
[编辑]Gerald J. Sussman和Guy L. Steele Jr.在1976年论文《Lambda: The Ultimate Imperative》中,认定Alonzo Church在1941年著作《The Calculi of Lambda-Conversion》里[1],已经清晰的理解了“续体”的使用,这是用纯λ演算彻底完成所有事情即邱奇编码的唯一方式,并举出其中有序对定义所对应的Scheme表示为例[2]:
(define (cons m n)
(lambda (a) (a m n)))
(define (car a)
(a (lambda (b c) b)))
(define (cdr a)
(a (lambda (b c) c)))
John C. Reynolds在1993年的论文《The Discoveries of Continuations》中给出了发现续体的完整历史。Reynolds认为续体的最早描述由Adriaan van Wijngaarden在1964年9月作出。Van Wijngaarden在奥地利的维也纳附近巴登召开的关于“形式语言描述语言”的IFIP工作会议上,在关于ALGOL 60预处理器的公式化的论文《Recursive Definition of Syntax and Semantics》中,倡导通过将真正(proper)过程变换成续体传递风格而消除标签和goto语句[3],但是他没有使用“续体”这个名字。
Christopher Strachey、Christopher P. Wadsworth和John C. Reynolds,在指称语义领域的工作中突出了术语“续体”,此间广泛利用续体来允许使用函数式编程语义来分析顺序程序。
Steve Russell为他给IBM 704的LISP实现的一个用户,发明了续体来解决双重递归问题[4],但是他没有为其命名。
Bruce Duba将callcc
val callcc : ('a cont -> 'a) -> 'a
,这里的'a cont
的参数的续体的类型;callcc f
调用这个续体,则如同(callcc f)
- Common Lisp:cl-cont[9],还可以使用定制宏
- C# / VB.NET:
[10] - Factor:
- Haskell:在
中的续体单子[11] - Haxe:haxe-continuation[12]
- Icon / Unicon:
算子[13] - Java:Lightwolf[14]和javaflow[15]
- Kotlin:
- Rhino (JavaScript引擎):
- Parrot:
PMC,对所有控制流程使用续体传递风格 - Perl:Coro[16]和Continuity[17]
- Pico:
和continue(aContinuation, anyValue)
- Python:PyPy的
[18] - Racket:
) - Ruby:
- Scala:
- Scheme:
) - Smalltalk:
Continuation currentDo:
,在多数现代Smalltalk环境中续体不需要额外的VM支持就能实现 - 新泽西Standard ML:
[编辑]续体被用于计算模型,包括λ演算[19]、指称语义[20]、演员模型[21]和进程演算。这些模型仰仗于编程者或语义工程师书写数学函数时采用“续体传递风格”(continuation-passing style,简写为CPS)[22]。这意味着每个函数都消费一个表示有关于这个函数调用的余下计算的函数。要返回一个值,这个函数以此返回值调用这个续体函数;要中止这个计算,它返回一个值。以续体传递风格书写程序的函数式编程者,获得了以任意方式操纵控制流程的表达能力。代价是他们必须手工维护控制和续体的不变条件,这通常是高度复杂的任务。
直接风格 |
(define (pyth x y)
(sqrt (+ (* x x) (* y y))))
(define (pyth& x y k)
(*& x x (lambda (a)
(*& y y (lambda (b)
(+& a b (lambda (c)
(sqrt& c k))))))))
(define (factorial n)
(if (= n 0)
(* n (factorial (- n 1)))))
(define (factorial& n k)
(=& n 0 (lambda (t)
(if t
(k 1)
(-& n 1 (lambda (n-1)
(factorial& n-1 (lambda (acc)
(*& n acc k)))))))))
(define (factorial n)
(define (loop n acc)
(if (= n 0)
(loop (- n 1) (* n acc))))
(loop n 1))
(define (factorial& n k)
(define (loop& n acc k)
(=& n 0 (lambda (t)
(if t
(k acc)
(-& n 1 (lambda (n-1)
(*& n acc (lambda (n*acc)
(loop& n-1 n*acc k)))))))))
(loop& n 1 k))
注意在CPS版本的代码中,使用的函数原语(functional primitive)如这里的*&
(define (=& x y k)
(k (= x y)))
(define (cps-prim f)
(lambda args
(let ((r (reverse args)))
((car r) (apply f (reverse (cdr r)))))))
(define =& (cps-prim =))
(define *& (cps-prim *))
(define +& (cps-prim +))
(define -& (cps-prim -))
(define sqrt& (cps-prim sqrt))
(pyth& 3 4 (lambda (x) x))
(factorial& 4 (lambda (x) x))
(define (factorial& n k)
(if (= n 0)
(k 1)
(- n 1)
(lambda (acc) (k (* n acc))))))
在Scheme中,出现在一个表达式中的(call/cc f)
例如在表达式((call/cc f) g)
所应用到的当前续体的方式,是通过将(call/cc f)
,故而它的当前续体是(lambda (cc) (cc g))
,得到最终结果(f (lambda (cc) (cc g)))
。而在表达式(g (call/cc f))
中,子表达式的(call/cc f)
的续体是(lambda (cc) (g cc))
,故而整个表达式等价于(f (lambda (cc) (g cc)))
(define (f return)
(return 2)
(f (lambda (x) x))
=> 3
(call/cc f)
=> 2
首先以正规函数实际参数(lambda (x) x)
(define (generator-factory lst)
(define (control-state return)
(lambda (element)
(set! return (call/cc (lambda (resume-here)
(set! control-state resume-here)
(return element)))))
(return 'fell-off-the-end))
(define (generator)
(call/cc control-state))
(define generate-digit
(generator-factory '(0 1 2)))
(define (display-two-digits)
(display (generate-digit)) (newline)
(display (generate-digit)) (newline))
(display-two-digits) ;; 分两行打印 0 和 1
(display-two-digits) ;; 分两行打印 2 和 fell-off-the-end
应用于列表'(0 1 2)
被定义为(call/cc control-state)
之时,执行(call/cc control-state)
,进而执行(control-state return)
之上;然后开始遍历列表的元素进行迭代的(for-each (lambda (element) ……) lst)
,在求值(set! return (……))
的第二个实际参数之时,进行每一次迭代步骤(call/cc (lambda (resume-here) ……))
,其中的(set! control-state resume-here)
之上用于以后恢复执行,最后执行(return element)
之时,(call/cc control-state)
所绑定的续体应用当前续体上,从而在迭代的(set! return (call/cc ……))
上,此后继续这一次的迭代步骤。在遍历了列表的元素之后迭代结束,最终执行(return 'fell-off-the-end)
(define *ready-list* '())
(define (fork fn arg)
(call/cc (lambda (return)
(set! *ready-list* (cons return *ready-list*))
(fn arg)
(let ((cont (car *ready-list*)))
(set! *ready-list* (cdr *ready-list*))
(cont #f)))))
(define (yield)
(call/cc (lambda (return)
(let ((cont (car *ready-list*)))
(set! *ready-list*
(append (cdr *ready-list*) (list return)))
(cont #f)))))
(define (schedule)
(let loop ()
(if (not (null? *ready-list*)) (begin
(call/cc (lambda (return)
(let ((cont (car *ready-list*)))
(set! *ready-list*
(append (cdr *ready-list*) (list return)))
(cont #f))))
(import (srfi 28))
(define (do-stuff-n-print str)
(let loop ((n 0))
(if (< n 3) (begin
(display (format "~a ~a~%" str n))
;; 调用退让过程,它捕获调用者的当前续体,
;; 将其追加到等待线程的列表,本线程暂停。
(loop (+ n 1))))))
(define (main)
;; 调用分叉过程,它接受一个函数和相应的一个参数,
;; 创建一个新线程运行这个函数。
(fork do-stuff-n-print "This is AAA")
(fork do-stuff-n-print "Hello from BBB")
;; 调用调度过程,它采用FIFO,只要有任何其他线程等待,
;; 就取其中第一个线程运行,最终无等待者时结束。
This is AAA 0
Hello from BBB 0
This is AAA 1
Hello from BBB 1
This is AAA 2
Hello from BBB 2
[编辑]- ^ Alonzo Church. The Calculi of Lambda-Conversion. Annals of Mathematics studies, no. 6. Lithoprinted. Princeton University Press, Princeton. 1941 [2021-09-24]. (原始内容存档于2022-05-19).
- ^
Gerald J. Sussman, Guy L. Steele Jr. Lambda: The Ultimate Imperative. 1976 [2021-11-11]. (原始内容存档于2022-04-10). “ Reynolds uses the term "continuation" in [Reynolds 72]. Church clearly understood the use of continuations; it is the only way to get anything accomplished at all in pure lambda calculus! For example, examine his definition of ordered pairs and triads on page 30 of [Church 41]. In SCHEME notation. this is:
[M, N]
means(LAMBDA (A) (A M N))
means(LAMBDA (A) (A (LAMBDA (B C) B)))
means(LAMBDA (A) (A (LAMBDA (B C) C)))
e.g. selects the first element of a pair. (Note that these functions are isomorphic toCONS
, andCDR
!) ” - ^ Adriaan van Wijngaarden. Recursive Definition of Syntax and Semantics (PDF). 1966 [2024-02-24]. (原始内容存档 (PDF)于2024-02-24).
- ^ IT History Society — Mr. Steve (Slug) Russell. [2024-02-24]. (原始内容存档于2024-02-24).
- ^ Palmer, Luke. undo()? ("continuation sandwich" example). perl.perl6.language (newsgroup). June 29, 2004 [2009-10-04]. (原始内容存档于2013-06-06).
- ^ Kent M. Pitman. The Revised Maclisp Manual. 1983, 2007 [2021-10-15]. (原始内容存档于2021-12-21).
(CATCH form)
evolved to handle the fact that programmers were using(ERRSET (...(ERR)...))
to accomplish non-local returns since there was once no other way to get that functionality. CATCH and THROW were introduced so that programmers could write(CATCH (...(THROW val)...))
instead where there was really no error condition. However, it was found that confusion would often result using unlabelled CATCH/THROW because an unlablled CATCH could catch a throw it hadn't intended to. This is why named CATCH was invented.
Gerald J. Sussman, Guy L. Steele Jr..Scheme: An Interpreter for Extended Lambda Calculus. 维基文库. 1975 (英文).
- This is the "escape operator" which gives the user a handle on the control structure of the interpreter. The expression:(CATCH <identifier> <expression>)
in an environment where<identifier>
is bound to a continuation which is "just about to return from theCATCH
"; that is, if the continuation is called as a function of one argument, then control proceeds as if theCATCH
expression had returned with the supplied (evaluated) argument as its value. ……
As another example, we can define aTHROW
function, which may then be used withCATCH
- ^ William Clinger, Daniel P. Friedman, Mitchell Wand. A scheme for a higher-level semantic algebra (PDF). 1985 [2021-10-14]. (原始内容存档 (PDF)于2022-01-21).
- ^ Bruce Duba, Robert Harper, David MacQueen. Typing first-class continuations in ML (PDF). 1991 [2021-10-11]. (原始内容存档 (PDF)于2022-01-29).
- ^ cl-cont. [2021-10-11]. (原始内容存档于2012-03-30).
- ^ C# guide — Task asynchronous programming model — Threads. [2024-01-20]. (原始内容存档于2024-03-06).
Async methods are intended to be non-blocking operations. An
expression in an async method doesn't block the current thread while the awaited task is running. Instead, the expression signs up the rest of the method as a continuation and returns control to the caller of the async method. - ^ Control.Monad.Cont. [2021-10-11]. (原始内容存档于2012-03-23).
- ^ haxe-continuation. [2021-10-11]. (原始内容存档于2021-12-25).
- ^ S. B. Wample, R. E. Griswold. Co-expression in Icon*. The Computer Journal, Volume 26, Issue 1, Pages 72–78. 1983.
- ^ Lightwolf. [2021-10-11]. (原始内容存档于2021-10-26).
- ^ javaflow (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) (requires bytecode manipulation at runtime or compile time)
- ^ Coro. [2021-10-11]. (原始内容存档于2013-08-06).
- ^ Continuity
- ^ _continuation.continulet. [2021-10-11]. (原始内容存档于2016-04-13).
- ^
Michael J. Fischer. Lambda Calculus Schemata. In Proceedings of an ACM Conference on Proving Assertions about Programs (1972) 104–109. 1972.
Definition 4.3: A schema
is safe if for every subformula of the formq = (q0, q1, …, qn)
, eitherq0∈
or for alli
is a lambda-function, a constant or a variable.
Thus, in a safe schema, we prohibit the value returned by an application or conditional from being passed on to another function as an argument. It follows that such a value can never be evaluated and must eventually propagate to the top level to become the final result of the whole evaluation. One can then show:
Lemma 4.2: Letf
be a safe lambda-function. Thenfcnd(f) = fcnr(f)
We are now in a position to state the main theorem in precise terms.
Theorem I: Letf
be any lambda function. We can effectively find a lambda-functionf'
such thatfcnd(f') = fcnr(f') = fcnr(f)
for all interpretations.
Proof (sketch): By assumption,f = (λx1…xn.p)
for some schemap
with free variablesx1, …, xn
. Using well-known techniques, we can first find a schemap1
such that …… .
We now define a functionΦ
to translatep1
into a safe formp2
, andp2
will be such thatfcnr((λx1…xn.p)) = fcnd((λx1…xn.(p2 (λx.x))))
. We then takef' = (λx1…xn.(p2 (λx.x)))
. ……
Thus, our idea is to modify the schema so that for any sub-lambda-functiong
, instead ofg
passing its result back to the caller, the caller is passed tog
as an additional functional argument,g
then applies the new argument to the result it used to return, thereby avoiding the necessity of returning immediately. ……
In the definition ofΦ
, we also use the auxiliary functionΨ
which adds the new argument to a lambda-function and translates its body. ……
⑴Φ[x] = (λf.(f x))
⑵Φ[(x y)] = (λf.((λf.(f x)) (λh.((λf.(f y)) (λx.(h f x))))))
⑶Φ[(λx.a)] = (λf.(f (λgx.((λf.(f a)) g))))
⑷Ψ[(λx.a)] = (λgx.((λf.(f a)) g))
. - ^ John C. Reynolds. Definitional Interpreters for Higher-Order Programming Languages. 1972 [2024-02-24]. (原始内容存档于2024-02-24).
Now suppose we define an expression to be serious if there is any possibility that its evaluation might not terminate. Then a sufficient condition for order-of-application independence is that a program should contain no serious operands or declaring expressions.
Next, suppose that we can divide the functions which may be applied by our program into serious functions, whose application may sometimes run on forever, and trivial functions, whose application will always terminate. …… Then an expression will only be serious if its evaluation can cause the application of a serious function, and a program will be independent of order-of-application if no operand or declaring expression can cause such an application. ……
As can be seen with a little thought, the condition implies that whenever some function calls a serious function, the calling function must return the same result as the called function, without performing any further computation. But any function which calls a serious function must be serious itself. Thus by induction, as soon as any serious function returns a result, every function must immediately return the same result, which must therefore be the final result of the entire program.
Nevertheless, there is a method for transforming an arbitrary program into one which meets our apparently restrictive condition. …… Basically, one replaces each serious function fold (except the main program) by a new serious function fnew which accepts an additional argument called a continuation. The continuation will be a function itself, and fnew is expected to compute the same result as fold, apply the continuation to this result, and then return the result of the continuation, i.e.,
fnew(x1, …, xn, c) = c(fold(x1, …, xn))
This introduction of continuations provides an additional "degree of freedom" which can be used to meet our condition for order-of-evaluation independence. Essentially, instead of performing further actions after a serious function has returned, one imbeds the further actions in the continuation which is passed to the serious function. - ^
Carl Hewitt, Peter Bishop, Irene Greif, Brian Smith, Todd Matson, Richard Steiger. Actor induction and meta-evaluation. 1973 [2022-11-15]. (原始内容存档于2022-11-15). “For some years we have been constructing a series of languages to express our evolving understanding of the above semantic issues. The latest of these
is called PLANNER-73. ……
We shall assume that the reader is familiar with advanced pattern matching languages such as SNOBOL4, CONVERT, PLANNER-71, QA4, and POPLER.
We shall use(%A M%)
to indicate sending the message M to the actor A. We shall use[s1 s2 … sn]
to denote the finite squence s1, s2, … sn. ……
Identifiers can be created by the prefix operator=
. ……
An expression(=> pattern body)
is an abbreviation for(receive(message pattern) body)
where receive is a more general actor that is capable of bindinq elements of the action in addition to the message.
(%(=> pattern body) the-message%)
, i.e. sending
(=> pattern body) the-message
will attempt to match the-message against pattern, If the-message is not of the form specified by pattern, then the actor isNOT-APPLICABLE
to the-message. If the-message matches pattern, the body is evaluated.
Conceptually at least a new actor is created every time a message is sent. Consider sending to a target T a message M and a continuation C.
(send T (message M [#continuation C]))
The transmission
(%T M%)
is an abbreviation for the above where C is defaulted to be the caller. If target T is the following:(receive (message the-body [#continuation =the-continuation]) the-body)
then the the-body is evaluated in an environment where the-message is bound to M and the-continuation is bound to C.
Many actors who are executing in parallel can share the same continuation. They can all send a message[“return”]
to the same continuation. ” - ^ Gerald J. Sussman, Guy L. Steele Jr.
Scheme: An Interpreter for Extended Lambda Calculus. 维基文库. 1975 (英文).
It is always possible, ……to perform any calculation in this way: rather than reducing to its value, it reduces to an application of a continuation to its value (cf. [Fischer]). That is, in this continuation-passing programming style, a function always "returns" its result by "sending" it to another function.
- ^ Gerald J. Sussman, Guy L. Steele Jr.
Scheme: An Interpreter for Extended Lambda Calculus. 维基文库. 1975 (英文).
We believe that functional usage, where applicable (pun intended), is more perspicuous than continuation-passing.
- ^
(define (schedule) (let loop () (if (not (null? *ready-list*)) (begin (call/cc (lambda (return) (let ((cont (car *ready-list*))) (set! *ready-list* (cons return (cdr *ready-list*))) (cont #f)))) (loop)))))
[编辑]- Peter Landin. A Generalization of Jumps and Labels (PDF). Report. UNIVAC Systems Programming Research. Reprinted in Higher Order and Symbolic Computation, 11(2):125-143, 1998, with a foreword by Hayo Thielecke. August 1965.
- Daniel Bobrow. A Model for Control Structures for Artificial Intelligence Programming Languages (PDF). IJCAI. 1973.
- Carl Hewitt, Peter Bishop , Richard Steiger. A Universal Modular Actor Formalism for Artificial Intelligence (PDF). IJCAI. 1973.
- Christopher Strachey, Christopher P. Wadsworth. Continuations: a Mathematical semantics for handling full jumps. Technical Monograph PRG-11. Oxford University Computing Laboratory. Reprinted in Higher Order and Symbolic Computation, 13(1/2):135—152, 2000, with a foreword by Christopher P. Wadsworth. January 1974.
- John C. Reynolds. Definitional Interpreters for Higher-Order Programming Languages. Proceedings of 25th ACM National Conference, pp. 717–740. Reprinted in Higher-Order and Symbolic Computation 11(4):363-397, 1998, with a foreword. 1972.
- John C. Reynolds. On the Relation between Direct and Continuation Semantics. Proceedings of Second Colloquium on Automata, Languages, and Programming. LNCS Vol. 14, pp. 141–156. 1974.
- Reynolds, John C. The Discoveries of Continuations (PDF). Lisp and Symbolic Computation. 1993, 6 (3/4): 233–248 [2021-10-11]. (原始内容存档 (PDF)于2022-03-20).
- Michael J. Fischer. Lambda-Calculus Schemata (PDF). LISP AND SYMBOLIC COMPUTATION: An International Journal, 6, 259–288. 1993 [2021-11-10]. (原始内容 (PDF)存档于2022-03-02).
- Gerald J. Sussman, Guy L. Steele Jr.
Scheme: An Interpreter for Extended Lambda Calculus. 维基文库. AI Memo 349, MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, Cambridge, Massachusetts, December 1975. Reprinted in Higher-Order and Symbolic Computation 11(4):405-439, 1998, with a foreword. 1975 (英文).
- Robert Hieb, R. Kent Dybvig, Carl Bruggeman. Representing Control in the Presence of First-Class Continuations. Proceedings of the ACM SIGPLAN '90 Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation, pp. 66–77.
- Will Clinger, Anne Hartheimer, Eric Ost. Implementation Strategies for Continuations. Proceedings of the 1988 ACM conference on LISP and Functional Programming, pp. 124–131, 1988. Journal version: Higher-Order and Symbolic Computation, 12(1):7-45, 1999.
- Christian Queinnec. Inverting back the inversion of control or, Continuations versus page-centric programming. SIGPLAN Notices 38(2), pp. 57–64. 2003.
[编辑]- Continuations for Curmudgeons (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) by Sam Ruby
- Teach Yourself Scheme in Fixnum Days (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) by Dorai Sitaram features a nice chapter on continuations.
- Continuations and Stackless Python (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) by Christian Tismer
- Continuation, functions and jumps (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆)
- http://okmij.org/ftp/continuations/ (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) by Oleg Kiselyov
- Haskell Continuation (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆)
- Rhino With Continuations (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆)
- Continuations in pure Java (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) from the RIFE2 web application framework
- Comparison of generators, coroutines, and continuations, source of the above example (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆)