Watchlisted. If you have any feedback about how useful this is nor isn't—especially given that we plan to add the new filtering interface to the Watchlist page — let us know.
- There were issues with the tools still in the older filtering UI — like the Namespace filter and the number of results selectors. These have been fixed. [11]
Future changes
- Integration of new features on recent changes pages is planned. They will include menus to filter users, tagged edits, categories and namespaces. See the "What's new" section above for more information.
- Now that users can save filter settings, and declare any settings they want as the Recent Changes page default, we'll be reviewing the RC page Preferences with an eye to getting rid of as many as we can. For instance, if you want to hide minor edits or Category changes by default, you can now do that right on the RC page, instead of having to go to a separate page to manage defaults.
- On many Recent Changes Pages, the community has defined a large number of links that are displayed directly under the page name (example on Polish Wikipedia). Many of these links are unrelated or only peripherally related to Recent Changes, add informational complexity of the RC page. Research shows that they are used only rarely or never. We want to clarify RecentChanges page functionality, so we plan to put the links into a collapsible panel.
Should the panel default to open or closed? That is, should the default state (which users can change with one click) show the links as hidden or displayed? Let us know what you think.
- The most used links are shortcuts to certain type of edits, (Mobile, Newcomers...). Users can already save their favorite filter settings to the Saved Settings menu, which should make some of the existing links redundant. We plan to provide default bookmarks for the most used filters combinations. [12]
Notifications [More information • Help pages]
Future changes
- Wikimedia Deutschland have scheduled the notifications of Wikibase notifications to Wikimedia projects: all the Wikivoyages on May 3; all the Wikipedias except en, fr, de on May 30; all other projects on June 13 and Wikipedias en, fr, de on September 5. [13]
- It will be possible to restrict who can send you notifications. [14]
Flow [More information • Help pages]
Recent changes
- Flow has been activated on all talk pages on Catalan Wikiquote. [15]
Future changes
- On the Beta feature page, the activation message has been review to emphase the fact that the unstructured wikitext page will be archived. [16]
Collaboration team's newsletter prepared by the Collaboration team and posted by bot • Give feedback • Subscribe or unsubscribe.
2017年6月23日 (五) 08:41 (UTC)
- 在增强监视列表或最近更改中,用户将可以选择是否查看维基数据更改。此前这对所有人禁用。 [18]
您可以参与下周编辑团队的会议。在会议中您可以告知开发人员哪些问题是最重要的。会议将于6月27日 19:00 (UTC)开始。参见如何加入。
- 您可以加入下次基金会语言团队办公时间,这是讨论维基媒体语言项目的开放会话。会议将于6月27日 13:00 (UTC)开始。 [19]
2017年6月26日 (一) 15:38 (UTC)

- 在使用了<mapframe>的维基媒体网站上,当您点击链接到另一个地图服务时出现问题。开放街图或Google地图是其他地图服务的例子。如果您在地图上标记了地点,标记不会在其他地图服务中出现在同一地点。这是地图的中心点,现已修复。 [20]
- 在内容翻译数据库中,我们将移除非常老旧、不活跃且至今尚未发布的翻译。这是因为技术维护需要。如果您在2016年1月1日以后未进行某一既有翻译,您将在7月6日后失去这些翻译内容。如果您希望保留未发布翻译,您需要在7月6日前使用内容翻译工具打开它。您可以日后继续工作。开始于2016年1月1日以后,或是同日后仍在进行的旧翻译将不受影响。
- 本周没有新的MediaWiki版本。
EventStreams是显示维基媒体wiki上活动的新方式。现在它通过最近更改订阅源工作。日后它将做更多事情。它将替换RCStream。使用RCStream的工具应在7月7日前移动到EventStreams。2017年7月的技术新闻已经提及此事。 [21]
2017年7月3日 (一) 15:31 (UTC)
- 有一些页面会提供至其他维基媒体项目上相同事物页面的链接。例如有关柏林的维基百科条目会链接到维基导游上的柏林旅行指南,或是维基词典有关柏林的词条。您现在可以看到相关页面是否有徽章。徽章表明对应页面已获得特色条目等称号。 [22]
您可以参与下周可视化编辑器团队的会议。在会议中您可以告知开发人员哪些问题是最重要的。会议将于7月11日 19:00(UTC)开始。参见如何加入。
2017年7月10日 (一) 15:07 (UTC)
- “维基媒体实验室(Wikimedia Labs)”现已改称“Cloud VPS”。“维基媒体工具实验室(Wikimedia Tool Labs)”现已改称“Wikimedia Toolforge”。这样可以帮助澄清这些服务的目的。 [24]
- 部分页面可能无法显示目录。通常目录会在您再次编辑页面时出现。目前正在研究具体原因。 [25]
您可以参与下周可视化编辑器团队的会议。在会议中您可以告知开发人员哪些问题是最重要的。会议将于7月18日 19:00(UTC)开始。参见如何加入。
您可以参与下次架构委员会的会议。本周的话题是:迁移到HTML5章节id。[26]会议将于7月19日 21:00 (UTC)开始。参见如何加入。
2017年7月17日 (一) 22:59 (UTC)
您好,您的签名超过了签名指引所规定的255字节(并非字符),请缩短您的签名,如果不晓得如何计算长度,您可以在沙盒中签名,然后在编辑历史里面查看字节变化量。 --A2093064#Talk 2017年7月24日 (一) 12:04 (UTC)
模板中的CSS今后将存储在单独页面中。这将使模板为移动设备优化更加容易。目前已在mediawiki.org和Wikitech上试验提供。日后也将为其他wiki提供。 [28][29][30]
修改类已弃用,并已移除。 [31]
- 您将可以限制在某一wiki上向您发送通知的人。该功能将于7月26日起,通过您的参数设置中通知标签访问。请参见文档。 [32]
您可以参与下周编辑团队的会议。在会议中您可以告知开发人员哪些问题是最重要的。会议将于7月25日 19:00(UTC)开始。参见如何加入。
您可以加入维基媒体基金会2017年7月度量与活跃会议。会议有关世界如何感知及了解维基百科与维基媒体运动。会议将于7月27日 19:00 (UTC)开始。参见议程及如何加入。
- 用于编辑审查的新过滤器,目前作为测试功能提供。其将于9月内正式为最近更改发布。
2017年7月24日 (一) 15:57 (UTC)
Latest news from the Wikimedia Collaboration team, about Notifications, Flow and Edit Review Improvements. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you.
What's new?
The team is currently working on three main goals, which we expect to complete this summer or in September:
- Graduate New Filters for Edit Review core features out of beta:
- The core New Filters features slated to become standard parts of Recent Changes are the ones that have been out in beta for a while and fully road-tested by the community.
- These include the new filtering interface, the machine-learning filter groups “User Intent Predictions” and “Quality Predictions,” the highlighting tools, the ability to save your filter settings for later use, and the new filter groups: “Watchlisted pages,” “Last revision” and "User registration and experience."
- There’s a list of “blocker” tasks we need to complete before these features are ready to graduate out of beta.
- We expect to release those features by default in September. A more precise message will be sent to communities. If you have questions about it, you can write a message on Mediawiki.org, in any language.
- Extend the New Filters to Watchlist: The Watchlists of very active editors can include thousands of pages. To help these busy folks keep up with their work, we’re adding the New Filters UX and tools to Watchlist. The Watchlist and Recent Changes pages are similar, but there is some work involved in adapting the tools to their new setting. That work should be ready some time in late summer or early fall. Stay tuned for an announcement!
- Continuing work on “Integrated Filters”:
- While the New Filters for Edit Review beta brought probably 70% of the old-style Recent Changes features into the new user interface, it left some behind—like the Tag and Namespace filters and the controls for the number of days searched and number of results presented. As the name is meant to suggest, “Integrated filters” integrates those old-style tools into the new UI.
- It also adds some new tools users have asked for, such as:
- “Live updates” which provides a near real-time automatic refresh of the Recent Changes page.
- Category filters, which enable users to search by category.
- User filters, which let you define searches that include or exclude edits by particular users.
- We will put the community-defined related links that cluster at the top of most Recent Changes pages into a collapsible panel, in order to clarify the Recent Changes page.
We should note that it’s not certain these last two additions will make the cut for inclusion this year. If you want a make the case for either one, we want to hear from you.
Edit Review Improvements [More information • Help pages]
Recent changes
- Some styling adjustments are ongoing on the filters for recent changes. [33]
- RecentChanges with the Beta feature were very slow to load on Wikidata. It is now fixed. [34]
- In the Beta feature, you can try the Live Updates feature. Just add
at the end of the URL in Recent Changes page. [35]
Future changes
- ORES review tool will be deployed to Romanian and Albanian Wikipedia soon. These wikis will be able to use predictions filters. To have the predictions filters on your wiki, you need to work on the labeling campaign for your wiki or request it. [36]
- Sometimes the RecentChanges page were reloading before the filters have ended to be loaded. It is going to be fixed. [37]
Notifications [More information • Help pages]
Recent changes
- It is now possible to display the number of unread notifications in the browser title bar, using a gadget. [38]
Future changes
- It will be possible to restrict who can send you notifications on a wiki. This new feature will accessible in your preferences, in the Notifications tab, on Wednesday, July 26. [39]
Collaboration team's newsletter prepared by the Collaboration team and posted by bot • Give feedback • Subscribe or unsubscribe.
2017年7月24日 (一) 16:43 (UTC)