集中营监察局(德语:Inspektion der Konzentrationslager)是纳粹德国党卫队的纳粹集中营行政管理机构。该部门由提特奥多尔·艾克创建,后被并入党卫队经济与管理部,成为该部门的下属机构“办公室D”(Amt D)。
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- Spitz, Vivien. Doctors from Hell: The Horrific Account of Nazi Experiments on Humans. Boulder, CO: Sentient Publications. 2005. ISBN 978-1591810322.
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- Wachsmann, Nikolaus. The Dynamics of Destruction. Jane Caplan; Nikolaus Wachsmann (编). Concentration Camps in Nazi Germany: The New Histories. New York: Routledge. 2010. ISBN 978-0-41542-651-0.
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- Wagner, Jens-Christian. Work and Extermination in the Concentration Camps. Jane Caplan; Nikolaus Wachsmann (编). Concentration Camps in Nazi Germany: The New Histories. New York: Routledge. 2010. ISBN 978-0-41542-651-0.
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