概率编程(PP:Probabilistic programming)是一种编程范型,在其中指定了概率模型并自动进行这些模型的推断[1]。它代表了统一概率模型和传统通用编程的一种尝试,使前者更加容易并更广泛的应用[2][3]。它可以用于建立系统帮助在面对不确定时作出决定。
[编辑]名字 | 扩展自 | 宿主语言 |
Analytica[17] | C++ | |
bayesloop[18][19] | Python | Python |
CuPPL[20] | NOVA[21] | |
Venture[22] | Scheme | C++ |
Probabilistic-C[23] | C | C |
Anglican[24] | Clojure | Clojure |
IBAL[25] | OCaml | |
BayesDB[26] | SQLite, Python | |
PRISM[13] | B-Prolog | |
Infer.NET[12] | .NET Framework | .NET Framework |
dimple[10] | MATLAB, Java | |
chimple[11] | MATLAB, Java | |
BLOG[27] | Java | |
diff-SAT[28] | 回答集编程, SAT (DIMACS CNF) | |
PSQL[29] | SQL | |
BUGS[14] | Pascal | |
FACTORIE[30] | Scala | Scala |
Alchemy[32] | C++ | |
Dyna[33] | Prolog | |
Figaro[34] | Scala | Scala |
Church[35] | Scheme | 各种: JavaScript, Scheme |
ProbLog[36] | Prolog | Python |
ProBT[37] | C++, Python | |
Stan[15] | BUGS | C++ |
Hakaru[38] | Haskell | Haskell |
BAli-Phy (软件)[39] | Haskell | C++ |
ProbCog[40] | Java, Python | |
Gamble[41] | Racket | |
PWhile[42] | While | Python |
Tuffy[43] | Java | |
PyMC[44] | Python | Python |
Rainier[45][46] | Scala | Scala |
greta[47] | TensorFlow | R |
pomegranate[48] | Python | Python |
Lea[49] | Python | Python |
WebPPL[50] | JavaScript | JavaScript |
Let's Chance[51] | Scratch | JavaScript |
Picture[4] | Julia | Julia |
Turing.jl[52] | Julia | Julia |
Gen[53] | Julia | Julia |
Low-level First-order PPL[54] | Python, Clojure, Pytorch | 各种: Python, Clojure |
Troll[55] | Moscow ML | |
Edward[56] | TensorFlow | Python |
TensorFlow Probability[57] | TensorFlow | Python |
Edward2[58] | TensorFlow Probability | Python |
Pyro[59] | PyTorch | Python |
NumPyro[60] | JAX | Python |
Saul[61] | Scala | Scala |
Stan[62] | C++, Python, R | |
RankPL[63] | Java | |
Birch[64] | C++ | |
PSI[65] | D | |
Blang[66] | ||
MultiVerse[67] | Python | Python |
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