模板:Syrian, Iraqi, and Lebanese insurgencies detailed map

Northern Beka'a Valley



Gas plant


Bakhdida (Qaraqosh)

Bai Hassan oil field

Kirkuk oil field

Gypsum Plant


Hold cursor over location to display name; click to go to location row in the "table of cities and towns" (if available).
Control :
Government ;
main rebels ;
Kurds ;
Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) ;
Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) ;
Major port or naval base ;
Border Post ;
Dam ;
Oil/gas ;
Industrial complex
2 nested circles: inner controls, outer sieges (or indicates strong enemy pressure) // 3 nested circles: mixed control with stable situation
Small icons within large circle: situation in individual neighbourhoods/districts
Control :

Stable mixed control (same colors) :
Government & rebels stable mixed control (truce) :
Rural presence :
Contested : Gov't/Main rebels ;
Gov't/Kurds ;
Gov't/HTS ;
Gov't/ISIL ;
Gov't/Hezbollah ;
Main rebels/Kurds ;
Main rebels/HTS ;
Main rebels/ISIL ;
Other Leb. opps/Hezbollah ;
Kurds/HTS ;
Kurds/ISIL ;
Hezbollah/ISIL ;
Hezbollah/HTS ;
3-way ;
Besieged one side :
Besieged :
Military base :
Airport/Air base (plane) :
Heliport/Helicopter base :

2 nested circles: inner controls, outer sieges (or indicates strong enemy pressure) // 3 nested circles: mixed control with stable situation
Small icons within large circle: situation in individual neighbourhoods/districts