


local Item = require('Module:CGroup/core').Item;

return {

name = "Steam",
description = "Steam相关词语",
content = {
------------------------- 請在此分隔線下方定義轉換規則 -------------------------
{ type = "text", text = "== 事物 ==" },
Item("witchlist", "zh-hans:愿望单; zh-hant:願望清單;"),

{ type = "text", text = "== 评价 ==" },
Item("Overwhelmingly Negative", "zh-hans:差评如潮; zh-hant:壓倒性負評;"),
Item("Very Negative", "zh-hans:特别差评; zh-hant:極度負評;"),
Item("Mostly Negative", "zh-hans:多半差评; zh-hant:大多負評;"),
Item("Mostly Positive", "zh-hans:多半好评; zh-hant:大多好評;"),
Item("Very Positive", "zh-hans:特别好评; zh-hant:極度好評;"),
Item("Overwhelmingly Positive", "zh-hans:好评如潮; zh-hant:壓倒性好評;"),

{ type = "text", text = "== Steam大奖 ==" },
Item("Game of the Year Award", "zh-hans:年度最佳游戏; zh-hant:年度遊戲;"),
Item("VR Game of the Year Award", "zh-hans:年度最佳 VR 游戏; zh-hant:年度 VR 遊戲;"),
Item("VR Game of the Year Award", "zh-hans:年度最佳VR游戏; zh-hant:年度VR遊戲;"),
Item("Labor of Love Award", "zh-hans:爱的付出; zh-hant:甜蜜的負擔;"),
Item("Most Innovative Gameplay Award", "zh-hans:最具创意游戏玩法; zh-hant:玩法創新無上限;"),
Item("Best Game You Suck At Award", "zh-hans:纵使手残仍大爱; zh-hant:難到抓狂的極品;"),
Item("Best Soundtrack Award", "zh-hans:最佳原声音轨; zh-hant:最佳原聲帶;"),
Item("Best Game on the Go", "zh-hans:最佳随身游戏; zh-hant:出外必備良伴;"),
Item("Villain Most In Need Of A Hug", "zh-hans:最需要抱抱的反派; zh-hant:最需要抱抱的壞人;"),
Item("I Thought This Game Was Cool Before It Won An Award", "zh-hans:在这游戏火之前我就慧眼识游戏; zh-hant:早在它爆紅之前我就知道這款遊戲讚透了;"),
Item("I’m Not Crying, There’s Something In My Eye", "zh-hans:没哭,只是眼睛里进了点沙子!; zh-hant:沒哭,這裡面有洋蔥;"),
Item("Best Use Of A Farm Animal", "zh-hans:家畜的最佳用途; zh-hant:最佳農場動物活用;"),
Item("Choices Matter", "zh-hans:我的选择我做主; zh-hant:自己的路自己走;"),
Item("The World Is Grim Enough Let’s Just All Get Along", "zh-hans:世界已冷酷至极,让我们携手前行; zh-hant:世界已經夠殘酷了,大家和平相處吧;"),
Item("Cry Havoc And Let Slip The Dogs Of War", "zh-hans:发出屠杀号令,让战争猛犬四出蹂躏; zh-hant:一聲殺戮令下,戰犬脫韁而出;"),
Item("Soul Of Vitruvius", "zh-hans:维特鲁威的灵魂; zh-hant:維特魯威之魂;"),
Item("Whoooaaaaaaa, Dude! 2.0", "zh-hans:厉害了,我的哥!2.0 版; zh-hant:這也太扯了啦!2.0;"),
Item("Best Soundtrack", "zh-hans:最佳原声音轨; zh-hant:最佳音軌;"),
Item("Most Fun with a Machine", "zh-hans:最佳机械游戏; zh-hant:與機器一同遊戲最樂;"),

------------------------- 請在此分隔線上方定義轉換規則 -------------------------

} }