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我来解释一下《Mob rule on China's Internet: The keyboard as weapon》(纽约时报版权文章)与“清华朱令铊中毒案”的关系。
Mob rule on China’s Internet: The keyboard as weapon June 01, 2006 Copyright The New York Times
By Howard W. French The New York Times THURSDAY, JUNE 1, 2006
SHANGHAI It began with an impassioned, 5,000-word letter on one of China’s most popular Internet bulletin boards, from a husband denouncing a student he suspected of carrying on an affair with his wife.
Immediately, hundreds joined in the attack. “Let’s use our keyboard and mouse in our hands as weapons,” as one person wrote, “to chop out the heads of these adulterers, to pay for the sacrifice of the husband.” Within days, the hundreds had grown to thousands, and then tens of thousands, with total strangers forming teams to hunt down the student’s identity and address, hounding him out of his university and causing his family to barricade themselves inside their home.
[[It was the latest example of a growing phenomenon the Chinese call Internet hunting, in which morality lessons are administered by online throngs and where anonymous Web users come together to investigate others and mete out punishment for offenses real and imagined.]]
In recent cases, people have scrutinized husbands suspected of cheating on their wives, fraud on Internet auction sites, the secret lives of celebrities and unsolved crimes. One case that drew a huge following involved the poisoning of a Tsinghua University student - an event that dates to 1994, but was revived by curious strangers after word spread on the Internet that the only suspect in the case had been questioned and released.
Even a recent scandal involving a top Chinese computer scientist dismissed for copying an American processor design came to light in part because of Internet hunting, with scores of online commentators raising questions about the project and putting pressure on the scientist’s sponsors to look into allegations about intellectual property theft.
While Internet wars can crop up anywhere, these cases have set off alarms in China, where this sort of crowd behavior has led to violence in the past. Many here draw disturbing parallels to the Cultural Revolution, whose 40th anniversary was in May. During that episode of Chinese history, mobs of students taunted and beat their professors and mass denunciations and show trials became common for a decade.
This person swiftly changes his/her ID, but
This person swiftly changes his/her ID, but still say things as if he/she has a single brain. No matter what he/she does with his/her keyboard, it looks like to me that the keyboard is his/her weapon. Unfortunately, no matter what this weapon fires, he/she still cannot say any reason why this New York Times article should be included in wiki item "朱令"'s external reference link list, except some red inks. This New York Times article never mentioned "朱令" at all. With this "DoctorHu" or Mr. "Panda"'s poor judgement, we should include thousands of articles into wiki item "朱令"'s external reference link list. Therefore, I strongly suggest that this person list this New York Times article as an external reference link of the wiki item "weapon" and wiki item "keyboard", because of his obsession with weapon and keyboard, but nothing about "朱令".
To Theodoranian|虎儿
I'm not very familiar with the wikipedia system. In the "编辑本页" tab function, it's very easy to erase other people's message by typing Ctrl-C and Ctrl-p, so right now I only use the "+" tab function. Hope this would no longer cause trouble to other people. Thank you.
"User遵纪守法"有前科,所谓New York's Times刊登"Mob rules Internet in China"的假新闻就是他一而再,再而三地硬性往"朱令"条目的外部连接里面塞,结果New York's Times里的文章根本不是这个title, 里面也并无提到"朱令"这个名字, 这位"遵纪守法"玩弄读者,事后也并无道歉.
1. (朱令)"被人投放了高毒性铊盐"不可删除. 据北京市职业病卫生防治所官方化验,朱令铊中毒的剂量超过致死量,为正常量的千倍以上,北京市公安局已官方排除朱令自杀和朱令自己(不经他人投铊而)接触铊的可能性,"遵纪守法"先生需要解释铊盐为什么能够不经投毒而接触了朱令,如何能和北京市公安局的"排除朱令及其家人接触铊盐"的说法不矛盾? 我们知道的某些挺孙家的说法,说汽车零件里有铊,可以接触汽车甚至吃汽车导致铊中毒; 说老鼠药里有铊,朱家人可能误服鼠药. 但是,朱家断然否认这些说法. "遵纪守法"先生不能以这些莫须有的东西作为论据. "遵纪守法"先生列出的几个"铊中毒"的论据,和投铊导致铊中毒并无矛盾.
2. 可以验证的最新进展,纳入条目,可以.
3. “最大嫌疑人”增加"朱令父母认为的", 非常不妥. 北京市公安局经过将近两年的盘查后,孙维是被圈定的唯一嫌疑人.更重要的是,孙维自己承认曾在有"犯罪嫌疑人"字样的单据下签下自己的大名(见孙大武承认为真的"孙维声明"),再也没有第二个人能被称为此案的嫌疑人.既然是唯一,那就是最大,因为没有任何东西能与之相比.
5."之后嫌疑人11年来首次发表声明为自己辩解" 之中的"嫌疑人"改为 "一位已经被北京警方解除嫌疑的朱令同学", 这个非常不妥.
"一位家族里有1993年--2003年中国国家副总理待遇以上的长辈的人, 同时又是一位95年朱令刚被确诊为铊中毒同住的宿舍就发生一宗奇怪致使朱令日常用品丢失的盗窃案的同宿舍的女同学,一位95年被列为嫌疑, 97年"坦白从宽抗拒从严"老刑法废除"疑罪从无"新刑法实施后才开始被审问, 98年由于95年的物证均无法复原才因为新刑法"疑罪从无"被解除嫌疑的人, 这个人11年来首次发表声明'澄清网络传言, 不知道她97年在北京市公安局14处在有"犯罪嫌疑人"字样的单据下签下自己的大名以后这么多年都干什么去了?!".----[User: 孙越琦托孤]