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[编辑]2019-12-31 Los Angeles Times: This former cop-turned-protester has joined the ranks of those who accuse Hong Kong’s police of brutality and unpro…[1]
2019-12-31 Independent: Hunt for Chinese tourist who ‘vandalised’ sacred religious site in Europe to remove message of support for Hong Kong protests[2]
2019-12-31 Japan Today: Hong Kong to end 2019 with multiple protests; big march planned for Jan 1[3]
2019-12-30 WSJ: Four Non-Campaign Stories to Watch in 2020[4]
2019-12-28 The Guardian: Hong Kong police use pepper spray against people in 'shopping protest' – video[5]
2019-12-28 Hong Kong riot police arrest 15 including a 14-year-old girl in clashes with protestors who targeted mall near China border to demonstrate against Chinese tourists and shoppers[6]
2019-12-23 Foreign Policy: 2019: A Year of Global Protest[7]
2019-12-22 The Economist: 2019 in review: testing China’s bottom line[8]
[编辑]2019-12-29 香港でデモ队と私服警官が冲突、15人拘束 平穏な日々に终わり[9]
2019-12-28 黄之锋访问[10]
2019-12-27 理大抗争者的访问[11]
2019-12-27 关于香港抗争的书籍:香港危机の深层 “逃亡犯条例”改正问题と“一国二制度”のゆくえ[12]
[编辑]2019-12-29 南德意志报:艾未未访谈我希望同香港人一起,谈北京政府压迫下嘅创作自由[13]
2019-12-28 第一电视台:多个商场爆发抗议针对中资企业[14]
2019-12-28 第36届危机讨论大会(IT界):香港抗争者如何系强权镇压高度监控嘅社会组织示威[15]
[编辑]- ^ Hong Kong's police were once revered. Now they’re just a blunt tool, ex-cop says. Los Angeles Times. 2019-12-28 [2019-12-31] (美国英语).
- ^ Chinese tourist 'vandalised' sacred religious site to remove message of support for Hong Kong protests. The Independent. 2019-12-30 [2019-12-31] (英语).
- ^ Hong Kong to end 2019 with multiple protests; big march planned for Jan 1. Japan Today. [2019-12-31] (英语).
- ^ Seib, Gerald F. Four Non-Campaign Stories to Watch in 2020. WSJ. [2019-12-31] (美国英语).
- ^ Hong Kong police use pepper spray against people in 'shopping protest' – video. The Guardian. 2019-12-28.
- ^ Fahey, Ryan. Hong Kong riot police arrest 15 including a 14-year-old girl. Mail Online. 2019-12-28.
- ^ Johnson, Keith. 2019: A Year of Global Protest. Foreign Policy. 2019-12-23 (美国英语).
- ^ 2019 in review: testing China’s bottom line, 2019 in review: testing China’s bottom line. The Economist. ISSN 0013-0613.
- ^ 香港でデモ隊と私服警官が衝突、15人拘束 平穏な日々に終わり. www.afpbb.com. 2019-12-29 (日语).
- ^ 香港デモの若き革命家が宣言「中国と闘うことが僕らの役目」 | 23歳のノーベル平和賞候補・黄之鋒が7年の民主化運動を振り返る. クーリエ・ジャポン. 2019-12-28 (日语).
- ^ 「自分に何ができるか」飛び交う催涙弾と火炎瓶……香港デモ密着ルポ 若者たちの胸中. Yahoo!ニュース. [2019-12-30] (日语).
- ^ 仓田, 彻; 仓田, 明子. 香港危機の深層 「逃亡犯条例」改正問題と「一国二制度」のゆくえ. 日本: 东京外国语大学出版会. 2019. ISBN 978-4904575796.
- ^ Zeitung, Süddeutsche. Ai Weiwei - "Wenn ich könnte, würde ich morgen zurück". Süddeutsche.de. [2019-12-30] (德语).
- ^ tagesschau.de. Hongkong: Konfrontation im Einkaufszentrum. tagesschau.de. 2019-12-28 (德语).
- ^ online, heise. 36C3: Wie sich der Protest in Hong Kong organisiert. heise online. 2019-12-28 (德语).