模板:Infobox hospital
![]() | 本模板含有复杂而精密的扩展语法。 编辑本模板前,建议您先熟悉解析器函数与本模板的设计思路、运作原理等。若您的编辑引发了意外的问题,请尽快撤销编辑,因为本模板可能被大量页面使用。 您所作的编辑可先在模板沙盒或您的个人页面中进行测试。 |
{{{name}}} | |
{{{name_en}}} | |
[[File:{{{logo}}}|{{{logo_size}}}|alt={{{logo_alt}}}|{{{logo_alt}}}]] {{{logo_caption}}} | |
[[File:{{{image}}}|{{{image_size}}}|alt={{{alt}}}|{{{alt}}}]] {{{caption}}} {{{map_type}}} | |
基本信息 | |
地址 | {{{country}}}{{{state}}}{{{region}}}{{{location}}} |
坐标 | 0°N 0°E / 0°N 0°E |
组织结构 | |
医保系统 | {{{healthcare}}} |
经营性质 | {{{funding}}} |
医院类型 | {{{type}}} |
医院等级 | {{{classification}}} |
宗教背景 | {{{religious_affiliation}}} |
主管机构 | {{{org/group}}} |
所属机构 | {{{affiliation}}} |
{{{key_people_title}}} | {{{key_people}}} |
院长 | {{{dean}}} |
赞助者 | {{{patron}}} |
医院网络 | {{{network}}} |
医疗服务 | |
医疗标准 | {{{standards}}} |
急诊室 | {{{emergency}}} |
专科 | {{{speciality}}} |
直升机坪 | {{{helipad}}} |
床位数 | {{{beds}}} |
公共交通 | {{{publictransit}}} |
历史 | |
曾用名 | {{{former-names}}} |
修建时间 | {{{constructed}}} |
创建时间 | {{{opened}}} |
关闭时间 | {{{closed}}} |
拆除时间 | {{{demolished}}} |
联系方式 | |
网站 | {{{website}}} |
其他链接 | {{{other_links}}} |
地图 | |
![]() |
{{Infobox hospital
| name = {{subst:PAGENAMEBASE}}
| name_en =
| logo =
| logo_size =
| logo_alt =
| logo_caption =
| image =
| image_size = 225
| alt =
| caption =
| coordinates = <!-- {{coord|LAT|LON|type:landmark|display=inline,title}} -->
| org/group =
| location =
| region =
| state =
| country =
| healthcare = <!-- UK: NHS; AU/CA: Medicare; ELSE free-form text, e.g. Private -->
| funding =
| type =
| classification =
| religious_affiliation =
| affiliation =
| key_people_title =
| key_people =
| dean =
| patron =
| network =
| standards =
| emergency =
| beds =
| speciality =
| helipad =
| h1-number =
| h1-length-f =
| h1-length-m =
| h1-surface = <!-- up to h12 -->
| publictransit =
| former-names =
| constructed =
| opened = <!-- cite in article as well -->
| closed =
| demolished =
| website = <!-- {{URL|www.example.com}} -->
| other_links =
| module =
{{Infobox hospital
<!-- 所有参数和注释都应保留原样以供以后的编辑使用-->
<!-- 所有参数都是可选的,但是请复制整个模板 -->
<!-- 完整文档:http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/Template:Infobox_hospital -->
| name = Infobox hospital/doc
| org/group = <!-- 拥有/管理医院的组织 -->
| logo = <!-- 请遵守版权-->
| logo_size = <!-- 标志大小或宽度(以像素为单位) -->
| logo_alt = <!-- 标志的替代文本,参见 [[WP:ALT]] -->
| image = <!-- 最好是主楼或入口的照片-->
| image_size = <!-- 220是默认图像大小或宽度(以像素为单位)。除非需要特殊尺寸,否则每个[[MOS:ACCESSIBILITY]] 留空。 -->
| alt = <!-- 图像的替代文本,参见[[WP:ALT]] -->
| caption = <!-- 图片下方显示的文字 -->
| map_type = <!-- 使用[[Template:Location map]]格式;定义{{{1}}}参数的值;必须有纬度和经度 -->
| relief = <!-- 任何非空白值(是、1等)都将导致模板显示浮动图像(如果可用) -->
| map_size = <!-- 以像素为单位的地图大小或宽度(不包括“px”);默认为 225 -->
| map_alt = <!-- alternative text for map image, see WP:ALT for details -->
| map_caption = <!-- a small caption under the map such as "Shown in region, country" -->
| location = <!-- optional – displayed before region, state, country -->
| region = <!-- e.g. City or County -->
| state = <!-- optional – UK: England, Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland; US: the US state name; CA: province name -->
| country = <!-- 两位大写字母的国家地区代码,例如UK代表英国,US代表美国,CN代表中国,HK代表香港 -->
| coordinates = <!-- Use {{coord}} template with 'display=inline,title' -->
| healthcare = <!-- 医疗保健系统 UK: NHS; AU/CA: Medicare; ELSE free-form text, e.g. Private -->
| funding = <!-- use: Non-profit, For-profit, Government, Public – will generate links -->
| type = <!-- use: Community, District, General, District general, Teaching, Specialist -->
| classification = <!-- CN: 3A 代表三级甲等 -->
| religious_affiliation = <!-- religion the hospital is associated with -->
| affiliation = <!-- medical school / university affiliations (medical or paramedical) -->
| patron = <!-- the individual who acts as the hospital patron -->
| network = <!-- hospital network, non-owner -->
| standards = <!-- optional if no national standards -->
| emergency = <!-- UK/IR/HK/SG: Yes/No, in CA/IL/US: I/II/III/IV/V for Trauma certification level -->
| beds = <!-- cite in article as well -->
| speciality = <!-- if devoted to a speciality (i.e. not a broad spectrum); ONLY displayed if type=Specialist or type=Teaching -->
| helipad = <!-- [[Template:Airport codes]] with p=n; leave blank if unknown or not verifiable -->
| h1-number = <!-- The designation of the helipad (up to h12) -->
| h1-length-f = <!-- Helipad length in feet -->
| h1-length-m = <!-- Helipad length in metres -->
| h1-surface = <!-- Helipad surface type, such as: Concrete, Asphalt, etc -->
| publictransit = <!-- Public transit agency and route with nearby stops -->
| former-names = <!-- Former name(s) of used by the hospital if different from its current name -->
| constructed = <!-- date construction started; cite in article as well -->
| opened = <!-- 在文章中也引用-->
| closed = <!-- 如果已停业,请同时添加到类别:停业医院 -->
| demolished = <!-- 如果拆除时间与关闭时间不同 -->
| website = <!-- 使用 {{URL|www.example.com}} -->
| other_links = <!-- 相关文章的链接 -->
| module = <!-- 或 'embedded' 或 'nrhp' -->
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
{{Hospital Clinic Information
| name = 亞東紀念醫院
| else_name = Far Eastern Memorial Hospital
| logo =
| full_name = 財團法人徐元智先生醫藥基金會附設亞東紀念醫院
| abbreviated_name = 亞東醫院、板橋亞東醫院、FEMH
| open_date = 1981年
| closing_date =
| area =
| location = {{flagicon|TWN}}[[新北市]][[板橋區 (新北市)|板橋區]]南雅南路二段21號
| zip_code =
| Division_of_medical_liability = 醫學中心
| discriminate_code = 1131010011
| sickbed = 1096位(2009年)
| special_medical = 心臟血管醫學<br>[[器官移植|器官移植醫學]]<br>[[微創手術]]<br>腎臟醫學
| key_people = [[徐旭東]](董事長)<br>[[朱樹勳]](院長)
| manager = 財團法人徐元智先生醫藥基金會
| num_employees =
| homepage = http://www.femh.org.tw
| footnotes =
| image =
| width =