这些标志由中华人民共和国国家标准 GB 5678-2009定义。与此同时,在香港特别行政区与澳门特别行政区的交通标志与其余地区有所差别。
[编辑]警告标志/Warning Signs
[编辑]- 警告标志/Warning signs
b)Offset road junction
Fork road on left rear
Fork road on right rear
Fork road on left front
Fork road on right front
T-junction ahead
Side road junction ahead on the left
Side road junction ahead on the right
Circle road
Curve to the left
Curve to the right
Double curve, with turn right first, then left
Double curve, with turn left first, then right
Multiple curve
Steep ascent
Steep descent
Continued descent
Road narrows on both sides
Road narrows on right
Road narrows on left
Narrow bridge
Two-way traffic ahead
Pedestrian crossing ahead
School ahead
Domestic farm animals Crossing
Wild animals outside protecting area
Wild animals inside protecting area
Traffic Lights ahead
Falling rocks or debris on left
Falling rocks or debris on right
Dangerous crosswinds
Slippery road surface
Road near mountain on left
Road near mountain on right
Riverbank on right
Riverbank on left
Cross-village road
Tunnel ahead
Hump bridge
Bumpy road
Overflow road
Railroad head (with safety barriers)
Lokomotif railroad crossing ahead (without safety barriers)
Level crossing (multiple tracks)
Wheelchair Ahead
Accident area
Turn left and/or right to detour
Turn left to detour
Turn right to detour
Be careful
Roadworks ahead
Advisory speed
Turn on lights for driving through tunnel
Lane with tidal drive
Keep a safe distance
Crossroads with a dual carriageway
T-junction with a dual carriageway
Merging traffic on left
Merging traffic on right
Escape lane
2km to escape lane
2km to escape lane
1km to escape lane
1km to escape lane
500m to escape lane
500m to escape lane
Escape lane on right
Escape lane on right
Snow ahead
Rain ahead
Fog ahead
Thunderstorm ahead
Traffic queues likely ahead
禁令标志/Prohibitory signs
[编辑]- 禁令标志/Prohibitory signs
Give way
Give way to oncoming traffic
No entry for vehicular and pedestrians
No entry for vehicular traffic
No motor vehicles
No freight vehicles
No electric tricycles
No buses
No small vehicles
No trailers
No tractors
No motorcycles
No freight vehicles and tractors
No biKe
No horse-drawn vehicles
No passenger bike
No freight bike
No platform trailers
No pedestrians
No left turn
No left turn for freight vehicles
No right turn
No right turn for small vehicles
No proceed straight
No left and right turns
No proceed straight and left turns
No proceed straight and right turns
No U-turns
No overtaking
End of overtaking prohibition
No stopping
No parking
No honking
Maximum width
Maximum height
Maximum weight
Maximum weight per axle
Maximum speed limit
End of maximum speed limit
No vehicles carrying dangerous goods
Speed limit zone
End of speed limit zone
No parking zone
End of no parking zone
No stopping zone
End of no stopping zone
指示标志/Indicative signs
[编辑]- 指示标志/Indicative signs
Proceed straight
Turn left
Turn right
Proceed straight and/or Turn left
Turn left and/or right
Keep right side
Keep left side
Proceed straight and turn left via ramp of Cloverleaf interchange
Proceed straight and turn right via ramp of interchange
One-way street to right side
One-way street
Pedestrians only
Minimum speed limit
Priority at junction
Priority over oncoming vehicles
Lane for turn right
Lane for turn left
Lane for proceed straight
Lane for proceed straight and turn right
Lane for proceed straight and turn left
Lane for U-turn
Lane for U-turn and turn left
Lane for automobile
Bicycles only
Lane for bicycles
Lane for Bus rapid transit
Parking place
Parking place on left
Parking place on right
Parking place on roadside
指路标志/Informational signs
[编辑]- 指路标志/Informational signs
After driving 500m (northbound), turn left to Nanjing road, proceed straight to G2, or turn right to Dongbei road on crossroads
After driving 500m (eastbound), turn left to Wuai street, proceed straight to Tiancun road, or turn right to Tiancun
Turn left and drive 500m to Yuanda road, proceed straight to Zhiquan road, or turn right and drive 500m to Linyuan road
Turn left and drive 500m to Erlong road, or turn right and drive 500m to Huanghe road
After driving 500m (westbound), turn left to Nanzhi road, proceed straight to Changjiang road, or turn right to Fucheng road on the Xueyuan road crossing
On northbound, turn left to Nanjing road, proceed straight to G2, or turn right to Dongbei road on crossroads
On westbound, turn left to Wuyi road direction of G108, proceed straight to Hongqi road, or turn right to Renmin road direction of G108 on crossroads
On westbound, proceed straight to Xuefu road, turn left to Gongbin road, or turn right to Huanghe road
On eastbound, turn left to Nanzhi road, proceed straight to Changjiang road, or turn right to Fucheng road on the Xueyuan road crossing
Turn left and drive 15 km to Mingshanshi, or turn right and drive 18 km to Yongtai
On eastbound, proceed straight to Chenglinzhuang road, or turn right to Chenglin avenue
On westbound of interchange, turn left via ramp to Weijin south road, or proceed straight to Hubei road
On westbound of interchange, proceed straight to Old street, or turn right via ramp to Third street
On southbound, turn left to Wenhui road, or turn right to Xuzhuang road
Turn left to Wangping, or turn right to Xinyu
On westbound of interchange, turn left via ramp to Langfang, proceed straight to Maju bridge, or turn right via ramp to Dayangfang
Turn left to Zhonghuan
Turn right to Waihuan
National Highway sign, in this case G105
Provincial Highway sign, in this case S203
County Highway sign, in this case X008
Rural Highway sign, in this case Y002
XinjiekouWaidajie Street
Xitucheng road, this segment leading south has addresses 123-192 and the segment going north has addresses 193-220
Driving 2 km to Nanzhi road, 15 km to Bayi road, or 25 km to G101
Mt Kunlun 2247m elevation
Crossing in/out of Beijing
Hospital up ahead
Low-flying aircraft
Fuel station + car wash
Parking up ahead
Emergency lay-by
Disabled parking
Rest stop + park, to the right
Rest stop + park, to the left
Pedestrians / Emergency shelter
Rest area (left)
Rest area (right)
Alternative route to street desired
Alternative route to street desired
Alternative route for height-restricted vehicles
Cul-de-sac/dead end
3-lane road merges to 2 lanes
4-lane road merges to 3 lanes
2-lane road expands to 3 lanes
Traffic cameras up ahead
Tunnel ahead + distance to tunnel
Tunnel ahead + distance to tunnel (alt.)
Exit (left)
Exit (right)
Exit to expressway (left)
Exit to expressway (right)
National expressway sign without name below, in this case G2
Provincial expressway sign without name below, in this case S9
National expressway sign with name below, in this case G2 Jinghu
Freeway name (ie: FoShan 1st Ring Road)
SuZhou City Area (5 exits)
Next exit (NanJing Road) in 4km
Next exit (Exit#3) in 4km
Next exit in 4km
Freeway exit (Exit#113)
Freeway exit (left exit) (Exit#48)
Name of freeway
G15 Freeway ends in 2km
G15 Freeway ends in 1km
G15 Freeway ends in 500m
Freeway ends in 2km
Freeway ends in 1km
Freeway ends in 500m
Freeway ends in 200m - Reduce speed
Tune to 1620kHz for traffic info
Danger of tailgating (ie: high traffic zone) - Keep your distance
Maintain a distance of 200m from the vehicle ahead
2 km to toll gate
1 km to toll gate
500 m to toll gate
Toll gate
2 km to toll gate that supports ETC
1 km to toll gate that supports ETC
500 m to toll gate that supports ETC
Toll gate that supports ETC
Full Service area (TianMuHu is the name of the service area) in 2km
TianMuHu Service area exit
Dedicated climbing lane for large trucks
Dedicated climbing lane (right lane) for large trucks
Exit to Southbound
Exit to Northbound
Exit to Southbound
Exit to Northbound
旅游区标志/Tourist signs
[编辑]- 旅游区标志/Tourist signs
Cable car
Fireplace or campsite
[编辑]- 作业区标志/X
[编辑]- 告示标志/Y
[编辑]Additional signs
[编辑]- Additional signs
Event time
Except for bus
Trucks and tractors
Private property
One way (straight)
Two way
One way (right)
One way (left)
Turn right
Turn left
___ metres ahead (straight)
___ metres ahead (left)
___ metres ahead (both ways)
___ metres ahead (right)
Collapsing area
Training route
Assessment route
Vehicle-mounted signs
[编辑]- Vehicle-mounted signs
No drink driving
No littering
Sharp bend, slow down
Sharp bend, slow down
Sharp bend and dip, slow down
Sharp bend and dip, slow down
Fasten your seatbelt
Heavy vehicles keep right
No hand-held phone while driving
School bus stop
过时标志/Retired signs
Old triangular version of stop sign
[编辑]目的是为了完善 https://github.com/LaoshuBaby/traffic-sign-index
因此找到了 https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key:traffic_sign#Human-readable_values
其中,HK的已经有zhwiki上的译文了 https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E9%A6%99%E6%B8%AF%E4%BA%A4%E9%80%9A%E6%A8%99%E8%AA%8C
需要翻译 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/en:Road_signs_in_China 到中文