ASF与WMA的关系好像搞反了。应该是ASF是主,WMA是子吧。这个问题我查证一下再修改。--那个谁 跟路人甲谈下心 18:39 2005年10月31日 (UTC)
- According to en:WMA and Windows Media Format SDK, a WMA file is almost always encapsulated in an Advanced Systems Format (ASF) file. The resulting file may have the filename suffix "wma" or "asf" with the "wma" suffix being used only if the file is strictly audio. --Skyfiler 01:03 2005年11月1日 (UTC)
- A WMV file is always encapsulated in an Advanced Systems Format (ASF) file. The resulting file may have the filename suffix "wmv" or "asf" with the "wmv" suffix being used only if the file is strictly audio and video. ASF, on the other hand, can have HTML, jpg and script streams.