
无线电通话呼号PAN-PAN是国际标准紧急信号,适用于乘坐船只(包括艇和轮船等)、航空器或其它交通工具时,在通讯中表明遭遇紧急情况[1][2][3],但是程度在通讯时尚未严重到会对载具本身或任何人的生命即时造成危险[4]。该信号表明一种“准紧急事态”,它与“Mayday”(遇难信号)的不同在于,后者表明的情况更加急迫,在发出信号时就已可致载具损害或使人死亡[5] 。发出“pan-pan”呼号,意味着通知其它潜在援助者(可能是专门的紧急援助机构或者在附近的其它有人载具)存在紧急情况,而发出“Mayday”则是在呼救所有可以救援的单位立刻停止一切工作,以最快速度前去施救。
[编辑]在通讯中正确的使用pan-pan,发出信号者首先要重复三次“Pan-pan”,接着表明通讯的对象,或者以“all stations”来呼叫接收到信号的所有单位,同样重复三次。之后再表明自己的身份、位置和目前情况,以及若需要援助,还应提供所需援助的形式[1][7][8] 。
[编辑]与源自法语m'aidez或m'aider(venez m'aider)的“Mayday”一样,pan-pan亦派生自法语单词中的panne [pan],意为“故障”。 作为英语单词,pan-pan中pan的发音则为/pɑːn/或/pæn/[9][10][11]。
英语中,根据PAN衍生出的三词逆向首字母缩略词,PAN可以解释为possible assistance needed(需要潜在援助)或pay attention now(现在请注意)。在海事或航空无线电通讯教程中,这种逆向缩略经常被用来作为教导学员区分“Mayday”与“pan-pan”之间区别的记忆术[12][13][14]。
[编辑]- ^ 1.0 1.1 Safety and Distress Radiotelephone Procedures. Transport Canada. 28 June 2013 [2021-01-14]. (原始内容存档于2013-08-05).
- ^ District Eleven Response (dr). Search and Rescue: Calling the Coast Guard. United States Coast Guard. [2021-01-14]. (原始内容存档于2016-12-18).
- ^ 1st Coast Guard District. Special Notice To Mariners (PDF). United States Coast Guard. 6 September 2001 [2021-01-14]. (原始内容存档 (PDF)于2012-10-15).
- ^ RIC-22 — General Radiotelephone Operating Procedures. [2021-01-14]. (原始内容存档于2011-08-11).
- ^ RIC-22 — General Radiotelephone Operating Procedures. [2021-01-14]. (原始内容存档于2011-08-11).
- ^ International Radiotelegraph Convention of Washington, 1927 (PDF). 87–88. [2021-01-14]. (原始内容存档 (PDF)于2021-01-15).
- ^ Transport Canada: "pan pan (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆)"
- ^ Air Traffic Organization Policy, Order JO7110.65W (PDF). U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Aviation Administration. [2021-01-16]. (原始内容存档 (PDF)于2019-06-07).
- ^ Sara Hopkinson. VHF Afloat. Fernhurst Books Limited. 14 November 2008: 53– [2021-05-19]. ISBN 978-1-912177-41-7. (原始内容存档于2021-05-09).
The origin of pan pan is from the French "en panne" meaning broken down.
- ^ Popular Electronics. Ziff-Davis Publishing Company. 1974 [2021-05-19]. (原始内容存档于2021-05-03).
According to regulations, don't have an emergency unless you know the exact meaning of these three terms: Mayday, Pan and Security. They're of French origin and describe the exact degree of distress.
- ^ Angus Stevenson; Maurice Waite. Concise Oxford English Dictionary: Luxury Edition. OUP Oxford. 18 August 2011: 1035– [2021-05-19]. ISBN 978-0-19-960111-0. (原始内容存档于2021-05-03).
An international radio distress signal, of less urgency than a Mayday signal. Origin 1920s: pan from Fr. panne 'breakdown'.
- ^ Aviation Radio (AVI30316). Part 1 – Aircraft Radio Operation. Australian Unmanned Systems Academy (AUSA). [3 May 2021]. (原始内容存档于2021-05-05).
PAN – As a Three-Letter Acronym (TLA): “Possible assistance needed” “Pay attention now”. The TLA is derived from “pan” and is used in maritime and aeronautical radio communications courses as a mnemonic to radio and communications operators. Note: it is very important remember the difference between mayday and pan-pan emergency communications.
- ^ Capt. David Moriarty. Practical Human Factors for Pilots. Elsevier Science. 30 December 2014: 168– [2021-05-19]. ISBN 978-0-12-800786-0. (原始内容存档于2021-05-03).
- ^ Mike Westin; Olle Landsell; Nina Olofsson. Seamanship 2.0: Everything you need to know to get yourself out of trouble at sea. Bloomsbury Publishing. 11 March 2021: 122– [2021-05-19]. ISBN 978-1-4729-7704-5. (原始内容存档于2021-05-03).