命名缘由 | LGB[*] |
成立时间 | 2019年9月 |
创始人 | 贝夫·杰克森 凯特·哈里斯 安·辛诺特 艾莉森·贝利 麦尔坎·克拉克 |
创始地 | ![]() |
类型 | 非营利组织、LGB团体 |
总部 | 伦敦 |
网站 | https://lgballiance.org.uk/ |
LGB 联盟(LGB Alliance)是一个成立于 2019 年的英国性别团体。
LGB 联盟主张:“女同志、双性恋和男同志有权将自己定义为被同性吸引”,并指出这种权利受到“试图混淆生理性别(sex)和社会性别(gender)的人之威胁 ”[5]。
工党推动跨性别权益之小组LCTR 包含该党副党魁安吉拉·雷纳等国会议员曾签署一项声明[6]、以及元哲学杂志[7] [8]与《性别研究杂志》[9] 中的文章皆曾将LGB 联盟描述为一排跨、恐跨团体。
Hope not Hate [10]和Trades Union Congress [11]两个社会团体亦曾形容LGB 联盟为一反跨组织。工党议员和一些 LGBT 组织也将其描述为仇恨团体。[12][13]
该组织于2021年4月被慈善机构委员会 认证为慈善团体[14],这在英国的 LGBT 组织中引发争议[15]。
[编辑]2019年9月,22人签署了一封致星期日泰晤士报的公开信,指责石墙组织“破坏了女性基于生理性别的权利”。他们表示,12 个月前曾要求石墙组织致力与质疑其跨性别政策的人“营造尊重辩论的气氛”,但石墙拒绝了任何此类对话。他们进一步声明:“若石墙仍然拘泥己见,那么肯定会有一个新组织出现,该组织将致力于言论自由和阐述事实且绝非空想。”[16]
发表声明的一个月后,LGB联盟正式宣布成立。创始人为贝夫·杰克森、凯特·哈里斯、艾莉森·贝利、麦尔坎·克拉克与安·辛诺特[17]。并且获得了石墙创始人之一西蒙·范莎 的支持[18]。
2021年6月,LGB联盟宣布任命五名新董事:Shed Productions创始人之一艾琳·加拉格尔、顾问康拉德·罗巴、哲学教授凯斯琳·史托克、人权法教授 罗伯特·温特穆特以及工党上议院议员诺伍德格林男爵安东尼·杨[22]。 安·辛诺特也于此时辞去了联盟董事一职。[23]
2021年10月,LGB联盟参与了保守党会议。[24]同月月底,联盟举行了一场会议,邀请了国会议员乔安娜·切丽、杰姬·道尔-普莱斯、罗茜·达菲尔德,以及编剧格雷厄姆·莱恩汉。[25] 反对LGB联盟的抗议活动在会议场地外举行,其中包括伦敦国王学院 LGBT+ 协会。[26][27]
2021年11月,国会议员约翰·尼科尔森表示下议院议长已将LGB联盟的“谩骂及羞辱行为”呈报给下议院议会安全部,作为大卫·埃默斯遇刺事件后待审查的案件。LGB联盟此前曾举办过一场募款活动,承诺“以他(尼科尔森)的名义赞助我们,我们将在推特上发布你的留言”,随后在推特上出现了攻击尼科尔森的言论,如“厌女”、“恐同”、“支持强奸的政治家”等。对此,凯特·哈里斯表示:“尼科尔森先生对 LGB 联盟造成的困扰是众所周知的。甚至最近在BBC的Podcast中,他被指控在议会里向通讯管理局抹黑我们。然而,尼科尔森先生透过不断抹黑来掩盖民意代表的安全问题,这令人震惊。因此,我们很高兴有机会提供关于他一切行为之证据。”[28]
LGB联盟批评其他LGBT+团体将LGBT回转治疗定为非法的行为,称该运动“被用作政治掩护,以推动性别肯认治疗。[34]”因为他们认为,针对跨性别的性别肯认治疗“本身就是一种回转治疗”,并游说国会议员“停止让同性恋变成跨性别。”[注 1][35]
在2020年12月《每日电讯报》的一篇文章中,卡蜜拉·托米尼 引用杰客森的话说:“女同志没有阴茎。女同志是被另一个生理女性所吸引的生理女性。这很明显。或者至少直到几年前才很明显。[注 2][36]
[编辑]2020 年 3 月,LGB 联盟向英国慈善机构委员会申请成为一慈善团体。贝夫·杰克森在一次演讲中表示:“我们正在申请成为一慈善团体,并挑战那些提倡错误的性别认同理论的人的地位。”[43]
2021年6月,由跨性别青年慈善组织美人鱼基构带头的多个团体对授予慈善地位的决定提出上诉,理由是LGB 联盟没有“达到成为慈善机构的门槛”[44]。8月,慈善委员会宣布将与 LGB 联盟进行沟通,此前该联盟发布了一条推文,称“LGBTQ+的‘+’替兽交等性变态开了绿灯,让他们都成为‘快乐彩虹大家族’(big happy rainbow family)其中的一分子 ” 随后此文因违反社交媒体平台规则而被 Twitter 删除。[45][46]
美人鱼经过书面申辩后,原定于2022年5月在初级审裁处举行听证会。但因双方认为此时举办听证会过于仓促,因此决定将听证会重新安排至同年9月11日[47] 。美人鱼的法律和政策主管路易·阿斯奎斯说:“LGB 联盟宣称他们是一个支持同志和双性恋的组织,但事实并非如此。许多跨性别者是也是LGB的一分子,但LGB 联盟反对推进跨性别者的权利。”[48][注 3]
9月12日,仲裁庭的第二天,由LGBT Consortium的CEO保罗·罗伯兹出庭作证。罗伯茨声称LGB联盟欺骗了慈善委员会,在反跨性别的同时“小心地散播其信念,使其看起来无害且支持LGB族群。” 代表LGB联盟的阿库·雷道夫否认他的说词并称LGB联盟致力于保护LGB族群。他还指出伊朗的同志在死刑的威胁下被迫变性的报导,质疑罗伯兹:“你不明白同志变性是LGB联盟关注的主要领域吗?”[50]
美人鱼机构的受托人主席贝琳达·贝尔对LGB联盟以儿童为目标提出了担忧,她说:“据我所知,LGB联盟似乎接受成年跨性别者的存在,应该允许他们接触性别肯认的医疗保健。但是他们似乎认为跨性别儿童不存在,或者他们在成年之前无法知道自己是跨性别者。”她还提到了LGB联盟针对石墙组织和美人鱼机构的问题,并表示他们在社群媒体上一再声明美人鱼机构试图不恰当地推动 LGB 儿童自我认同成为跨性别。[51][52]
[编辑]2020年9月,LBG teymið于冰岛成立,该国另一性别团体Samtökin '78之负责人Þorbjörg Þorvaldsdóttir对此表示抗议。[54]
[编辑]2020年10月,“LGB Alliance Ireland”在Twitter上成立[55]。 一些爱尔兰LGBT活动人士宣称该组织总部设在英国,且主要由英国支持者组成。[56]该组织对此提出异议,表示他们所有成员都住在爱尔兰,且于四个省内皆有代表。[57]
[编辑]- ^ 跨性别为一伞式术语:除了包括性别不安者,还可能包括不完全归属于传统上的男性气质或女性气质的人。跨性别的定义有时可广泛至包含变装者(伪娘、变装皇后等)
- ^ 英国法律规定,只要透过“宣称自己是某一性别”的方式,即可获得那人所宣称的性别身份文件,且在法律上享有该性别的权利与待遇。所以一名生理男性在法律上的性别可能为女性。故“有阴茎的女性”在英国是合理且合法的。
- ^ LGB 联盟主张:“女同志、双性恋和男同志有权将自己定义为被同性(sex)吸引”;但跨性别团体则认为“有阴茎/阴道的人也可以是女/男人”,故双方的理念相悖。
[编辑]- ^ Stonewall’s reign of intolerance. Spiked. 2021-05-24 [2022-08-21]. (原始内容存档于2022-11-14) (英语).
- ^ Tominey, Camilla. Lesbians facing 'extinction' as transgenderism becomes pervasive, campaigners warn. The Telegraph (London). 25 December 2020 [4 January 2021]. (原始内容存档于2022-10-11).
- ^ Hunte, Ben. Trans teen in legal action over gender clinic wait. BBC. 2020-11-23 [2022-08-19]. (原始内容存档于2022-09-30).
- ^ Resources. [2022-09-03]. (原始内容存档于2022-10-27).
- ^ Hurst, Greg. Transgender dispute splits Stonewall. The Times (London). 24 October 2019 [13 February 2021]. (原始内容存档于2021-02-12).
- ^ 'LGB Alliance' group faces criticism for being transphobic. The Independent (London). 24 October 2019 [27 January 2021]. (原始内容存档于2022-12-17).
A new lesbian, gay and bisexual alliance group has been heavily criticised for excluding the transgender community, prompting people to label it transphobic.
- ^ Monque, Pedro. On Decolonizing Social Ontology and the Feminist Canon for Transnational Feminisms: Comments on Serene J. Khader's Decolonizing Universalism. Metaphilosophy. 2021-02-03: meta.12468. S2CID 234040622. doi:10.1111/meta.12468.
some trans‐exclusionary LGB movements have begun to form around TERF ideology (for example, the LGB Alliance in the United Kingdom and the Red LGB movement in Spain). 一些反跨的 LGB 运动已经开始围绕 TERF 意识形态形成(如英国的 LGB 联盟和西班牙的红色 LGB 运动)。
- ^ Labour leadership contenders split over trans group pledge card. Guardian. 2020-02-13 [2022-08-19]. (原始内容存档于2022-09-23) (英语).
- ^ Guyan, Kevin. Constructing a queer population? Asking about sexual orientation in Scotland's 2022 census(建立一個酷兒群體?在蘇格蘭 2022 年人口普查中詢問性取向). Journal of Gender Studies. 2021-01-04: 1–11. doi:10.1080/09589236.2020.1866513.
LGB Alliance (2019) (a UK trans-exclusionary LGB organization) argued the NRS proposal 'would suggest that other sexual orientations exist beyond attraction to the opposite sex, same sex or both sexes' and requested that the census not include the term 'Other sexual orientation' as a response option. LGB 联盟(2019 年)(一个排跨的英国 LGB 组织)认为 NRS 提案“将表明除了对异性、同性或两性的吸引力之外,还存在其他性取向”并要求人口普查不得包括“其他性取向”一词作为回应选项
- ^ Transphobia and The Far Right. Hope not Hate. 2022-03-16 [2022-08-22]. (原始内容存档于2022-11-16).
LGB Alliance is an anti-trans campaign group...
- ^ Motion 30 Gender Recognition Act reform, trans people’s rights and solidarity across the trade union movement. Trade Unions Congress. 2020 [2022-08-19]. (原始内容存档于2022-12-23).
- ^ Lewis, Isobel. Matt Lucas calls LGB Alliance 'anti-trans': 'It doesn't represent me or any gay people I care to know'. The Independent. 2021-09-30 [2022-08-19]. (原始内容存档于2022-11-03).
- ^ Maidment, Adam. Man 'evicted' from Manchester Pride protest after crowds turn on him over 'hateful' shirt. Manchester Evening News. 2021-08-30 [2022-08-19]. (原始内容存档于2022-06-28).
- ^ Charity Commission confirms registration of LGB Alliance. The Charity Commission. 2021-04-20 [2022-08-19]. (原始内容存档于2023-01-03) (英语).
- ^ London Community Foundation ‘suspends’ grant to LGB Alliance. Civilsociety. 2022-04-12 [2022-08-21]. (原始内容存档于2022-10-06).
- ^ Hellen, Nicholas. 'Anti-women' trans policy may split Stonewall. The Sunday Times. 2019-09-22 [2022-08-19]. (原始内容存档于2021-02-01).
- ^ John, Tara. The quest for trans rights has exposed a deep divide in the UK. Scotland may show a way forward. CNN. 4 April 2020 [12 February 2021]. (原始内容存档于2022-12-05).
- ^ Gluck, Genevieve. What's Current: Dispute over gender identity splits Stonewall, creating LGB faction. Feminist Current. 2019-10-23 [2021-02-13]. (原始内容存档于2022-06-06).
- ^ EHRC. LGB Alliance. [2022-08-21]. (原始内容存档于2022-08-08).
- ^ 《平等法 Equality Act 2010》中婦女享有單一性別空間和服務的權利. NO SELF-ID TW. 2021-12-14 [2022-09-03]. (原始内容存档于2022-10-03).
- ^ Judge throws out LGB Alliance founder's fight to ban trans women from women's spaces. PinkNews. 2021-05-06 [2022-08-21]. (原始内容存档于2022-11-25).
- ^ People-LGB Alliance. LGB Alliance. [2022-08-21]. (原始内容存档于2022-11-14).
- ^ Parsons, Vic. LGB Alliance founder resigns after failing to ban trans women from women's spaces. PinkNews. 3 June 2021 [2022-08-21]. (原始内容存档于2022-11-25).
- ^ Brand, Paul. Row over LGB Alliance stand at Conservative Party Conference. ITV News. 29 September 2021 [8 October 2021]. (原始内容存档于2022-10-05).
- ^ Young, Gregor. LGB Alliance conference: Joanna Cherry joins Rosie Duffield for 'free speech' -panel. The National. 2021-10-21 [2022-08-21]. (原始内容存档于2022-11-10).
- ^ Holmes, Keir. KCL LGBT+ Society protest against LGB Alliance Conference. Roar News. 2021-10-28 [5 November 2021]. (原始内容存档于2021-11-05).
- ^ Yalcinkaya, Günseli. How trans activists and allies disrupted the LGB Alliance Conference. 2021-10-25 [2022-08-21]. (原始内容存档于2022-08-17).
- ^ McMahon, Liv. House of Commons Speaker refers historic 'abuse' sent by LGB Alliance to Scottish MP John Nicolson to security after David Amess killing. The Scotsman. 2021-11-05 [2022-08-22]. (原始内容存档于2022-11-23).
- ^ LGB Alliance calls for urgent action to protect gay and bisexual men. 2022-05-30 [2022-08-22]. (原始内容存档于2022-09-05).
- ^ Great news for young lesbian ,gay,and bisexual people. Twitter. 2022-06-11 [2022-08-21]. (原始内容存档于2022-09-05) (英国英语).
- ^ The lesbians who feel pressured to have sex and relationships with trans women. BBC. 2021-10-26 [2022-09-03]. (原始内容存档于2022-10-23).
- ^ LGB Alliance. To those people saying it is "homophobic" not to be in favour of gay marriage have a look at the statistics. It seems it's rather a small minority who have made their wedding vows.. 2020-06-18 [2022-08-22]. 原始内容存档于2020-06-18.
- ^ LGB Alliance [@ALLIANCELGB]. That same-sex marriage tweet was very badly formulated! The introduction of same-sex marriage was a great breakthrough for gay people. But support for it wasn't universal among LGB activists: many saw it as a sellout - joining the establishment. A minority still view it that way. (推文). 2020-06-19 –通过Twitter.
- ^ Religious group warns against LGBT+ conversion therapy ban. BBC News. 2021-03-16 [2022-08-22]. (原始内容存档于2022-11-07).
- ^ Milton, Josh. Defiant MP skewers LGB Alliance for spewing 'fake news' over conversion therapy. PinkNews. 2021-03-31 [2022-08-22]. (原始内容存档于2022-11-15).
- ^ Tominey, Camilla. Lesbians facing 'extinction' as transgenderism becomes pervasive, campaigners warn. The Telegraph (London). 2020-12-25 [2022-08-19]. (原始内容存档于2022-10-11).
- ^ The LGB perspective at Holyrood. LGB Alliance. [2022-09-03]. (原始内容存档于2022-08-08).
- ^ LGB Alliance warned by advertising watchdog over 'potentially misleading' claims about gender recognition laws. PinkNews. 2020-02-06 [2022-09-03]. (原始内容存档于2022-11-27).
- ^ Schools Campaign. LGB Alliance. [2022-09-03]. (原始内容存档于2022-08-08).
- ^ We applauded the introduction of compulsory RSE in schools but campaigned against sexist, regressive, anti-LGB content. We commissioned a poll that showed only 25% of parents were aware of the nature of the curriculum.. Twitter. LGB Alliance. 2022-08-30 [2022-09-03]. (原始内容存档于2022-09-04).
- ^ Bell -v- Tavistock Judgment (PDF). Royal Courts of Justice. 2020-01-12 [2022-09-03]. (原始内容存档 (PDF)于2022-10-09).
- ^ Ruling limiting under-16s puberty blockers overturned. BBC News. 2021-09-17 [2022-09-03]. (原始内容存档于2022-12-16).
- ^ Speech by Bev Jackson, of LGB Alliance at Labour Women's Declaration #ExpelMe Rally London, (PDF). 2020-03-09 [2022-09-03]. (原始内容存档 (PDF)于2022-11-23).
- ^ LGBT+ groups appeal decision to register anti-trans LGB Alliance as charity. PinkNews. 2021-06-02. (原始内容存档于2022-10-12).
- ^ Charity Commission engages with LGB Alliance after Twitter violation. Civil Society News. 19 August 2021 [2022-09-03]. (原始内容存档于2022-10-04).
- ^ Charity watchdog in talks with anti-trans LGB Alliance after 'hateful' bestiality tweet. PinkNews. 19 August 2021 [2022-09-03]. (原始内容存档于2022-10-27).
- ^ Appeal "LGB Alliance's" charity status. CrowdJustice. 2022-04-07 [13 April 2022]. (原始内容存档于2023-01-01).
- ^ High-profile appeal against anti-trans LGB Alliance's charity status inches closer to courtroom. PinkNews. 2021-10-01 [2022-09-03]. (原始内容存档于2021-10-03).
- ^ LGB Alliance [@ALLIANCELGB]. With just 30 days to go before Mermaids begin their challenge to our charitable status, we will be sharing one reason every day until then showing why LGB Alliance is so needed by LGB people. (推文). 2022-08-11 –通过Twitter.
- ^ LGB Alliance lawyer compares trans healthcare in UK to 'forced transition' in Iran. PinkNews. 2022-09-12 [2022-09-15]. (原始内容存档于2022-11-23).
- ^ LGB Alliance sought to 'undermine the work of transgender supporting charities'. The National (Scotland). 2022-09-14 [2022-10-11]. (原始内容存档于2022-11-29).
- ^ 'Lie of gender identity' spurred founding of LGB Alliance, court told. 卫报. 2022-09-14 [2022-10-11]. (原始内容存档于2023-01-20).
- ^ About. LGB Alliance. [2022-09-03]. (原始内容存档于2022-12-09).
- ^ LGBT+ Spokespeople Doubt LGB Alliance Will Gain Foothold in Iceland. 2020-09-24 [2022-08-21]. (原始内容存档于2021-06-04).
- ^ 「LGB Alliance Ireland」on Twitter. Twitter. 2022-08-21 [2022-08-21]. (原始内容存档于2022-07-23).
- ^ Donohoe, Katie. New 'Irish' anti-trans 'hate group' believed to be a British import. Gay Community News. 2020-09-20 [2022-08-21]. (原始内容存档于2022-11-22).
- ^ Black, Ceri. The LGB Alliance is not transphobic – we are just trying to protect ourselves. Irish Independent. 2020-11-10 [2022-08-21]. (原始内容存档于2022-12-08).