عزمي بشارة עזמי בשארה | |
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第14、15、16、17届 以色列国会议员 | |
任期 1996年6月17日—2007年4月22日 | |
继任 | Said Nafa |
个人资料 | |
出生 | 1956年7月22日 以色列国拿撒勒 |
政党 | 巴拉德党 |
宗教信仰 | 基督教 |
阿兹米·比沙拉(阿拉伯语:عزمي بشارة;希伯来语:עזמי בשארה,1956年7月22日—)是一个拥有以色列公民身份的巴勒斯坦基督徒,1996年至2007年4月期间代表阿拉伯政党巴拉德党任以色列国会议员,他也是该政党的领袖。[1]
当报导指以色列有关部门对他作出一系列“严重”但“未具体说明”的指控,他宣布辞职,[2] 后来发现这些罪名是叛国和间谍罪。[3] 辞职后,比沙拉失去作为国会议会的刑事豁免权,并选择留在国外,但他表示有返国的打算。[4]
在1970年代,他就读位于耶路撒冷的希伯来大学,在这个阿拉伯裔与犹太裔共处的校园内非常活跃。他领导全国阿拉伯裔学生联盟,是以色列共产党(现为“和平与平等民主阵线(The Democratic Front for Peace and Equality,Hadash)”的一部分)的党员,还支持一个国际马克思主义的政治计划。
于1986年完成柏林洪堡大学的博士学位以后,他任职于巴勒斯坦的比尔泽特大学[6],并于1994年至1996年间担任哲学与文化研究学系的系主任。他也担任位于耶路撒冷的Van Leer研究院的资深研究员。[7]
[编辑]比沙拉从以色列第十四届国会开始担任国会议员(1996年6月17日就职),而且是他所代表的政党“国民民主大会”(National Democratic Assembly,NDA-Balad,有时误称为National Democratic Alliance[5])的创建者。[7]
比沙拉是第一个角逐以色列总理的阿裔人士(1999年)[8] ,但在选前两天退出。最后总理一职由埃胡德·巴拉克击败本雅明·内塔尼亚胡而获得。[1][9]
2003年,第16届国会选举期间,中央选举委员会应检察总长鲁宾斯坦(Elyakim Rubinstein)的要求,认定比沙拉和他代表的政党Balad支持武装力量,意图摧毁犹太教在以色列的地位,从而宣告比沙拉和国民民主大会不符候选资格。以色列最高法院后来推翻了中选会以上的裁定。
[编辑]比沙拉在2001年访问叙利亚,在一场纪念叙利亚故总统哈菲兹·阿萨德的典礼中发表演说,支持真主党。返国后,依据以色列的“恐怖防制条例”(Prevention of Terror Ordinance),他以煽动暴力以及支持恐怖组织罪名起诉。他在2006年9月和同党国会议员再度出访叙利亚和黎巴嫩,对以色列为了消弭内部危机以及对外展示威慑能力,在多处发动攻击的可能性提出警告,并对黎巴嫩总理表示真主党反抗以色死的行动鼓舞了阿拉伯人民的精神。随后在内政部长巴安(Roni Bar-On)要求下,检察总长马鲁兹(Menachem Mazuz)对比沙拉和同党籍的国会议员塔哈(Wassel Taha)及Jamal Zahalka展开刑事调查,法源是2001年国会通过的一项禁止国会议员访问敌国的法令。
原先因为法院的言论禁止令(gag order),比沙拉的案情中只有战时资助敌方、传送资讯给敌方、与外国官员接触以及洗钱的部分是公开的。在以色列国土报(Haaretz)和其它媒体的要求下,佩塔提克瓦裁判法院在2007年5月2日宣布取消对比沙拉的案件的言论禁止令。
根据法院记录,比沙拉被审讯了两次,而在第二次审讯时,他说他将离开以色列数日,并将在返国后尽快第三次到庭说明。他2007年4月对一群示威的支持者透过电话演说表示,他的罪名是他爱他的祖国,而且在他一生中他不曾开枪或者杀过一个人。他在国会席位的继位者Said Nafa评论比沙拉被控的罪名和辞职一事,说:“国安局(Shin Bet)做了太多让人民生气的事情……他们阴谋将一位卓越的阿人领袖斩首。他们注定失败。”
[编辑]- 根据耶路撒冷邮报的报导,比沙拉在1997年3月于耶路撒冷的艾因凯雷姆村(Ein Kerem)的哈达蕯医院(Hadassah Hospital)接受肾脏移植手术,并在1999年担任以色列全国透析患者协会(National Association of Dialysis Patients in Israel)的发言人。
[编辑]- 他是以下书籍的作者:
Min yahudiyat al-dawla hata Sharon ("From the Jewishness of the State to Sharon") (2005)
The Ruptured Political Discourse and Other Studies (Arabic, 1998)
The Palestinian Intifada and Its Reflections in the Israeli Public Opinion
- 比沙拉写过许多关于民族主义、伊斯兰信仰、民主、巴勒斯坦议题、少数族群权益的文章。[12]
- 他也编辑过15本教导民主原则的阿拉伯文小册子和教科书。[12]
[编辑]- On the Democratic Option: Four Critical Studies. Re-published by the Center for Arab Unity Studies, Lebanon, 1993 (with Burhan Ghalioun, George Giacaman, and Said Zeedani)
- Ziad Abu-Amr, with a Critical Commentary by Ali Jarbawi and Azmi Bishara: Civil Society and Democratic Change in Palestinian Society. 1995
- A Critical Perspective on Palestinian Democracy. 1995 (with Musa Budeiri, Jamil Hilal, George Giacaman, and Azmi Bishara)
- A Contribution to the Critique of Civil Society. 1996
- The Ruptured Political Discourse and other Studies. 1998
- The Site of Meaning: Essays from the First Year of the Intifada. 2002
- In the Wake of the Israeli Invasion: Issues of Palestinian National Strategy. 2002.
- Theses on a Deferred Awakening. 2003
- From the Jewishness of the State to Sharon 2005 ISBN 9950-312-16-7
- The Elements of Democracy Series Series Editor: Dr. Azmi Bishara (12 publications from '94 to '99)
[编辑]- The Arabs in Israel/Azmi Bishara, Moreton-in-Marsh : Arris, 2003
- The Palestinians of Israel/an interview with Azmi Bishara in The new Intifada:resisting Israel’s apartheid, edited by Roane Carey;introduction by Noam Chomsky, London; New York:Verso, 2001, ISBN 1950943778
- The Palestinian elections:an assessment/Azmi Bishara et al., Harry S. Truman Research Institute for the Advancement of Peace, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 1997[13]
[编辑]- Universal instincts; The West, served by Arab "moderates", is attempting to take the Arab world back to the Stone Age (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆), 5 October 2006, Al-Ahram Weekly, issue 815
- Ministry of strategic threats; Avigdor Lieberman's arrival in the Israeli cabinet is symptomatic of the degradation of the country's political system (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆), 1 November 2006, Al-Ahram Weekly, issue 818
- Realities of death; The value of life has little to do with the value accorded to death and the latter, is determined as much by who did the killing as by the identity of the victim (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆), 16 November 2006, Al-Ahram Weekly, issue 820
- A selective memory (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆), 24 November 2006, Al-Ahram Weekly, issue 821
- Strong in spite of themselves; Now is the time for America's Arab allies to whisper advice to Washington, thanks to the resistance in Lebanon, Iraq and Palestine (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆), 8 December 2006, Al-Ahram Weekly, issue 823
- On sectarian and ethnic sobriquets; However much you re-label the jar, the contents remain the same, 14 December 2006, Al-Ahram Weekly, issue 824
- Ways of denial; The Holocaust must be contextualised, and its lessons learned, 21 December 2006, Al-Ahram Weekly, issue 825
- End of the neocons; This year marked a major shift in American fortunes; one to which nationalist and leftist Arab political forces much respond in unity, 28 December 2006, Al-Ahram Weekly, issue 826
- Return to Arab survival; Over Iraq, Arab states lost their way, putting the survival of the Arab order subservient to external favour, and US-inspired coalitions, 18 January 2007, Al-Ahram Weekly, issue 828
- Bigots and history; Neo-cons, orientalists and Zionists gathered recently in Israel to confirm their fantasies about history, people and politics, 1 February 2007, Al-Ahram Weekly
- In place of appeasement; It is not among the duties of resistance movements to court popularity from outside powers, 15 February 2007, Al-Ahram Weekly, issue 832
- Olmert: as expected; Israel is demanding the absurd, but the illusion is shattered if Arab states understand that the game of axis politics is not in their interest (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆), 22 March 2007, Al-Ahram Weekly, issue 837
- Initiative versus principle; If Israel rejects the best Arab position, perhaps the Arabs should revert to maximal demands and ask Israel to propose a plan (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆), 29 March 2007, Al-Ahram Weekly
- Back to square one; Tempted by the trappings of statehood, Palestinian leaders forgot they had yet to build a state, 5 April 2007, Al-Ahram Weekly, issue 839
- Shattered illusions (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆), 19 April 2007, Al-Ahram Weekly, issue 841
- Why Israel is after me (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆), 3 May 2007, Electronic Intifada
- A restructured PLO; Without an organisation capable of representing all Palestinians, both in the occupied territories and the diaspora, the future can comprise little beyond internecine conflict, 21 June 2007, Al-Ahram Weekly, issue 850
- Empty-hearted secularism; False oppositions and machinations are rife in the Arab world, where secularism has become a corrupted political fashion, 2 August 2007, Al-Ahram Weekly, issue 856
- The one clear solution; A workable and just solution in Palestine is predicated on one principle, tested in South Africa: side with racism or be against, 16 August 2007, Al-Ahram Weekly, issue 858
- Israeli games again (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆), 30 August 2007, Al-Ahram Weekly, issue 860
- Ignorant thieves (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆), 6 September 2007, Al-Ahram Weekly, issue 861
- Headlong to more of the same (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆), 18 October 2007, Al-Ahram Weekly, issue 867
- US war insanity (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆), 08 November 2007, Al-Ahram Weekly, issue 870
- Madrid redux; Bush's peace meeting is nothing but an empty orgy of rhetoric (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆), 29 November 2007, Al-Ahram Weekly, issue 873
[编辑]- Die Jerusalem Frage : Israelis und Palaestinenser im Gespraech. Teddy Kollek, Hanan Ashrawi, Amos Oz, Faisal Husseini, Ehud Olmert, Albert Aghazarian, Shulamit Aloni, Nazmi al-Jubeh, Meron Benvenisti, Ikrima Sabri, Michel Sabbah/Uri Avnery, Azmi Bishara (Hg.) (Translated from the Arabic, English or Hebrew by various translators), Heidelberg : Palmyra, c1996 [14]
- --alles ändert sich die ganze Zeit:soziale Bewegung(en) im "Nahen Osten"/Jörg Später (Hrsg.), mit Beiträgen von Azmi Bishara et al., Freiburg (Breisgau) : Informationszentrum Dritte Welt, 1994[13]
[编辑]- ^ 1.0 1.1 1.2 Azmi Bishara. 《耶路撒冷邮报》. [2007-03-11]. (原始内容存档于2008-11-20).
- ^ Bishara suspected of treason, passing data to Hezbollah. 《国土报》. [2007-05-02]. (Ex-MK 原始内容 请检查
值 (帮助)存档于2009-04-17). - ^ Bishara suspected of aiding Hizbullah for money. Ynetnews. [2007-05-03]. (原始内容存档于2021-02-14).
- ^ Police probe Arab Knesset member. 《阿拉伯半岛报》. [2007-04-30]. (原始内容存档于2007-12-08).
- ^ 5.0 5.1 Azmi Bishara - National Democratic Alliance (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) Haaretz,于2007年3月11日查阅。
- ^
"1980-1986: جامعة هومبولون برلين. تخرج منها بشهادة دكتوراة في الفلسفة بإمتياز."
"1986-1996: محاضر الفلسفة والدراسات الثقافية، جامعة بير زيت."
全国民主大会官网上阿兹米·比沙拉的阿拉伯文简介,于2007年2月24日查阅。 - ^ 7.0 7.1 Adalah網站上阿茲米·比沙拉的英文簡介. [2008-07-09]. (原始内容存档于2006-10-04).
- ^ Profile: Israel's Arab voice (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆). BBC News, January 9 2003
- ^ Healing a national wound (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) BBC News, May 21 1999, accessed April 18 2007
- ^ La Palestine fragmentée (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) Le Monde Diplomatique, Accessed 30 April 2007
- ^ Culture 101: A roundup of the month's news in the arts and culture (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) Egypt Today, Accessed 30 April 2007
- ^ 12.0 12.1 Publications 互联网档案馆的存档,存档日期2008-05-09. Palestine Institute for the Study of Democracy, Accessed 30 April 2007
- ^ 13.0 13.1 "Azmi Bishara" in the Library of Congress Online Catalog. [2008-07-10]. (原始内容存档于2019-07-13).
- ^ "Azmi Bishara" in the catalog of the Jewish National and University Library. [2008-07-10]. (原始内容存档于2012-12-18).