驹形氏酵母属![]() | |
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Komagataella phaffii[2] GS115(经绿色萤光蛋白克隆) | |
科学分类 ![]() | |
界: | 真菌界 Fungi |
门: | 子囊菌门 Ascomycota |
纲: | 酵母菌纲 Saccharomycetes |
目: | 酵母菌目 Saccharomycetales |
科: | 法夫酵母科 Phaffomycetaceae |
属: | 驹形氏酵母属 Komagataella Y. Yamada, M. Matsuda, K. Maeda & Mikata, 1995 |
物种 | |
驹形氏酵母属(学名:Komagataella)是酵母菌目法夫酵母科的一个属,得名自日本微生物学家驹形和男。1995年,可使用甲醇为碳源的毕赤酵母(Pichia pastoris)根据分子种系发生学研究结果自毕赤酵母属移入本属中,随后又细分为K. pastoris和K. phaffii两种,在生物学研究与生物科技产业中被用作生产蛋白质的模式生物。近年来又有若干新种发表,目前本属共包含7个物种。
[编辑]1919年,法国真菌学家亚历山大·吉列蒙德将自栗树采得的酵母菌发表为新种,归入接合酵母属中,学名为Zygosaccharomyces pastori[3]。1956年,美国真菌学家赫尔曼·法夫又自加州的北美黑橡树上采得本种样本,他将本种移入毕赤酵母属,学名更改为Pichia pastoris,即毕赤酵母[4]。1969年,有研究发现毕赤酵母可使用甲醇作为碳源与能源,为首个能以单碳化合物作为碳源的真核生物[5][6]。
1995年,根据分子种系发生学研究分析核糖体RNA序列的结果,毕赤酵母被移出毕赤酵母属,归入新成立的驹形氏酵母属中,学名改为Komagataella pastoris,当时是该属唯一物种[7]。本属学名为向日本微生物学家驹形和男对酵母菌分类学的研究致敬[8],当时置于酵母菌科之下[7]。2005年,毕赤酵母一些采自美国的菌株又进一步被分出新种K. phaffii[9],K. phaffii与K. pastoris的表型相差无几,仅能以DNA序列区别,两者DNA序列差异约为10%[10]。
后续研究又渐发表了另外五种本属物种,使本属物种数来到七种[1]。2005年,原属毕赤酵母属的Pichia pseudopastoris被移入本属中,更名为K. pseudopastoris[9];2012年发表的K. populi为自美国伊利诺伊州的美洲黑杨采集,同年发表的K. ulmi为自伊利诺伊州的美国榆采集[11];2013年发表的Komagataella kurtzmanii为自美国亚利桑那州圣卡塔利娜山的冷杉采集[12];2018年发表的K. mondaviorum为自美国加州与华盛顿州的多种树上采集[13]。
[编辑]本属物种K. phaffii与K. pastoris常在生物学研究与生物技术产业中被用作模式生物或蛋白质生产的表达系统[2][14]。时至今日仍有许多研究以毕赤酵母作为模式生物时,使用旧名Pichia pastoris称之[10]。其中最常被用作模式生物的菌株是K. phaffii的CBS7435(NRRL Y-11430)菌株[14]。目前已有若干K. phaffii与K. pastoris的菌株被定序完成,其基因组长约940万bp[10]。
[编辑]- ^ 1.0 1.1 Komagataella Y.Yamada, M.Matsuda, K.Maeda & Mikata, 1995. www.gbif.org. [2024-03-23]. (原始内容存档于2023-05-23).
- ^ 2.0 2.1 De Schutter, K., Lin, Y., Tiels, P. Genome sequence of the recombinant protein production host Pichia pastoris.. Nature Biotechnology. 2009, 27 (6): 561–566. PMID 19465926. doi:10.1038/nbt.1544
- ^ Guilliermond, A. Zygosaccharomyces Pastori, Nouvelle Espèce de Levures à Copulation Hétérogamique. Bulletin de la Société Mycologique de France. 1920.
- ^ H J PHAFF, M W MILLER, M SHIFRINE. The taxonomy of yeasts isolated from Drosophila in the Yosemite region of California. Antonie Van Leeuwenhoek. 1956, 22 (2): 145-151. doi:10.1007/BF02538322 (法语).
- ^ Koichi Ogata, Hideo Nishikawa & Masahiro Ohsugi. A Yeast Capable of Utilizing Methanol. Agricultural and Biological Chemistry. 1969, 33 (10): 1519–1520. doi:10.1080/00021369.1969.10859497.
- ^ Barone, Giovanni Davide; Emmerstorfer-Augustin, Anita; Biundo, Antonino; Pisano, Isabella; Coccetti, Paola; Mapelli, Valeria; Camattari, Andrea. Industrial Production of Proteins with Pichia pastoris—Komagataella phaffii. Biomolecules. 2023-02-26, 13 (3): 441. doi:10.3390/biom13030441.
- ^ 7.0 7.1 Yamada, Yuzo; Matsuda, Minako; Maeda, Kojiro; Mikata, Kozaburo. The Phylogenetic Relationships of Methanol-assimilating Yeasts Based on the Partial Sequences of 18S and 26S Ribosomal RNAs: The Proposal of Komagataella Gen. Nov. (Saccharomycetaceae). Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Biochemistry. January 1995, 59 (3): 439–444. PMID 7766181. doi:10.1271/bbb.59.439.
- ^ Phaff Collection News (PDF). UC Davis. Fall 2018 [2024-03-25]. (原始内容存档 (PDF)于2024-03-25).
- ^ 9.0 9.1 Cletus P Kurtzman. Description of Komagataella phaffii sp. nov. and the transfer of Pichia pseudopastoris to the methylotrophic yeast genus Komagataella. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol. 2005, 55: 973-976. doi:10.1099/ijs.0.63491-0.
- ^ 10.0 10.1 10.2 10.3 Lukas Bernauer, Astrid Radkohl, Leonie Gabriela, Katharina Lehmayer, Anita Emmerstorfer-Augustin. Komagataella phaffii as Emerging Model Organism in Fundamental Research. Frontiers in Microbiology. 2020, 11. doi:10.3389/fmicb.2020.607028.
- ^ Cletus P Kurtzman. Komagataella populi sp. nov. and Komagataella ulmi sp. nov., two new methanol assimilating yeasts from exudates of deciduous trees. Antonie Van Leeuwenhoek. 2012, 101 (4): 859-68. doi:10.1007/s10482-012-9702-6.
- ^ Gennadi I Naumov, Elena S Naumova, Oleg V Tyurin, Dmitry G Kozlov. Komagataella kurtzmanii sp. nov., a new sibling species of Komagataella (Pichia) pastoris based on multigene sequence analysis. Antonie Van Leeuwenhoek. 2013, 104 (3): 339-47. doi:10.1007/s10482-013-9956-7.
- ^ Gennadi I Naumov, Elena S Naumova, Kyria L Boundy-Mills. Description of Komagataella mondaviorum sp. nov., a new sibling species of Komagataella (Pichia) pastoris. Antonie Van Leeuwenhoek. 2018, 111 (7): 1197-1207. doi:10.1007/s10482-018-1028-6.
- ^ 14.0 14.1 14.2 Heistinger, Lina; Gasser, Brigitte; Mattanovich, Diethard. Microbe Profile: Komagataella phaffii: a methanol devouring biotech yeast formerly known as Pichia pastoris. Microbiology. 2020-07-01, 166 (7): 614–616. ISSN 1350-0872. PMID 32720891. doi:10.1099/mic.0.000958
- ^ Heistinger, L; Dohm, JC; Paes, BG; Koizar, D; Troyer, C; Ata, Ö; Steininger-Mairinger, T; Mattanovich, D. Genotypic and phenotypic diversity among Komagataella species reveals a hidden pathway for xylose utilization.. Microbial Cell Factories. 25 April 2022, 21 (1): 70. PMC 9036795
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- ^ Rebnegger, C., Vos, T., Graf, A. B., Valli, M., Pronk, J. T., Daran-Lapujade, P., & Mattanovich, D. Pichia pastoris exhibits high viability and a low maintenance energy requirement at near-zero specific growth rates. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 2016, 82 (15): 4570–4583. Bibcode:2016ApEnM..82.4570R. PMC 4984280
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